Category: HVUT

Reminder-Upcoming Form 2290 Deadline for Vehicles 1st Used in January

The deadline to file your Form 2990 for any heavy vehicles first placed in use during the month of January is this Thursday, February 28th. The HVUT, or the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax is mandatory for vehicles to file the IRS Form 2290 after the first use month. The quickest and easiest way to E-File the 2290 is through

All you will need is some basic business information:

Then you will transmit the return to the IRS and you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 in just minutes!  If you need assistance or have any questions, please go to or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

What is My First Use Month?

When E-Filing Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax, you will be asked to provide the first use date for the vehicle. This dates refers to the time when the vehicle was placed in service during the tax period.  If the vehicle has been placed in service for  previous years and will continue to be in service this year, the first use month will be July.  This is because the tax period for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes begins in July and ends in June.

If a new vehicle is placed in service during the tax period, the first use month will be the month in which the vehicle was first used. If a vehicle was only used for part of the tax period, the tax will be prorated.

To E-File the Form 2290 online now, go to or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

EIN Is REQUIRED To File Form 2290

If you are filing Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT), you must have an EIN to file the return. The IRS will no longer accept Social Security Numbers for the Form 2290. An EIN is an Employer Identification Number, also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number, and can be used to verify a business entity.

If you do not have an EIN, you can apply for one online through the IRS website or if you don’t have the time or unable to get to a computer, you can have a service provider, like Truck Services of North America to do it for you.

NOTE: Remember, for vehicles first used in January, the due date to file your Form 2290 is February 28, 2013. While you can get your EIN immediately, it can take the IRS up to 10 business days to update new EINs into their system; so you will want to get your EIN today to ensure it is in the system by the deadline!

Once your EIN is in the IRS system or if you already have one, you can file your Form 2290 return and receive your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes at ExpressTruckTax. To E-FileForm 2290 online now, go to or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

Trucking Spotlight

– Cathy Swanson

– Ernst – Cobb Co. Inc.

– Front discharge Ready Mix Concrete Truck

– Go Green!


We are proud to showcase our clients’ trucks on our blog! If you are one of our clients, please send us a picture and details about your truck and we will be happy to post them here. Thank You!

ExpressTruckTax is Mobile!!

ExpressTruckTax makes E-Filing Form 2290 easy.  Our program is user friendly, quick and simple.  You can create an account, enter the required information and transmit your return to the IRS in just minutes!  Once the IRS accepts your return, you will receive your stamped Schedule 1 back in no time.  No lines, no waiting, no stress.

ExpressTruckTax even makes it easy for those of you on the road and unable to get to a computer.  All you need to do is use our mobile site, and you will be able to E-file your Form 2290 return from any mobile device.  

For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

Form 2290 Deadline Today for Vehicles First Used in December 2012

Today is January 31st and that means today is the deadline to file Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicles that were first placed on public highways during the month of December 2012.

You can use to pay this tax online.  It is easy to use and simple to understand. You can file HVUT for your Taxable Vehicles in just minutes. A vehicle is considered to be a taxable vehicle if it was operating on public roads between the tax periods of July through June and has a taxable gross weight of at least 55,000 pounds and travels at least 5,000 miles during the tax period (7,500 miles if used for agriculture).

When using to E-File your HVUT, here is a helpful checklist to guide you through the filing process:

  • E-file your 2290 returns with
  • Review Federal Tax ID# or EIN [Employer Identification Number]
  • Review your Tax Year and Month
  • Review your VIN [Vehicle Identification Number]
  • Sign and date your return electronically
  • Choose IRS payment option
  • Review all the information
  • Double check your Business Name
  • E-File Your 2290 Return allows you to fill out your IRS Form 2290 online and send it to the IRS electronically! This way you can get a stamped Schedule 1 in minutes. Express Truck Tax is authorized by the IRS to E-File Form 2290. The taxpayer will then receive the Schedule 1 via email or fax as soon as the IRS processes the form. The form will then be watermarked by the IRS instead of an actual physical stamp. Be sure to get this filed today to avoid possible IRS penalties.

For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

Tomorrow is the Deadline to File Form 2290

Tomorrow, January 31st is the deadline to file Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicles first placed on public highways during the month of December. The tax will be prorated based on the number of months the vehicle will have been used during the tax year. So vehicles that were placed in service during the month of December will need to file HVUT using the Form 2290 by January 31, and the tax will be based on 7 months, instead of the full year.

IRS Form 2290, is the form you use to file your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax or HVUT.  this tax is imposed by the federal government in order to help pay for the damage done to our public highways by vehicles that weigh 55,000 or more.

You can pay your Highway Use Tax quickly and easily using  All you need is some basic business information, EIN, VIN and Gross Vehicle Weight.  You will have the option to choose which form of payment you would like to use to pay your IRS fees and then transmit your information directly to the IRS. Within minutes you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1, which is your receipt or proof that you filed your Form 2290.

If you are on the road and unable to get to a computer before tomorrow’s deadline, you can use our mobile site at

For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

VIN Corrections Are Free With ExpressTruckTax

Mistakes happen all the time, especially when entering a VIN on the Form 2290. ExpressTruckTax makes it easy to correct a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) with our system. In order to file a VIN correction, taxpayers simply need to file an IRS 2290 Amendment. Typically the IRS processing time is the same as a standard 2290 form.

The process is simple.  If you already have an account with us, you will click the green ‘Create New Return’ button from the ‘Dashboard’ page inside your account. Once you click this button, you will choose 2290 Amendment and then select the VIN correction option. The system will then walk you through the VIN correction filing process. Taxpayers can e-file a VIN correction through us even if the original 2290 was not filed through ExpressTruckTax!

There is no charge to E-File a VIN Correction however you will need to enter a valid credit card in order to authenticate the filing. The card will not be charged.

If you have any questions about VIN correction, please contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

Reminder-Form 2290 Deadline for Vehicles First Used in December

Don’t forget to file your Form 2990 by next week’s deadline of January 31st for any heavy vehicles first placed in use during the month of December. The HVUT, or the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax is mandatory for vehicles to file the IRS Form 2290 after the first use month. The easiest way to E-File the 2290 is through

All you will need is some basic business information, EIN, VIN and Gross Weight of the Vehicle to complete the return.  Then you will transmit the return to the IRS and you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 in just minutes! If you need assistance or have any questions, please go to or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!