Each Year, excise taxes must be paid for Heavy Highway Vehicles used on public roads. This tax is commonly referred to as HVUT (Heavy Vehicle Use Tax) or simply Truck Taxes.
Category: Hvut 2290
This federal excise tax is imposed through the IRS Form 2290 on an annual basis. This IRS Form can be E-Filed in just minutes to complete this requirement. Once it is filed, the taxpayer will receive a Stamped Schedule 1. This is required by State DMVs in order to register heavy highway vehicles.
If you have not ever E-Filed a tax returns before, there is no need to worry. The E-Filing process is actually easier than paper filing. We at ExpressTruckTax.com also have a dedicated team of customer support professionals available to help you over the phone, email, or online chat (available in English or Spanish). All you need to file this IRS Form is your EIN (Employee Identification Number), Address, Phone Number, VIN’s (Vehicle Identification Numbers), and Gross Vehicle Weight and our program will take care of the rest.
Another great service that Express Truck Tax provides is the option to instantly notify your Contracting, Leasing, or Trucking, etc. Company the Schedule 1 as soon as it is accepted by the IRS. This process helps eliminate steps for the person filing. Many Trucking Companies require some kind of proof that their driver filed their Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes properly.
Instead of waiting for hours or up to 6 weeks for the IRS to stamp your schedule 1 and send it back to you, Express Truck Tax will get your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes of filing. When you login to the site, you can enter the information for the Form 2290, and Express Truck Tax will then create a Schedule 1 based on that information. That form will be sent to the IRS electronically, and they will then send the stamped Schedule 1 back to Express Truck Tax, who will then automatically email the file to the taxpayer.
This document can also be faxed as well as emailed to the taxpayer as soon as the IRS processes the form. The form will be transmitted with a watermark as well as an IRS E-File logo since the document will not be physically stamped. When ExpressTruckTax sends the Stamped Schedule 1 to the taxpayer, it will be sent as a pdf attachment. Although the form will not be physically stamped, the official E-File watermark serves as an official IRS stamp.
E-File a Form 2290 Online and Save Time on your HVUT filing
Each Year, Heavy Vehicle owners must file an IRS Form 2290 in order to fulfill the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. This applies to all vehicles whose taxable gross weight is 55,000 pounds or more. This also only applies to vehicles operating on public roads for at least 5,000 miles during the tax year of July 1 – June 30. This mileage limit is different for agricultural [or farm] vehicles. Vehicles that are used for agriculture are allowed to travel up to 7,500 miles on public roads during the year and still remain exempt from the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax.
There are three different categories for HVUT rates for these vehicles. Vehicles below 55,000 pounds do not have HVUT because they do not qualify as a heavy vehicle. Vehicles between 55,000 and 75,000 pounds owe $100, plus $22 per 1,000 pounds over 55,000 pounds. Finally, for vehicles that are over 75,000 pounds the maximum HVUT is $550 per year.
Although it is rare, some Vehicles that fit the above description may be exempt from the HVUT and Filing requirements of Form 2290. To officially be exempt from filing Form 2290, the vehicle must be owned and operated by the following:
The District of Columbia
The Federal Government
State or local government
Mass Transportation Authority (Only if granted certain powers normally exercised by the state)
Non-Profit Volunteer Fire Department, Ambulance Association, or Rescue Squad
Indian Tribe Government (Only if the Vehicle is used for essential Tribe or Government Function)
American National Red Cross
Mobile Machinery that meets specifications for a chassis
Qualified Blood Collector Vehicles
As mentioned previously, a Form 2290 must be filed annually for each taxable vehicle that is used on public highways during the tax period. The Tax Period is from July 1st, and ends on June 30th. A Form 2290 must also be filed once a vehicle is placed in service. The due date for each month is the last day of the following month. For example: if a vehicle is placed in service on April 3, the Form 2290 will be due on May 31.
www.ExpressTruckTax.com allows you to fill out your IRS Form 2290 online and send it to the IRS electronically! This way you can get a stamped schedule 1 in about 10 minutes. Express Truck Tax is authorized by the IRS to E-File Form 2290. The taxpayer will then receive the schedule 1 via email or fax as soon as the IRS processes the form. The form will then be watermarked by the IRS instead of an actual physical stamp. Be sure to get this taken care of soon because the due date for all vehicles.
E-filing Season for IRS Form 2290 (HVUT) Draws Near
As the month of November moves closer and closer, you will want to be able to get your Form 2290 taken care of as swiftly as possible once it is made available. It is unfortunate enough that the filing process was delayed, but to avoid any future confusion about the issue, it would be beneficial to be ready to file once the form is available.
In order to make the filing process easier with the IRS using Form 2290, it is very important that you keep accurate records, just like you would when filing any other type of tax return. It is crucial for anyone filing form 2290 to maintain their records for at least 3 years prior to the filing date for any taxable highway vehicles registered to them. For fleet owners and small trucking companies who have filed form 2290 in the past, it is wise to always keep the 2290 records on hand, as one never knows when IRS inspection may take place. It is even important to save these returns if they are only for a part of a year. In the case of a suspended vehicle (public highway use was less than 5,000 miles/year) it is still necessary to keep records of Form 2290’s filed for them as well.
You will need to gather the following information before filing form 2290 to accelerate the filing process. You will need a description of all vehicles for which you are filing as well as a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) for each one. You will also need to know the gross taxable weight of the vehicle. It is also necessary to report the date the vehicle was acquired, as well as the name and address of the previous owner. The first use month for the taxable period is also required for reporting. If a vehicle is considered to be suspended, keep a record of actual highway mileage. If the vehicle is an agricultural vehicle, then keep accurate records of the number of miles it is driven on a farm or field. Keeping proper records of your 2290 information will be a great help to you in the unfortunate event of an audit. It will also make the task of filing this form much easier.
ExpressTruckTax.com is an IRS authorized E-File provider who can help you file form 2290 as well as keep secure online records of previously filed form 2290’s. For more information on the 2290 filing process, heavy vehicle use tax, IRS payment methods, etc visit the Express Truck Tax website or call our Truck Tax experts at 704-234-6005. You can also email any questions to support@ExpressTruckTax.com.
Choosing an IRS-Authorized e-file Provider for Form 2290 (HVUT)
In order to file HVUT, or Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes, you must file IRS Form 2290. If you have been in the Transportation industry for many years, then you are likely more familiar with the process for filing this form with the IRS. However, there have been some huge technology advances in the past few years and the IRS now accepts and encourages taxpayers to E-File their 2290 Form.
To take advantage of this new simpler process, you will need to use an online service provider for the IRS Form 2290. Our need to select the one that is right for you! In making these decisions, there are a few things that you should consider. When you select a provider, make sure that they are an authorized IRS E-File Provider. You should also make sure that they can handle all of your truck tax needs. Some e-filing services can only handle the Form 2290 and nothing else. A third item to consider is a provider that is entirely web-based.
As for the Authorized E-File Providers, you should look on their website for a statement that they are indeed authorized by the IRS to E-File. You can also refer to the IRS Website to see a complete list of Authorized E-File Providers.
If you are filing Truck Taxes for more than just the Form 2290, such as IFTA, or Form 8849 then it would be beneficial to have them all filed from the same place. Some service providers are exclusively for Form 2290, or Form 8849, etc. It would be most economical and convenient to get them all filed in the same place.
In this day and age, it is silly to not use an e-file provider that is not completely web-based. If the system is not web based, then there is less reason to use them. The IRS actually recommends E-Filing because of its speed and security. If you are required to download lots of files and store information on your computer, the system is not completely web based. The benefits of a web-based system are obviously the speed of transfer to the IRS when you are finished, but also the security of storing your information online instead of on your computer.
ExpressTruckTax.com is one such provider. Their system is entirely web-based, they are a one-stop-shop for truck tax needs, and they are authorized by the IRS as an official E-File provider. They are also terrific when it comes to customer support! You can contact their wonderful team of Truck Tax experts anytime! They offer live chat & phone support Mon-Fri, as well as email support 24/7. This way you can get a stamped schedule 1 in about 10 minutes. The file is electronically submitted to the IRS, and within minutes the file is processed by the IRS and sent back to the person filing. The form will then contain a watermark from the IRS as proof that it has been processed.
3 Month Tax Extension for Internal Revenue Service Form 2290 (Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Tax)
Earlier this month the Internal Revenue Service informed truckers, owner operators, and trucking companies who file federal highway use tax returns that the typical deadline of August 31st will be extended to November 30, 2011. The official legislation for the currently scheduled to expire on September 30, 2011. The current legislation has yet to be passed through Congress; the extension was put in place because it is still possible for Congress to alter the tax legislation after the expiration date. According to the IRS, returns should not be filed and payments should not be made prior to November 1st.
New regulations require state Departments of Motor Vehicles to accept a prior year stamped Schedule 1 of the Form 2290. Typically, taxpayers are required to present a stamped Schedule 1 to register a vehicle with the DMV. The Schedule 1 is usually stamped by the IRS as a proof that the return was filed correctly.
If a taxpayer acquired a new vehicle during July 2011-November 2011, recent regulations allow states to register vehicles without proof that the highway use tax was paid as long as they provide a copy of the bill of sale or a similar proof of purchase to verify that it was acquired in the past 150 days.
If you are unsure whether or not you qualify to file the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, it typically applies to trucks, truck tractors, and buses with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or greater. As a rule of thumb, vans, pick-ups, and panel trucks do not qualify due to the 55,000 pound minimum.
New regulations require state Departments of Motor Vehicles to accept a prior year stamped Schedule 1 of the Form 2290. Typically, taxpayers are required to present a stamped Schedule 1 to register a vehicle with the DMV. The Schedule 1 is usually stamped by the IRS as a proof that the return was filed correctly.
If a taxpayer acquired a new vehicle during July 2011-November 2011, recent regulations allow states to register vehicles without proof that the highway use tax was paid as long as they provide a copy of the bill of sale or a similar proof of purchase to verify that it was acquired in the past 150 days.
If you are unsure whether or not you qualify to file the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, it typically applies to trucks, truck tractors, and buses with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or greater. As a rule of thumb, vans, pick-ups, and panel trucks do not qualify due to the 55,000 pound minimum.