Category: HVUT Form 2290 Tax Period

Was January Your First Used Month? Time to File Your 2290

When did you first use your heavy vehicle during the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) period? If it was in January, then it is time to file Form 2290!

If this deadline has caught you off guard no need to fear, ExpressTruckTax is here to help you complete your forms in just a matter of minutes. But we go a step further by providing you with important Form 2290 information so you can drive right on through your e-filing experience. Check out these top HVUT deadline tips from the tax experts at ExpressTruckTax.

Was January Your First Used Month? Time to File Your 2290

So why are there so many deadlines for Form 2290? Well, your deadline for Form 2290 is based the first month you’ve used your heavy vehicle on public highways during the current tax period. This is important because you don’t have to pay for the months your truck wasn’t on the road.

Unlike the fiscal year, the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax runs from July 1st to June 20th of the following year, and you need to file by the last day of the month following your first used month. So that means that if you first used your truck back in January, it is time to file…… or face penalties.

So other than the fear of penalties why is Form 2290 so important? Because the taxes collected are used to repair, maintain, and build public roads. Once you file, you will get a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 as proof of filing and paying your HVUT taxes. You will actually need this form to renew your tags and to complete your International Registration Plan (IRP) return.

Fear the HVUT Penalties

If you fail to file by midnight tonight and you are required to do so, you will face expensive penalties. If that doesn’t strike fear into your heart, I am sure this will. The penalty rate for failing to file is a minimum of 4.5 % of the total tax due. This amount will accrue on a monthly basis for up to five months.

Plus, if your HVUT payment is late or is not paid in full, you will owe an additional penalty of 0.5% of the total amount owed. Oh and yeah there is an additional penalty of .54% too.

But wait it gets worst: If you don’t file you will not receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1, which is required by the DMV to operate your vehicle legally. Don’t get stuck in the pits by this deadline but take a caution lap getting ahead over the competition with ExpressTruckTax.


Truck driving down the road at an alarming speed trying to file their Form 2290

Keep on Truckin’ With ExpressTruckTax

Our e-filing system is streamlined for fast and easy use so we can get you back on the road fast. No complex IRS jargon just straightforward interview style questions. If you get stuck in a rut, don’t worry we will give you push no need to get out of the truck! Our dedicated team of tax experts standing by.

When you file with us, you will receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 in as little as 15 minutes via email.

Is Your HVUT Form 2290 Due This Month?

ExpressTruckTax explains the HVUT Form 2290 Deadline

As a trucker, you probably know that you have truck taxes to pay. From IRP, IFTA, Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes, and more. You probably also already know that if you miss a deadline you will have hefty penalties to face.

Here at ExpressTruckTax, we don’t want you to get penalized and we understand that your HVUT 2290 deadline can be confusing since it’s based on your first used month. That’s why we’re here to clear things up with the proper HVUT Form 2290 facts. These facts will make you a truck tax expert like all of the incredibly skilled members on our support team.

HVUT 2290 Reminders 

1. Your HUVT Form 2290 is due based on your first used month.

This ultimately means that your Form 2290 is due based on the month that you first use your truck. This is true for all drivers. They do not have to file Form 2290 until the last day of the month after the month that they first use their heavy vehicle on public highways.

For example, if you first use your truck in October then your Form 2290 is due by November 30. If you first use your truck in March then your Form 2290 is due by April 30. Therefore your 2290 can be due in a completely different month from when your friend’s is due.

It’s important to note that the deadline is based on the first used month during the tax period which runs from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. The current HVUT Form 2290 tax period began on July 1, 2017 and will end on June 30.

Because most truckers first use their heavy vehicles in July, the first month of the tax period, most HVUT Form 2290s are due on August 31.

2. You could save money based on your vehicle type.

It’s true, some vehicles are subject to lower tax rates than others depending on what you drive. The different vehicle types include:

E-filing Form 2290 is easy with ExpressTruckTax

Agricultural: These are highway motor vehicles that are used or expected to be used for farming purposes primarily. They must be registered as agricultural vehicles and count as suspended or credit vehicles when used for less than 7,500 miles during the tax period.

Logging: Logging vehicles are used exclusively for hauling timber from or around harvested forest sites. They have to be registered as logging vehicles with your state and are subject to lower tax rates.

Suspended Vehicles: Suspended vehicles are vehicles that are expected to travel less than 5,000 miles during the tax period. (7,500 for agricultural vehicles). They’re also known as credit vehicles. Other examples of credit vehicles include vehicles that were lost, stolen, sold, or destroyed.

3. E-Filing With ExpressTruckTax is Best

We have streamlined the e-filing process to be quick and simple, no matter what month your HVUT Form 2290 is due. Our step-by-step e-filing guide will help you instantly complete your form and transmit it directly to the IRS. Then within about 15 minutes, you’ll receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 via email.

Plus, our outstanding, US-based ExpressTruckTax support team is full of truck tax experts who are ready to assist you every step of the way. Give us a call Monday – Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM EST at 704.234.6005, reach us via live chat, or take advantage of our 24/7 email support at