Category: HVUT

IRS Form 2290 – Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes

What is HVUT?
HVUT or Heavy Vehicle Use Tax is the fee imposed by the IRS annually on heavy vehicles that operate on public highways at registered gross weights equal to or exceeding 55,000 pounds.
The taxable gross weight of a vehicle is determined by adding the following:
• The actual unloaded weight of the vehicle, when it is fully equipped for service
• The actual unloaded weight of any trailers or semitrailers fully equipped for service normally used in addition to the vehicle
• The weight of the maximum load that can be carried on the vehicle and on any trailers or semitrailers typically used with the vehicle
• For Buses, The taxable gross weight is its actual unloaded weight fully equipped for service in addition to 150 pounds for each seat provided for passengers and driver.
The Tax Calculations:
The tax year for Form 2290 starts in July and ends in June of the next year. If the gross taxable weight is from 55,000 to 75,000 pounds, the HVUT is $100, plus $22 per thousand pounds over 55,000 pounds. For over 75,000 pound vehicles, the maximum HVUT is $550/ year. The taxes are lower for logging vehicles. Logging Vehicles are vehicles which are primarily used for transporting products harvested from the forest and is registered with a state agency as such.
Taxes are prorated for any vehicles placed into service after the month of July.
HVUT Exemptions:
There are a number of groups that receive exemptions from HVUT. Such as:
• Federal Government
• Indian tribal governments (for vehicles used in essential tribal functions)
• State & Local governments, including the District of Columbia
• Mass transportation authorities
• The American Red Cross
• Nonprofit volunteer fire departments, ambulance associations or rescue squads
There are also a number of vehicles exempted from the HVUT:
• Any vehicle not considered to be a highway motor vehicle — e.g., mobile machinery for non-transportation functions, vehicles specifically designed for off-highway use, and non-transportation trailers and semi-trailers
• Qualified blood collecting vehicles used by qualified blood collector organizations
• Mobile machinery that is used for non-transportation purposes
Exempt carriers may be required to file tax forms with the IRS or notify the local department of motor vehicles (DMV) of their exempt status
there are other vehicles that are exempt based on the number of miles it is driven:
• Commercial Vehicles traveling less than 5,000 miles annually
• Agriculture Vehicles traveling less than 7,500 miles annually
The above vehicles are called Suspended Vehicles, but must be reported to the IRS.
What is the Purpose of HVUT?
The HVUT is a significant source of transportation funding in the U.S. In 2006 alone, the HVUT generated more than $1.4 Billion in Federal Highway Trust Fund (HTF) revenue.
The Federal HTF protects America’s investment in its transportation infrastructure. In 2007 alone, Federal HTF receipts were $39.9 Billion, with $34.9 Billion dedicated to the HTF’s Highway Account. The Federal HTF finances a wide spectrum of transportation investments which include:
• Highway improvements (e.g., land acquisition, other right-of-way costs, preliminary and construction engineering, construction and reconstruction, resurfacing and restoration costs of roadways and bridges)
• Highway and bridge maintenance
• Highway law enforcement
• Safety programs (e.g., driver education and training, vehicle inspection programs, enforcement of vehicle size and weight limits)
• Congestion relief projects
• Administrative costs (e.g., research, engineering)
Investment in our nation’s highway infrastructure helps:
• Save money, time, & lives
• Reduce the amount and severity of crashes for all kinds of vehicles
• Enhance the ability of emergency responders
• Lower fuel and insurance costs
• Decrease energy consumption
• Ease congestion
• Boost air quality
• Increase mobility
• Improve the efficiency of the movement of goods
• Raise business productivity
• Strengthen the nation’s economic productivity
Since the vast majority of all funds contributed by states to the Federal HTF are returned through highway improvements, this is a direct incentive for state agencies to take necessary measures to enhance HVUT compliance.

E-File a Form 2290 for 2011-2012 with Express Truck Tax is packed with all sorts of features that benefit Owner Operators, Trucking Companies, and other service providers filing HVUT. It has everything you need to to file your truck taxes online so that you can stay on the road.
One of the most commonly filed IRS forms among those in the Trucking Industry is the IRS Form 2290, and its accompanying Schedule 1. With Express Truck tax, you can easily file this IRS form online in minutes, and for as little as $9.90, it is the most attractive price in the industry.
When creating your Form 2290 online, Express Truck Tax will automatically create a Form 8849 for credits. There is also the option to upload an Excel Template for a multiple vehicle filing. You can file for only 1 truck or up to 40,000 vehicles with our Enterprise Filing! Express Truck Tax also offers flexible pricing plans to fit any fleet. Tax professionals and CPAs also receive custom discounted pricing to file for many of their clients.
After filing Form 2290 with the IRS through Express Truck Tax, the person filing will receive Free Fax and Email Notifications to let them know that the Schedule 1 is ready. Express Truck Tax also offers optional Text Message reminders as well. Once the IRS processes the Return, you will be notified so that you can print your stamped schedule 1. Express Truck Tax can also notify your contracting (leasing) company to let them know that your payment has been made.
You can file your Form 2290 (HVUT) in just minutes with this easy-to-use software that will save you time and money. was built by one of the most talented teams in the industry—no one has more experience in HVUT E-Filing!
The customer service does not stop once the form is filed. Express Truck Tax also offers Free VIN corrections so that no one is penalized for a simple typo. There is also the ability to amend a previously filed Form 2290 through the service. For any questions about the service, Express Truck Tax offers unlimited, USA-based customer support via email, chat, and phone. Simply email, call 704-234-6005, or go to to live chat with the excellent customer support professionals.
Get started today at Email us at or call 704-234-6005 to talk to our Truck Tax Experts.

Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax 2290 & IFTA: an Overview

What are they?
Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (or HVUT) is, just as it sounds, an annual tax on Heavy Vehicles that operate on public highways. The IRS Form 2290 is what is used by the government to collect this tax. It is a fee that the IRS requires all vehicles with registered gross weights equal to or exceeding 55,000 pounds to pay annually on heavy vehicles operating on public highways. The tax collected is a significant source of transportation funding in the U.S. In 2006 alone, the HVUT generated more than $1.4 billion in Federal Highway Trust Fund (HTF) revenue.
IFTA is short for the International Fuel Tax Agreement, which is an agreement between American and Canadian jurisdictions to simplify the reporting of motor fuel taxes purchased and consumed. Under this agreement, one quarterly fuel use tax report is filed representing miles traveled, fuel purchased and used, and taxes/credits due in each member jurisdiction. The base jurisdiction then distributes the funds to each affected jurisdiction according to information contained in the quarterly fuel use tax reports. An interstate motor carrier operating “qualified motor vehicles” between at least 2 member jurisdictions (The 48 contiguous states of the US and 10 Canadian provinces) must have an International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) license and decals issued by their base jurisdiction. If you have the IFTA license, you must file the Quarterly IFTA Return to your base jurisdiction.
How do they Work?
Besides the fact that they are both fees imposed on heavy vehicles, these are both similar in that they are both very complicated through the traditional paper-filing process. The complications with IRS Form 2290 come from the difficulty of actually filing one. The trouble with IFTA is that it is an incredibly detailed system.
The IRS Form 2290 includes a Schedule 1 which must be stamped by the IRS. This can either be mailed to the IRS, which can take up to several weeks to process. It can also be taken directly to the IRS office, which can take several hours of your day. This must be accompanied by the proof of EFTPS payment.
IFTA requires drivers of Heavy Vehicles to keep trip logs of miles traveled as well as how much fuel was purchased in each state or province. IFTA must be filed quarterly and the filing date is the 30th of the following month. These trip logs are difficult to keep up because they require very detailed information. As mentioned earlier, these forms are then filed with their base jurisdiction. Most states do not provide E-Filing as of yet. Therefore most of the time these forms are mailed to the state.
One Solution for Both
A simple solution for both of these is to use an online E-File Provider. The most advanced of the available services is Express Truck Tax acts as a one stop shop for all truck tax needs. Through them, you can E-File your Form 2290 with the IRS. It also provides a way to keep online records of your mileage and fuel purchases for IFTA reporting. This can make the IFTA process much easier.

Express Truck Tax Overview Video (E-file IRS form 2290)

Why e-File Form 2290 with Express Truck Tax?
May be the more appropriate question would be, why wouldn’t you use Express Truck Tax to file Form 2290 or Form 8849 or IFTA? We don’t mean to brag, but we do have the lowest prices, the most experience, the best customer support and the most user friendly software to e-File Form 2290 in the industry.
We’re really good at what we do, and what we do is make taxes easier for you.
IRS Approved
We’re an IRS authorized e-file provider. That means we’ve worked closely with the IRS to provide you with a safe, secure, accurate process that will save you time and money.
Our technical and support team is the most experienced team in the industry. We were around when the IRS mandated e-filing for Form 2290. We helped the first customers file online years ago. We know the ins and outs of the filing process better than anyone else.
Safe and Secure
We have taken every possible step to make sure Express Truck Tax is safe and secure. Our site is encrypted and is HackerProof and COMODO certified. Your information goes to the IRS, and no one else.
Expert Help
We made Express Truck Tax as easy to use as possible. You’ll find contextual help bubbles and support text all over the place, guiding you through the process step by step. We also have some helpful video guides if you feel like kicking back and watching how it’s done. If you get stuck, you can always email us, or give us a call.
Power to the Pros
We support tax professionals, our competitors don’t. If you’re a tax professional, you can use Express Truck Tax for your clients–all of them–and take advantage of tax professional discounts.
The Right Price
We know we’re not the only ones providing this service, but we do know we’re the only ones doing it at this price with this level of quality. You won’t find a better combination of tax savvy professionalism and value-based pricing anywhere.

Don’t Forget about IRS Form 2290 e-filing This Year!

Due to the odd nature of this tax year, it could be easy to forget about the deadline for filing IRS Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes. So, as a reminder to those who need to file, the Tax Season for filing Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes is from November 1 – November 30. Although the typical tax season for this tax is from July – August, the season was delayed because the legislation that enforces the tax nearly expired and Congress enacted an extension of the current legislation so that the Transportation program in America could continue to exist. HVUT is a major source of funding for highway departments.
It has been a wild ride for those waiting to file Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax with IRS Form 2290 this year. Although the typical filing season begins in July, this year was different because the tax was set to expire this year. Although it took several passionate speeches from President Barack Obama concerning the loss of jobs and the negative effects that a shutdown would have on the economy to convince Democrats and Republicans in the House of Representatives and the Senate to act together, they did finally come together and agree to extend the current legislation. Although many industry experts agree that a more permanent piece of new legislation is needed to effectively regulate the industry, this was widely believed to be a step in the right direction.
As of right now, the Filing Season for the current Tax Period will officially begin November 1st, and all Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes will need to be filed by November 30th. This delay threw a lot of people for a loop when they tried to register their heavy vehicle. Since a Stamped Schedule 1 is required to register a vehicle with the DMV, no one was able to provide that over the past few months because the IRS did not accept Form 2290’s and thus did not give out any Stamped Schedule 1’s because that is a part of the 2290 form.
For those who need to file the IRS Form 2290 and receive a Stamped Schedule 1, it is possible to E-File this form online. This way you will receive a stamped Schedule 1 within minutes of filing. This process is much quicker and much more efficient than the old paper filing process. This is especially favorable because there is a shorter amount of time in which to file (Nov 1-30).
To e-file this tax from your home or office, all you need to do is go to the website for the IRS-Approved E-File Provider, Express Truck Tax: The filing process could not be simpler! Most users agree that it is even easier than paper-filing! Even if you have questions, Express Truck Tax has a US-based customer service team of Truck Tax Experts that are standing by to take any calls, emails, or online chats that you may have.

The Internal Revenue Service Will Not Mail Form 2290

Earlier in the year, The Internal Revenue Service announced that they will not be mailing Form 2290 to taxpayers this year. This step was taken due to the increase in electronic filing. Although the IRS Requires Trucking Companies with 25 or more Heavy Vehicles to e-file, the IRS actively encourages everyone needing to file the Form 2290 to e-file. The IRS has legitimate reason to do this because filing electronically is the quickest, easiest, and safest way to file tax returns.
Fortunately, it has become incredibly simple to file Form 2290 or other Tax forms associated with the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) such as Form 8849. All you have to do is go to and start filing. You can file your Schedule 1 for Form 2290, Form 8849, A VIN Correction, and Fuel Tax (IFTA).
The easy-to-use system created by the Express Truck Tax team allows the user to walk through the process at their own speed and asks questions in plain English, not confusing tax jargon. There are even special deals for Owner-Operators who need to file for multiple vehicles. Tax Professionals may also benefit from special pricing for multiple filings.
What is IRS Form 2290?
The IRS Form 2290 exists as a way to pay Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes, or HVUT, which must be filed with the IRS for any highway motor vehicle that exceeds a gross weight of 55,000 pounds. IRS Form 2290 also includes what is known as a Schedule 1, which is used to report all vehicles for which you are reporting tax (including an increase in taxable gross weight) and those that you are reporting suspension of the tax by category and vehicle identification number (VIN). The Schedule 1 may also be used as proof of payment to register your vehicle in any state. Use the stamped Schedule 1 that was returned to you by the IRS for this purpose.
Who Must File?
You must file a Form 2290 and Schedule 1 for the tax period beginning on July 1st, and ending on June 30th, if a highway motor vehicle is registered, or required to be registered, in your name under state, District of Columbia, Canadian, or Mexican law at the time of its first use during the period and the vehicle has a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more. Any type of business entity may file a Form 2290 with the IRS.
How much is the Tax?
There are three different categories for HVUT rates for these vehicles. Vehicles Below 55,000 pounds do not have HVUT because they do not qualify as a heavy vehicle. Vehicles between 55,000 and 75,000 pounds owe $100, plus $22 per 1,000 pounds over 55,000 pounds. Finally, for vehicles that are over 75,000 pounds the maximum HVUT is $550 per year.
The gross taxable weight is calculated by adding the following:
Unloaded weight of vehicle, fully equipped for service.
Unloaded weight of any trailers equipped for service and customarily used in combination with the vehicle
Weight of the maximum load customarily carried on the vehicle and on any trailers customarily used in combination with the vehicle.
Who is Exempt?
Although it is rare, some Vehicles that fit the above description may be exempt from the HVUT and Filing requirements of Form 2290. To officially be exempt from filing Form 2290, the vehicle must be owned and operated by the following:
The Federal Government
The District of Columbia
state or local government
American National Red Cross
Non-Profit Volunteer Fire Department, Ambulance Association, or Rescue Squad
Indian Tribe Government (Only if the Vehicle is Used for essential Tribe or Government Function)
Mass Transportation Authority (Only if granted certain powers normally exercised by the state)
Qualified Blood Collector Vehicles
Mobile Machinery that meets specifications for a chassis
As mentioned earlier, the ideal e-file provider for this service is They provide a very excellent service for all Truck Tax Needs. And since the current tax year has been delayed due to slow congressional action, the filing period for this tax will be November 1 – November 30. Due to this shorter filing season, it is even more beneficial to file online in order to be sure that your return is accepted before the deadline.

Filing Federal HVUT Form 2290 in 2011

It has been a wild ride for those waiting to file Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax with IRS Form 2290 this year. Although the typical filing season begins in July, this year was different because the tax was set to expire this year. The lack of Congressional action to extend the tax legislation poised the threat of a shutdown of government supported transportation jobs. Although it took several passionate speeches from President Barack Obama concerning the loss of jobs and the negative effects that a shutdown would have on the economy to convince Democrats and Republicans in the House of Representatives and the Senate to act together, they did finally come together and agree to extend the current legislation. Although many industry experts agree that a more permanent piece of new legislation is needed to effectively regulate the industry, this was widely believed to be a step in the right direction.
As of right now, the Filing Season for the current Tax Period will officially begin November 1st, and all Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes will need to be filed by November 30th. This delay threw a lot of people for a loop when they tried to register their heavy vehicle. Since a Stamped Schedule 1 is required to register a vehicle with the DMV, no one was able to provide that over the past few months because the IRS did not accept Form 2290’s and thus did not give out any Stamped Schedule 1’s because that is a part of the 2290 form.
For those who need to file the IRS Form 2290 and receive a Stamped Schedule 1, it is possible to E-File this form online. This way you will receive a stamped Schedule 1 within minutes of filing. This process is much quicker and much more efficient than the old paper filing process. This is especially favorable because there is a shorter amount of time in which to file (Nov 1-30).
To e-file this tax from your home or office, all you need to do is go to the website for the IRS-Approved E-File Provider, Express Truck Tax: The filing process could not be simpler! Most users agree that it is even easier than paper-filing! Even if you have questions, Express Truck Tax has a US-based customer service team of Truck Tax Experts that are standing by to take any calls, emails, or online chats that you may have.

Senate Approves Highway Funding Extensions

On Thursday, September 15th, the U.S. Senate approved a piece of legislation that will extend the funding of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as well as for federal highway programs. The funding for these programs would have been cancelled without this extension.  

The Transportation bill has been extended many times already, and a more permanent piece of legislation is needed. However, this extension will keep up to a million highway workers at work. A simple extension is better than letting the bill expiring, which would furlough thousands of workers as soon as the funding expired.  

This stop-gap measure will also provide the government with the ability to collect taxes on airline ticket sales through the FAA. The FAA incurred a partial shutdown for two weeks earlier this year which cost the government $400 Million in taxes associated with airline ticket sales.

The Senate was able to pass the pill with a large margin of 92-6. This was largely due to some last minute negotiations by Sen. Barbara Boxer. Sen. Boxer is the chairman of the Senate Public Works Committee, which oversees the highway programs. Boxer negotiated an agreement between Republican senators Rand Paul and Tom Coburn due to their concerns of wasteful spending. This aided to avoiding a last-minute obstacle to the passage, because the FAA funding is set to expire this Friday (September 16).

John Crawley, a reporter for Reuters, had the following to say regarding the current state of Capital Hill:

“It remains unclear ahead of an election year whether the House of Representatives, which approved the extensions earlier this week, and the Senate can come together on the bigger bills before the next renewals are due.

The charged political climate in Washington is largely fuelled by partisan divisions over spending, taxes and budget deficits. The transportation bills would require several hundred billion dollars in funding over several years.”

Although it may be difficult to foresee how our elected officials will work together in the future, it is nice to see a healthy negotiation to pass a bill that the American people need.  

This is a positive step for the Trucking and Transportation Industry. Although it is not yet possible to file Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes with Form 2290, the folks at Express Truck Tax will be available to answer any questions and help drivers file those taxes. For more information, visit the Express Truck Tax website or call our Truck Tax experts at 704-234-6005. You can also chat online, or email any questions to

The Transportation Bill Faces the Gridlock of Capital Hill

while most politicians love to talk about creating jobs for the American people, there is now a real opportunity to avoid thousands, if not close to a million, of American jobs being lost. The Transportation Bill that is currently in Congress funds this nation’s infrastructure. The current bill in place has already been extended many times, and many argue that a new piece of legislation should be created instead of simply extending this old bill. However, the time to act is now, and the simplest way to continue funding this nation’s highways and transportation projects is to extend the current legislation again.

Congressman Hank Johnson represents Georgia’s 4th congressional district and had the following to say regarding the Transportation Bill:

Cutting funding for infrastructure is no way to grow our economy or create jobs.  Republicans who threaten the highway bill are way off base. Short-sighted pandering to their tea party political activists may be easy, but it is deeply irresponsible.
Instead of threatening to slash federal infrastructure spending, we should be making bold, forward-looking investments in America’s future.
President Barack Obama is right on the money when he calls upon Congress to aggressively invest in America’s infrastructure. It’s a common-sense vision backed by both business and labor because it’s the right policy at the right time.

Congressman Johnson argues that extending this bill simply makes sense, and that it is a smart investment because it is literally investing in America. The United States’ aging infrastructure has caused our overall rank to fall from 15th to 24th in the past year according to The World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report. Countries like China, India, and Brazil are making larger investments in their nation’s infrastructure, while we are busy arguing over the idea of funding it at all.  

Although there is a tendency for intense gridlock in Washington, there is still good reason to believe that this bill will be extended due to the sheer necessity. Even if this is slightly delayed, it would have a harsh impact on the highway and transit system. This party politics is becoming something of a game in Washington where both parties refuse to negotiate until it is nearly too late.  

Once this is enacted, anyone wishing to File IRS Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes will be able to file during the month of November. The IRS-Authorized e-file provider, Express Truck Tax, will be able to help any Truck Driver, Trucking Company, or Service Provider get their Excise & HVUT taken care of. To e-file through it only takes a few minutes and can cost as little as $9.90. If you have any questions about the process, you can call them at 704-234-6005 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            704-234-6005      end_of_the_skype_highlighting or send an email to

Obama Supports Transportation Bill to Save Jobs

President Barack Obama has once again urged Congress once more to extend the transportation bill, following a jobs report that was not very flattering of the American economy.  This message served as a warning that letting the current transportation bill expire would be an economic disaster that could be easily avoided.

Obama focused on the amount of jobs that would be furloughed and eventually removed if a decision could not be made in Congress. “Right away, over 4,000 workers would be furloughed without pay. If it’s delayed for just 10 days, we will lose nearly $1 billion in highway funding that we can never get back. And if we wait even longer, almost 1 million workers could be in danger of losing their jobs over the next year.” These jobs are literally left in the hands of Congress.  They can choose to extend the bill, or create a more long term solution, but action needs to be made regardless.

President Obama made a speech from the White House’s Rose Garden last week, in which he was joined by Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood, as well as Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, and also David Chavern, the chief operating officer of the Chamber of Commerce. He gave Congress another warning at that time also, stating that letting the transportation bill expire at the end of the month would be “not acceptable” and “inexcusable.”

In his recent address, the president reiterated that thousands of workers and their families would be hurt if infrastructure projects like highway construction, bridge repair and mass transit systems were put on hold. Obama has previously spoken about renewing the transportation bill as a “no-brainer.” It is also important to note that Congress has renewed the bill seven times in the last two years, and as badly as Americans need jobs, not renewing it this time would be a grave mistake. Nonetheless, a new and sustainable bill would be the best option.

“But thanks to political posturing in Washington, they haven’t been able to extend it this time — and the clock is running out,” he said. Virginia, Minnesota and Florida are examples of states that have thousands of jobs on the chopping block, and the President argued that the decision to let the bill expire is “completely avoidable.”

“This isn’t a Democratic or a Republican issue — it’s an American issue,” he said. The president also mentioned that a group of 128 Democratic and Republican mayors have written to Congress, urging their representatives to pass the extension.

Obama also added a statement that nicely summarizes the heart of the issue: “There’s a lot of talk in Washington these days about creating jobs. But it doesn’t help when those same folks turn around and risk losing hundreds of thousands of jobs just because of political gamesmanship. We need to pass this transportation bill and put people to work rebuilding America.”

To see a video of Obama’s address urging the passage of the bill, you can check it out here. This Information has been provided by the Truck Tax Team at