Category: Hvut 2290

Sold a Vehicle? This Is How You Get Credit

So you bought a new truck this year, and you sold your old one. We know you love riding around in that brand new shiny rig—I mean, who wouldn’t?

But the ghost of your old truck is still hanging around, haunting you at every turn. All that time and money you spent, gone. Oh wait, that’s not a ghost, that’s just the old heavy vehicle use tax you paid before you sold that truck. Can you get that back?

Sure, in a sense—you can claim a credit with ExpressTruckTax. How do you go about claiming credit for a sold vehicle? Just e-file Form 8849, Claim for Refund of Excise Taxes!

What is Form 8849?

If you filed Form 2290 on a vehicle you’ve since sold, filing Form 8849 Schedule 6 will get you credit for the sold vehicle. If your truck was stolen, or destroyed, or maybe you didn’t realize it was exempt, you can file Form 8849.

What do you need for Form 8849?

Anybody who needs to claim a refund can claim it with Form 8849. Remember, you need to have already paid your heavy vehicle use taxes before selling the vehicle to qualify. First, you need your correct name and address. Next, you need your EIN and the vehicle information you are claiming a refund for. Since you are filing because the vehicle was sold/stolen/destroyed, you will need the date the event occurred.

Say it in English

Well, when you sell a vehicle that already has the HVUT paid, the vehicle is covered until the end of the month of purchase. From then on, it’s up to the new owner to pay the vehicle’s HVUT. But as the seller, you simply need to e-file Form 8849 to claim your credit.

Remember to remind the buyer that heavy vehicle use taxes DO NOT transfer from one owner to another. They’re required to file Form 2290 and pay taxes on any qualifying rig.

Basically, as a seller you can be credited for the taxes you paid before you sold the vehicle, and the buyer owes the difference. As a seller, there are two ways to approach the credit. You can get the credit for the tax paid on your next Form 2290 filed, or the refund can be claimed through Form 8849, if you don’t want to wait until the tax period ends. If you’re reading this, something tells me you want your credit now!

If you’re confused, our legendary customer support team is here to answer your questions. Remember to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with the latest trucking news and upcoming deadlines!

What is the New Trucker Coercion Rule?

You’ve been driving for hours, the sun long vanished behind the horizon, and you know you’re almost out of hours. That E-Log is ticking away, after all. But your dispatcher kept pushing forward, wanting you to get the freight there a bit faster. Between your lack of time and heavy eyelids, you know that feat is impossible.

You could stop now, or press on and keep driving. While you know you need to follow the rules, the dispatcher made it clear that you’re gonna start missing out on jobs if you don’t make this delivery in less hours than you have.

This is known as driver coercion.

Now thanks to the FMCSA’s trucker coercion rule, drivers can now report dispatchers, shippers, and other workers who encourage truckers to violate federal regulations to meet deadlines. With the new rule, financial penalties for shippers who coerce drivers into breaking the laws can reach up to $16,000. Basically, instead of risking your life, income, and future, the companies will now risk the coins that line their coffers.

In the words of the FMCSA:

“[The rule] addresses three key areas concerning driver coercion: procedures for commercial truck and bus drivers to report incidents of coercion to the FMCSA, steps the agency could take when responding to such allegations, and penalties that may be imposed on entities found to have coerced drivers.”

How did this rule start? Well, some commercial drivers reported pressure from shippers to violate federal safety regulations with threats of job termination, denial of future loads, reduced pay and hours, or even decreased future job opportunities.

How were drivers being coerced? The way most drivers faced it included ignoring driver hour limits, CDL requirements, drug and alcohol testing, and hazardous material transportation rules, among others.

“Any time a motor carrier, shipper, receiver, freight-forwarder, or broker demands that a schedule be met, one that the driver says would be impossible without violating hours-of-service restrictions or other safety regulations, that is coercion,” said FMCSA Acting Administrator Scott Darling. “No commercial driver should ever feel compelled to bypass important federal safety regulations and potentially endanger the lives of all travelers on the road.”

What should you do if you’re feeling coerced to break or bend a rule? First, you need to head to the National Consumer Complaint Database and file a report. While the FMCSA says the burden of proof is on the shippers, the truckers still have to provide evidence needed to sustain the fees against the violators. This means, make sure you have documentation of any incident you report, as the FMCSA will have to investigate these claims.

How does this affect you as a driver? Well, you know your limits and boundaries better than anyone else. Even if you disagree with these rules, your best call is to follow the new coercion rules, and to be upfront with the dispatchers and loaders.

Wait, still confused? Basically, the agency will now issue fines to companies who coerce drivers to break and bend laws to make deadlines.

While we can’t help you with pushy dispatchers, we can help you when it comes to filing your HVUT 2290s. If you have any questions, send us an email at or give us a call at 704.234.6005.

What do you think about the new driver coercion rule?

Form 2290 Basics

Welcome back, Trucking Nation! Today we’re going to talk about something really exciting, the IRS Form 2290! Before you get too excited, let’s take a look at Form 2290 and who needs to file it. We know all these IRS numbers can be so confusing, and knowing exactly what to do and when is always a big challenge. We’re here to take away your confusion.

What is Form 2290?

Form 2290 is what you file your HVUT tax with. The HVUT applies to all vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds and over that drive on public roads and highways.

Who Has to File a 2290?

There are several exemptions, or suspensions, to the HVUT. That means these vehicles are not required to pay the HVUT. Suspended vehicles include those logging less than 5,000 miles for the year, agricultural vehicles that drive less than 7,500 miles for the year, vehicles that are considered non-highway vehicles, and vehicles used for the collection of blood. But any vehicle weighing more than the 55,000 pound threshold must file a 2290, whether it’s required to pay HVUT or not.

What Do I Have to Do?

So you’ve determined that you need to file a Form 2290. What do you do next? Well, you could download the Form 2290 from the IRS website yourself and fill it out manually. The instructions are only 12 pages long. Or you could file with ExpressTruckTax, and leave all the heavy lifting to us. For only $9.90 for one vehicle and discounted rates for fleets, that’s one headache you won’t have to do deal with.

When Do I Have to Do This?

Simply put, you must file your Form 2290 by the last day of the month following the month in which you first drove the qualifying vehicle. In subsequent years you’ll need to file by August 31st, since the tax year runs from July 1st to June 30th of the following year.

How Do I Prove to the DMV I Filed a 2290?

If you need proof that you’ve filed your Form 2290 in order to register your vehicle with your DMV, you’ll need a stamped Schedule 1 form. Again, you can go through the trouble of filing yourself, and waiting for the form in the mail, or you can e-file with us. You’ll receive your Schedule 1 from us via email minutes after your Form 2290 is filed. And if you ever misplace or need another Schedule 1, you can always download it from us. It’s that simple!

As always, our world-class U.S.-based support team is available to answer your questions about filing Form 2290, or about using ExpressTruckTax in general. We’re here on the phone from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, and available those same hours via web chat from our website. And don’t forget you can reach us via email at any time.


Form 2290 HVUT Requirements

The heavy vehicle use tax or HVUT is an annual fee assessed on heavy vehicles operating on public highways at registered gross weights equal to or exceeding 55,000 pounds. The gross taxable weight of a vehicle is determined by adding the unloaded weight of the motor vehicle and any trailers together with the maximum load customarily carried on-road by the truck-trailer combination. IRS Form 2290 is filed annually to pay the HVUT due on the taxable vehicle and proof of payment is the Stamped Schedule 1. The monies collected are used to offset the cost for road repairs and maintenance.

Suspended vehicles (Category W) are still required to file a Form 2290, even though there is no tax due.  A vehicle is considered suspended if the motor vehicle does not exceed 5,000 miles or 7,500 miles for agricultural vehicles during the tax period, regardless of owners.

An agricultural vehicle is any highway motor vehicle that is:
  • Used (or expected to be used) primarily for farming purposes, and
  • Registered (under state laws) as a highway motor vehicle used for farming purposes for the entire period. A special tag or license plate identifying the vehicle as used for farming is not required for it to be considered an agricultural vehicle.

Also note that logging vehicles are taxed at a reduced rate.

There are some vehicles that are exempt from the tax and are not required to file Form 2290. They are:
  • The Federal Government,
  • The District of Columbia,
  • A state or local government,
  • The American National Red Cross,
  • A nonprofit volunteer fire department, ambulance association, or rescue squad,
  • An Indian tribal government but only if the vehicle’s use involves the exercise of an essential tribal government function,
  • A mass transportation authority if it is created under a statute that gives it certain powers normally exercised by the state,
  • Qualified blood collector vehicles (see below) used by qualified blood collector organizations, or
  • Mobile machinery that meets the specifications for a chassis
For more information on exempt vehicles, go to

The IRS has simplified the process of filing Form 2290 and paying your HVUT taxes with the ability to E-File.  Anyone who is filing a return with 25 or more vehicles is required to file electronically, but everyone is now encouraged to E-File.  Through an IRS Authorized E-File Provider, like, you can file your Form 2290, pay your HVUT taxes owed to the IRS and receive your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes.  Your Schedule 1 serves as proof of payment for your HVUT and when you file by the deadline you will avoid any IRS penalties.

To get started today, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

Easy E-File Form 2290 With ExpressTruckTax

E-Filing Form 2290 is easy when you use  The whole process is just 4 easy steps.

Step 1: Create your account
Step 2: Enter your vehicle information
Step 3: E-File with IRS
Step 4: Receive your Stamped Schedule 1

You can E-File for Form 2290 for just $9.90 and receive your Schedule 1 in just minutes!

To get started today, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

E-Filing IRS Form 2290 is as Easy as 1,2,3 with ExpressTruckTax!

Step 1: Gather the required information you will need to file.

Step 2: Enter Information
  • Create your account by entering your basic information.  You are even able to create your account using your Facebook or Gmail information.
  • Enter your business information
  • Then select Form 2290, then click Start Return
  • Choose Tax Year
  • Enter Vehicle Information (VIN & Vehicle Weight)
    • You can add multiple vehicles using the bulk upload option
  • Choose IRS payment option and enter information

The program will automatically review the information entered to check for errors.

Step 3: Transmit Information to IRS

That’s it, easy as 1, 2, 3!

For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

FAQ’s For Truckers Who E-File Form 2290

For truckers who are new to the E-Filing process, it may seem a bit intimidating; but rest assured, it is a quick and easy process.  Below are some common questions from the IRS site that may help:

Who is required to E-File Form 2290?
Those reporting 25 or more vehicles for any taxable period, are required to E-File through an IRS-approved software provider; however everyone is encouraged to E-File.  Electronic filing save you time and postage, and helps to reduce preparation and processing errors.

Why do I need an Employer Identification Number to e-file?
The EIN along with your name provides a unique identifier for each taxpayer, which protects your privacy.

What is my name control?
Your name control is assigned at the time the IRS approves your application for an Employer Identification Number. The name control consists of up to four alpha or numeric characters. Before the IRS can validate your electronically filed return, you must provide your name control and it must match what the IRS has in their records.

Can I still file my return electronically if I just received my EIN?
Yes, you may file your return electronically. However, you should wait two weeks from the date your EIN was assigned to allow your name control to be established in the IRS computer system. Your return will be rejected if you try to file your return electronically before your EIN is fully established.

When are my Form 2290 taxes due?
You must file Form 2290 by the last day of the month following the month the vehicle was first used on public highways. These due date rules apply whether you are paying the tax or reporting the suspension of tax. It is important to file and pay all your 2290 taxes on time to avoid paying interest and penalties.

How will I know the IRS has received my return?
You will receive an electronic version of the Schedule 1 containing a watermark of the E-File logo in the background. The Schedule 1 can be printed from your own computer.

How do I make corrections to my e-filed return?
You would need to file an amendment to the 2290.

If I buy another truck after I have e-filed my 2290 for the current tax period, should I e-file my original 2290 again and simply add the new vehicle to the Schedule 1?
You must file a new Form 2290 listing only the new vehicles. You may e-file that 2290 anytime before the last day of the month following the month the new vehicle was first used.

May I file one 2290 for two trucks that I place on the road in two consecutive months?
The amount of tax you owe depends on the month when you first placed your trucks on the road, so you would need to file a separate 2290 for each truck stating the month it was first used.

What should I do if my e-filed return is rejected by the IRS for duplication?
Make sure the correct VIN are listed and are not duplications from a previous filing; correct any duplication and re-submit the return.

What is a duplicate filing error?
The system detects when you have filed a return under the same EIN, for the same tax period, for the same vehicle(s) and/or the same VIN category. Check to make sure you are reporting new vehicles only and that the other information is correct.

How do I claim a refund electronically for a vehicle that was sold, destroyed or stolen during the tax period?
You can claim a credit using Form 8849, Schedule 6, Other Claims. The refund amount will depend on when the vehicle was sold, destroyed or stolen.

How do I claim a refund electronically for a vehicle I used less than 5,000 miles during the tax period?
If you already paid the tax on a vehicle you used for less than 5,000 miles, you can claim a credit using Form 8849, Schedule 6, Other Claims. However, a credit or claim for this refund cannot be filed until the next tax period.

For help with these questions and more,  or to E-File the Form 2290 online now, go to or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

Your HVUT Responsibilities

What is HUVT?
HVUT is the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax that is a fee assessed annually on heavy vehicles operating on public highways at registered gross weights equal to or exceeding 55,000 pounds. The gross taxable weight of a vehicle is determined by adding the unloaded weight of the motor vehicle and any trailers together with the maximum load customarily carried on-road by the truck-trailer combination.

Who Must File?
You must file Form 2290 for the tax period beginning on July 1, 2013, and ending on June 30, 2014, if a taxable highway motor vehicle is registered, or required to be registered, in your name under state, District of Columbia, Canadian, or Mexican law at the time of its first use during the period and the vehicle has a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more.  The deadline to file is August 31, 2013.

What is Required?
You need the details of your business – Business Name (Sole proprietor can use their legal name) and address, EIN (Employer Identification Number) , details of the authorized signatory.
You need the details of your vehicle – Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and Gross weight of the Vehicle

If you are going to pay the IRS by direct debit (we strongly recommend it), keep the routing number and the account number ready.

When to File?
Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes must be filed using the Form 2290 on an annual basis. The Tax period for Heavy Vehicles begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th of the following year. The annual renewal of your Form 2290 for a new tax period IS DUE BY August 31st each year.

For new vehicles placed in service, the IRS Form 2290 must be filed by the last day of the month following the month of first use. For example, if you purchase and first use a vehicle in October, you must file a Form 2290 by the end of November.

How to File?
Electronically.  File Form 2290 electronically through any electronic return originator (ERO), transmitter, and/or intermediate service provider (ISP) participating in the IRS e-file program for excise taxes, such as E-Filing is required by the IRS, if you are reporting 25 or more trucks on a return. For more information on e-file, visit the IRS Trucking Tax Center.

Paper.  Mail Form 2290 to the address shown under Where To File. If you did not pay the tax using the Electronic Funds Transfer or Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS), mail Form 2290-V and your check or money order with Form 2290.

For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our friendly US Based Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

What is HVUT?

HVUT is the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax that is a fee assessed annually on heavy vehicles operating on public highways at registered gross weights equal to or exceeding 55,000 pounds. The gross taxable weight of a vehicle is determined by adding the unloaded weight of the motor vehicle and any trailers together with the maximum load customarily carried on-road by the truck-trailer combination.

Who Must File?
You must file Form 2290 and Schedule 1 for the tax period beginning on July 1, 2013, and ending on June 30, 2014, if a taxable highway motor vehicle (defined below) is registered, or required to be registered, in your name under state, District of Columbia, Canadian, or Mexican law at the time of its first use during the period and the vehicle has a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more.

What is Required?
You need the details of your business – Business Name (Sole proprietor can use their legal name) and address, EIN (Employer Identification Number) , details of the authorized signatory.

You need the details of your vehicle – Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and Gross weight of the Vehicle

If you are going to pay the IRS by direct debit (we strongly recommend it), keep the routing number and the account number ready.

When to File?
Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes must be filed using the Form 2290 on an annual basis. The Tax period for Heavy Vehicles begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th. The Annual renewal of your Form 2290 for a new tax period IS DUE BY August 31st each year.

For New Vehicles placed in service, the IRS Form 2290 must be filed by the last day of the month following the month of first use. For example, if you purchase and first use a vehicle in January, you must file a Form 2290 by the end of February.

How to File Electronically?

File Form 2290 electronically through any electronic return originator (ERO), transmitter, and/or intermediate service provider (ISP) participating in the IRS e-file program for excise taxes, such as For more information, visit the IRS Trucking Tax Center.

Paper.  Mail Form 2290 to the address shown under Where To File. If you did not pay the tax using the Electronic Funds Transfer or Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS), mail Form 2290-V and your check or money order with Form 2290.
For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

Form 2290 HVUT Requirements

The heavy vehicle use tax or HVUT is an annual fee assessed on heavy vehicles operating on public highways at registered gross weights equal to or exceeding 55,000 pounds. The gross taxable weight of a vehicle is determined by adding the unloaded weight of the motor vehicle and any trailers together with the maximum load customarily carried on-road by the truck-trailer combination. IRS Form 2290 is filed annually to pay the HVUT due on the taxable vehicle and proof of payment is the Stamped Schedule 1. The monies collected are used to offset the cost for road repairs and maintenance.

 Suspended vehicles (Category W) are still required to file a Form 2290, even though there is no tax due.  A vehicle is considered suspended if the motor vehicle does not exceed 5,000 miles or 7,500 miles for agricultural vehicles during the tax period, regardless of owners. 

An agricultural vehicle is any highway motor vehicle that is: 

  • Used (or expected to be used) primarily for farming purposes, and
  • Registered (under state laws) as a highway motor vehicle used for farming purposes for the entire period. A special tag or license plate identifying the vehicle as used for farming is not required for it to be considered an agricultural vehicle.

Also note that logging vehicles are taxed at a reduced rate.

There are some vehicles that are exempt from the tax and are not required to file Form 2290. They are:

  • The Federal Government,
  • The District of Columbia,
  • A state or local government,
  • The American National Red Cross,
  • A nonprofit volunteer fire department, ambulance association, or rescue squad,
  • An Indian tribal government but only if the vehicle’s use involves the exercise of an essential tribal government function,
  • A mass transportation authority if it is created under a statute that gives it certain powers normally exercised by the state,
  • Qualified blood collector vehicles (see below) used by qualified blood collector organizations, or
  • Mobile machinery that meets the specifications for a chassis
  • For more information on exempt vehicles, go to

The IRS has simplified the process of filing Form 2290 and paying your HVUT taxes with the ability to E-File.  Anyone who is filing a return with 25 or more vehicles is required to file electronically, but everyone is now encouraged to E-File.  Through an IRS Authorized E-File Provider, like, you can file your Form 2290, pay your HVUT taxes owed to the IRS and receive your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes.  Your Schedule 1 serves as proof of payment for your HVUT and when you file by the deadline you will avoid any IRS penalties.

To get started today, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!