Category: HVUT

It’s Time for Spring Cleaning: Go Paperless with ExpressTruckTax!

Are you a firm believer in “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”? Well, if you’ve been filing your 2290 anywhere but right here, then it is broken. And we can fix it! Here at ExpressTruckTax, we can make the transition from paper filing to E-filing easy.

So let’s indulge in a little spring cleaning and ditch your mountain of paperwork for our paperless solution. Our support team will help every step of the way, from your initial account setup to helping you through your E-filing process.

We can even enter your business details for you in order to save you time and frustration. No matter where you are in the transition, you can count on our 24/7, USA-based Support Team for all of the help you need, day or night.

We’ll Make the Transition Smoother

If you’re new to ExpressTruckTax, here are just some of the ways our Support Team will help get you started.

  • We’ll create your login and send it to you.
  • We will even input your business details like your Address, EIN, & Contact Information if you like.
  • We’ll also help you Bulk Upload your vehicle details into Truck Zone, or we can do it for you. All you need is a CSV file with your truck info.
  • We can walk you through the E-filing process to ensure you file correctly the first time! Whatever it takes to give you the support experience of a lifetime! 

Even MORE Reasons to Get Started with ExpressTruckTax

There is so much ExpressTruckTax has to offer over the alternatives:

  • No lines at the IRS office
  • No tax calculations (we do all the math for you!)
  • Fewer errors- it’s a fact that paper filers make more mistakes! 
  • Secure & IRS-certified
  • Paperless & Eco-friendly
  • TruckZone, your very own virtual garage
  • And you can receive your stamped Schedule 1 in minutes- no snail mail! 

And that’s not all! The benefits of switching to ExpressTruckTax are endless!

All of your tax records are organized in your personal account so you can look up your information any time you need to. And once it’s there, it’s there for life. This means every year you can save time on filing by copying the previous year’s return so you don’t have to re-fill out form after form.

With us you get the full package, the complete V.I.P experience, because our customers mean the world to us, and we will stop at nothing to make your lives easier.

With everything we have to offer, we make change less frightening and more fun. So create your ExpressTruckTax account today and try it out. If you still have questions, call our dedicated Support Team at 704.234.6005. Together, we can make your tax experience less of a nightmare and more of a dream come true!

Set up Your Account Today for Early Bird Benefits

Everyone’s heard the saying, “The early bird gets the worm.”

But have you also heard that the early bird E-files on time?

It’s true! Preparing for HVUT season now can save your sanity later, especially if you’re new to the HVUT game. And the best way to be prepared for whatever the IRS throws your way is to set up your ExpressTruckTax account. Right. Now.

Here are just some of the benefits of getting your account set up early:

Early Bird Benefits

  • You’ll save tons of time later! 
  • You’ll be less likely to file late and face penalties because you will already have everything you need and know exactly what to expect.
  • You can E-file early, possibly even as early as mid-June! (IRS depending)
  • We’ll send you email notifications reminding you to E-file before the deadline. 
  • Plus when you become one of our users, you’ll get these perks too!

How Can I Prepare?

Follow these five steps, and you’ll be set for E-filing success!

1. EIN: If you don’t yet have an Employer Identification Number, now is the perfect time to register! It takes up to 15 business days for your EIN to become activated, and any tax return filed before your EIN is active will be rejected. So get your EIN now, and you won’t have to worry about it later!

  • Pro Tip: You can apply on the IRS website for free here or call a reputable processing service to register your EIN for you. But whatever you do, beware of internet scams that charge hundreds of dollars for an EIN! 

2. The Name Game: If you already have an EIN, do you remember the business name it’s registered under? The business name on your taxes must exactly match the name on record with your EIN. This is known as name control. If you are unsure of the exact name associated with your EIN, you can find out by calling the IRS hotline at 1.800.829.4933.


3. Take it to the Bank: Once you have your EIN and Name Control, it’s time to SHOW ME THE MONEY! Not really, but you will have to show the IRS. And to do that, you’ll need to figure out how you want to pay.

If you plan to pay by Direct Debit, make sure you know your bank account number AND routing number (lots of people forget that one). Or you can set up an EFTPS account. The Electronic Federal Tax Payment System is cool because it’s free and it allows you to schedule your tax payment up to 120 days in advance. But it takes 5-7 days to register, which is why you should do it now!

Register for free by visiting or by calling 1-800-555-4477. When you enroll, you’ll need your EIN, bank account, bank routing number, address and name as it appears on IRS documents.


4. Password, Please: It’s time to create your ExpressTruckTax account, the easiest part! Simply enter your email address and a password of your choosing. It’s that simple. It’s completely free to create an account and explore the program, so logon and start poking around now.


5. Truck Zone: You’re almost set up for E-filing success! The last step to prepare for HVUT season is to load your vehicle details into Truck Zone. Truck Zone will store your vehicle information year-after-year to make E-filing faster. For this step, you’ll need your VIN and Gross Vehicle Weight.

  • Pro Tip: If you aren’t sure how to calculate your GVW, simply add these three numbers together: 1. The unloaded (tare) weight of the truck, 2. The unloaded weight of the trailer, and 3. The maximum weight of the cargo customarily carried by the truck/trailer. 

You can manually upload your data by entering the information in Truck Zone, or you can bulk upload the data from a .CSV file. Bulk Upload is the fastest way to upload hundreds or even thousands of vehicles at once with no data entry. For step-by-step instructions, check out this blog.

Plus you can always count on the Support Team for help getting started! They live to provide top notch year-round support in English & Spanish. Call them at 704.234.6005 or email them at

More Answers to Your Frequently Asked HVUT Questions!

It’s time for some much-needed Monday Morning brain stimulation!

Whether you’ve been scratching your head over the same HVUT questions, or you’re just looking to learn some random facts to freshen your Trivia Game prowess, then this blog is for you!

1. Is my HVUT renewal due the same time my vehicle registration renewal is due?

No. Although you need a current stamped Schedule 1 to renew your tags, they are not necessarily due at the same time.

Every year the HVUT renewal period opens July 1st and closes at the end of August. All renewals must be filed and taxes paid during this period, regardless of when your vehicle registration is due. If you wait to file your renewal until you need your tags, you will owe additional late fees on top of the heavy vehicle tax. When filling out your Form 2290 for your renewal, your first-used month is automatically July.

2. My taxable gross weight has increased. Do I need to file a new Form 2290?

No, but you may need to file a Form 2290 Amendment, which can also be easily E-filed through ExpressTruckTax.

If your gross vehicle weight has increased enough to bump you up into a higher weight category, then you can E-file a 2290 Amendment and only pay the difference. For a step-by-step guide to E-filing an Amendment for a Weight Increase, check out this blog.

3. My credits are greater than the tax due. How do I get this money back?

If the IRS owes you more than you owe them, then our system will automatically generate a completed Form 8849 for a refund. It’s just one more way we go the extra mile to try to make your life easier!

4. Can I pay my HVUT with a debit or credit card?

No, the IRS no longer accepts tax payments in the form of a debit or credit card. However, you may pay our E-filing fee with either.

The IRS only accepts payments from Direct Debit (Electronic Funds Withdrawal), EFTPS, or by Check or Money order. When paying by check or money order, be sure to attach a 2290-V payment voucher. If you E-file with us, we’ll automatically create a completed payment voucher for you! 

5. Where is your Support Team located, and how can I reach them?

Our Support Team is proudly located in the USA at our headquarters in Rock Hill, South Carolina. Not only are we USA-based, but we offer support in English and Spanish, all year long. We don’t just hire one or two people to provide seasonal tax support during the renewal period. Instead, we have a dedicated team that does nothing but provide HVUT support every day of the year.

We take great pride in being immersed in the transportation industry and talking to truckers, fleet owners, farmers, and CPA’s every day. We know this gives us an understanding of the industry that can’t be replicated, and it helps us to continue offering you the support experience of a lifetime.

You can reach us via phone Monday through Friday from 8am-6pm EST at 704.234.6005. You can also shoot us a message via live online chat, or email us at for 24/7 emergency assistance.

Become an E-filing Genius! Check out More Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions- Form 2290 Style!

Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions- Form 2290 Style!

Annual HVUT renewals may be the furthest thing from your mind on a gorgeous Spring day! 
But here at ExpressTruckTax, we’re already counting down the days! We live to provide year-round, exceptional E-filing support, and we just can’t wait for tax season to kick off. 

So in preparation for our favorite time of year, it’s time for another installment of Frequently Asked Questions, Form 2290 style!
Bragging rights for you, if you already know the answers to these tricksy E-filing quandaries.

But if you don’t, don’t feel bad! We get these exact questions and more on a near daily basis.

1.How can I E-file from my tablet or smartphone?

It’s easy! All you need is a WiFi connection! There are two ways to E-file on-the-go. 1. Use our Mobile site in your phone/tablet browser: 2. Download our free iOS or Android app! Once you login, you’ll follow the same three easy steps to E-filing success!

Do keep in mind though, that you can only E-file a basic Form 2290 from the mobile site and app. If you need to claim a credit vehicle or E-file a correction or Form 8849 for a refund, these can only be filed through our full site at

2.How does the IRS electronically “stamp” my Schedule 1? And why can’t I see it?!

The IRS indicates that your return has been accepted by placing an electronic watermark in the center of your Schedule 1. Check out the photo (right) to see a sample. It should say “E-File” with the date received below. Depending on your printer settings, this mark may appear very faint, but rest assured, it’s still a valid Schedule 1.

To learn more about retrieving extra copies of your stamped Schedule 1 (for free!), read Everything You’ve Ever Wondered about the Stamped Schedule 1.

3.How do I transfer my 2290 to a new vehicle?

You don’t! It’s impossible to literally transfer a 2290 from one vehicle to another. You can, however, claim a credit for the old vehicle to avoid paying any extra tax.

Simply login and start a new Form 2290, enter the vehicle information for the new truck, then claim a credit for the older sold/lost/destroyed truck on the same Form. You’ll only pay the difference. For a step-by-step guide, check out this blog: Transfer your 2290.

4.Can I use my Social Security Number instead of an EIN?

First, we should clarify what EIN means for those who may not know. An Employer Identification Number is a federally-issued ID of 9 unique digits. And no, you cannot use a SSN instead. While this was allowed in the past, the IRS no longer accepts SSN in place of EIN’s for tax purposes.

If you don’t have an EIN, you can obtain one for free by registering online through the IRS. Or if you’re short on time, you can call our friends at Truck Services of North America to obtain it for you. We wouldn’t recommend them if they weren’t awesome, so rest-assured you’ll receive the same stellar support you’re used to with us! Reach out to them at 803.386.0320 or email at

One last tip: be sure to wait at least 10 business days after your EIN is issued before E-filing. It takes about that long for the IRS to activate your number, and before that happens, any return filed will be rejected.

5.Why didn’t I receive my stamped Schedule 1?

There are two usual suspects in this case. 1. The Schedule 1 email went to your Spam/Junk box. 2. You didn’t transmit the return.

If it’s not in your Spam Box, log back into your account and make sure the return was transmitted. From your Dashboard, you can easily view the status of every return E-filed with us. If it says, “Not complete. Continue where you left off,” then you know you did not submit the return to the IRS.

If it was transmitted, it will say “Transmitted” or “Accepted,” and you’ll be able to view & print the stamped Schedule 1 right there.

Hopefully this blog not only answered your questions, but made your brain get a little bigger too. After all, it can never hurt to know more about tax regulations. Who knows when this information will come in handy during trivia night or to help a friend in need!

If you’re still confused, just call our Support Team for assistance! They’re available via phone at 704.234.6005, by live online chat, or by email at

For More Answers to your Frequently Asked Questions, read on to Part 2!

Get Ready for Tax Season with our Free Tax Calculator App!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have the power of precognition–the ability to see the future!

I can think of a few ways this would come in handy, and using it for tax purposes would be super convenient!

Whenever it’s time to file taxes, whether it’s income tax or HVUT, there’s always that nervous knot in your stomach, wondering how much you’ll owe, and whether you have enough money to fork over. 
And there’s no feeling worse than filing and realizing that you need to come up with hundreds of dollars more than you expected- on the spot.

We feel your pain, Trucking Nation! That’s why we developed a way for you to accurately estimate how much heavy vehicle use tax you’ll owe, without actually filing.

We call it…wait for it…The 2290 Tax Calculator App! And yes, it’s completely free.

Download it for iOS and Android devices, and in 3 simple steps, you’ll know exactly what to expect come July 1st. Plus you’ll have the next four months to save the amount you owe the IRS.

All you’ll need on hand (besides the obvious–tablet or smartphone & Wifi) is your first-used month and gross vehicle weight.

Let’s take a look at how clean and simple this app is. It only takes about 60 second to get your HVUT estimate!

Step 1: First-Used Month

Select the first-used month for your vehicle(s). This is July for all renewals, that’s vehicles that have been on the road since the previous tax year. If your truck is new (i.e. not a renewal), then enter the month your vehicle was purchased.

Step 2: Trucks

First, select the weight category, then enter how many non-logging vehicles you have in that category. Then enter how many logging vehicles you have in that category.

If you have vehicles in a different weight category, click +Add Weight Category, and repeat the step above until all of your taxable vehicles are added.

Step 3: Your Results

All finished! You’ll see the total HVUT due and the due date. You can also enter your email address to receive a report with this data, and as a bonus, you’ll receive 10% off your E-filing with us. 

10% off your filing fee, plus peace of mind. That’s what this app gives you, and it’s all for free! 

Take advantage of these perks and more. Create your ExpressTruckTax account today and see all that our easy E-filing solution has to offer. We go above and beyond to make sure E-filing your HVUT is fast and stress-free.

Which is also why we offer dedicated, 24/7 support based right here in the USA! Things don’t always go according to plan, so when you hit a roadblock, our Support Team will be there for you. Call them now with any questions you may have at 704.234.6005.

TruckZone: Your Digital Garage

It’s a stunningly beautiful day here in Rock Hill, SC, and the Support Team hopes it’s sunny and warm where you are too.

But I can’t help but remember that Spring approaching also means that tax season is approaching, the season of renewing your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax.

We may still be a couple months out, but time will surely fly. Why not get a head start now?
If you’ve never E-filed with ExpressTruckTax before, then now’s a great time to get your TruckZone setup. It’ll save you time come renewal season, and moreover, TruckZone will save you time year after year.

TruckZone is like a digital garage. Whether you have one truck or one thousand trucks, this exclusive feature will make E-filing a breeze by securely storing your general vehicle information and tax information in one organized, accessible place.

Here’s how to get started: After logging in, click the TruckZone tab along the top menu. You’re ready to import your vehicles!

2 Ways to Import Vehicle Information into TruckZone

  • 1. Manual Upload: Click the +Add Vehicle button. Then enter the vehicle’s VIN, Gross Weight, and whether it is suspended, used for agriculture, or logging. That’s all you need to start E-filing!

    If you’d like to be extra organized, (yes, please!) you can also add the Unit/Fleet #, License Plate #, or Fleet Name, as well as IFTA and state specific details like its NY HUT or Oregon HUT number. When you’re done, click Save, or Save and Add Another to input more vehicles.

    Rinse and repeat until all vehicles are securely stored in TruckZone.

  • 2. Bulk Upload: If you already have your vehicle information organized in an Excel or CSV file, then you can import that information directly into TruckZone. Whether you have hundreds or thousands of vehicles, you can import them all at once.

    Just click the Bulk Upload button (next to the Add Vehicle Button), and under ExpressUpload, click continue. Then choose the file type to upload, and you’re done! It couldn’t be easier.

    You can always edit these details anytime by logging back into your account and heading over to TruckZone. 

The Benefits of TruckZone

With your entire fleet organized in TruckZone, you can not only E-file for specific trucks with ease, you can also find a specific Schedule 1 or 2290 without sifting through hundreds of file folders and documents. (Yuck!)

Using the Advanced Search bar, you can search for vehicles by VIN, Gross Weight, or Truck/Unit #. So if you’d like to file for just a specific unit, simply enter the unit number, then check the box next to each truck in that unit, and poof, they’ll be added to the return with no extra typing. You can do the same if you need to find a previous Schedule 1. Just search for the vehicle, click on it, and then click the HVUT tab to view all tax details related to that truck.

TruckZone is just one of the many exclusive features that sets ExpressTruckTax apart. Why else would we be the reigning, defending champions of the E-filing world?! As industry leaders, we’re always adding more features and shortcuts to take the sting out of tax filings.

Create an account now and try it for free. You only pay when you E-file. Have a question? The Support Team has answers! They provide dedicated support 24/7 from our hometown of Rock Hill, SC. And they do it in English & Spanish, too!

Call them at 704.234.6005 or email them at

Three Easy Ways to Pay Your HVUT

Gathering the funds to pay your HVUT each year is headache enough! Sending those funds to the IRS should be the easy part.

That’s why ExpressTruckTax has gone above and beyond to make paying your heavy vehicle use taxes easy. We offer three ways to pay your taxes, and no matter which one you choose, rest assured that we’ve made it quick and simple.

Here’s the lowdown on each payment method. Choose whichever is most convenient for you!

Direct Debit

  • Also known as EFW (Electronic Funds Withdrawal), this is the fastest, easiest way to pay your HVUT, and you can only do it if you E-file!
  • EFW means the IRS will initiate a direct debit from your bank account. In order to do this, they’ll need your bank routing number and account number. Both can be located along the bottom of one of your checks. 
  • When paying with direct debit, the IRS will not process your return on a weekend or holiday, but on the next business day. For immediate processing of your return, pay by Check or Money Order (see below). 


  • The Electronic Federal Tax Payment System may be a mouthful, but it’s another free and convenient way to pay your HVUT. 
  • A free service provided by the US Dept. of the Treasury, you must register with this system 5-7 business days prior to your first payment. Register for free by visiting or by calling 1-800-555-4477. When you enroll, be sure to have your EIN, bank account, bank routing number, and address and name as they appear on IRS documents.
  • What’s so cool about EFTPS? You can schedule a business payment up to 120 days in advance. But keep in mind that you can’t schedule same-day payments. So be sure to schedule at least 1 business day prior to your tax due date!

Check or Money Order

  • This is the only way to pay if you need your stamped Schedule 1 on a weekend or holiday.
  • When paying by check or money order, you must submit a completed 2290-V Payment Voucher. Here’s the good news. ExpressTruckTax creates one for you! It’s page 5 of your completed 2290. Just detach the bottom portion, paper clip to your payment (do not staple them together!), and mail. How easy was that?!
  • “Where do I mail it to,” you ask? (Yes, I can hear your thoughts!) Instructions are on your voucher, but for the sake of convenience, here’s the address:
    Internal Revenue Service,
    P.O. Box 804525, 
    Cincinnati, OH 45280-4525

You’ll notice that a credit card is not one of the available payment options. That’s because the IRS no longer accepts tax payments via credit card. You will, however, need a credit card when E-filing to pay our $9.90 E-filing fee, so keep your card on hand!

Of course, if you need any assistance on the payment page, or along any other step of your E-filing journey, just reach out to our support team! They can help you choose which payment option suits you best. Just call 704.234.6005 or for 24/7 assistance email

7 Ways to Be Productive During a Snow Storm

Happy #TruckerTuesday, Trucking Nation!

And what an eventful Tuesday it is! For you West Coaster’s who may not know, the East coast has been hit with a huge winter storm, and our hometown of Rock Hill, SC, is currently covered in a thick sheet of ice!

We South Carolinian’s aren’t accustomed to weather like this, so at the first sign of a snow flurry, everything pauses. And since road conditions are less-than-ideal at the moment, we know a lot of you truckers are stalled too!

But just because we’re trapped inside, it doesn’t mean we can’t be productive! In fact, Snow Days are a great time to catch up on the tasks you’ve been putting off.

So resist the urge to go sledding (at least until you’ve done some “grown-up” stuff), and let’s be productive together!

If you need a little inspiration, these 7 tips will help.

1. Organize your Business Records

Amidst the every-day hustle and bustle of trucking life, it’s easy to put off (and completely forget about) keeping your compliance records and finances organized–until of course, a deadline sneaks up on you!

But this Snow Day is a chance to avoid all of the pain and stress of last-minute recordkeeping.
Take some time today to catch up on your trip sheets, and you’ll be in a much better position when the end of the 2nd IFTA quarter rolls around.

Ready to level-up your organization game? If the messy pile of receipts and papers on your desk is winning the war, consider using a business management program to de-clutter your life. There are several programs on the market designed just for truckers and fleet managers. TruckLogics, for example, has Accounting, IFTA, and Trip Sheet features to keep every aspect of your transportation business in tip-top shape.

2. E-File your Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes

While you’re taming your wild paperwork, it’s also prime time to get your heavy vehicle use taxes out of the way! All you need is 1. An WiFi or 4G connection 2. A computer, tablet, or smartphone 3. Our free iOS or Android app, and 4. Your business & vehicle information.

In 10 minutes or less, you can complete a Form 2290, a 2290 Amendment, or Form 8849, and securely submit it to the IRS and receive your new stamped Schedule 1 via email immediately. Rain, snow, sleet, or hail, you can E-file your truck taxes all the same. That’s one more thing you can check off your list!

3. Clean Your Cab

Okay, so we can’t exactly call it Spring cleaning when everything is covered in a sheet of ice, but you get the idea.

Get a few steps ahead of Mother Nature, and start cleaning out your cab, closet, junk drawer or whatever other unholy area of your living space has been neglected. Start by going through your closet and sorting clothes into three piles: Keep, Trash & Donate. If you haven’t done this in a while, be prepared to find some wild stuff!

And if you’re feeling extra ambitious, you can even do a little “nesting” once you’ve finished cleaning. Just because the cab of your truck is tiny doesn’t mean it can’t feel like home sweet home. Invest in a throw rug (it’s easier to clean & replace than your floor), hang some curtains, and make your sleeping area extra lush with a new mattress topper and fluffy pillows. For more inspiration, check out my other blog Tips for a Cozier Cab.

4. Brace Yourselves: April 15th is Coming

With less than 2 months remaining, the tax deadline will be here before you know it! And this snow storm couldn’t have come at a better time. By now, everyone should have received their 1099’s and W-2’s from their employers, so there’s no reason why you can’t file now!

Unless of course, there is a reason you don’t want to file yet…in which case, you should use this time to go ahead and file an extension with the IRS. With a program like ExpressExtension, you can quickly E-file to automatically extend your W-2 filing and 1099 filing deadline for 6 months. 

5. Break a Sweat

When it’s cold outside, it’s time to get hot inside…by working out, I mean! Ward off frostbite and keep your circulation going by trying some of these easy indoor exercises. I know what you’re thinking: “I don’t have any space in my truck,” or “I don’t have any exercise equipment on hand.”

Oh, ye of little faith! No matter where you are, you definitely have enough room to do some isometrics. Here’s an easy & effective one: Get in the driver’s seat, grip the wheel with both hands, and then try to push them toward each other for 10 seconds. Then release. After 10-20 reps, you’ll start feeling the burn!

6. Learn Something New

Don’t just exercise your body; exercise your mind! Do a crossword puzzle, play sudoku, or (dare I say it?) read a book! Even if the storm has knocked out your power, a book will still magically work in these primitive conditions! Alternatively, you can also listen to an audiobook or start learning a new language. YouTube is filled with free tutorials on every language under the sun! Become that bilingual babe you always wanted to be!

7. Recharge

This one may seem like cheating, but it’s actually quite important. While the whole world is frozen, take this opportunity to just stop and recharge yourself. You work hard every other day of the year, maybe it’s time to take a cue from Mother Nature and get some R&R.

Sleep in late, meditate, catch up with a loved one, or just have a Netflix marathon. Whatever you do, turn your brain off for just a little while and enjoy yourself. You deserve it!

(If your conscience won’t let you not work, then just do one or two things on this list first to absolve yourself of any guilt.)

Hopefully this list has inspired you to count this day as a blessing in disguise! The weather may be yucky, but there’s no need to write off today completely. You can still be a productive, upstanding citizen of the Trucking Nation! Now get to work, and most importantly, stay safe out there!

#ThrowbackThursday with our partner: the South Carolina Trucking Association

It’s time for another installment of #ThrowbackThursday featuring our partners at the South Carolina Trucking Association!

The year was 1932. The place: Greenville, South Carolina.

For over a decade, truck & bus operators had been meeting in Greenville to discuss issues in the transportation industry, but on this fateful day, they decided to make it official and found the Motor Carriers Association of South Carolina.

Now known as SCTA, the organization’s first major task was overturning state legislation that favored railroad companies. 

South Carolina then had a 20,000 pound weight limit for trucks which forced companies to ship their goods via railroad up and down the east coast.

With their newly-unified voice, the trucking industry’s presence in SC was finally strong enough to overpower the influence of the railroad companies, and the legislation was overturned. Companies could now ship their goods via truck from north-to-south uninhibited.

That was the first of many battles that SCTA fought on behalf those who work in and who are dependent upon the trucking industry. Today, they have over 600 member companies; some are large national corporations, but most are small, family-owned businesses–just like us!

That’s why we’re so proud to be partnered with SCTA. We too are dedicated to helping owner-operators and small fleets in our home state of South Carolina by providing them with the most affordable and easy-to-use E-filing program that money can buy!

With this partnership, SCTA members will have easy access to our E-filing solutions through the member site

Check out the training video we made for SCTA members! Account manager Patti will walk you through how easy it is to E-file a Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax.

  • Step 1: Create an account and choose which form you’d like to E-file (we offer Form 2290, 2290 Amendments, Form 8849, and more). Then enter your business name, contact info, and EIN.
  • Step 2: Enter the vehicle’s first-used month, followed by it’s VIN, gross weight, and whether it is used for logging or agriculture.
  • Step 3: Finally, choose from three convenient payment methods and securely transmit your return!

Through the portal, SCTA members will enjoy all of the perks our ExpressTruckTax users enjoy. Not only do our E-filers receive their stamped Schedule 1 via email just minutes after filing, but they also get free VIN corrections for any return E-filed with us, as well as unlimited free access to our stellar support team!

From our hometown of Rock Hill, we provide 24/7 support in English and Spanish. Just call us (704.234.6005), message us on live chat, or email us at

From all of us here at ExpressTruckTax: Welcome, SCTA members, to the ExpressTruckTax family! It’s an honor to serve our fellow South Carolinians. Whenever you need us, you can count on us being there!

Instant Notifications on Your 2290’s Status: Only with ExpressTruckTax

Biting your nails, pulling your hair, refreshing the page over and over as you wait for approval from the IRS. That’s no way to spend your down time!

The days of logging into your account repeatedly (or worse- waiting for the mail carrier!) to bring you word from the IRS are over. 
When you E-file with ExpressTruckTax, there’s no guesswork and no stress. As soon as you hit “transmit,” you can rest assured knowing you’ll receive a notification the instant your return is processed.

In fact, there’s 4 convenient ways to stay up-to-date on the status of your return.

4 Instant Notifications

  • Email: This one is automatic. All of our E-filers receive an email the moment the return has been processed by the IRS. If your return is accepted, you’ll receive an email with your new stamped Schedule 1 attached. If your return was rejected, you’ll receive an email with instructions for how to fix it. (And as a bonus, VIN corrections are free to E-file with us too!)
  • Text: From the payment options page, enter a phone number of your choosing to receive a text alert when your return has been accepted. You will not, however, receive your stamped Schedule 1 via text, but that can be retrieved by logging into your account at any time.
  • Fax: To receive a hard copy of your Form 2290 and stamped Schedule 1, simply enter a fax number on the payment page. And it doesn’t even have to be your fax. Fax it to your accountant, your carrier, or your home office–or all of the above if you like!
  • Postal Mail: No printer? No fax machine? Then opt for the postal mail delivery to get a hard copy of your 2290 and stamped Schedule 1 sent straight to your door. We’ll mail it out same day if your return is accepted by the IRS.

Retrieve a Return–Anywhere, Anytime

If you should ever lose your stamped Schedule 1 or need a hard copy, just login to your account. All returns E-filed with ExpressTruckTax can be viewed, downloaded, and printed from the Dashboard of your account. You can also fax a previous 2290 or Schedule 1 to as many fax machines as you like, and it’s free too!

This is just one of the many ways ExpressTruckTax works to make your life easier. Taxes are arduous enough without adding the stress of the unknown on top of it. With us, you’ll always know where you stand and what you need to do next.

But just in case you don’t, you can contact the support team for speedy answers to all of your questions. We’re available via phone at 704.234.6005. You can also chat with us online or get 24/7 email support at, in English or in Spanish!