Category: HVUT

Everything You’ve Ever Wondered about the Stamped Schedule 1

The IRS E-filing watermark.

So small, so faint– and yet– it makes all the difference. Without this watermark stamp on your Schedule 1, that piece of paper loses all of its power.

And it is powerful. You see, the stamped Schedule 1 is your proof that you filed and paid your annual heavy vehicle use tax for all of the vehicles listed on the schedule.

Without that proof, you cannot renew your tags at the DMV, or renew your registration for IFTA, IRP or UCR, and of course, you have no proof that you paid your taxes either, which will certainly cause trouble if you are ever audited.

Moreover, it’s always a good idea to carry a copy in your glovebox, especially if you traverse international borders (i.e. to Canada and back). Border patrol will check that you have a current stamped Schedule 1 before allowing you back in the United States.

Thank goodness ExpressTruckTax makes it easy to retrieve a Schedule 1 for any return E-filed with us. Whenever you need it, and wherever you are. And every time you E-file a new Form 2290, you’ll receive your new stamped Schedule 1 via email immediately after the IRS accepts your return.

  • Pro Tip: To receive your stamped Schedule 1 on a night, weekend, or holiday, simply elect to pay your HVUT via check or money order. The IRS will then accept your return and send you the stamped copy right away even though the payment has not been received. 

The Elusive E-filing Watermark

So here’s the first, most important thing to note when receiving a Schedule 1: does it have the IRS E-filing watermark? The watermark will be very faintly stamped in the middle of your Schedule 1, and beneath it you’ll see the date the IRS accepted your return.

Without this stamp, the return is not valid.

Here’s a sample of what a stamped Schedule 1 should look like. Of course, yours will have your business information and VIN #’s on it too.

Ways to Get Your New Stamped Schedule 1

  • We will automatically email the stamped Schedule 1 to you upon acceptance, but if you’d like a paper copy, we can arrange that as well. We offer postal mail delivery of your Form 2290 with the stamped Schedule 1. Just be sure to indicate you’d like postal delivery on the payment page.
  • You can also choose to fax the Schedule 1 to as many numbers as you’d like. This way, you can fax one to yourself, one to your carrier, and so on. 

Retrieving a Stamped Schedule 1

  • Uh oh! You lost your stamped Schedule 1? No biggie. You can login to your ExpressTruckTax account at any time and view, download, or print a Form 2290 and stamped Schedule 1 right from the Dashboard. For free!
  • Already submitted your return, but you’d like to fax your Schedule 1? That’s also possible, and free! Just head to your Dashboard, and enter as many fax numbers as you need.

I don’t know about you, but all of this sounds a lot better than paper-filing your return and waiting weeks to receive your new Stamped Schedule 1 in the mail! And then what happens when you spill coffee on it? Well, I guess you’ll just have to cry yourself to sleep.

So what are you waiting for? Those returns aren’t going to E-file themselves! Get started now, and if you have questions, just shout out to our Support Team. They’re available via phone at 704.234.6005. You can also send them a message through online chat, or get 24/7 email support at

E-Filing HVUT for Tax Professionals: A Guide

Hello again, Tax Pro’s of the Trucking Nation! We’re back again with a blog just for you. Last time we covered Creating a Tax Professional Account with ExpressTruckTax, step-by-step.

Not only is it free to set-up, but it’s fast and easy too. With Bulk Upload options for businesses, as well as trucks, you’ll be ready to hit the ground E-filing in just minutes.

Which is the topic for today! We’ll walkthrough the E-filing process for third party designees (that’s you).

You’ll notice again that every step of the way, we’ve incorporated shortcuts to make the E-filing process quick and painless.

Step 1: Select First-Used Month

From the dropdown menu, choose the month in which the vehicle was purchased or first put in use. If you’re E-filing for a previous year, indicate this by checking the appropriate tax year.

Step 2: Add Taxable Vehicles

You have three options here for adding vehicles to the return. The first option is manual entry. Click
+Add Taxable Vehicle and enter the vehicle’s VIN and gross weight. Option 2, use our Bulk Upload button to import hundreds or thousands of vehicles at once.

Or the third option is selecting vehicles from Truck Zone. This option only works if you previously imported your client’s vehicles. If you have, then they’ll be saved in Truck Zone. Just check the box next to the ones you’d like to E-file for, and they’ll be magically added to the return.

At this stage, you also have the opportunity to add Suspended Vehicles (those that travel fewer than 5,000 miles during the tax year or 7,500 miles for agricultural vehicles), as well as Prior Year Suspended and Sold/Lost/Destroyed vehicles. The process for adding these vehicles is the same as above.

Step 3: IRS Payment

Believe it or not, the hard part is over! (I know what you’re thinking: What hard part?!)

On this screen, enter your client’s payment information. Your client can pay the IRS taxes via EFW (Direct Debit), EFTPS, or by Check or Money Order.

If they choose to pay by check or money order, our system will automatically generate the payment voucher that the IRS requires with the payment. Another way we save you and your business precious seconds.

Step 4: Review & Instant Audit

It’s time to review your information one last time before securely transmitting it to the IRS. Check over each field, and then click the green “Review” button at the bottom of the page. Our system will then perform our signature Instant Audit to scan the return for errors.

Once you’ve got the green light, you’re almost done.

Step 5: Pay our Fee & Add Notifications for Clients

Time to enter your credit card details to pay our E-filing fee. But there’s a shortcut here too! If you get set-up on one of our payment plans for Tax Professionals, you’ll not only have access to discounted pricing, you’ll also be able to skip this payment screen, saving you time each time you E-file.

To learn more about our Price Packages, check out this blog or call one of our Account Managers at 704.234.6005.

Another time saving feature that’s–available you can elect to add text, fax, or postal mail notifications on the status of the return. Rather than call or email your clients to let them know you’ve filed, just enter their fax number, and we’ll fax them a copy of the return and stamped Schedule 1 the second the return is accepted.

Step 6: Form 8453-EX (Optional)

Last, but not least, the Form 8453-EX. This step is optional. If you previously entered a current Form

2848 for this client (Power of Attorney), then you will skip this step.

If you don’t have Power of Attorney on file with the IRS, then you can quickly get authorization to file for each client by completing Form 8453-EX instead. If you’re unfamiliar with this form, check out this video.

As yet another time-saving feature, our system will automatically generate a completed 8453 for you. To complete the authorization process:
  • 1. Review the 8453 PDF to ensure the info we entered is correct. 
  • 2. Download, email, or fax the form to your client.
  • 3. Once your client has signed and returned the form to you, upload it into our system.

Now you’re ready to press the big, green TRANSMIT button and bask in your victory. Ah, the smell of success. Or is that coffee? I can’t tell anymore.

In just a few moments, you’ll receive an email with the client’s stamped Schedule 1, as well as any other notifications you added for you or your client.

5 steps in 5 minutes or less. Are you ready to start E-filing? Don’t forget to set-up a discounted price package first to reap the benefits of CPA savings. Contact your personal account manager for details.

Don’t have an account manager yet? Call 704.234.6005 or email to get connected today.

Make the Switch: 10 Reasons to Ditch Paper Filing

It’s the dawn of a New Year, Trucking Nation! This new beginning is the perfect time to start fresh and commit to news ways of making 2015 the best year yet. 

How many resolutions did you make? Now ask yourself this: how many have you already broken? It’s easy to get discouraged when we trip up, but to keep yourself motivated, it’s important to set some goals that are easily attainable.

Here’s one improvement you can make, and it’s super easy too! Have you Made the Switch yet?

I mean, have you ditched dirty old paper filing and started E-filing your truck taxes? Whether you have one vehicle or hundreds to file for, ExpressTruckTax is hands down the fastest, most affordable way to E-file Form 2290 (or 2290 Amendments & Form 8849 for credits).

You’ll not only save time this year when you file, but every single year after that. In fact, the benefits of E-filing over paper filing are nearly endless. But to narrow it down, here are the Top 10 reasons to cut out paper filing and start E-filing, baby!

Top 10 Reasons to Make the Switch

  • 1. No lines: In fact, there’s no waiting. Period. Just instant gratification!

    Why wait in line at the IRS office when you can E-file from the comfort of your cab, in a coffee shop, or just about anywhere else you can get an internet connection?

    And don’t forget the time and gas you spend driving to the office. In fact, we have customers who since making the switch no longer have to set aside an entire day to drive hundreds of miles to the nearest IRS office! Score.

  • 2. More Secure: Far too often, you’ll see headlines about truckers being scammed on taxes, insurance, or any number of things.

    Luckily with ExpressTruckTax, you can E-file with confidence. As an IRS-certified E-file provider with several other industry-leading E-filing products on the market, you can rest assured that your information is safe. It travels from our encrypted site straight to the IRS servers. Don’t take my word for it–Just ask any one of the hundreds of thousands who’ve E-filed with us.

  • 3. Zero Calculations: Perhaps my favorite reason to E-file, no math required! As someone that avoids unnecessary math like the plague, I love that ExpressTruckTax does all of the calculations for me, no calculator needed!

    Not only does our program calculate the amount of HVUT due per vehicle, but it will also prorate reimbursements or tax owed for new vehicles acquired during the tax year. What’s the alternative? Breaking out a partial period tax table and figuring it out yourself?! PASS. I’ll stick with E-filing, thank you very much!

  • 4. Fewer Errors: It’s a fact. E-filed returns have fewer errors than paper-filed ones! It’s not just because we do the calculations for you, it’s also because we check your return with our Instant Audit before you submit it.

    If there’s an error, chances are our system will catch it for you. Maybe that’s why 98% of returns E-filed with us are accepted by the IRS instantly. Not to brag or anything.

  • 5. No Snail Mail: Not that we have anything against postal workers, it’s just that the Internet is faster. When you E-file, you’ll know in minutes whether or not your return was accepted by the IRS.

    Personally, I prefer that sense of security as opposed to sending my sensitive information out into the void, not to get a response for weeks. Which leads me to my next point, your return is accepted right away, which means you also…

  • 6. Receive Your Stamped Schedule 1 Immediately: Most users have their stamped Schedule 1 within 10 minutes of transmitting their returns. Even better, the second the IRS has stamped it, we’ll email you a copy.

    You can also elect to have us mail you a copy if you don’t have a printer, or you can even fax it to your carrier–or any other number of your choosing!

  • 7. Eco-Friendly: No driving, no postal mail, no paper! What could be more eco-friendly than that? The carbon footprint is nearly non-existent. Mother Earth will thank you.
  • 8. Free Support–All Day, Every Day: Maybe the best reason to E-file with us. You get free, 24/7, 365 access to our Support Heroes. When you have a question or crisis, you can count on them to be there to help.

    And unlike some companies that hire seasonal help, our support heroes are full-time support beasts! Offering truck tax support is all they do, all year. They know truck tax, they know the industry. Who else would you want answering your questions?

  • 9. Save Time Filing, Year After Year: If you only file truck taxes once a year, you may think saving time filing only once isn’t too big of a deal. But with ExpressTruckTax, you’ll save time every time you E-file. In fact, the more you E-file with us, the more time you save!

    Returning users have two ways of saving time. By using Truck Zone, you can quickly search for and add vehicles to your return without having to re-enter VIN, gross weight, etc. Or for the ultimate time-saving experience, you can copy a previous year’s return. This will auto-complete all fields, but still allow you to edit the return if any details have changed. Whichever method you choose, you can E-file in 5 minutes or less. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

  • 10. Organized & Accessible Tax Records: If the IRS comes knockin’, you won’t have to shake in your boots. With ExpressTruckTax, you have access to all returns and Schedule 1’s filed with us from the Dashboard of your account. You can view, download, or email this information whenever you need it. No worries about your tax information getting lost, destroyed, or crumpled up in a drawer. 

Still not convinced? A picture is worth a thousand words, so here’s a before and after of Sir Charles. E-filing suits him, as it does you.

For these reasons and many more, it’s time to Make the Switch. Start your New Year on the right foot, and resolve to do something better for you, for your business, and for the environment.

Ready to set up an account? The process is free and easy, just check out this step-by-step guide. Or call our Support Heroes, and they’ll walk you through it. Ring them at 704.234.6005, strike up a live online chat, or email them 24/7 at

~Happy New Year!~

Am I Required to File HVUT? Form 2290 Exempt Vehicles

Am I required to file a Form 2290?

A simple “yes” or “no” answer would be nice, right?

But when dealing with the IRS, you know it can’t possibly be that simple. Reading (more like decoding) the IRS requirements for filing heavy vehicle use tax can be a massive chore– and quite frankly, how can you have your head in the game when your brain is still stuck in holiday mode? 
IRS guidelines and leftover sugar cookies just don’t go together.

So put the down IRS Form 2290 instructions, and back away slowly. Go get a cup of hot cocoa instead, and read this blog for the answers!

Let’s break it down in layman’s terms. In general, the IRS requires these vehicles to file Form 2290 annually:

  • Vehicles that are self-propelled and designed to carry loads on public highways(among other functions)
  • weighing 55,000 pounds or more and
  • that travel at least 5,000 miles on public highways during the tax year (7,500 miles for agricultural vehicles).
Trucks, truck tractors, and buses can all fall under this category. But what if you have a heavy vehicle that was built for another purpose?

Certain vehicles, regardless of their weight or travel on public highways, are not considered “taxable highway vehicles,” and therefore, they are not required to file.

Here are three types of vehicles not required to file HVUT:

  • 1. The vehicle is used solely to transport machinery.
    If the machinery is permanently mounted to the chassis and this machinery makes it impossible to carry loads, then the vehicle is not required to file.
    b. Examples include vehicles with construction, manufacturing, drilling, mining, lumbering, and farming equipment permanently attached to the chassis. 
  • 2. The vehicle was not designed for highway use.
    Although this type of exempt vehicle may be used to transport loads, it cannot travel on public highways due to speed restrictions or other safety restrictions placed on that vehicle type by the manufacturer. 
  • 3. The vehicle was designed as a shelter.
    This includes trailers or semi-trailers that function as stationary shelters on off-highway sites.
    b. For example, a trailer that functions solely as a mobile office is not considered a taxable highway vehicle.
Does your vehicle fit into one of these three categories? If so, then congratulations! You won’t need to file heavy vehicle use tax!

If you’re unsure of the status of your heavy vehicle, call our support heroes. They’ll help you determine whether you need to E-File Form 2290, and if you do, they’ll walk you through the process!

Call them at 704.234.6005 or email them for 24/7 assistance at One of our bi-lingual, ultra-talented, and patient support pro’s is ready to answer your questions and put your mind at ease.

Curious about Taxable Vehicles?

  • Check out the special requirements for Logging Vehicles and Agricultural Vehicles.

Last Call for E-Filers: IRS Scheduled Maintenance Starts Friday 12/26

We’ve got breaking news, Trucking Nation, straight from the IRS!
At the end of each year, the IRS typically shuts down the MEF (Modernized E-file System) for maintenance. This is the online system through which we submit all IRS Forms filed through ExpressTruckTax.

Well they’ve just confirmed that as of this Friday, December 26th at 1:30 pm the IRS MEF will in fact be blacked out for maintenance and is scheduled to reopen around January 9, 2015.

So, most importantly, how does this affect you and any return you attempt to E-file?

  • If you use ExpressTruckTax, you will still be able to E-file and submit a return. Our system will hold the return and submit it the second the MEF reopens on the 9th.
  • During this maintenance, you will not able to receive confirmation of your submission from the IRS, nor will you receive a stamped Schedule 1 for the return until after the system reopens.
  • If your first-used month is November 2014, then you must submit your return by 1:30 this Friday to be considered on time.

    Although the due date is technically December 31st for those whose first-used month is November, the IRS will not be time-stamping returns submitted during the blackout, and therefore, your submission will only be considered on-time if it’s submitted prior to the maintenance. 

If for any reason you need your return time-stamped before January 9th, or if you need your stamped Schedule 1 before then, then it’s time to start E-filing!

Just be sure to submit your return before Friday afternoon, and you’ll be in good shape!

If you have questions or need any help getting your HVUT E-filed this week, then you’re in luck! We offer 24/7 USA-based support in three languages! Even on Christmas day, we will still be offering emergency email support at

Based in the small town of Rock Hill, SC, you’re always guaranteed service with a smile, plenty of industry expertise, and of course, a dash of charm! Call us to get started E-filing now at 704.234.6005 or fire us a message on live chat!

Need to E-File Fast?

Check out these 10 Last Minute E-filing Hacks to get it done lightening fast!

Form 2290 Taxable Vehicles: What is an Agricultural Vehicle?

If our Support Heroes had a nickel for every time they heard this question, they’d all be flying private jets right now!

And that question is: Can I file my vehicle as an agricultural vehicle?

Depending on your vehicle type and how you use it, the tax rates and filing requirements vary. This is just one reason why it’s so important to categorize your taxable vehicle correctly when filing your HVUT Form 2290.

We recently discussed the different requirements for logging vehicles, which are vehicles used solely for the transport of forested materials. Logging vehicles are taxed at a lower rate than typical heavy vehicles, so if you drive a logging truck, be sure the check “used for logging” to be taxed at the lower rate!

Another type of taxable vehicle with special requirements is the agricultural vehicle.

Agricultural Vehicles & Higher Mileage Limits

Vehicles typically required to file HVUT are those with a taxable gross weight over 55,000 lbs and that travel over 5,000 miles on public highways throughout the tax period.

BUT to give farmers a break, the IRS made the requirements a bit more lenient for vehicles used in agriculture. Agricultural vehicles, regardless of their weight, are allowed to drive up to 7,500 miles on public highways each year before having to pay any tax at all!

Just to clarify, this does not mean that you don’t have to file HVUT at all. If your gross vehicle weight is over 55,000 pounds, you must still file HVUT and receive a stamped Schedule 1. However, if your agricultural vehicle will drive fewer than 7,500 miles throughout the tax year, you will owe zero tax when you file! This is known as filing a Category W or a Suspended/Low Mileage Vehicle.

Does My Vehicle Qualify as an Agricultural Vehicle?

To ensure that your vehicle qualifies as an “agricultural” vehicle according to IRS standards, here are the two requirements your vehicle must meet:

  • 1. The vehicle is used primarily for farming purposes throughout the tax year. But what does the IRS consider “primarily for farming purposes”? It’s actually quite simple. More than half of the vehicle’s total mileage for the year must be used for farming purposes.

    And a farming purpose, according to the IRS, is any activity that contributes to the conduct of a farm. This can include activities such as transporting goods to and from a farm (goods like livestock, produce, animal feed, fertilizer, etc), direct use in agricultural production, or just performing work around the farm like repairing fences, building irrigation ditches, clearing land, etc. 

  • 2. The vehicle is registered as an agricultural vehicle in your state. Although your vehicle must be registered as such, no special license plates or tags marked “agriculture” are required to maintain your status as an agricultural vehicle.

If your vehicle meets both of these requirements above, then you can file as an agricultural vehicle with a higher mileage limit! Woo hoo!

To file as a suspended agriculture vehicle, skip the first “Taxable Vehicle” section of the 2290, and instead enter your vehicle’s information under the “Low Mileage/Suspended Vehicle” section. And be sure you check the box “Used for Agriculture.”

Exceeding the Mileage Limit

Occasionally, agriculture vehicles will be filed as Suspended (Category W) at the beginning of the tax period, but then exceed the 7,500 mile limit during the year.

If your vehicle goes over, you must file a Form 2290 Amendment for a Mileage Increase. The amendment is due by the end of the month following the month in which you exceeded the limit. This means that if you went over 7,500 in January, then the amendment must be filed by the last day of February.

When filing the mileage increase amendment, the IRS will prorate your HVUT for the remaining months of the tax year (which runs from July 1st to June 30th each year). This means that even though you will owe some tax, it will not be the full amount you would’ve owed if you had filed as a non-suspended vehicle initially. Hooray, for lower tax!

Year-Round Support for Farmers!

If anyone deserves a break, it’s farmers! That’s why we’re always here to assist you 24/7, 365. At this time of year, we’re getting plenty of calls from farmers trying to renew their tags, but suddenly realizing they need a stamped Schedule 1 to do so! Luckily, they’ve come to the right place!

E-filing with ExpressTruckTax is the fastest and easiest way to receive your stamped Schedule 1. You can even get it after business hours or on the weekend! (If you elect to pay the IRS by check or money order.)

If you have questions about E-filing your Form 2290 with a Suspended Vehicle or questions about E-filing a Form 2290 Amendment for exceeding the mileage limit, call our Support Heroes! They’re available at 704.234.6005 or for 24/7 assistance, email

Form 2290 Taxable Vehicles: What is a Logging Vehicle?

What is considered a logging vehicle?

It’s a question our Support Heroes get quite often. That’s because when filing your IRS Form 2290, you will be asked to indicate whether any of your taxable vehicles are used for logging.

Some confuse the term “logging vehicle” with any vehicle that tracks (logs) mileage or fuel. For the purposes of Form 2290, however, logging vehicle refers only to vehicles used to haul…well…logs!– as in wood or other products from the forest.

How you answer this question is important because logging vehicles are taxed at reduced rates.

To ensure you’re paying the correct tax, check if your logging vehicle fits the IRS criteria below:

  • 1. The vehicle is used exclusively to transport materials harvested from a forested site, OR the vehicle is used exclusively to transport harvested materials from one forested site to another forested site. If your vehicle runs between forested sites, it can use public highways in between those sites and still be considered a logging vehicle. 
  • 2. The vehicle is registered in your base state (or any other states in which it is required to be registered) as a highway motor vehicle used exclusively for the transport of harvested materials from a forested site. Although the truck must be registered as a “logging vehicle” in your state, no special tag or license plate is required to identify the vehicle as a logging vehicle.

So the vehicle must be registered as a logging vehicle, and it must be used to transport harvested forest materials only– but what does the IRS consider “harvested material”?

According to IRS guidelines, harvested products can include any raw timber taken from a forest, OR any timber that has been processed on the forested site for commercial processes, meaning the timber has already been sawed into lumber, chipped, or milled in some way.

If your vehicle fits these guidelines, then be sure to check the box “Used for Logging” when completing your Form 2290 to reap the rewards of a lower tax rate!

If you have questions about the status of your taxable vehicle, ask our Support Heroes! They know all of the IRS guidelines for logging, agriculture, exempt, suspended vehicles, and more! They provide truck tax support 24/7, 365, so you can always trust them to steer you in the right direction! 

Call them now at our headquarters in Rock Hill, SC, at 704.234.6005 or email them at for ‘round the clock assistance.

Have a taxable vehicle used for agriculture?

  • Check out the IRS requirements for filing Form 2290 with an Agricultural Vehicle!

Creating an ExpressTruckTax Account: A Quick Guide for New Users

A new year is coming! Why not start it out right by E-filing your HVUT and IFTA with the easiest-to-use, most affordable E-filing program in the biz!
ExpressTruckTax is the fastest and most secure way to E-file for several truck taxes, including IRS Form 2290, 2290 Amendments, and Form 8849 for credits. If you’ve been paper filing, don’t be scared about the transition! It only takes a few minutes to set-up your account, and you’ll hit the ground running immediately. 

Becoming an ExpressTruckTax user is definitely a New Years’ Resolution that’ll be easy to keep. And I can guarantee, you won’t miss that messy paper filing!

What you’ll need to get started E-filing:

  • A computer, tablet, or smartphone with an internet connection (no paper or calculators required!)
  • Business name & address
  • EIN
  • VIN
  • Gross Vehicle Weight

Once you’ve gathered your documents, you’re ready to roll. Just head over to the New User section and create your free account in just minutes.

Step 1: Create an Account

  • Enter your name, phone number, email address, and a password of your choosing. Then choose whether you’d like to see the site in English or Spanish. 
  • OR to make account creation even faster, simply choose to login with your Facebook or Google + account. Just click on the icon at the top of the login page, then choose to allow ExpressTruckTax to have access to your account.
  • After successfully creating a login, you’ll be prompted to watch a quick orientation video. (Or you can skip it, up to you.) Just click the green “Begin” button to embark on your E-filing journey.

Step 2: Enter Business Details

  • Choose your business type from the dropdown menu. Select from LLC, corporation, sole proprietorship, etc.
  • Enter your legal business name exactly as the IRS has it on record. The business name must match the EIN record; otherwise, your return will be rejected.
  • Next enter your DBA (Doing Business As) name. Only enter if it’s different from the legal name registered with the IRS.
  • Here’s the big one. The EIN. The Employer Identification Number is required by the IRS for filing excise taxes. If you have a new EIN, it’s imperative that you wait at least 10 business days from the date it was issued. It takes the IRS a little while to register your new EIN in the E-filing system. Before that happens, your return may be rejected for an unrecognizable EIN.

    If you don’t have an EIN, please note that the IRS no longer accepts Social Security Numbers in their place. To register for your EIN, simply use the IRS website or call the IRS hotline at 1.800.829.4933. Or call our friends at Truck Services of North America and enjoy the luxury of having someone file for you! Just call 803.386.0320 or email them at, and they’ll take it from there.

  • All that’s left is to enter the business address and the information of the signing authority. The signing authority is the name of the person filing for your business. Whether it’s your CEO, bookkeeper, spouse, or a CPA, you must enter the individual’s name and title here.

Finished! Your account is fully locked & loaded, and you’re ready to start E-Filing! That process is easy too. You’ll just need to enter the VIN and gross vehicle weight for each vehicle (or use the Bulk Upload option to import all of your vehicle info from an Excel file).

Once you E-file, there’s no going back to paper-filing. After all, nothing beats experiencing the convenience of E-filing anywhere and any time, and the benefit of getting your stamped Schedule 1 emailed to you within minutes. No snail mail! You’ll be hooked for life, but at least it’s a healthy addiction!

If you need help setting up your account, we’ve got a whole team of dedicated E-filing experts ready to assist you. Our support heroes are available 24/7 from our headquarters in Rock Hill, SC. Call them at 704.234.6005 or email them at

Get Your Money Back Part 2: How to E-File Form 2290 with a Credit Vehicle

We’re back, Trucking Nation, with Part 2 of our guide to getting your money back!

‘Tis the season where truckers are trading in their old rides and upgrading to a new model. But how does this affect your HVUT?

Well if you have a new vehicle, and your previous vehicle (the one you already paid HVUT for) was sold, lost, or destroyed, you can “transfer” the HVUT over to the new vehicle, in many cases without losing any money!

To recap a few highlights of our last blog, here are a few quick tips for E-filing a credit vehicle:

  • When E-filing a credit vehicle, the IRS will prorate the credit for the old vehicle based on the first used month of the new vehicle. So it’s best to avoid any overlap in dates, or you’ll owe more tax.
  • To avoid extra tax, do the transfer as close to the end of the month as possible. If you sell the old vehicle on the 1st of the month, the IRS will still charge you a prorated fee for that entire month, even if it’s only in use for one day. This is because the IRS prorates on a monthly basis, not daily.
  • There is a deadline. The new 2290 must be filed by the last day of the month following the month in which the transfer occurred. So if I traded in my truck today, November 20th, then my new 2290 must be E-filed by December 31st, 2014.
  • If you’re not sure whether you need to file a 2290 with a credit vehicle or a Form 8849 for a refund (yes, there’s a difference!), check out Part 1 of this blog for an easy-to-read infographic that will help you figure it out. Or you can also call our Support Heroes, and they’ll gladly tell you!

The transfer process is easy: simply E-File a Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax, and add a credit vehicle to your return.

Gather ‘round, and I’ll show you how to do it in three simple steps!

Step 1: First-Used Month

Create an ExpressTruckTax account. Simply enter your name and business information, including the EIN. If you’re a returning user, just login and skip this step!

To get the ball rolling, you’ll now click “Start a New Return,” and select “Form 2290. Then enter the first used month and year of the NEW VEHICLE. Just select the month in which you purchased the vehicle.

Step 2: Taxable Vehicle

Now to add the Taxable Vehicle info. Again, this is information about the new one. Click “New,” and enter the vehicle’s VIN, Unit #, Taxable Gross Weight, and check whether or not the vehicle is used for logging. Hit save, and continue.

You’ll end up skipping the next few screens for suspended and prior year suspended vehicles, and head straight to the good part- the part where you get money credited!

Step 3: Credit Vehicle

Now for the icing on the cake! Click +Add a Credit Vehicle, and in the pop-up window, enter the information of the vehicle that was sold (or traded in), lost, or destroyed.

First enter the VIN, followed by the first used month when you initially paid the taxes on the vehicle. Next add the gross vehicle weight, and check whether it was used for logging.

To speed up the process, returning users can auto-fill the above fields by just typing in the first few characters of the VIN, and then our system will take it from there and input the vehicle you’re looking for!

If you’re a large company filing for dozens, or even hundreds of credit vehicles, use our Bulk Upload option to get the old trucks’ information in our system, and then start typing in VIN’s and watch the auto-fill magic happen.

No matter how you input the Credit Vehicle info, there’s one last step. Indicate the “Loss Event” for vehicle(s). Simply select the reason from the drop down menu, i.e. sold, destroyed, or stolen, and then use the handy calendar next to this field to select the date on which the loss event occurred. Then save and head to the next screen. You’re pretty much done!

You Did It- Without Any Complicated Calculations!

The 2290 fields are now finished. All that’s left is entering your payment–you can choose to pay any tax owed to the IRS by Direct Debit, EFTPS, or Check or Money order. Then review your information for errors. Our system will also perform our signature Instant Audit to check for mistakes and ensure acceptance.

It’s also important to note that you’ll see the total tax you owe the IRS, and rejoice that you didn’t have to use a Partial Period Tax table to figure out the difference yourself! Our system does it for you. Now that’s something to be thankful for!

And you’re done! Securely transfer this new 2290 to the IRS, and receive your new stamped Schedule 1 in just minutes!

We’ll automatically email you the new Schedule 1 as soon as the IRS processes your return; however, you can also choose to receive notifications on the status of your return and payment via text message, fax, or postal mail! Hooray for convenience!

If you’re still not sure what forms you need to file, or if you’re a first time user and want to get started, call our Support Heroes at 704.234.6005 or send them a message via live chat. For 24/7 assistance, email at

There are lots of perks to upgrading your ride, and avoiding extra HVUT taxes with these tips from ExpressTruckTax is just one of those perks. Now get E-filing and get that credit money!

EIN: Obtaining an Employer Identification Number- Safely!

The transportation industry is swarming with long and confusing acronyms. IFTA, HVUT, IRP, UCR, MC, FMCSA, NY HUT, KYU, and the list goes on.. and on… and on.

One of these pesky three-letter acronyms is E.I.N. You’ve probably heard it bandied about before, but do you have any idea what it is?

The Employer Identification Number, also called the Federal Tax Identification Number, is required for filing many taxes and registrations, including Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. As such, registering for your E.I.N. is one of the first and most important steps for obtaining your own operating authority.

Here’s the bad news. There’s a slew of scams out there, charging outrageous fees for obtaining an E.I.N. But filing for an E.I.N. yourself is completely free. Crazy!

Let’s get educated on the subject together so you can better protect yourself from the scams lurking on the interwebs!

What is an E.I.N.?

The Employer Identification Number is used by the Internal Revenue Service to identify your business. It is a unique 9-digit number used to file heavy vehicle use tax, or any other tax through the IRS. The EIN is also required to register for your International Fuel Tax Agreement license in many states.

The IRS used to accept social security numbers in lieu of EIN’s. However, as of May 2011, SSN’s are no longer allowed. Your return will be rejected without a valid EIN.

When your business is assigned these 9 digits, they’re assigned to the exact business name and address you provide. This is known as “Name Control.” It’s crucial that when filing your HVUT you enter the EIN and the business name exactly as the IRS has it on record. It cannot just be your name, your business’s nickname, or just “what you’re known by around town.”

If your business name and EIN do not match exactly, your return will likely be rejected. If you have an EIN, but forgot your name control, it’s good practice to check with the IRS prior to filing. Call the hotline at 1.800.829.4933 to verify your name control.

But don’t just take my word for it! Listen to the calming tones of Sir Charles Hardy, our fearless Director of Tax Products, in the short video below explain why you need an EIN.

How to Get One- The Right Way and the Wrong Way

There are several ways to apply for the EIN yourself- for free! When filing directly with the IRS, you can apply online (preferred), or via fax or postal mail, and there is no charge. Just be sure you are applying through the IRS website directly, and not on a shady, third-party site.

If you choose to apply online, you must have a valid Taxpayer Identification Number, which is a valid Social Security Number of Individual Taxpayer ID. When filing online, you’ll get immediate validation and you’ll be issued the EIN right away. However, there are a few pitfalls to avoid with a freshly-issued EIN, see the segment below on rejection.

If you’re too short on time to file the EIN yourself, there is another way! A safe way that won’t charge you hundreds of dollars and make you wait weeks to receive the EIN. One that won’t steal and sell your information either.

Our friends over at Truck Services of North America specialize in permits, registrations, and tax filings. As a premier processing service (also based in our hometown of Rock Hill, SC!), they’ve helped countless new trucking operations obtain their authority, and they’ve applied for thousands of EIN’s. They’ll take care of your EIN registration completely for just $50, or take care of your entire authority with one of their full-service deluxe packages. Give them a shout at 803.386.0320 or email them at to see how they can help get your new business off the ground faster.

Avoiding Rejection

When you apply for an EIN online, you’ll be issued your unique 9 digit number right away. However, the EIN will not be valid in the E-filing system for at least 10 business days. During this waiting period, the IRS is entering your business information in their system. Until that happens, any tax return, including Form 2290, that you file with this new EIN will be rejected.

If you’ve had a 2290 rejected for an invalid EIN, our Support Heroes can help you correct it and retransmit it.

I Lost My EIN!

If you already have an EIN, but can’t seem to find it, here are a few ways to retrieve your digits.

  • 1. If you’ve E-filed with ExpressTruckTax before, your EIN is stored in your account! Simply login and view your business details, or view a previously filed return with your EIN on it!
  • 2. Check with a bank or local/state institution you’ve applied for a license with. Both should have your EIN on record.
  • 3. Finally, you can always call the IRS hotline, and they’ll give you the EIN over the phone after verifying your identity. The Business & Specialty Tax Line is 1.800.829.4933.

Wherever you are on your EIN journey, the ExpressTruckTax support heroes are always standing by and ready to help! They’ll give you all of the information you need to register your EIN, retrieve a lost EIN, or retransmit a rejected return.

Ring them at 704.234.6005 or send them a message via live chat. For 24/7 assistance, email at

And remember, when giving out information on the internet, be mindful of who you’re giving it to. ExpressTruckTax is a secure, IRS-certified site, and our heroes are a league of highly-trained truck tax pro’s. They won’t steer you wrong!