Category: HVUT

HVUT & IFTA Recordkeeping Requirements

It’s time to awake from your sugar comas, Trucking Nation!
While we hope you had an extra spooky, candy-filled Halloween, it’s time to pack away your costume and dispose of the incriminating evidence cast so carelessly upon your living room floor. 
Yes, I am referring to that mountain of candy wrappers next to your couch. Destroy the evidence at once & hide your shame!

The cold hard light of Monday morning demands that we discuss grown-up business now. And what could be more “grown-up” than recordkeeping!

A necessary evil, proper recordkeeping may not be fun, but it saves you a lot of pain in the long run, like audits from the IRS or from your IFTA base jurisdiction. So if you want to avoid the dreaded IRS or IFTA audits, you’ve just got to ask yourself one question. Am I doing it right?

Are you keeping the necessary records for HVUT and IFTA? If not, now is the perfect time to get your act together! Here’s how…

HVUT Recordkeeping Requirements:

  • The VIN number and detailed descriptions of all taxable highway vehicles registered in your name.
  • The date you purchased the vehicle, as well as the name and address of the person/dealer you purchased it from.
  • The weight of the loads carried by the vehicle, described in accordance with record-keeping requirements in your state.
  • Record the first month of each period in which a taxable use of the vehicle occurred. Along with this, keep records proving that the vehicle was not being used in a taxable manner prior to that date (if you owned it during that time).
  • For “Category W” Suspended Vehicles (vehicles that travel fewer than 5,000 miles on public highways during the tax year or 7,500 for agricultural vehicles), record all highway mileage.
  • For agricultural vehicles, keep a record of the number of miles driven on the farm.
  • If you sell or dispose of the vehicle, you must provide details of how including the name and address of the person who purchases it, if applicable.
  • Keep all of these records for at least 3 years after the date the tax is due or paid, whichever is later.
  • Keep copies of all returns and schedules you’ve filed.
  • These records must be available for review by the IRS.

And here’s the great news for ExpressTruckTax users! All returns filed with us, along with the stamped Schedule 1, can be retrieved anytime from the Dashboard in your account. You can view, download, or print them if necessary. 

Plus, all of your vehicle info is kept safe & sound in Truck Zone. And it’s organized too! From VIN #’s, to unit numbers, license plate numbers, DOT #’s, & gross vehicle weights–you’ve got an archive to reference if needed. And you can view it anywhere, anytime, as long as you have an internet connection. Win!

IFTA Recordkeeping Requirements:

  • Distance records must include the exact miles driven per jurisdiction and the precise routes driven, including any detours or out-of-route mileage.
  • Fuel records must include all fuel purchased, the name & address of where it was purchased, the cost per gallon, the total cost of each sale, and the original receipt. The receipt must be in good condition with no wrinkles or writing on it.
  • Always check the requirements in your base state.
  • These records must be kept for at least three years after the close of the quarter. They must also be available for audit in your base jurisdiction at all times.

While the third quarter IFTA deadline just passed, it’s certainly not too early to think about the fourth quarter! If you had a particularly hard time filling your IFTA last minute, then why not get a head start with TruckLogics!

Like ExpressTruckTax, we designed TruckLogics to be user-friendly and affordable. With the ProMiles add on for professional routing, you can keep up with daily trip sheets in one click! Then, at the end of the IFTA quarter, you can compile all of those trip sheets into a completed IFTA return, ready to be printed and mailed. Sign up for a free trial, the first 30 days are on us, and there’s no credit card required!

If you’ve got questions about TruckLogics, or about proper recordkeeping, ring our Support Heroes at 704.234.6005 or send them a message via live chat. For 24/7 assistance, email us at

Oh, the Places You’ll E-File: How to E-file Anywhere in a Flash!

It’s another #ManicMonday at the ExpressTruckTax offices. We’re kicking off a busy week with a bunch of frantic E-filers!

This Friday, October 31st, is the Form 2290 filing deadline for vehicles first used in September. We’re also neck-deep in Registration Renewal Season, which means late filers are scrambling to get their stamped Schedule 1 and race to the DMV for tags. Combine that with the 3rd quarter IFTA deadline this Friday, and you’ve got a recipe for an E-filing Frenzy!

Have no fear! Whether you’re a new or returning user, a super-late July renewal filer or a last-minute September filer, ExpressTruckTax is here to show you how to get your Form 2290 E-filed in a FLASH.

Your 2290 will be completed AND securely transmitted to the IRS in under 10 minutes. “Lies!” you say. Oh, but it is too true.

And you’ll get your stamped Schedule 1 emailed to you just minutes after submission. Oh, and did I mention you can do it anywhere, anytime?

You can E-file anywhere your smartphone, tablet, or laptop has internet access! Just power that baby up and E-file in the 10 minutes while you’re….

Moises prefers to E-file while doing lunges.
Check out those thighs!
  • On your break
  • Waiting for that free coffee refill
  • In-line at the pump
  • Listening to your Aunt talk about her Book Club
  • Sitting in a dentist waiting room
  • Hanging upside down on monkey bars
  • In-line at the DMV
  • During your kid’s recital intermission
  • Eating a burger
  • Getting a pedicure (or should I say, a man-icure!)
  • During half-time
  • Waiting for a mechanic
  • Doing thigh curls at the gym
  • Any other time you have 10 spare minutes: Use your imagination!

In fact, E-filing your 2290 takes a lot less time than anything else on this list. And it’s far more entertaining too!

So you’ve got your interweb-enabled device, you’ve got 10 minutes, now to get started. If you’re using a tablet, our free iOS and Android apps will do the trick. Or use our mobile site if you’re FLASH-filing from your smartphone. 

  • The next logical step is to login to your account, or create a new one if this is your maiden voyage with ETT! Simply use an email address and password of your liking. If you’re new to ExpressTruckTax, enter your business details: Name, Employer Identification Number, address & phone.
    He also E-files while admiring sculptures…
  • Start a new Form 2290 return, choose the tax year, and select your First-Used Month. HINT: If you’re late-filing your annual HVUT renewal, the first-used month is still July. If you just purchased the vehicle in September, the first-used month is…you guessed it…September!
  • Truck Time: Now to enter your heavy vehicle info.

    If you’re a returning user: Copy a previous year’s return! -OR- Select vehicles from your digital garage, Truck Zone. There’s no need to type in your VIN over and over again. That would just be cruel!

    New users: Use our Smart Upload to bulk upload 1 to 1,000 trucks at once from an Excel file type. No typing! -OR- If you don’t have such a file, simply enter your VIN & gross vehicle weight, and then rest assured knowing we won’t ever make you type it again! We promise.

  • Pay Up! No one likes this part, but at least we make it easy! We offer three easy ways to pay. Choose Direct Debit (EFW), EFTPS, or Check or Money order (the best choice if you need your Schedule 1 at night or on the weekend!). 
  • It’s all smooth sailing from here! Our system checks your return for errors before you submit it. (We take pride in our 98% approval rating!) Then kick back, relax, and wait for your stamped Schedule 1 to be emailed to you, which usually only takes 5 minutes.
    “Only $9.90 for a single truck!” Moises exclaimed.
We’ll also send you text, fax, or postal mail notifications if you so choose. It’s nice to have options!

If you have a question, just call our Support Heroes at 704.234.6005. You can also chat with them online or get 24/7 email support at

They’re always available in our hometown of Rock Hill, SC, ensuring that you get E-filed fast. And they do it in English, Spanish & Russian too! Muy Impresionante!

So next time you’ve got 10 minutes and a Wi-Fi connection, go nuts and E-file in a flash! Bonus points if you send us a picture of the crazy places you’ve E-filed!

E-Filing for Farmers: Get your Stamped Schedule 1 Instantly

It’s the most wonderful time of the year–for

It’s harvest time, the season of Nature’s bounty, when all of your hard work pays off. Any day now, you’ll be loading up a truck with your fresh goods, bringing them to market for pay day.

And just when you thought you were ready to roll, you suddenly remember that your truck needs current tags & registration! What’s worse, you remember that pesky Heavy Vehicle Use Tax and that you need your stamped Schedule 1 to get your tags renewed!

Well, have no fear! There’s no need to frantically drive a hundred miles to your nearest IRS office. We have a much faster, more economical solution, one that will get you that all-important stamped Schedule 1 instantly.

You’ll be E-filed and on your way to the market in no time!

Do I Need to File HVUT?

HVUT is an annual federal tax levied on trucks or truck tractors that travel at least 5,000 miles a year (7,500 for farmers) on public highways and that have a gross vehicle weight of at least 55,000 pounds.

To determine the gross vehicle weight of your truck, simply add the unloaded weight of the truck, with the unloaded weight of any trailer customarily attached to the truck, and the maximum weight of the load typically hauled in the truck/trailer. If the sum of those three numbers hits 55,000 pounds or above, then it’s time to start E-filing Form 2290!

Filing a Suspended Vehicle

As we mentioned above, the mileage cap is higher for vehicles used in agriculture, 7,500 miles. If your heavy vehicle is used strictly for agriculture, and will travel 7,500 miles this year or fewer, then you can file it as a suspended vehicle, also known as Category W.

Notice that low mileage does not excuse you from filing altogether. You are still required to file and have a current stamped Schedule 1, even though you will not owe any tax.

Late Filing

While there are penalties for filing after the renewal due date (September 2nd, 2014), it’s still never too late to E-file. In fact, it’s the fastest way proven to get you your stamped Schedule 1 immediately, even on the weekend!

How Do I E-file?

Getting started with ExpressTruckTax is simple! In just three steps and 10 minutes, you’ll be E-filed and back on the farm!

  • Step 1: Create an Account. After entering an email and password, enter your business information, which includes the business name, address, EIN (Employer Identification Number) and phone number.
  • Step 2: Enter Vehicle Info. Click “Start New Return” under Form 2290, then enter the first-used month. If you’ve had the vehicle prior to June 1st, then your first-used month will be July 2014.

    If you’re E-filing for a suspended vehicle, then under Taxable Vehicles, leave it empty and hit next. Once you’re on the Suspended Vehicle screen, enter the vehicle’s VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), the Unit Number, Gross Weight, and indicate that it’s used for agriculture.

  • Step 3: Enter Payment Information. Select from three convenient methods of payment: Direct Debit (EFW), EFTPS through the IRS, or by Check or Money Order. Remember that the IRS no longer accepts credit cards. To receive your stamped Schedule 1 immediately, even on the weekend, elect to pay by check or money order!

Exceeding 7,500 Miles

If you file your vehicle as a Category W, but exceed the 7,500 mile limit, we have a fast solution for that too. We also offer E-filing of Form 2290 Amendments for exceeding the mileage limit. And it’s the same fast, three-step process as above!

It’s important to E-file the Amendment as soon as your vehicle exceeds the limit. Mileage amendments are due to the IRS by the end of the month following the month in which you exceeded 7,500 miles. The tax owed will be prorated based on the month the vehicle exceeded the limit.


The ExpressTruckTax team supports farmers, literally! We offer year-round, USA-based support, unlike some other seasonal E-file providers out there. In fact, we get calls from farmers like you every day who need to E-file their 2290’s fast!

Though the deadline has passed, we are still here and ready to help you get caught up–just in time for harvest! Give us a call in sunny Rock Hill, SC, and we’ll give you a blue-ribbon support experience! We’re available at 704.234.6005 or by live chat. For 24/7 assistance, email us at

So Farmers, next time you’re in a pickle, romaine calm and lettuce help you out of a jam!

The Infinite Benefits of E-Filing with ExpressTruckTax

We know how to treat our E-filers right. And we’ve got thousands of happy, returning users to prove it. We’ve not only designed ExpressTruckTax to be a pleasant E-filing experience. We needed to go bigger than that.

That’s why the benefits of E-filing with ExpressTruckTax aren’t just in the moment– they extend

back into the past and far into the future. Ripples of E-filing goodness traveling through space-time in all directions!

We didn’t need a time machine (or Stephen Hawking’s brain) to do it, just our technical know-how and our passion for making your E-filing experience better than you ever dreamed possible.

When you make friends with ExpressTruckTax, here are some of the benefits you can expect.

Before You E-file:

We like our users so much, the benefits begin before you’ve even E-filed with us.

2290 Tax Calculator App: This free tablet app for iOS & Android Devices helps you figure out the HVUT owed, without filing! In less than 5 minutes and three easy steps, you’ll have an accurate picture of your yearly 2290 tax and a neat little email sent to you with all of the details for later. Now you can E-file with confidence, knowing there won’t be any costly last minute surprises.

Smart Upload: If your account is brand-spanking new, there’s a way to upload your business details and vehicles fast! With our bulk upload, you can import data from a CSV file directly into ExpressTruckTax, making your account set up a snap. Even if you manage hundreds or thousands of trucks, they can all be imported at once. There’s no faster way to start E-filing. We’ve got the stuff to help you gain traction fast!

While You’re E-filing:

The Support Heroes: Our support team is truly one-of-a-kind. They not only offer unparalleled USA-based support right from our hometown of Rock Hill, SC, they also do it in three languages: English, Spanish & Russian. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, these “heroes” prove their name to be true by offering support via phone, email, and chat right when you need it most. Most impressively, they do it all with a smile.

E-file Anywhere: We’re app crazy! In addition to our tax calculator app, our free ExpressTruckTax Form 2290 tablet app allows you to swiftly E-file anywhere. Whether you’re in a shop waiting for repairs or chowing down in a diner on your break, you can access our easy-to-use E-filing solution from your iOS or Android device. Our mobile site is also available for those with a smartphone handy. We know you’re always on the go; it only made sense for us to go with you!

Automatic Form 8849 Generation: Does the IRS owe you money? If so, our program will automatically generate the refund request for you. All you’ll have to do is review the info and securely send it. Then wait to get paid!

Convenient Payment Methods: We offer three ways to pay your taxes to the IRS. Although the IRS no longer accepts credit cards, you can still pay by Direct Debit (EFW), EFTPS through the government, or by check or money order. If you choose the latter, we’ll create a payment voucher to send with your check. We are firm believers in taking care of things for you, can’t you tell?

Instant Audit:
Before securely transmitting your return, our system will scan it for errors. Just one more fail-safe to ensure you E-file successfully!

Notifications: Sitting on pins and needles, waiting for the IRS to decide your fate, neither of these are fun. That’s why we make it quick and painless with 4 notification systems. Whether you choose email, text, or fax (or all of the above!) you’ll know the second your return has been processed by the IRS, and we’ll automatically email you your stamped Schedule 1 too. If you elect fax notifications, we’ll fax your return to anyone of your choosing: a driver, your carrier, home office, whatever you like! We can also send it via postal mail, in case printer availability is scarce.

After You E-file:

We won’t love you and leave you. That’s not our style. Once you’ve E-filed with us once, the benefits last long into the future.

Receive Stamped Schedule 1 Instantly: With a 98% approval rating with the IRS, our users typically receive their stamped Schedule 1 via email in 5 minutes. Combine that with the 10 minutes it took you to E-file, 15 minutes total is not too shabby. Good luck getting in & out of the local IRS office in that amount of time!

Free VIN Corrections!
If your return is rejected, or if you made an error, the Support Heroes will help you fix it asap, and in some cases, the retransmission to the IRS is free. Our heroes so dedicated, they’ll even scour your return line-by-line to find duplicate VIN numbers for you! If that isn’t heroic, what is!

Retrieve Vital Docs: Any return you’ve E-filed with ExpressTruckTax is available for viewing or download from the Dashboard in your account. So next time you’re at the DMV, and can’t seem to find your Schedule 1, you can panic just a little less!

Copy a Return:
If you’ve E-filed with us before, you can copy a previous year’s return to the current year. The fields will magically fill before your eyes, and you can still make alterations where necessary. Just one of the benefits that save you tons of time and typing!

Truck Zone: Returning users can also save time with our exclusive feature Truck Zone. Store hundreds or thousands of trucks, all in a single account, and access them quickly with our advanced search. Quickly filter through your trucks, select the ones you’d like to add to the return, and with one click, they’re uploaded. The VIN, gross weight, license plate number– all of those vital details– are stored in TruckZone forever, so you never need to type and re-type and re-type…You get the idea.

Past, present, future– The benefits of E-filing with ExpressTruckTax cannot be contained. You’ll enjoy these features and more for the best value on the market. Our filings start at just $9.90!

Call our Support Heroes today at 704.234.6005, and they’ll help you get started. They’re also available by online chat or 24/7 email assistance at

The Stamped Schedule 1: How to Retrieve It- Anywhere!

With the end of the year approaching fast, we’re entering the season for registration renewals. One of the documents you’ll need is the stamped Schedule 1. Do you know where yours is?

Your stamped Schedule 1 is the golden ticket to maintaining your authority. Your entire livelihood rests on a single, fragile, highly flammable & oh-so-easy to lose piece of paper–no pressure, right?!


Not if you use ExpressTruckTax. Whether you misplaced your precious paper or have no idea what it is in the first place, I’m about the break it down for you.

What Is the Stamped Schedule 1?

The stamped Schedule 1 serves as proof that you filed and paid your annual heavy vehicle use tax. The watermark, a faint symbol in the middle of the page, indicates that the return was submitted to & accepted by the IRS. If that watermark is missing, the Schedule 1 is not valid.

Why Do I Need It?

It’s always a good idea to have your current Schedule 1 handy. Just keep a copy in your glove box. For instance, Canadian truckers crossing the border into the USA are required to present their current stamped Schedule 1 before they’re allowed to enter.

The Schedule 1 is also needed for obtaining tags & registrations. When renewing your yearly IFTA license, IRP registration, etc, the current year’s stamped Schedule 1 is one of the supporting documents required for renewal.

Where Can I Find It?

Luckily, ExpressTruckTax makes it easy to receive your Stamped Schedule 1, anytime and anywhere. First, we automatically email it to you as soon as your return has been accepted by the IRS, which is typically within a few minutes. You can even receive it on weekends or holidays if you E-file with us and choose to pay your HVUT by check or money order!

We also offer additional options for receiving your stamped Schedule 1. When E-filing, you can choose to receive your 2290 with the Schedule 1 via postal mail or fax. And we’ll fax it to anyone of your choosing- automatically- even to your carrier to save you the trouble of doing it!

Retrieve Your Stamped Schedule 1- Anytime

But what if you accidentally delete that all-important email? Or, what if you need a hard copy, but you didn’t request the hard copy from us?

Good news–It’s never too late! You can login to your ExpressTruckTax account and access your 2290 and stamped Schedule 1 any time. It’s always available to view or download right from your Dashboard. And if you’re on the road, remember, we’re as portable as you are. Login from your smartphone with our mobile site or from your tablet with our free iOS and Android apps.

If you need a hard copy, but don’t have a printer, that’s no problem either! You can still elect to receive your return via postal mail or fax at any point after you E-file. To fax your Schedule 1, just login, select the appropriate return, and enter the fax number of your choosing.

To receive it via postal mail, simply call our Support Heroes at 704.234.6005. or shoot them an email at Let them know your situation, and they’ll get that Schedule 1 mailed to you in a heartbeat.

No matter where you’re truckin’, ExpressTruckTax makes it easy to retrieve your vital tax information, day & night, 365. Something that important shouldn’t be locked in a cabinet somewhere without a back-up.

We are your back up. Paper is unreliable, but you can always rely on us.

ExpressTruckTax is for Tax Professionals–Year Round!

Guess what, Tax Pro’s? WE’RE STILL HERE.

Like tax professionals, the ExpressTruckTax team does HVUT support year round. Just because the 2290 renewal deadline has passed, doesn’t mean it’s quittin’ time.

Other E-file providers out there think the tax season is over! Their part-time seasonal support is gone, and there’s no one there to assist you.

But that’s not how we roll. We know the tax season runs from July to June, so around here, our world-class support never quits. We even offer emergency email support on nights & weekends.

As a tax professional, you need seriously professional support. We offer you just that–and much more.

To enhance your support experience, we’ll assign you a personal Account Manager and their direct contact number. No automated systems, no talking to strangers.

As your personal Account Manager, one of our heroes will get to know you and your business & show you all of the short-cuts and discounts available to help trim your costs & save time.

In our continuous effort to assist tax professionals, we’ve built-in several exclusive, time-saving features that you won’t find anywhere else!

  • From a single login, manage unlimited businesses, E.I.N.’s and VIN numbers.
  • Don’t waste time typing! Bulk Upload businesses to your account in seconds from an Excel 

    file. When logged in to your account, simply select “Manage Business” under Business List on the top right of your Dashboard.

    On the next screen, select “Bulk Upload Businesses” under the Quick Links Section. Then follow the directions to upload your Excel file, and Voila, the name, address, E.I.N., and more will appear in your account instantly.

  • Upload hundreds or thousands of trucks at once, using our SmartUpload! Store the License plate #’s, VIN, gross weight, and everything else you need for unlimited vehicles within Truck Zone. Upload them all in seconds from an Excel file type.
  • Find the exact truck you’re looking for without delay. Use our Advanced Search to filter through Truck Zone and find the exact vehicle(s) you’d like to file for. Then click & add to the return, and you’re ready to rock!

In addition to these exclusive features, we’ve created several premier payment options just for CPA’s, all of which can be customized to fit your business’s needs.

Pay-As-You-Go Packages

-Pay each time you E-file for a client.
-Receive a special discounted rate for each filing.
-Speak with your account manager for details on your exclusive pricing.

Pre-paid Packages- for Optimum Savings & Flexibility

  • Bundled Product Package

-Pre-purchase E-filing credits at an exclusive, lower rate per filing.
-Save precious time with every filing by skipping the payment pages.
-Customize your package by selecting only credits for a single IRS form (like Form 8849) OR choose a variety of forms to get you through the tax year.
-For example, you may bundle 1,000 Form 2290’s for a single truck, 500 Form 2290’s for 2-24 trucks, 800 Form 2290 Amendments, 500 Form 8849 for credits, and even buy credits for unlimited E-filings for a particular E.I.N. for the duration of the tax year!
-When you “run out” of a form, re-load your account at any time for the same lower price.

  • Unlimited E-Filing Package
-Pre-purchase unlimited E-filings per E.I.N. for the tax year. Repeat for as many businesses as you need!
-Unlimited packages are the best option for clients with large fleets that are continuously buying/selling trucks throughout the tax year.
-Select which forms you’d like unlimited access to. For the most flexibility and savings, unlimited access to all of our forms is ideal!

ExpressTruckTax gives CPA’s the tools needed to E-file efficiently and while increasing profit.

Call our Support Heroes at 704.234.6005 and get connected with your own Personal Account manager today. You can also get in touch via live chat or email support at Let us cater to your needs and offer you the kind of perks you deserve.

You’ll see, we know how to treat CPA’s right.

Damage Control: Minimizing HVUT Late Penalties

This one is for all the late filers out there! You know who you are.

So you missed the Form 2290 deadline for vehicles first used in July, now what? Perhaps you forgot to mail your check on time? Well, you aren’t alone. Whether you’re an early bird or the latest late filer there is, the Support Heroes at ExpressTruckTax are still here for you!

The good news is, there’s always a second chance! HVUT can be filed at any point during the year, but the sooner you act, the better! The later your return or payment is, the higher the cost to you.

Let’s talk about what kinds of penalties you can expect and how to minimize the damage.

First, the IRS will send you a postal notification, explaining what penalties will be charged and how to pay them. The penalties will likely be one of the two below:

  • Late Filing Penalties: 4.5% of the total tax due will be added to your total each month that you remain un-filed past the deadline, for up to 5 months.
  • Late Payment Penalties: .5% of the total tax due will be assessed each month your payment is late, plus an additional interest charge of .54% per month.

Reporting false or fraudulent information to the IRS will also incur penalties as well, so be sure all information is correct!

Of course, there aren’t only federal penalties for these offenses. There are ramifications in each state as well. Many states will suspend your vehicle registration until a valid, stamped Schedule 1 is presented (a receipt for filing HVUT).

This all sounds daunting, so here’s some more good news! The penalties may not be charged if you can show reasonable cause for your late filing or late payment. So when you do send either, be sure to attach an explanation, and it may save you big bucks in penalties!

You know what they say, better late than never! And that certainly applies here. The sooner you get caught up with the IRS, the better.

E-file today. Schedule or Mail your payment today. And you’ll be much happier for it tomorrow!

Let our Support Heroes lend you a helping hand! Call them at 704.234.6005. You can also chat online or get 24/7 email support at They’re based in sunny Rock Hill, SC, and can assist in English, Spanish, and Russian! 

Ready. Set. E-file! 10 Last Minute E-filing Hacks

Today is the day, Trucking Nation…

All roads have lead to this fateful moment. We stand on the brink of the HVUT filing deadline, and there’s no going back! While the deadline may be September 2nd, the IRS website will be down for maintenance over this holiday weekend, and it will not reopen until deadline-day.

With their servers down at this critical time, there is a chance that the system will get backed up and that they will be unable to process all returns in time. But, there is a way to avoid this IRS traffic jam! To get your stamped Schedule 1 quickly, avoid late penalties, and have time to correct a rejected return, there’s only one


E-file today!

The success of Mission E-file by Friday rests in all of your hands! You’ve officially got 12 hours to complete the mission. Luckily, E-filing your Form 2290 will only take 10 minutes or less!

To get in, get E-filed, and get IRS approval, here are some last minute E-filing tips to maximize your efficiency and success!

1. Prepare yourself (& your Bank Account!): Using our new 2290 Tax Calculator app, available for iPad & Android tablets, you’ll be granted the power of seeing into the future! By entering your vehicles and their weights, the app will calculate how much tax you’ll owe, before you even file! And here’s the icing on the cake–after using the app, you’ll receive a Coupon Code for 10% off of your Form 2290 E-filing! The best value in the biz ($9.90 for a single truck!) just got even better!

2. Have all of your documents on hand. So you’ve used the Tax Calculator app, and you know what to expect. It’s time to get down & dirty and E-file. What do you need nearby?
  • Business name & address matching what the IRS has on file. If you’re unsure, quickly call them to verify 1-800-829-4933.
  • EIN: An Employer Identification Number registered with the IRS is required to file a return. The IRS no longer accepts Social Security Numbers in their place. If you don’t yet have an EIN you can register for one free through the IRS at or by calling 1-800-829-4933. Of course, if you don’t have time, our sister company Truck Services of North America can register your EIN for you- same day- relieving stress and saving your wallet from the pricey scams out there! 
  • VIN #’s: This 17 digit number is a unique code for each vehicle. If you’re new to ExpressTruckTax, you can Bulk Upload this information from a CSV or Excel file, even if it’s hundreds or thousands of trucks at once! This will shave precious minutes off of your filing time!
  • Gross Vehicle Weights: Selecting the appropriate weight category is critical for paying the right amount of tax. To determine your vehicle weight, add the unloaded weight of the truck with the empty weight of the trailer, plus the maximum load weight it customarily carries. And there you have it!
  • Payment Info: When E-filing, you’ll enter two forms of payment. While you can pay our E-filing fee with a credit card, the IRS does not accept them. You can elect to pay your truck taxes by Direct Debit, EFTPS through the government, or by Check or Money order. 
3. Select the correct First-Used Month– July! For all renewals, the first-used month is July, even if you’re filing in August or September. Only choose a later month if the vehicle is purchased later in the year. An incorrect first-used month will lead to an incorrect payment amount.

4. Indicate whether your trucks are used for Logging. The term “logging” only refers to those trucks used to haul trees, not logging of miles or fuel. Again, choosing incorrectly here will lead to an incorrect amount of tax-owed.

5. If you’re a returning user, select vehicles from Truck Zone OR Copy a previous year’s return! These are two massive time-saving features for our beloved returning guests! If you’d like to E-file for a select group of trucks, use our Advanced Search to locate them quickly, then simply click and add them to the return. No redundant data entry! Alternatively, you can copy a return from a previous year, while still making small changes if necessary. We’re not fans of unnecessary typing, who is?

6. Double-check your Info (while we check it too!). Before transmitting your return, you should always review your information to ensure it’s correct. And while you do it, we’ll do it with our Instant Audit feature! Thanks to this exclusive, our users have a 98% approval rate with the IRS!

7. Promptly mail your payment. After transmitting your return, the IRS expects prompt payment of your taxes. If you chose to pay by check or money order, mail your payment with the payment voucher (page 5 of your return) by the end of this week! If you E-file later in the year, the payment should be mailed at the end of the month following the first-used month.

8. Keep truckin’ with our Apps & mobile site! If you won’t have access to a computer today, you can still complete your E-filing mission! Using our new ExpressTruckTax tablet app for iPad & Android, you’ll experience the convenience of E-filing from any location. It’s free for download, and it’s just as easy as our site. And if you don’t have a tablet, E-file from your smartphone with our mobile site. We bring the E-filing to you, whenever or wherever you like!

9. Rejected Return? No problem. If your return is rejected for any reason, our Support Heroes will help you correct it! Then, you can retransmit it to the IRS for free!

10. Reach out to the Support Heroes! As quick and easy as our E-filing program is, we know that taxes can still be confusing. That’s why our Support Heroes are on stand-by, day & night!

Call us at 704.234.6005, strike up an online chat, or get 24/7 email support at Our talented team of truck tax pros can assist you in English, Spanish, & Russian. And we don’t believe in automated systems either. When you call us, you’ll always hear a happy helper on the other end!

With these 10 quick tips, you’ll be E-filed in no time, just before the buzzer! 

E-FILING 102: More Frequently Asked Questions for Filing Form 2290

We’re officially down to 4 days from the HVUT Form 2290 filing deadline. Since the IRS website will be undergoing maintenance this holiday weekend, it’s best to E-file by tomorrow!

So in the interest of everyone successfully completing Mission E-file by Friday, here are a few more questions & answers straight from our E-filing pro’s, the Support Heroes! Scan these quickly and then you’ll be ready to get E-filed in under 10 minutes.
  • Q: When is the last day to file my 2290?

A: The deadline for HVUT renewals is typically August 31st; however, due to the holiday weekend, the IRS has extended the deadline to the day after Labor Day, September 2nd. While Sept. 2nd is technically the last day you can file, it is certainly ill-advised.

Our mantra is “E-file by Friday!” Especially since the IRS website is down or maintenance from Sat. through Mon. To avoid late penalties and receive your stamped Schedule 1 quickly, E-file by Friday! (Tomorrow, guys!)

  • Q: Why is my tax not $550?
A: It’s true that the standard tax is $550 yearly for a heavy vehicle. However, there are several variables that determine the tax rate, such as the gross weight and use of the vehicle. If you’re used to paying $550, but you ended up with a different figure, double-check your info for these possible errors.

1. Did you select the correct first-used month? For all renewals, the first-used month is July, even if you’re filing in August or September. 

2. Did you select the correct gross vehicle weight?
3. Did you mark it as a “Logging Vehicle”? Only select this if your truck is used to haul trees.

  • Q: Can I copy a return from a previous year?
A: Yes! If you’ve E-filed with us before, you can select a previous year’s return to upload to the current year. You can also still make alterations to the return if any of your information has changed. Simply select “Start a New Return,” and you will be prompted to copy info from a previous return. This is just one of the multitude of ways our returning users benefit, year-after-year.

  • Q: Why can’t I transmit the return from my phone?
A: You can! As long as you’re using our ExpressTruckTax mobile site! While our regular website won’t work on your smartphone, we designed one that will! You’ll follow the same three-easy steps, just from the convenience of your phone.

  • Q: What is the 5 digit PIN & should I remember it?
A: The 5 digit PIN is an electronic signature for your return. Simply enter any 5 numbers, it doesn’t matter which! And no, you will not need to remember them again.

  • Q: Can you enter information or make changes for me?
A: For legal reasons, our Support Heroes can never login to your account, make corrections, or complete a return for you. As a third-party E-file provider, it’s simply not allowed. However, we understand that this sort of luxury service is a real need, so that’s why we work with the rockstars at Truck Services of North America!

They’re our sister company, and they can legally prepare and file your Form 2290 for you based on the information you provide them. All it takes is one 5 minute phone call to gather your info, and they guarantee same-day filing! Now that’s service! Give them a call at 803.386.0320. Just like ExpressTruckTax, you’ll never get trapped in an automated system. There’s nothing but real, happy experts on the other end!

Still have more questions? Check out our previous FAQ blog: E-FILING 101!

And you can always count on the Support Heroes to take good care of you! Give them a call at 704.234.6005 and have all of your tax questions answered in record time! They’re also available via live chat online or 24/7 email support at

Tips for a Cozier Cab

You’ve made it to #ThursdayFunDay, Trucking Nation! The weekend is nearly here. (I can hear my bed calling my name!) As tempting as it may be, let’s not fritter the time away, lounging and watching TV.

Come Saturday, put on your Weekend Warrior hat and spend a little time sprucing up your living space, the cab and sleeper of your truck!

Your truck is your home away from home. With your seemingly endless hours of work, it’s crucial that you get some R&R and spend your downtime somewhere fit for royalty!

So get ready for an extreme makeover—Trucker Edition!—with these 4 tips for a Cozier Cab.

  • 1. Curtains: Most trucks already have a curtain dividing the cab from the sleeper. But why cut your living space in half! By placing curtains around your cab windows and dash, you’ll have double the room to live and still maintain your privacy! As a bonus, if you use blackout curtains, you’ll sleep like a baby without all of that ambient light leaking through!

    I know what you’re thinking, “But how do I hang them?” With just velcro and fabric, you’ve got some inexpensive curtains that are easy to put up and take down at your leisure. Now you can roam around the cab without fear of others seeing your ninja turtles PJ’s. (Which I think are totally cool, by the way.)

  • 2. Throw Rug: This is both decorative and functional. A nice, soft little rug will not only make your feet feel at home, but it’s easier to clean too! A bathroom rug should fit perfectly. If crumbs start to collect, simply take the rug outside and shake it out! If you spill something ooey or gooey, cleaning your little throw rug will be much easier than trying to scrub the floor of the cab. Just hose it off! Plus it’s disposable if the spill is just too catastrophic to clean. 
  • 3. Mattress Topper: Truckers need to make the most of the few, precious hours of sleep they get between shifts. But the sleeper beds may not always be the comfiest place to catch zzz’s. For a quick, inexpensive fix, lay down a memory foam mattress topper. Those few inches of cushion can make a world of difference for your back! They also sell memory foam pillows, if you’re feeling extra fancy. Bonus points for tossing a few colorful throw pillows on top. 
  • 4. Keep it Spick & Span: Cleaning may not be your idea of “fun” (unless you’re Monica from Friends). But just a couple minutes can make a huge difference because thankfully, your space isn’t that big. When our living spaces are clean and organized, it gives us mental clarity and a positive mood boost. Conversely, a cluttered, junk-filled space can drag us down. No one wants to open the cab door and have an avalanche of fast food containers tumbling out! In addition to stashing a small trash can somewhere, invest in a hand-held vacuum. It’s just the right size for you space and takes 2 minutes to run around. 

These 4 tips are just the jumping off point! There are infinite ways to customize your cab and make it feel like home sweet home. So how do you make your cab cozy: pics, fans, flat screens, string lights? The ExpressTruckTax Team is dying to know….