Category: IFTA

#TruckTechTuesday: Fleetmatics and ExpressIFTA

It’s #TruckTechTuesday, Trucking Nation! And you know what that means, we’re going to talk about how to make your trucking experience better with apps and accessories.

This week, it’s all about trucker-centric GPS. These are specialized GPS systems that help truckers follow the right roads, stay safe, and avoid violations of the trucking rule book. One of the best trucking GPS systems on the market right now is Fleetmatics.

Fleetmatics is a GPS solution to save you on fuel costs, and it can potentially save you some on your insurance premiums. This GPS is designed specifically for trucker safety, and it’s GPS files are trusted by ExpressIFTA!

When you use Fleetmatics in order to haul goods from place to place, you get more than just a GPS system. You can also create detailed digital trucking logs, fuel and mileage logs for IFTA, and it will help you avoid roads not made for trucks. That means no more turning around, or finding yourself at a loss for where to go. That can definitely save you time, and fuel! Plus, since it’s integrated with ExpressIFTA, there’s no guess work when it comes to filing for your fuel taxes.

And that’s not all. You can also get real-time HOS status information, both on the road and in the office. Plus Fleetmatics is all about staying compliant with the entire trucking handbook. It can even send proactive alerts to drivers in real time that can help prevent violations. And it can send alerts to ExpressIFTA, and you can upload all of your GPS information to ExpressIFTA as well! In fact, Fleetmatic’s GPS output is the only one ExpressIFTA currently accepts.

Over the past five years, Fleetmatics has saved drivers over $2 Billion in fuel savings and has prevented millions of moving and rule book violations. Not to mention, the digital logbook is a lifesaver for when you use ExpressIFTA to file for your fuel taxes. Because trust us when we say that keeping detailed records will save you in the long run.

With everything Fleetmatics has to offer, along with ExpressIFTA accepting their GPS files exclusively, it’s no wonder so many people in the trucking industry rely on it to get them safely from place to place. And to record some very detailed, by-the-book trucking, fuel, and mileage logs that will save you so many headaches along the way.

If you have any questions, comments, or more #TruckTech you want to see featured here, drop us a line on our Facebook or Twitter. We love hearing trucking stories and learning about new truck tech!

And if you find yourself with any questions about the e-filing process, we’re here for you. Just give our support legends a call at 704.234.6005 or shoot them an email at for 24/7 support in English and Spanish.

7 Ways to Avoid an IFTA Audit

Audits for anything are scary, especially IFTA audits. The idea that you have to go through mounds of paperwork, and eventually panic if you can’t find exactly what you need, is terrifying. But relax, here at ExpressTruckTax, we’re all about making this process loads easier.

That’s why we’ve got 7 tips on what to do to in order to avoid an IFTA audit.

How to Avoid an IFTA Audit

Trip Sheets

The first step in avoiding an IFTA audit is to keep detailed trip sheets. You need to make certain your trip sheets have continuity from the very beginning of your trip to the end. Every single jurisdiction should be included on your trip sheet, so you don’t lose track of any important information.

Avoid submitting trip sheets with non-continuous jurisdictions. Trust us, IFTA auditors know that your truck cannot simply materialize in Florida when you started in Colorado.


Mileage is another big one when it comes to avoiding IFTA audits. You should be recording all mileage on your trip sheets as well as personal and non-taxable mileage.

Avoid forgetting to record your end-of-day miles to any restaurants or lodging. If you don’t record these miles, then you risk creating a gap in mileage, that’s when your end of day location doesn’t match your beginning of day location.

Be Exact

Everything you record needs to be exact. You need to record exact fuel use and exact mileage (even non-taxable mileage). Because eventually, you will use those numbers to calculate your MPG each quarter. And one small slip up could resist in a massive oops.

And you definitely want to avoid calculating your fuel use by dividing your mileage by the set MPG. Since your MPG is based on road conditions, you need to keep an eye on it. Because it will fluctuate. So make sure you’re recording that number correctly, or you risk paying too much for your IFTA.

Watch your MPG

As we previously stated, your MPG is based on a variety of road conditions. That means this number can fluctuate from quarter to quarter. So make sure you’re faithfully recording that number, because in the end, you’ll have better records for it. And better records means you’re on the right path to avoiding an audit!

Your MPG should be above 5 and below 10. If you find that your MPG is outside of this range, then it’s likely you’ve made an error in recordkeeping somewhere along the way. In most States, your IFTA will not be accepted unless your MPG falls within 5-10 MPG.

Document Everything

If you learn one thing from us, it’s that you need to document everything. That means, if you keep precise trip sheets you can avoid any errors in recordkeeping, as well as an audit. So make sure you don’t get lazy with your documentation!

File on-time!

Make sure you file your IFTA on-time, year-after-year. This shows that you’re being responsible, and know what needs to be done. If you need some help with this process, ExpressIFTA can definitely make calculating your mileage and what you owe in fuel taxes a lot easier than doing it on paper.

That way, you don’t have to wait until the last minute to file, dreading the idea of all that tax math. Not to mention, waiting to file instead of doing it earlier can lead to you making mistakes. And this will, of course, lead to an audit. So make sure you give yourself plenty of time to sit down and do your IFTA right!


Audits may seem scary, but they’re not the end of the world. If you’re selected for an audit, just remain calm and cooperate. Original documentation for the past 12 quarters should be kept in your base jurisdiction for the auditor to access.

Make sure you don’t avoid the auditor’s phone calls, shred your documents, or do anything drastic. Especially considering that IFTA auditors can keep coming after you with no statute of limitations. And the less you cooperate, the worse the penalties will be. You could even lose your IFTA license.

If you have any questions or need any help preparing your quarterly IFTA, our dedicated support legends are here for you. Just give them a call during our new extended business hours from 8AM to 8PM at 704.234.6005 or shoot them an email at for 24/hour support in English and Spanish.

Don’t wait and risk making a mistake, file your IFTA today.

Get Ready for July 31st With ExpressIFTA

If you haven’t already filed for your IFTA this quarter, the deadline is only two days away! That means, if you own or operate a heavy vehicle, you should already have your returns postmarked by today, but if you don’t, ExpressTruckTax has your back.

Here at ExpressTruckTax, we’re about so much more than e-filing your 2290. We also offer a service that helps you when it comes to filing for IFTA.

ExpressIFTA is the fastest and most convenient way to prepare your International Fuel Tax Agreement quarterly return. It’s so simple you don’t even have to break out your calculator, because ExpressIFTA can calculate what you owe!

All you have to do is follow three simple steps. So get your trip sheets ready, and prepare to be amazed.

Step 1: Account Creation

  • Login or create your free account
    • Pro-tip #1: If you’ve already signed up for ExpressTrcukTax, you can use that same account to login to ExpressIFTA.
  • Enter your business details and base jurisdiction

Step 2: Vehicle Information

  • Enter your vehicle information
  • Including your VIN and Gross Vehicle Weight
  • Then you can click “Save,” or if you have more than one vehicle you need to file for, you can click “Save and Add Another.”

Step 3: Fuel Records

  • Use your trip sheets to enter your distance and fuel records
    • Pro-tip#2: If you have a GPS, you can upload those records and save even more time.

Now all that’s left to do is print out your State-Specific IFTA and mail it in. You don’t even have to do any of those pesky calculations because ExpressIFTA does all that for you.

If you need any help with preparing your IFTA, just give our dedicated support legends a call! You can reach them by phone during our new extended business hours Monday-Friday from 8AM – 8PM EST at 704.234.6005. You can also reach them by e-mail at for 24/hour support.

Happy filing, Trucking Nation!

#TruckTechTuesday: Fuel Technology

Happy #TruckTechTuesday, Trucking Nation!

As the world continues to become computerized and tech-centric. Everything seems to be getting a tech makeover. Especially big rigs!

And because of that, the trucking industry is becoming a lot safer, and more environmentally friendly. Not to mention, trucks are becoming more user-friendly, and truckers are having a much easier time staying connected with each other and their dispatch offices.

Over the past few years, there have been leaps and bounds made in order to make trucking lives easier, and the road much safer. Here’s some technology that is revolutionizing the trucking nation.

Trucking Awesome (Truck Concepts)

Continuing our series of truck-tastic concept trucks, the Freightliner Cascadia Evolution is a technological revolution for the trucking industry. 


It features a Detroit DD15 engine, which is one of the most advanced, aerodynamic, and fuel efficient engine enhancements to ever happen to trucks. The DD15 delivers a 7% improvement in fuel economy, which is greater than any other engine on the market to date.

Not to mention, it is also equipped with a first-generation aerodynamic package, which decreases the Cascadia’s wind resistance by 5%. Meaning the Cascadia is equipped with the very best aerodynamic upgrades in the industry.

With this new truck, Freightliner aims to push the trucking industry toward making trucks more environmentally friendly, fuel efficient, and safer for their drivers. Their goal is to constantly evolve above the competition and bring some excellent trucks to the table. Trucks that are not only fun to look at, but trucks that actually change the way the industry hauls goods.

Truck Accessories

Often times when you’re hauling goods, you find yourself travelling to higher altitudes. And as everyone who drives a truck knows, higher altitudes means colder weather.

When this happens, side mirrors often take a hit, freezing or frosting over from the cold in high altitudes. And if you are driving truck, this can be dangerous. But West Coast found a way to combat that with heated mirrors.

These are fantastic for anyone travelling into cold climates or high altitudes. When your mirrors frost over, instead of having to pull off the road to handle them, simply turn on your heated mirror and let them defrost themselves while you continue to drive.

No more wasting time or pushing the boundaries of road safety. Now you can rest easy!

Apps for Road Warriors

Since third quarter IFTA began on July 1st, if you haven’t already filed, you will need to file soon. That’s where this week’s app for road warriors comes in. File your quarterly fuel tax with ease, by using the ExpressIFTA tax calculator. 


With this app, you’ll always know what you have to pay without breaking out that dusty old calculator. Let ExpressIFTA calculate it for you based on where you’ve gone and how long your trip was.

And even if you’ve already filed this quarter, the next quarter begins in October. So trust us when we say, the ExpressIFTA calculator is an app that will get you through every quarter with ease.

So download the app today for either Android or iOS, and file your IFTA and get back to your life!

If you have any questions, comments, or more #TruckTech you want to see featured here, drop us a line on our Facebook or Twitter. We love hearing trucking stories and learning about new truck tech!

We’re here for you If you find yourself with any questions about the e-filing process. Just give our support legends a call at 704.234.6005 or shoot them an email at for 24/7 support in English and Spanish.

And don’t forget, if you file with us and “Like” us on Facebook, you’ll be entered to win a portable blender that you can take on the road with you!

Skip the Traffic: E-file With ExpressTruckTax Today

Today is the day, Trucking Nation! The IRS is now accepting Form 2290, and giving out that coveted Stamped Schedule 1.

The renewal period begins now and runs from today until August 31. So head to ExpressTruckTax now and get to e-filing! Or you can use our free app on your iOS or Android device to conveniently e-file wherever you are!

If you pre-filed with us, today is the day we will securely transmit your 2290’s to the IRS (way ahead of everyone else). And you should get your approval later today along with your Stamped Schedule 1.

Not sure if it’s time for you to file? We’ve compiled a super-quick guide with all the details you need to keep your HVUT game on point!

What is Form 2290?

IRS Form 2290 is a tax paid on a heavy vehicle that is registered, or required to be registered in your name under U.S., Canadian, or Mexican law. That means if you have a vehicle with a gross weight of 55,000 lbs or more, you must pay Heavy Vehicle Use Tax in order to renew your vehicle’s registration.

When you e-file with ExpressTruckTax, you can get everything done in one place without having to wait. ExpressTruckTax is a one-stop solution for e-filing, calculating taxes (without actually breaking out a calculator), transmitting your return, making your payment, and getting your Stamped Schedule 1 automatically via email. It’s that easy!

Bonus Time: If you use the promocode ETT10 you can get 10% off the cost of filing! AND If you Like Us on Facebook after you e-file, you’re automatically entered into our next Summer Series of Giveaways contest! We’ll select one lucky winner between now and July 15th to win a $25 Gift Card…and it could be you!

Short on Time?

If you’re short on time, on the road, or would rather have your very own processing agent handle e-filing your 2290 for you, contact our full-service division, Truck Services of North America! They can e-file your Form 2290 for you over the phone, same day!

They can handle all your authorities, permits, registrations, IFTA filing, and pretty much everything you would ever need to operate your heavy vehicle. You can call them at 803.386.0320 or email them at to get started.

Today’s HVUT Cheat Sheet

Leading up to today, we’ve written a lot of blogs about every situation you would find yourself in while beginning your e-filing journey. Here are a few of the more important blogs that will help you e-file:

  • What do You Get get for $9.90?
    • ExpressTruckTax is more than just an e-filing product, it’s the best value in the industry! But what exactly do you get for $9.90?
  • Forgot your Password
    • If you forgot your password, let us help. Remembering all those passwords can be rough, but you don’t have to create a new account—learn how to recover your password here!
  • How to Create an Account
    • If you’ve never filed with us before, this is the blog for you. We’ll walk you through the process of creating an account from start to finish, and with pictures!
  • FastTransfer Feature
    • If you have already e-filed with us in the past, your information can be applied to your 2015-16 Form 2290. Here’s a step-by-step process on how it works.
  • Truck Zone
    • Truck Zone is your very own virtual garage. And it’s an exclusive feature just for ExpressTruckTax. You’ll never forget another truck again because we’ll store them for you on our secure server. 
  • IRS Offices Now by Appointment Only
    • Some of the IRS offices are now by appointment only. Check here to see if your city is on that list.
  • 7 Common E-filing Mistakes to Avoid
    • We all make mistakes, but here’s how to avoid the common ones we see year after year when e-filing season begins again.
  • 6 Tips for E-filing Success This Renewal Season
    • Have a successful renewal season with these 6 easy tips on how to e-file!
  • The Do’s and Don’ts of E-filing Your 2290
    • Tips on how to make e-filing even easier by being prepared throughout the tax year.

Didn’t find answers on our E-filing Cheat Sheet? Our support legends are here for you! Do not hesitate to give them a call at 704.234.6005 or shoot them an email at for 24/7 support in both English and Spanish.

Don’t wait or you’ll be late, e-file with ExpressTruckTax today!

1st Q. IFTA Filing Period Now Open: Estimate Your Tax with Our New App!

Brace yourselves. The IFTA Deadline is coming!

April 30th will be here before you know it. Are you prepared, Trucking Nation?!

Previously, we had a quick look at our companion program, ExpressIFTA, and how it can help you file on time by calculating your fuel tax and completing a ready-to-mail, state-specific IFTA return for you. 
With zero calculations and minimal data entry required, ExpressIFTA is the simplest way to make it to the filing finish line in record time.
But we’ve got more tricks than that up our sleeves…like our brand new app!

If you’d like to know how much fuel tax you’ll owe, fast & with zero commitment, then our new IFTA App is for you! It’s free, so there’s no risk, and you don’t need to create an account or enter business or vehicle details.

You get right to the important stuff with a super simple, two-step process.
Head over to the Google Play store to download it for your Android tablet, or zip over to the App Store for iPad.


Step 1

Select your base jurisdiction, the IFTA quarter, and the fuel type from the drop-down menus.

Then enter the mileage and fuel use per jurisdiction. The states can be selected from another drop-down menu, it’s just up to you to key in the miles and fuel.

To delete a line, simply press the red Trash Can button at the end of that line. Or to add more lines, select the green +Add More Rows button on the bottom left.

Once all of your trip data for the quarter has been entered, select the orange Calculate IFTA Tax button, and you’re done!

Step 2

You now have a nice, neat breakdown of your total miles, gallons, and MPG for the quarter, along with the amount of tax due.

Enter your email address and click send to get a report with this data! You can then use it to complete your return, or use a program ExpressIFTA to create a return for you.

If something seems off, you can hit the orange back arrow at the top left corner, and it will redirect you to the previous screen where you can review and edit your info. If you make any changes, just hit “Calculate” again, and watch the magic happen.

How easy is that? With a click here and a swipe there, it only takes two simple steps to get a summary of your most vital IFTA details.

Download it now and get ready just in time for the deadline! As always if you hit a roadblock, the ExpressTruckTax support team is standing by, eager to offer IFTA-ssistance. (See what I did there?)

You can reach them at 704.234.6005, send them a live chat message, or email them at

To continue your transformation from IFTA Slacker to IFTA Master, have a look at our previous blog: Get Ready for April 30th with ExpressIFTA!

1st Q. IFTA Filing Period Now Open: Get Ready with ExpressIFTA!

The 1st Quarter filing period for IFTA is officially open!

You know what that means, Trucking Nation! Time to start organizing any trip sheets that fell through the cracks, and get ready for the filing deadline: Thursday, April 30th!

Good thing ExpressTruckTax is here to help you prepare. We’ve got everything you need! Not only do we have a program that will complete your IFTA return for you (ExpressIFTA), but we also just released a simple free app to help you calculate how much tax you’ll owe, without doing any calculating yourself!
You can use one or both–whatever suits you best. We have solutions for IFTA Slackers and IFTA Masters!

Today, we’ll have a look at ExpressIFTA. Stay tuned for the grand reveal of our new app later this week!


ExpressIFTA is the fastest and easiest way to calculate your IFTA fuel tax and prepare your state-specific return. Why? Because ExpressIFTA calculates the tax for you, eliminating the risk of errors and the the risk of losing your sanity!

  • Pro Tip: If you’re an ExpressTruckTax user, login with the same username and password, and your account information will be automatically transferred. If not, simply create an account and enter your business and vehicle information. It won’t take long!

Once you’re set up, enter your trip logs with taxable and non-taxable miles, as well as your fuel use, and our site will calculate the fuel tax and complete the IFTA form for your state. Just print and mail it! 

To save even more time, you can import your mileage directly from your GPS. If your GPS model is not supported by our site, you can email the GPS report to, and we’ll key in the info for you! Now that’s service.
For a quick overview of how to use ExpressIFTA, just check out this video!

Don’t wait until the 29th to start thinking about IFTA. Head over to ExpressIFTA now and try it out!
Have a question? Just call our support team at 704.234.6005 or email us at

Ready for More IFTA Solutions? Check out Part 2 featuring our new IFTA Tax Calculator App! Packed with more solutions for IFTA Slackers and IFTA Masters! 

IFTA Filing Do’s & Don’ts: Part 2 Avoiding an Audit

With just 4 days left to file 4th Quarter IFTA returns, it’s crunch time. Right about now, all of the IFTA procrastinators out there are starting to panic and hastily fill in their returns. (No judgement, truckers have way too much on their plates!)

If you happen to fall into this category, then slooooow doooown. The last thing you want is to quickly fill in your return and submit it with the mistakes below, all of which are red flags for IFTA auditors.

As it is, each IFTA jurisdiction is required to audit 3% of its registrants each year, and if you commit one or more of these IFTA sins, you’re greatly increasing your chances of becoming part of that dreaded 3%.

Before you make a mistake that could cost you your business, take a few seconds to make sure you’re avoiding these IFTA errors.

Avoiding IFTA Audits

  • DO: Make sure your trip sheets have continuity from the trip’s starting location to the destination. Every jurisdiction between the start and end points should be included.
  • DON’T: Submit a trip sheet with non-continuous jurisdictions. Unfortunately, your truck cannot teleport from New Jersey to Ohio, and IFTA auditors know it.
  • DO: Record all personal and non-taxable mileage. 
  • DON’T: Forget that your end-of-day miles to a restaurant or lodging still need to be recorded. If you don’t, then your end of day location won’t match your beginning of day location, which is known as a gap in mileage.
  • DO: Record your exact fuel use and milage. Then use these numbers to calculate your MPG each quarter.
  • DON’T: Do the reverse, which is to calculate your fuel use by dividing your mileage by a set MPG. This is cheating! For one, your MPG will fluctuate naturally based on road conditions and an infinite number of other variables, so you cannot assume it will always be the same. These kinds of over-simplified fuel calculations are huge red flags to IFTA auditors.
  • DO: Keep an eye on your MPG. If your MPG changes drastically from quarter to quarter, there needs to be a reason, like a change in your vehicle, your operations, or your load type & weight. 
  • DON’T: Submit a return with a MPG below 5 or above 10. If your MPG is outside this range, there is likely an error in your recordkeeping or calculations. IFTA auditors know this, which is why many states won’t accept your return until your MPG falls in this range.
  • DO: Follow the tips for recordkeeping that we covered in Part 1. Keeping precise trip sheets will help you avoid all of the above errors.
  • DON’T: Get lazy with your documentation. Your business depends on complying with IFTA filing requirements, so use a program like TruckLogics to keep your trip sheets organized and up-to-date everyday.
  • DO: Be proactive and file on-time. The best way to do this is by using a program like ExpressIFTA which calculates the taxes and fills in the return for you. 
  • DON’T: Wait until the last minute and then rush to fill in your return the night before. Obviously, this leads to mistakes, which lead to audits. If you’re that pressed for time, have a processing service like Truck Services of North America file your quarterly IFTA return. They prepare your return based on your trip sheets, and then submit it directly to your base jurisdiction. And since they’re IFTA Pro’s, they know to avoid all of the red flags above.
  • DO: Remain calm & cooperate if you are selected for audit. Original documentation for the past 12 quarters should be kept in your base jurisdiction for the auditor to access.
  • DON’T: Avoid the auditor’s phone calls, shred your documents, or flee to Costa Rica. The 4-year retention requirement for documentation will be extended indefinitely until you cooperate. This means that legally they can keep coming after you with no statute of limitations. And the less you cooperate, the more likely you’ll face steep penalties, or worse, revocation of your IFTA license. 

Ready to get started? Whether you need help creating an ExpressIFTA account, or you have questions about having a processing service prepare your return for you, call us and we can give you advice or connect you to someone you can trust.

We’re available 8-6 pm EST at 704.234.6005 or on live chat. Or for 24/7 assistance, just email us at With the deadline looming so close, it’s nice to know that you can reach out for help at all hours of the night. When crisis strikes, the Support Team will be ready for you!

Ready for More? Check out Part 1, chock-full of Tips for IFTA Recordkeeping!

IFTA Filing Do’s & Dont’s: Part 1

There’s just 10 days until 4th Quarter IFTA reports are due.

Are you ready? If you’re trying to get your act together at the last minute, then ExpressTruckTax can help you prepare your return, quickly & correctly– all while keeping your sanity in tact!

We’ve got do’s & don’ts for IFTA record-keeping & return preparation. So please do avoid these don’ts (and don’t ignore these do’s) to ensure IFTA-filing success!

IFTA Recordkeeping Do’s & Don’ts

  • DO: Record fuel use and fuel purchases every day. Your records should include the amount and type of fuel purchased, the name & address of the gas station, the cost per gallon, total of the sale, and the original receipt.
  • DON’T: Assume you can recreate a record of your fuel transactions later using your pile of receipts. If a receipt goes missing, you’ll have no way of knowing without a fuel record to check against.
  • DO: Keep all original fuel receipts in good condition for at least three years after the close of the quarter.
  • DON’T: Wrinkle or write on your receipts. If they’re stashed in the crevices of your cab or mashed into a shoebox, it’s time to buy an accordion file folder.

  • DO: Maintain accurate distance records including your mileage per jurisdiction, the routes you took, and any detours or out-of-route mileage accrued.
  • DON’T: Record your estimated mileage for a trip as your actual mileage. Not only will this leave out personal miles you drive (to the grocery store, etc), but it’s also likely that in the course of your trip, you will deviate from the route your estimate was based upon. Detours happen. Record them all. 

  • DO: Use a program like TruckLogics to keep precise trip sheets. Be sure to update them daily.
  • DON’T: Wait until the end of the quarter to fill in your trip sheets. This leads to imprecise records and to red flags that could trigger an IFTA audit. 

Preparing your Return: Do’s & Don’ts

  • DO: Use ExpressIFTA to prepare your return faster than ever before, and with way less work than you’re used to.

    With ExpressIFTA, you simply input your fuel use and mileage, and then kick back while the program calculates your tax and MPG for you. And the perks don’t stop there. Not only will it perform all calculations, but it will also plug all of the numbers into a completed IFTA return appropriate for your state.

    Pro Tip: If you use an IFTA-approved GPS that records your trip sheets, you can import that information and use it to create your return. 
    After importing or entering your mileage and fuel use, all you’ll need to do is print the return– and mail it, of course (and they even include instructions on how to do it).

      • DON’T: Waste your time calculating your tax and tediously filling in a long and scary IFTA return. Hair pulling, insomnia, and loss of sanity are all common side effects.

      And here’s one last DO for you! DO call the ExpressTruckTax team for help filing your 4th Quarter IFTA returns. They’re available in our sunny hometown of Rock Hill, 24/7, and they’d be happy to walk you through the ExpressIFTA set up.

      Call them at 704.234.6005, message them on live chat, or email them at No matter how you get in contact, you’re guaranteed the support experience of a lifetime!

      Check out Part 2 for Tips to Avoid an IFTA Audit. You don’t want to miss this! 

      For Tips on HVUT Recordkeeping, mosey over to:

      • HVUT Recordkeeping Requirements

      HVUT & IFTA Recordkeeping Requirements

      It’s time to awake from your sugar comas, Trucking Nation!
      While we hope you had an extra spooky, candy-filled Halloween, it’s time to pack away your costume and dispose of the incriminating evidence cast so carelessly upon your living room floor. 
      Yes, I am referring to that mountain of candy wrappers next to your couch. Destroy the evidence at once & hide your shame!

      The cold hard light of Monday morning demands that we discuss grown-up business now. And what could be more “grown-up” than recordkeeping!

      A necessary evil, proper recordkeeping may not be fun, but it saves you a lot of pain in the long run, like audits from the IRS or from your IFTA base jurisdiction. So if you want to avoid the dreaded IRS or IFTA audits, you’ve just got to ask yourself one question. Am I doing it right?

      Are you keeping the necessary records for HVUT and IFTA? If not, now is the perfect time to get your act together! Here’s how…

      HVUT Recordkeeping Requirements:

      • The VIN number and detailed descriptions of all taxable highway vehicles registered in your name.
      • The date you purchased the vehicle, as well as the name and address of the person/dealer you purchased it from.
      • The weight of the loads carried by the vehicle, described in accordance with record-keeping requirements in your state.
      • Record the first month of each period in which a taxable use of the vehicle occurred. Along with this, keep records proving that the vehicle was not being used in a taxable manner prior to that date (if you owned it during that time).
      • For “Category W” Suspended Vehicles (vehicles that travel fewer than 5,000 miles on public highways during the tax year or 7,500 for agricultural vehicles), record all highway mileage.
      • For agricultural vehicles, keep a record of the number of miles driven on the farm.
      • If you sell or dispose of the vehicle, you must provide details of how including the name and address of the person who purchases it, if applicable.
      • Keep all of these records for at least 3 years after the date the tax is due or paid, whichever is later.
      • Keep copies of all returns and schedules you’ve filed.
      • These records must be available for review by the IRS.

      And here’s the great news for ExpressTruckTax users! All returns filed with us, along with the stamped Schedule 1, can be retrieved anytime from the Dashboard in your account. You can view, download, or print them if necessary. 

      Plus, all of your vehicle info is kept safe & sound in Truck Zone. And it’s organized too! From VIN #’s, to unit numbers, license plate numbers, DOT #’s, & gross vehicle weights–you’ve got an archive to reference if needed. And you can view it anywhere, anytime, as long as you have an internet connection. Win!

      IFTA Recordkeeping Requirements:

      • Distance records must include the exact miles driven per jurisdiction and the precise routes driven, including any detours or out-of-route mileage.
      • Fuel records must include all fuel purchased, the name & address of where it was purchased, the cost per gallon, the total cost of each sale, and the original receipt. The receipt must be in good condition with no wrinkles or writing on it.
      • Always check the requirements in your base state.
      • These records must be kept for at least three years after the close of the quarter. They must also be available for audit in your base jurisdiction at all times.

      While the third quarter IFTA deadline just passed, it’s certainly not too early to think about the fourth quarter! If you had a particularly hard time filling your IFTA last minute, then why not get a head start with TruckLogics!

      Like ExpressTruckTax, we designed TruckLogics to be user-friendly and affordable. With the ProMiles add on for professional routing, you can keep up with daily trip sheets in one click! Then, at the end of the IFTA quarter, you can compile all of those trip sheets into a completed IFTA return, ready to be printed and mailed. Sign up for a free trial, the first 30 days are on us, and there’s no credit card required!

      If you’ve got questions about TruckLogics, or about proper recordkeeping, ring our Support Heroes at 704.234.6005 or send them a message via live chat. For 24/7 assistance, email us at