Category: HVUT

President Barack Obama Pushes for the Renewal of Transportation Bills

On Wednesday, August 31, 2011 at the Rose Garden, President Barack Obama spoke about the pending Transportation Bill currently in Congress to a large gathering of highway workers. He was joined by Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood, as well as Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, and also David Chavern, the chief operating officer of the Chamber of Commerce.

Among other things, the main focus of President Obama’s speech revolved around the necessity of renewing the Transportation Bill that is currently set to expire September 30. The primary arguments for extending the bill were that not extending it would cost up to a million jobs of hard working highway workers and extending the bill would also bring much needed tax revenue to fund road repairs and maintenance.

“Now is the time for Congress to extend the transportation bill, and keep our workers on the job. Now is the time to put our country before party and give certainty to the people who are trying to get by. There’s work to done. There are workers ready to do it. That’s why I expect Congress to act immediately.” said the President.

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File IRS Form 2290 through an IRS-Authorized Service Provider

If you are a trucker, owner operator, or trucking company, you are subject to filing a tax return for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. These taxes have typically been filed with the IRS Form 2290. Until recently, this form could only be filed by paper. However, there have been great advances in technology over the past few years and the IRS now accepts and encourages taxpayers to E-File their 2290 Form.

The IRS has approved several third party service providers to E-File the Form 2290 on behalf of those taxpayers who need to file. This list is posted on the IRS website. The IRS itself does not provide a way to E-File this form through their website. In deciding how to file, there are a few things that should be considered. When you select a provider, it is important to be sure that they are an Authorized IRS E-File Provider, make sure that they can handle all of your truck tax needs, and it is safest to find a provider that is entirely web-based.

  • When selecting an Authorized E-File Provider, you should look on their website for something to verify that they are actually authorized by the IRS to E-File tax forms. Again, you can also refer to the IRS Website for a complete list of Authorized E-File Providers.  Be sure that the provider you choose is on that list!
  • If you need to file several types of Truck Taxes and not only the Form 2290, like IFTA or Form 8849 then it would be helpful to have them all filed from the same place. Some service providers are only for Form 2290, or Form 8849, etc. The most convenient and economical way of filing would be to have them all filed with the same service.
  • If an E-Filing system is not web-based, then there is less reason to use it. If a so-called E-Filing system is not web-based, meaning you need to download a program onto your computer in order to run the program, then it is not a true E-Filing system. The IRS recommends E-Filing because of its speed and security. If you are required to download lots of files and store information on your computer, your system is not completely web based. The benefits of a web-based system are obviously the speed of transfer to the IRS when you are finished, but also the security of storing your information online instead of on your computer. If you rely on your computer to store your information, you run the risk of losing all of your information if your computer crashed or if you spill something on it, etc. fits all of these qualifications for a Truck Tax E-File Provider. It is entirely web-based, they are a one-stop-shop for all truck tax needs, and they are authorized by the IRS as an E-File provider on the official list from their website. If you need any help, you can also contact their wonderful customer support team!  They offer live chat & phone support Monday through Friday (9:00am – 6:00pm EST) at 704.234.6005, as well as email support 24/7 ( This way you can get a stamped schedule 1 in about 10 minutes. The file is electronically submitted to the IRS, and within minutes the file will be processed by the IRS and the filer will receive a notification from Express Truck Tax that their return has been processed.

Truck Tax Regulations for 2011 (HVUT)

You don’t have to be a transportation expert to understand that Washington DC is known for its gridlock. The very worst of it is actually off the roads and on Capital Hill. While both parties in Congress continue to argue, there is a significant piece of legislation that has yet to be voted on. The delay of this legislation being enacted has thrown many people in the trucking & transportation industry for a loop.

The law previously referred to is a transportation law known as SAFETEA-LU – the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users – which expired in 2009, but it allowed the taxes associated with the Highway Trust Fund to be collected for an additional two years. When SAFETEA-LU became law in 2005, lawmakers added what they believed to be enough time to get the next multi-year transportation authorization bill in place.

Those two years have passed faster than expected and we are left without a new Highway Bill to replace it. The House and Senate committees are now drafting preliminary versions of the legislation and will continue to debate its details. Let’s hope that both sides come to an agreement soon to avoid massive confusion in the trucking industry. Trucking Regulations alone are complicated enough.

Under normal circumstances, tax provisions related to the Highway Trust Fund would be extended as part of the authorization. Unfortunately, no one can accurately predict what will happen in the future, especially with the extreme volatility between political parties of late. One thing that is predictable, however, is that will keep updating their website and blog with the latest news affecting the Trucking Industry. Once there is more information available about the HVUT filing process, we will let you know. Express Truck Tax is the premier provider of Tax Services for the Trucking Industry; as soon as the IRS releases the new Form 2290, it will be available for EFiling at

What You Need to File Internal Revenue Service Form 2290 Online(HVUT)

To file the IRS Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, there are a few key pieces of information you will need to know in order to receive a stamped Schedule 1 from the IRS. First and foremost, you should have an idea as to the number of miles driven by each vehicle, because if a vehicle was driven less than 5,000 miles (or 7,500 miles if agricultural) then it would technically be considered to be a credit vehicle. Other information that is key to filing Form 2290 is your Employee Identification Number (EIN), Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), and the taxable gross weight of the vehicle.

The Employee Identification Number is a required section of the Form 2290. This is a number that is unique to you, and the IRS uses it to identify a business entity. If you do not have an EIN, you can apply for one through the IRS website.  

Another necessary part of the Form 2290 is, of course, the Vehicle Identification Number. Every vehicle is required to have a VIN, which is a 17 character combination of numbers and letters.  This information can typically be found on the registration or title of the vehicle. In order to know how much tax is to be paid, you must also report the Taxable Gross Weight of the vehicle. This can be found by adding the following totals: unloaded weight of the vehicle fully equipped for service, unloaded weight of any trailers equipped for service and customarily used in combination with the vehicle, and the weight of the maximum load customarily carried on the vehicle and on any trailers customarily used in combination with the vehicle.

Once this information is obtained, the best way to file the Form 2290 is by using an IRS-approved E-File provider like Filing this form online is a much better option than mailing it in, or waiting in line at the IRS office. Filing Online through the secure servers of Express Truck Tax is safer than sending important tax documents via postal mail.  It is also much quicker. The IRS typically processes each return and sends it back to you in a matter of minutes. This helps you stay focused on what matters to you, not on endless paperwork, or long lines at the IRS office.

The Hassle of Filing an IRS Form 2290

IRS Form 2290 is used to collect what is referred to as the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax or HVUT. It is a fee that the IRS requires all vehicles with registered gross weights equal to or exceeding 55,000 pounds to pay annually on heavy vehicles operating on public highways.

This IRS Form contains a Schedule 1 that must be stamped by the IRS before the vehicle can be registered.  This form can be mailed to the IRS, which can take up to several weeks to process.  It could also be taken directly to the IRS office, which can take several hours of your day.  This must be accompanied by a proof of EFTPS payment.  

This form must be filed annually, for each taxable vehicle that is used on public highways during the current period.  The Current Period begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th.  A Form 2290 must also be filed once a vehicle is placed in service.  The due date for each month is the last day of the following month.  For example: if a vehicle is placed in service on October 3rd, the Form 2290 will be due on November 30th.  

Even though there are thousands, if not millions, of Heavy Vehicles that are required to file HVUT the IRS still requires everyone to either mail the Form 2290 to the IRS or actually come to the IRS office.  Fortunately there is an easier way that has recently become available. allows you to fill out your IRS Form 2290 online and send it to the IRS electronically!  This way you can get a stamped schedule 1 in about 10 minutes.  Express Truck Tax is authorized by the IRS to file Form 2290.  The taxpayer will then receive the schedule 1 via email or fax as soon as the IRS processes the form.  The form will then be watermarked by the IRS instead of an actual physical stamp.

Why Former Drivers Make The Best Trucking Dispatchers

Featured Blogger
Benjamin Bellville

If you are running a small trucking company and are large enough that you are needing to hire one or more trucking dispatchers then you really need to consider that a former driver can fill the position better than anyone else. Allow me to point out my reasoning here and by the time you have finished reading this I am sure you will agree with my reasoning.

Depending on the size of your company and how you approach your freight logistics you may have a need for trucking dispatchers who are able to also book freight with brokers and perform sales to obtain direct freight customers as well. While you may be able to find someone with sales experience they often will not have a firm understanding of what it realistically takes to transport the freight.

I’ve had dispatchers with no driving experience before and all they could do was look at things from an on paper best scenario viewpoint. These types will drive your drivers away quicker than anything because they tend to talk down to drivers and make them feel like dirt in general. It’s an attitude that will fester through your company and hurt you in the long run. While it would be difficult to teach these types what being out on the road is really like, it would be much easier to teach a former driver the freight logistics aspect of the trucking company.

A former driver can relate to the trials the current truck drivers face on a daily basis and they know what is possible to do legally, they will make your employees feel more at ease sort of like they have someone on their side in the grand scheme of things. Happier drivers will be more productive drivers as a result. Less stress will also lead to healthier truck drivers.

Using former drivers as trucking dispatchers can also save you money in the long run as they will know better how to handle emergency situations as more than likely they have probably experienced it themselves while out on the road. They will also have a basic knowledge of most other operations within the company and can be turned into the ultimate multitasking machine over time.

As you can see it just makes sense as a strong business decision that will provide a strong inner working to your trucking company for years to come. The same way that doing business a truck tax company like Express2290 will be a smart choice to benefit your bottom line.

E-File 2290 for FREE – Wednesday Nov. 24th. Happy Thanksgiving!

We at would like to sincerely thank our customers, our community, and the industry we serve for all of your support this year. 2010 has been a wonderful year and we could not have done it without you.

In an effort to show our gratitude, we will be offering FREE E-FILING of your HVUT tax forms on Wednesday, November 24th. No catch. No qualifications. No fine print – just genuine, honest-to-goodness e-filing of IRS 2290 forms for free.

We know the holidays can be tough, especially when the economy is bad. We hope this gesture of our appreciation will help get you home, keep food on the table, or put one extra gift under the tree this year. From our family to yours – stay safe this holiday season and God bless!

Happy Holidays,

James Harris
Director, Tax Products

New PTIN Requirements for Tax Return Preparers

Beginning January 1, 2011 the IRS will require paid tax return preparers who prepare all or substantially all of a tax return to register and obtain a Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN). The requirements are intended to ensure tax preparers are competent and qualified.

Tax return preparers may apply for a PTIN using the IRS PTIN online application system at Individuals who currently possess a PTIN will need to reapply under the new system but generally will be reassigned the same number.

The IRS has also set up a special toll-free telephone number, 1-877-613-PTIN (7846), that tax professionals can call for technical support related to the new online registration system. Applicants will pay a $64.25 fee to obtain a PTIN, which will be valid for one year.

Receipt of a PTIN will be immediate after successful online registration. Tax preparers may also submit a paper application (Form W-12: IRS Paid Preparer Tax Identification Number Application). Paper applications will be processed in four to six weeks. Before registration, applicants should consider that the date the PTIN is assigned is established as the annual renewal date.

PTIN applications will require a Social Security number. Individuals without a Social Security number may apply but will be required to provide one of the following: Form 8945 (PTIN Supplemental Application for U.S. Citizens Without a Social Security Number Due to Conscientious Religious Objection) or Form 8946 (PTIN Supplemental Application for Foreign Persons Without a Social Security Number.)

Check the Express2290 blog soon for more information regarding the IRS PTIN requirements.

What Happens If I Forgot to File My Form 2290 to the IRS?

A 2290 can be filed with the IRS at any time after the deadline has passed but the tax due may be subject to penalties and interest. The penalties for filing late will not be imposed if you can show reasonable cause for not filing on time.

The penalty for failing to file IRS Form 2290 in a timely manner is equal to 4.5 percent of the total tax due, assessed on a monthly basis up to five months. Late filers not making an HVUT payment also face an additional monthly penalty equal to 0.5 percent of total tax due. Additional interest charges of 0.54 percent per month accrue as well.

As you can see, the penalties for failing to file can add up quickly. HVUT for an 80,000 lbs vehicle would typically cost about $550. However, for every month that passes without filing, penalties and interest add more than $30 to the total tax due. If you fail to file for 5 months, the total HVUT tax due to the IRS for that vehicle would be more than $700.

Additionally, many states won’t permit the vehicle to be registered without proof of payment for the HVUT. Needless to say, it’s important to file your Form 2290 on time!

If you would like more information about heavy vehicle use taxes and penalties and interest, please visit the IRS or DOT websites.

IRS To Stop Mailing Out Tax Forms

The IRS continues to encourage taxpayers to E-File in order to save time and money!

The IRS has announced that starting next year it will stop mailing out tax forms as an effort to reduce the costs associated with printing and postage. However, the IRS also cites the growing trend of electronically filing as a major reason for the change.

Have you considered E-Filing IRS Form 2290 for your heavy vehicle use taxes (HVUT)? It’s fast, convenient, and secure! Stop driving to the “nearest” IRS office miles away. Stop waiting in line or wondering if the IRS received your 2290 you put in the mail. You can electronically file your single-vehicle IRS Form 2290 for just $9.90. Receive your stamped Schedule 1 back in minutes. Electronically file today!

For more information about the new IRS policy, please visit the IRS website at,,id=228162,00.html