Category: HVUT

The HVUT Deadline for Vehicles First Used in Sept. Is upon Us

Well, Trucking Nation, the deadline to file Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes (HVUT) is coming up—October 31—for vehicles first used in September! If you traded in or purchased a new vehicle last month, or if you’re just now putting your truck on the road, then this one applies to you.

Don’t worry, paying the HVUT online is quick and easy, and we’ve got you covered. In order to file a regular-use vehicle, its taxable gross weight must be at least 55,000 pounds and travel approximately 5,000 miles during the current tax period; and for an agricultural vehicle, the mileage use must be at least 7,500 miles.

Start Now to Get Your Filing out of the Way!

1. Sign in or Create an Account

2. Enter in Your Truck and Payment Information

3. Transmit Your Form to the IRS and Receive Your Schedule 1 in Minutes

If you need any assistance, ExpressTruckTax offers year-round support so you can get the help you deserve. They’ll even show you how to file for a Credit Vehicle, or a taxable vehicle that was sold, destroyed, or stolen recently, to get your tax money back.

You can call the support team at 704.234.6005 or email them at

#TruckTechTuesday: RigMinders App

As you may or may not already know, we love technology here at ExpressTruckTax. This week, we want to discuss the RigMinders app, which is designed specifically for truckers and transportation professionals! Similar to the name, RigMinders reminds you of deadlines, both personal and professional, for things such as the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) and the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA).

Whether you have a single truck or a whole fleet, RigMinders is preloaded with every filing deadline you can think of. The app is also available through both iPhone and Android devices.

How Does It Work?

First things first—RigMinders is free and easy to use! Instead of creating a login name, you can use your email address to begin.

Deadline Alerts

Whatever deadline you need to remember, RigMinders has you covered. Since all important deadlines are already programmed in the app, all you need to do is enable the deadlines that apply to you or your business, and disable the ones that don’t. If you are unsure of what a certain deadline is for, just tap on the name and a short description will appear.

Customized Preferences

RigMinders allows you to customize your reminders, including the type and frequency. When you enter the app, at the bottom of the screen, you’ll notice a black box that prompts you to change your reminder preferences. Once you click it, you can choose whether you’d like to be reminded the week before, day before, or on the due date itself. Another perk: You can choose to be reminded by email, text, or push notification.

Edit Your Information

After selecting and saving your preferences, you’ll be presented with an email summary of your deadline selections. If you spot anything that’s missing or that has been filled out incorrectly, simply select the pencil icon, and you’ll be able to change your information.

…You’re Done!

Once you have selected your deadlines, customized your preferences, and edited any other information you need, you’ll never file late again!

If there is anything #TruckTech related that you wish to see featured here, drop us a line on our Facebook or Twitter!

And as always, don’t hesitate to contact us if you need assistance or have any questions. Our support team is here to help! You can email us at or call us at 704.234.6005.

How to Add a Suspended Vehicle

The team at ExpressTruckTax strives to make your life easier, especially when it comes to e-filing your Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes (HVUT) with Form 2290. As you fill out your form, you may have questions and concerns along the way, like, what you should do if you have a suspended vehicle. Well, no worries. We’re offering a step-by-step guide to help you, but first, let’s go over the basics.

In order to file a regular-usage vehicle as suspended, its mileage use on public highways must be 5,000 miles or less; and for an agricultural suspended vehicle, the mileage use must be 7,500 miles or less.

While there is no tax due on suspended vehicles, taxes become due once a suspended vehicle (regular or agricultural) goes beyond the mileage use limit. Whenever you exceed the mileage use limit, you must file a Mileage Exceeded amendment, and pay the full tax amount.


1. First Used Month & Year 

2. Taxable Vehicles 

3. Suspended Vehicles 

4. Add Exempt/Suspended Vehicle 

5. View Information and Edit if Necessary 

6. Click Next!

We hope these instructions gave you a peace of mind, but if you need further help, don’t hesitate to contact us! You can call the support team at 704.234.6005 or email them at

Remember, Trucking Nation, we’re here for you!

An ExpressTruckTax Exclusive Feature: Truck Zone

Have you always wanted your very own digital garage? Well, with ExpressTruckTax, it is possible! Truck Zone, one of our exclusive features, allows you to manage all of your vehicles in one place while making it easier to e-file your Form 2290, year after year. Whether you have 20, 100, or 1,000 trucks, Truck Zone is available to make your life a little easier.

Let’s Get Started

Once you have signed up with ExpressTruckTax, you can select the Truck Zone tab at the top-right corner to begin saving vehicles and storing their information. When it’s time to add a vehicle, you’ll have the options to:

  • Enter its VIN number, unit number, and gross vehicle weight. 
  • Select if it’s a logging vehicle, if it’s suspended or not, and if it has agriculture plates. 
  • Choose the make, model, and year of the vehicle. 
  • Include information about the fleet, such as the name, license plate number, and the unloaded vehicle weight. 
  • Provide the fuel type and odometer information in the IFTA Details section. 

After you click Save, the vehicle and all its information will be added to Truck Zone! Now, whenever you need to e-file with ExpressTruckTax, you can click Select From “Truck Zone,” which will allow you select the vehicles you would like to add to the return.

Bulk Upload for Faster Filing

If you’re looking for a faster route, ExpressTruckTax offers a Bulk Upload option that enables you to upload hundreds or thousands of vehicles at once! All you need is an Excel/CSV file containing your trucks’ details, and like magic, the information will upload into your ExpressTruckTax account. The tab is located in the Advanced Search section and to the right of the Add Vehicle option:

There’s More

Even after your return is filed, you can go back to Truck Zone for more! For instance, the next time you e-file your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, all of your trucks will be saved and ready to go. Under the HVUT tab, you’ll be able to view your history, including the return you have previously filed, the date you filed it, and the tax that was paid. You’ll also be able to view, download, or email the return from ExpressTruckTax.

If you need any help or have any questions, you can refer to this video tutorial, call the support team at 704.234.6005, or email them at

Remember, Trucking Nation, we’re always here for you!

The Countdown is On: Getting Your EIN

The Heavy Vehicle Use Tax season is drawing to a close, Trucking Nation! There’s only a few more days before the deadline and you need to have all your trucks in a row so you can e-file with ease.

The first thing you need in order to e-file your HVUT is your EIN. EIN stands for for Employer Identification Number and it is imperative that you have one before you file.

With only 4 days left to get your 2290s e-filed, it is past time to register for an EIN. Especially since it takes the IRS up to 10 business days for your EIN to become active. Before that your EIN will be rejected by any e-filing system and you will be unable to submit your Form 2290.

While there isn’t enough time for you to get your EIN and still e-file on time, you need to request one right away. Because no matter what you need to e-file! And the sooner you request one, the smaller the penalties.

In order to request your EIN, you can do it one of three ways.

  • You can go directly to the IRS website and request your EIN online
  • You can or call their EIN hotline at 1.800.829.4933, and request your EIN over the phone.
  • Or you can request your EIN through fax or postal mail.

If you don’t have time to get you EIN, or none of those options appeal to you. We have people who can take the reins and do it for you. Not to mention, they’re secure and affordable!

With our friends at Truck Services of North America, you can get your EIN without ever having to lift a finger. Since they specialize in permits, registrations, and helping truckers e-file for just about anything. Just give them a call at 803.386.0320 or email them at to get started.

If you’ve misplaced your EIN, we can help with that as well!

  1. If you’ve e-filed with us before, your EIN is stored in your account! Just login and view your business details, or a previously filed return and voila, you have your EIN.
  2. If you haven’t e-filed with us before, you can check with the bank or local/state institution you’ve applied for a license with. Both should have your EIN on record.
  3. Or you can always call the IRS hotline at 1.800.829.4933, and they’ll give you the EIN directly over the phone after verifying your identity. 

But whatever you do, don’t wait! You need to request your EIN right away and before it’s too late for you to e-file on time. Don’t pay the IRS more than you have to!

If you need any help with the EIN or e-filing your 2290s, then our dedicated support legends are here for you. Just give them a call at 704.234.6005 or send them an email at for 24/hour support in English and Spanish. And they’ll help you e-file in a flash!

With only 4 days left you don’t have time to delay, so e-file today!

How to E-file Safely & Securely

When doing your taxes, security should be the first thing on your mind. And while ExpressTruckTax offers a safe, secure solution in order to e-file your taxes, you should be sure to go the extra mile to keep your own information secure.

ExpressTruckTax is and always will be secure, but to make sure you’re using our product to it’s fullest, here are some tips and tricks on how to be safe when e-filing.

Never Share Your Password

As a general rule of the internet, you shouldn’t share your password to anything with anyone. Giving someone access to private, personal information about your truck, your finances, and your taxes is a big no-no. So you should always keep your password to yourself.

If you need help, or have someone to file for you, make certain it’s someone you trust. Even then, your password should be your own. That’s why we have CPA accounts, so if you have an accountant who files for you, they can do so from their account

Never download files from unknown sources

If you don’t know the source, don’t download it! Downloading things from unknown sources puts you at risk. No matter what it is! Always make sure you’re on the right website, or you could risk getting a malware infection, and nobody wants that.

Since ExpressTruckTax uses secure servers and are McAfee Hackerproof, there’s never a risk when you e-file with us. And downloading documents from our website is secure too! So you never have to worry about a thing.

Reach our tax experts for instant assistance

If you need any assistance, or you’re having trouble with anything related to e-filing with us, we’ve got support! Our dedicated support team is here all year long to help you access files, access your account, and get ready for the new tax season. All you have to do is give them a call!

Staying safe online isn’t always easy, but with ExpressTruckTax, we promise to protect your information on our secure, hacker-proof servers. More info here.

If you need any help with the e-filing process, our dedicated support legends are here for you. All you have to do is give them a call at 704.234.6005 or send them an email at for 24/hour support in English and Spanish.

And remember, Trucking Nation, you only have 5 days left to e-file your HVUT without penalties!

Don’t Get Rejected: Simple E-filing Mistakes to Avoid

Mistakes happen, especially on your taxes. But if you don’t take the time to learn from them, you’re doomed to repeat the same mistakes all over again.

And with just 8 days left to e-file before the deadline, you don’t have much room for error. That’s where we come in! Don’t get rejected, avoid these simple e-filing mistakes and make sure that the IRS will accept your return. 

1. Incorrect EIN or VIN

The number one mistake you want to avoid is mixing up some numbers or letters in your EIN, or VIN. Now we know these numbers can be long, and sometimes hard to remember, but you should always check, double check, and triple check to make sure you’ve got it down correctly. 

And you should also make sure you register you EIN right away! It takes the IRS up to two weeks in order to make your EIN active. So if you don’t have one yet, unfortunately it’s too late to get it and still e-file on time.

2. Computation Errors

Tax math can be complicated, but we’ve got an app for that! Not to mention, our automated system automatically calculates what you owe based on a few simple questions about your business and your vehicle. Don’t waste your time doing complicated tax math when we could do all the work for you.

3. Incorrect Filing Status or Filing Year

Sometimes dates and mileage can be tricky, but make sure you know your vehicle well enough to know how to file, and what year to file for. 

Your filing status has a lot to do with your vehicle’s mileage. For instance, if you know you’ve travelled under the 5,000 mile limit (7,500 for agricultural vehicles), you should file your vehicle as suspended. 

Then you need to make sure you’re selecting the correct year to file for. If you’re filing for the most recent tax year, you’ll select the 2015-16 tax year. We actually select it for you as you move through our program, to make things easier for you. So you only have to select a different filing year if you’re filing for a previous tax season.

4. Incorrect First-Used Month

While this error won’t necessarily get your return rejected, it will cause some issues when it comes time to get your new tags.

The HVUT tax year begins July 1st, which means for all renewals the first-used month is automatically July—even if you’re filing in August. The only time you would choose a later month is if you purchased your Heavy Vehicle after the beginning of the HVUT tax year. For example, if you purchased a new truck in September, that becomes your first-used month.

5. Duplicate Vehicle Information

You don’t want to enter in a single vehicle more than once. This mistake could cost you, literally! If you do accidentally enter your vehicle twice, you can easily remedy the situation by selecting the “remove” button located next to the duplicate vehicle.

So be vigilant, Trucking Nation, make sure you’re checking those returns twice, and thrice if you need to. Avoid errors at all costs, especially these common ones!

But if you find yourself unsure or if you have any questions, we’re here for you! We have a dedicated, year-round support team to help you succeed. So give them a call at 704.234.6005, or send them an email at for 24/hour support in English and Spanish!

The Benefits of E-filing Form 2290 Anywhere With our Mobile App

E-Filing your Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes can be a hassle, but with the ExpressTruckTax smartphone and tablet apps, you can e-file your 2290s with ease.
As leaders in the e-filing industry, we know how to treat our e-filers right. And with HVUT season ending in less than 10 days, we’ve got your back!

All you have to do is download the ExpressTruckTax app from the App Store or Google Play Store, and you can reap the endless benefits of e-filing anywhere! Plus we’ve still got the best value in the industry at just $9.90 for a single truck filing.

So prepare to be amazed, Trucking Nation, because the endless benefits are app can offer you will change the way you e-file your Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes.

So join the e-filing revolution and take a look at just a few of the amazing benefits you can expect when you e-file with ExpressTruckTax.

2290 Tax Calculator App: With this specialized calculator app for iPhone and Android, you’ll never have to make another HVUT tax calculation. Our tax calculator will do all the work for you! In fact, you can find out exactly how much you owe in less than 5 minutes, and before you e-file. 
RigMinders App: RigMinders is a specialized reminder app just for truckers! RigMinders can remind you about trucking industry deadlines (like HVUT and IFTA) for your own truck, or a whole fleet. You can also program in personal deadlines, and maintenance appointments. It’s available for both iPhone and Android.

The Support Legends: Our dedicated support legends will be there for you every step of the way. In fact, they’re even here in the HVUT off season! And they’ll be ready to answer all of your tax questions at the drop of a hat, from right here in Rock Hill, SC. So be prepared for some legendary phone support, 24/hour email support, and chat support in both English and Spanish.
E-file Anywhere: With our app you can e-file anywhere. From in the cab of your truck, to your mechanic’s waiting room. Just follow three simple steps, and you’ll be done in 20 minutes or less! Then you can get your Stamped Schedule 1 and get back to your life.

Convenient Payment Methods: The IRS does not accept credit or debit cards for tax payments, but we do offer three easy ways to pay. You can pay through Direct Debit, EFTPS, or Check or Money Order.

Instant Audit: Before you securely transmit your return to the IRS, our automated system will scan it for errors. Just one more thing to make sure you e-file successfully!

Notifications: We have a 4 notification system when it comes to your truck taxes. Gone are the days of waiting on the edge of your seat to make sure your return has been accepted, and that you’ve gotten your Stamped Schedule 1.

Now we can send you a notification through email, text, fax, or all of the above. And we can even fax your Stamped Schedule 1 to anyone who needs it! Whether it’s your carrier, home office, or your spouse. And last, but not least, we can still send your Stamped Schedule 1 by postal mail if prefer to have a paper copy.

Automatic Stamped Schedule 1: You can get your Stamped Schedule 1 by e-mail automatically! All it takes is less than 10 minutes IRS to get your return, accept it, and send you a proof-of-filing. Then you can renew your registration, and you’re all done!

Retrieve Docs: You can retrieve important tax documents from your ExpressTruckTax dashboard at any time. You can even re-download, and reprint your Stamped Schedule 1 if you ever misplace it or need another copy.

You can do all this and more when you e-file from your smartphone with the ExpressTruckTax app. And if you need any help along the way, our dedicated support legends are here for you. All you have to do is give them a call at 704.234.6005 or send them an email at for 24/hour support in English and Spanish.

And don’t forget, you have less than 10 days to e-file before the deadline. Don’t pay the IRS more than you have to! E-file now to avoid paying penalties.

Perks for Owner-Operators

ExpressTruckTax PartnersRunning a trucking business isn’t easy, especially during tax time, but here at ExpressTruckTax, we’ve got you covered!

We work very closely with some amazing owner-operator based associations as well as one-on-one with several fantastic trucking companies. Navigating a trucking business around HVUT season might seem like a nightmare, but with the perks we offer to owner-operators, we can turn that nightmare into a dream come true.

We’ve partnered with Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA), America’s Independent Trucker’s Association (AITA), National Minority Trucking Association (NMTA), and South Carolina Trucking Association (SCTA) and even more amazing associations in order to make e-filing for truck taxes so much easier.

And we’re succeeding in helping tons of truckers and owner-operators file their Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes, and get their Stamped Schedule 1 in minutes!

Here are just a few of the ways we help our Owner-Operators succeed during the HVUT season. If you’re a member of one of these associations, what are you waiting for? It’s time to start reaping the benefits.

  • Customized E-filing Portals
    • Our owner-operators enjoy a customized ExpressTruckTax portal on their company websites where they can e-file with ease.
  • Never Lose Another Day of Work for HVUT
    • When you e-file with ExpressTruckTax, or your personalized tax portal, you can do it directly from your smartphone, tablet, or laptop. You don’t have to wait in line at the IRS office, or worry about making an appointment just to file. 
  • Educational Materials about Taxes
    • Figuring out how to file HVUT can be tough. That’s why ExpressTruckTax provides our partners with some much needed materials to educate their owner-operators and members on how to correctly file their taxes and stay current with IRS regulations.
  • 24/7 Free Support
    • We’re there for our you for 24/7, no matter what! We can address problems anytime of day (or night) and get them handled quickly and professionally.
  • Free Automatic E-mail with Stamped Schedule 1
    • As soon as you e-file, you’ll get your Stamped Schedule 1 e-mailed to you automatically! You can also select other options to receive your Stamped Schedule 1 by fax, postal mail, or you can download it directly from your truck tax dashboard.

And these are things nobody else is doing. But with us, our customers will always come first and get the best service and product available. It’s just that simple!

If you need any help e-filing your HVUT or using your personalized portal, don’t hesitate to ask our dedicated support legends. All you have to do is call them at 704.234.6005 or send them an email at for 24/hour support in English and Spanish.

No Longer Operating a Heavy Vehicle: A Guide to the Final Return

If you’ve e-filed with us before, you may have noticed an option to select “Final Return” at the step where you enter your first-use-date and filing year. But what exactly does selecting “Final Return” mean?

In the past, selecting “final return” on your 2290 meant that you could no longer e-file your HVUT, but now the IRS wants you to select “Final Return” when you no longer have a vehicle to e-file for.

Whether your vehicle has been sold, stolen, or destroyed, if you no longer have a Heavy Vehicle to e-file for, you should choose “Final Return”. And in the event you find yourself with a new vehicle and able to file your HVUT again, all you have to do is e-file normally.

Where to Find “Final Return”

At the beginning of your return, after you enter your business information, and select your filing year, you’ll find an option to select “Final Return” at the bottom of the page.

Only select this option if you no longer have a vehicle to file for. If this is not your final return, simply file your return as normal.

Is It Any Different than Filing Normally?

Filing for your final return will be the same as filing from year to year, with the small difference of selecting “Final Return,” and adding a credit vehicle instead of a suspended or taxable vehicle.

Reporting Stolen, Sold, and Damaged Vehicles

When you file your return, there’s a whole section dedicated to credit vehicles. These are vehicles that were sold, traded in, lost, or destroyed during the tax year. If this is your final return, you’re only going to be entering a Credit Vehicle.

Once you get to the “Credit Vehicle” section of your return, simply add your vehicle information in the pop-up window. You will need to know your VIN, first-used month, gross-vehicle weight, and whether your vehicle was used for logging.

Then it’s time to indicate your “Loss Event.” These event reasons come in the form of a drop down menu and all you have to do is select the reason you no longer have your vehicle. Was it sold, destroyed, or stolen?

If the vehicle was sold, you will need the information of the person you sold it to in order to file your return. Then just add the date this event happened for that specific loss event, and move onto the next part of your return.

If you need any help with e-filing or have questions about when to select your final return, our dedicated support legends are here for you. Just give them a call at 704.234.6005 or send them an email at for 24/hour support in both English and Spanish.