Category: Hvut 2290

Everything You Need to Know About Reefer Fuel Regarding IFTA?

Everything You Need to Know About Reefer Fuel Regarding IFTA?

Personally, I’m a big believer in being prepared for anything and coincidence truckers are the same way. You never know what can happen, so it’s always best to be ready. When it comes to the International Fuel Tax Agreement, you can never be too prepared, and the learning never ends. The rules governing IFTA are a bit lengthy, and every single state is different, but don’t let that stress you out. IFTA is a lot easier when it is broken down, so let’s go over everything you need to know about reefer fuel regarding IFTA.

What is Reefer Fuel?

First of all, reefer fuel is NOT included when filing IFTA when it is used to power the refrigeration unit of the trailer. You should always purchase reefer fuel on a separate fuel receipt.

Never pump reefer fuel on the same fuel receipt when fueling your power unit. This will lower your MPG and cost you more IFTA fuel tax. Also, if you are selected for an IFTA audit, and it is discovered that you combined reefer fuel into your power unit file, you will be penalized and incur added interest on your IFTA audit.

IFTA & Reefer Fuel

You are entitled to a federal tax refund on each gallon of reefer fuel. You will need the total number of gallons of reefer fuel purchased during the tax year to complete the refund form. The IRS will send you a check for the federal tax paid on each gallon of fuel. If you failed to file for this refund, you could file back for the past three years to claim your refund.

Everything You Need to Know About Reefer Fuel Regarding IFTA?You will want to check with your base jurisdiction to see how they handle reefer fuel. In Maryland, for example, if you only have one tank that propels your vehicle and runs the refrigeration unit, then all fuel is included in IFTA. If you have two separate containers, you need to fuel separately and make sure reefer is marked on the receipt. Do not add the reefer fuel on IFTA and you will able to get a refund by filing a claim.

So if you are operating an IFTA “Qualified Motor Vehicle” with a reefer unit, make sure to have the reefer fuel on a separate receipt and don’t include reefer duel on your IFTA return.

Generate Your IFTA Tax Report Today!

Our sister product, ExpressIFTA is full of innovative features to help you complete your IFTA quarterly fuel tax report. All you have to do to get started is create your free account, enter your business information, specify your base jurisdiction, enter your vehicle details, list your miles and fuel records, and generate your IFTA quarterly fuel tax report.

Say goodbye to that day of complicated calculations, ExpressIFTA’s software will accurately calculate your IFTA fuel tax rates and IFTA tax based on the information provided. Never worry about over or underpaying again.

Plus, their built-in diagnostic error audit can be run on your reports to catch any fundamental filing errors based on our estimated miles per gallon. It will recognize when miles traveled aren’t between adjacent states, and if you purchase fuel in a state you have not traveled in.

File Your IFTA Taxes Online

Today is the 2nd Quarter IFTA Deadline

Truck back on the road after filing their IFTA Fuel Tax Report
Yup, that’s right. Today, July 31st, is the 2nd quarter IFTA deadline. You will need to complete your IFTA return by midnight or you will have some major penalties to face. If this deadline snuck up on you and you’re wondering how you’ll ever make the deadline, don’t worry! We have your IFTA fuel tax solution.

ExpressTruckTax can easily handle all of your IFTA reporting needs online. You can quickly generate your IFTA report and use it to complete your return. Plus, we’re here to go over all the IFTA basics so you’ll be up to speed.

Today is the 2nd Quarter IFTA Deadline

Before we drive headlong into today’s IFTA reporting deadline, let’s review the basics of what you need to know.

What is IFTA?

If you are asking yourself “What is IFTA?” then you are in worse shape than I expected. But don’t worry, I got you. The International Fuel Tax Agreement, or IFTA, quarterly fuel tax report allows you to travel in all participating member jurisdictions with a single fuel tax license. To operate in two or more jurisdictions, you are required to have an IFTA sticker and license.

You receive your IFTA stickers and license through you base jurisdiction which is your home state or where your vehicle is registered. Your IFTA license needs to be renewed annually in December. When you hold an IFTA license, you are required to file an IFTA quarterly fuel tax report that shows and calculated how much fuel tax you owe (or are credited) to remain compliant.

In short, IFTA is used to report and determine the net tax refund that’s due and to redistribute taxes from collecting states to due states. This agreement is between the lower 48 United States and 10 Canadian provinces, this regulation was put into place to simplify fuel reporting by those who use qualified motor vehicles.

Your vehicle qualifies for IFTA reporting if:
  • Has two axles and a gross vehicle weight exceeding 26,00 pounds
  • Has two axles and a registered gross weight exceeding 26,000 pounds
  • Has three or more axles regardless of weight
  • Or has a combined weight exceeding 26,000 pounds

To complete your IFTA report you need to provide the following information:

  • The total miles traveled per jurisdiction
  • The total gallons of fuel consumed per jurisdiction
  • The total tax paid gallons of fuel purchased per jurisdiction, and 
  • The current tax rate per jurisdiction 

File Your IFTA Fuel Tax Report

ExpressTruckTax makes it easy to import all of your IFTA information online in one convenient location. Use your IFTA reports to automatically calculate all of your IFTA totals with 100% accuracy.

Your IFTA fuel tax rates will be generated in an easy-to-read quarterly IFTA report that contains everything you need to complete your return. Instantly print, download, or email your information at any time.

Today is the deadline for filing IFTA!! If you fail to file before midnight today you could be looking at major penalties.

Today is the 2nd Quarter IFTA Deadline

This Free IFTA Tax Calculator Will Blow Your Mind

Owner operator back on the road after filing his IFTA fuel taxI don’t know about you, but it feels like we just filed and paid the IFTA fuel tax. Oh, how the time flies! Because unfortunately, the next IFTA deadline is right around the corner. Your 3rd quarter IFTA report is due Thursday, October 31st! If you need to file your federal fuel tax report you have come to the right place–– here’s how we can help. 

This Free IFTA Tax Calculator Will Blow Your Mind

So you’re looking for a free IFTA Tax calculator? You might find some labeled as “free” but are they?

Well, one of our goals at ExpressTruckTax is to take the hassle out of filing your taxes. One of the many ways we achieve this is by providing you with a completely free IFTA mileage calculator app. Download the app to your smartphone or tablet and calculate your IFTA fuel tax in a matter of seconds, no matter where you are.

IFTA Mileage Calculator Instructions:

1. Select your Base Jurisdiction
2. Select your IFTA Quarter & Fuel Type
3. Enter the Miles Traveled & Fuel Purchased per state

    Now you can sit back and relax as the IFTA tax calculator app handles all of the complicated federal fuel tax calculators for you. Your total miles, gallons, and miles per gallon will be displayed along with the amount of IFTA fuel tax you owe.

    You can then email this IFTA tax report to yourself or any recipients by entering any email address and clicking send.

    How to File Your IFTA Fuel Tax?

    professional truck driver can get back on the road and calculate his IFTA fuel tax using ExpressTruckTax free IFTA tax calculator

    ExpressTruckTax not only helps you file your HVUT Form 2290 but also your IFTA return. Our IFTA online filing solution is full of innovative features that help you complete your return. All you have to do to get started is to create your free account, and you only pay when you transmit your IFTA return.

    If you need any assistance along the way, our dedicated ExpressTruckTax US-based support team is available via phone, live chat, and email.

    File Form 2290 Before The IRS Blackout

    Instantly get your stamped Schedule 1 with ExpressTruckTax

    You might be hearing this song on the radio that suggests it’s the most wonderful time of the year with season greetings a cheer. It could be because we’re in the middle of the holiday season, but don’t let all that distract you from filing your taxes!

    If you need to file your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 online by the end of this month then you might as well file now with the help of ExpressTruckTax, because Christmas and the IRS blackout are coming.

    File Before The IRS Blackout

    Every year the IRS takes a little break, like a nap. They take all of their servers offline for maintenance and repairs. That means you can’t submit your returns to the IRS during this time, but you will still be held accountable if your return is late.

    The IRS blackout will begin on December 26th, 2017 and will end in the beginning of January 2018. Also, they won’t be open on Christmas. It’s best to go ahead and file now, while you have time. As it gets closer to the blackout date you will only get even busier and don’t want to risk forgetting about your HVUT Form 2290 or you will have penalties to face.

    The IRS blackout also affects those who need to complete their IRP returns this month. Truckers in Kansas, Nebraska, and Wyoming need to complete their IRP return by December 31.

    In order to complete your IRP return, you need to provide your stamped Schedule 1. As you probably already know, you get a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 by completing your HVUT Form 2290.

    You can actually get your stamped Schedule 1 within 15 minutes of completing your HVUT Form 2290 by e-filing with ExpressTruckTax and e-filing with us is so easy that we can go over the instructions right here and now!

    First, you create your free ExpressTruckTax account with your email address and personal password. Then you will enter your business name and EIN (Employer Identification Number). You need an EIN to complete your form and can apply for one with the IRS online.

    Just keep in mind that it will take about 14 days to update in the IRS’s system and your form could get rejected during this time.

    Get your stamped Schedule 1 within 15 minutes with ExpressTruckTax

    Then you will enter tax year and first used month. The current tax year began on July 1, 2017, and will end on June 30, 2018. Your first used month is literally the first month that you use your truck on the road during the tax year.

    Next, you will enter the vehicle information such as the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) and taxable gross weight. This is also where you will enter if your vehicle was used for any special purposes, such as logging.

    After that pay the IRS the amount of HVUT you owe through direct debit, EFTPS, check or money order. Then we will perform an internal audit check on your form to catch any basic errors and you can review your information.

    Then once you’re ready, pay for your form and transmit it directly to the IRS! Soon you will receive your stamped Schedule 1 via email!

    We’re Here To Help

    If you have any questions about your 2290 then please contact the incredible, US-based ExpressTruckTax support team! We will gladly assist you. Give us a call Monday – Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM at 704.234.6005. We also offer live chat and 24/7 email support and

    HVUT Form 2290 Is Due Tomorrow, File NOW!

    HVUT Form 2290 Deadline

    Whoa, it’s time to get moving! Your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 is due tomorrow, by August 31 at midnight. The deadline is here! That means you’re literally running out of time to file without facing major penalties.

    We know this puts you in quite a state of urgency, but stay calm. You can file Form 2290 in a matter of minutes with ExpressTruckTax. Plus, to help you file even faster we have put together a list of frequently asked questions and provided the answers.

    HVUT Form 2290 FAQs

    1. What is my first use month?

    Your first use month is literally the first month that you use your heavy vehicle during the tax period. The current HVUT period runs from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 and form 2290 is due based off of your first use month.

    To be specific, it’s due by the last day of the month following your first use month. Because most truckers use their trucks in July, it’s their first use month and that makes August 31st their deadline day. However, if you don’t use your truck until October then your Form 2290 wouldn’t be due until the last day of November.

    2. Can I pay the amount of HVUT I owe with a credit card?

    Unfortunately, no. You can not pay the amount of HVUT you owe with a credit card because the IRS doesn’t accept credit cards.

    One option is to pay with direct debit or electronic fund withdrawal, by authorizing the IRS to debit the amount you owe from your bank account. In order to do this, you will need to provide your bank account and routing number which can be found on one of your checks.

    Or you can also pay with the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System, where you will create a free account with The amount you owe will be debited from your bank account, but it could take up to 10 days to create your account.

    You will need to schedule your payment within your account. You need to schedule at least by 8 PM the day before the deadline to give the IRS enough time to debit the funds from your account.

    If you want to, you can mail the amount you owe directly to the IRS with a check or money order. Just print your completed 2290-V (your payment voucher) from page 11 of your completed 2290 form and mail it with your payment.

    You only have 2 days left to file!

    3. What is an EIN?

    Your EIN is your Employer Identification Number, and it’s used to identify a business entity. To complete Form 2290 you need an EIN and can apply for one online with the IRS. If you already have an EIN it can be found on a previous stamped Schedule 1.

    You can not use your Social Security Number in place of your EIN on HVUT Form 2290. If you use your SSN instead of your EIN your form will be rejected. If you need an EIN you better hop to it because it takes about 14 days for your EIN to become active in the IRS’s system and your form could get rejected during that time.

    4. How Do I file?

    It’s easy! Head to and follow the step-by-step e-filing guide to complete your form in 5 minutes or less. As a result, you will receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 within 15 minutes via email.

    Are you out on a trip without access to a computer? Then download the ExpressTruckTax mobile app to your smartphone or tablet to file at any time, from any location. ExpresstruckTax is just as mobile as you are!

    Or you could call TSNAmerica at 803.386.0320 to have a local, US-based representative file for you over the phone. It’s the quickest and most convenient way to file, all you have to do is answer a few questions to complete your Form 2290. After you finish filing a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 will be sent to your email.

    We’re Here To Help

    If you need any assistance please don’t hesitate to contact the dedicated, US-based ExpressTruckTax support team. Give us a call Monday – Friday from 8 AM to 7 PM EST at 704.234.6005. We’re also available via live chat and offer 24/7 email support at Extend hours of phone support will be offered around the deadline.

    Get Your Stamped Schedule 1 Today

    What a day to be a trucker! The IRS is now officially processing Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) 2290 returns! That means you can file today and instantly receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 via email in about 15 minutes.

    Why wait to file when ExpressTruckTax makes it extremely easy to file your 2290 return in just a few minutes? The process is simple, check out the e-filing instructions below.

    How to File Your 2290 With ExpressTruckTax

    Step 1: You begin by creating your free account with expressTruckTax using your email address and personal password. Then in the dashboard, you’ll see the exclusive ExpressTruckTax wallet feature where you can purchase prepaid filing credits at a 10% discount. 

     Step 2: When you’re ready to file click the orange ‘Start New Return’ button and enter the basic information for your business such as the name, address, and EIN or Employer Identification number. Remember, you need an EIN to file and can apply for one with the IRS online. It will take about two weeks for it to update in the IRS’s system.

    Step 3: Then you’ll enter your tax year and your vehicle’s first used month. Form 2290 is filed based on your vehicles first used month and is due the last day of the month after it’s first used month. For example, if you first use your vehicle in April then your Form 2290 is due on May 31st. Then you’ll file annually by the August 31st deadline.

    The current tax period runs from July 1st, 2017 until June 30th, 2018, and your schedule 1 for the 2016-2017 season expired on June 30th, 2017.

    Step 4: Next you’ll enter information for your vehicle including the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and taxable gross weight. You’ll also select if your vehicle was used for any special purposes such as logging or agricultural uses. Remember suspended vehicles must be filed for as well.

    Step 5: Relax as we calculate how much you’ll owe the IRS for you, so you’ll know exactly how much to pay. Then select one of the following payment options to pay the IRS: Direct Debit or Electronic Funds Withdrawal, EFTPS, Check or Money Order.

    Step 6: You’ll be presented with a summary of your information to make sure all of your information was entered correctly. VINs for example, are the number one Form 2290 mistake. Then our system will perform audit check on your form to catch any basic errors.

    Step 7: Once any corrections have been made and you’re ready to transmit your form directly to the IRS enter a 5-digit code of your choice at the bottom of the form to electronically sign and transmit it.   

    Step 8: Do your happy dance because depending on IRS volume in about 10 to 15 minutes you’ll receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 via email. You can also elect to receive a copy via text and postal mail. 

    Other Ways To File

    We know you’re busy and on the move a lot, that’s why you can download and use the ExpressTruckTax app to file from any location at any time, right from your smartphone or tablet, no computer necessary. This makes it incredibly easy to file, even when you’re out on a trip.

    You can also call TSNAmerica at 803.386.0320 to have one of their 2290 experts file over the phone for you! All you have to do is make a simple phone call to have your 2290 taken care of and to receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 via email.

    Contact ExpressTruckTax

    We’re here to help! Contact us with any questions that you may have. We’re available over the phone at 704.234.6005 Monday – Friday from 8 AM to 7 PM EST. We can also be reached via live chat and offer 24/7 email support at

    We’re Accepting 2290 Returns Before The IRS

    The 2290 season is officially here! Usually, the IRS begins accepting returns on July 1st, but since that’s a Saturday they won’t let you file until the next business day,  Monday, July 3rd.

    However, you don’t have to wait, because you can file your 2290 with ExpressTruckTax tomorrow, on July 1st. This means you can go ahead and get your 2290 out of the way so you can enjoy your July 4th holiday!

    Important: But why wait until tomorrow? Today, June 30th, is the last day to pre-file with ExpressTruckTax. It’s also the last day to get 10% off with the PROMOCODE: PREFILE17 for a single truck and PROMOCODE: PREFILE25 for 2-24 trucks.

    The sooner you file then the sooner your 2290 return will be processed, approved, or rejected depending on IRS volume. So, we encourage you to file as soon as possible with ExpressTruckTax to beat the rush. We also have a few reminders for you to keep in mind as you prepare to file.

    HVUT 2290 Reminders

    – If you own a heavy vehicle with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more then you’re required by law to file your HVUT Form 2290 in order to get a copy of your stamped Schedule 1, which serves as your proof of payment. You must file for all taxable highway motor vehicles that are required to be registered in your name under state, District of Columbia, Canadians, or Mexican law. 

    – For new vehicles, your Form 2290 is due on the last day of the month after your first use month. For example, if you first use your new truck in October then your 2290 would be due on November 31st. Then you will renew it annually by the August 31st deadline. Your schedule 1 for the previous tax period will expire on June 30th.
    – In order to complete your 2290 Form you need your business name, and address (your personal details will work if you’re a sole proprietor), and EIN (Employer Identification Number). For your vehicle you’ll need your first use month, VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), taxable gross weight, and be sure to include if your vehicle was used for any special purposes such as logging or agricultural uses. 

    – Suspended vehicles must be included when you file. A suspended vehicle is one that is expected to be used for 5,000 miles or less (7,500 miles for agricultural vehicles). Suspended or credit vehicles also include ones that were destroyed, stolen, or sold.
    – You have to file your Form 2290 and you have to pay your HVUT to the IRS. Your payment options include direct debit or electronic funds withdrawal (EFW), EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System) or check or money order. 
    – You can file over the phone! Just give TSNAmerica a call at 803.386.0320 to have a US-based representative file your 2290 for you, over the phone. That’s right, you can handle your 2290 with one phone call. As a result, you’ll receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 via email in about 15 minutes. 

    ExpressTruckTax is Here to Help

    Use our IRS authorized step-by-step e-filing guide to knock out your Form 2290 in a blink of an eye. Then you’ll have a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 sent to your email within minutes. You can also elect to receive a copy via test or postal mail.

    No computer? No problem. Use the ExpressTruckTax Mobile App to complete your Form 2290 instantly on your smartphone or tablet at any time, from any location.

    If you need any assistance along the way contact the dedicated ExpressTruckTax support team. We’re available Monday – Friday from 8 AM to 7 PM EST at 704.234.6005. We also offer live chat and 24/7 email support at

    3 Steps to Pre-File Your 2290 Today

    3 Steps to Pre-File Your 2290
    3 Steps to Pre-File 2290 Today

    Now that we’re in the pre-filing season, it’s time we break down how you can pre-file your HVUT renewal at no additional cost.

    In fact, with promo code ETT10, it’ll actually cost you less! Best of all, pre-filing with us is virtually the same as e-filing for any other tax year.

    Let’s take a look:

    Step 1: Set up Your Account

    The first step is logging in or creating your account, if you’ve yet to register, that is. If you need to register, use your email and choose a password – once you’ve done that, you need to click ADD on the business list on the right.

    Add Bussiness Details

    After that, add your business details and your EIN number.

    business details and your EIN number.

    Once your business is in the system, start a new return. You may need to proceed back to the dashboard in order to start it. Simply click START under the Form 2290 option and you’ll be taken to the next screen.

    This is where things get a little different. After you’ve selected your new Form 2290, you will be asked on the next screen whether you’re pre-filing or filing for the current tax year.


    Once you select start pre-filing, you will be able to choose to pre-file for the 2016-17 year and select the first used month of your vehicle.

    choose to pre-file for the 2016-17

    Hit next and we’ll keep moving on, then.

    Step 2: Enter Your Vehicle Details

    In the next step of the process, you need to add all of your heavy vehicle information. If you’re a returning user and you are filing for a previously used truck, just select the truck you’d like to file for from the Truck Zone. All of your information is stored there and ready to go!

    If you’re a new user, you can enter your vehicle details individually, or you can bulk upload multiple trucks from a CSV file.

    Enter Your Vehicle Details

    Remember, there are 3 different types of vehicles that you can add.

    • Taxable Vehicles are vehicles that have exceeded the 5,000 mile limit (or 7,500 miles for agricultural vehicles) for the tax year. Don’t forget, if you drive a logging vehicle (a vehicle used to transport foresting materials) you are eligible for a tax discount!
    • Low Mileage or Suspended Vehicles are vehicles that have not exceeded the mileage limit for the tax year. These vehicles do not cost you in taxes, but still need to be filed for in order to get the stamped Schedule 1.
    • Sold, Lost, or Destroyed Credit Vehicles are vehicles that you no longer have, but you are still required to file for them if they were used for any part of the tax year.
    You can also enter vehicles that you have previously filed as suspended, and you can enter low mileage credits at the end of this step.

    Related Blog: How to E-File Form 2290 with a Credit Vehicle?

    Step 3: Select Your Payment Account

    Your final step for pre-filing is selecting your payment method and securely transmitting your return to the IRS. This step is a little bit different than when you e-file your regular tax year, since we will transmit the return for you when the IRS begins accepting them on July 1st.

    Select Your Payment & Transmit

    There are 3 payment methods for you to choose from, and these determine when the IRS will accept your payment and take money out of your account.

    If you go with direct debit, the taxes you owe will come out of your account one or two days after the IRS processes your return on July 1. For EFTPS or a check/money order, you can schedule your payment for as late as August 31, the renewal due date.

    Once you’ve decided what payment method to use, you will be taken to your account summary page. Here you can correct any errors you see and then continue to submit your return.

    With our Instant Audit feature, we will even check your return for you to minimize the risk of being rejected by the IRS due to missing information.

    Then you simply transmit! Yeah, that’s it. It’s that easy. Congratulations, you’ve successfully pre-filed your form 2290!

    If you have any questions throughout your pre-filing experience, we’re here to help! Our dedicated support team can answer your questions at 704.234.6005 or by email at

    Driver Shortage: Where to Find New Truckers

    Driver Shortage
    Driver Shortage

    You hear it all the time – there’s a driver shortage. Yet you look around, and there are still plenty of trucks out there.

    Well, it’s not just that there is a shortage, it’s that the shortage is only going to increase as the industry ages.

    Unfortunately, the industry needs around 48,000 drivers, and that number will only increase as the main working force continues to age.

    So what is the best solution? Some experts are calling for a focus on recruiting younger hires and women drivers.

    Women in Trucking

    Admittedly, there are some physical differences between men and women that can prove challenging, according to Ellen Voie, President of the Women in Trucking Association.

    But when you think about it, women make up 47% of the labor force, yet only 6% of truckers are women. This is what drives the Women in Trucking Association.

    As it stands, your standard truck might be designed only with the male trucker in mind. But Voie is lobbying for changes, going as far as to meet with Peterbilt engineers earlier this year.

    Voie also addressed the Future Truck Committee this year, where she said that the one-size-fits-all approach for trucks is likely costing companies the drivers they are in need of.

    Young Truckers

    In North America, the average truck driver age is over 47. More distressing is that this number has just been going up, and over 30% of the driving force is over 55.

    Some think that the lifestyle just doesn’t attract the younger generation. Being on the road definitely limits you from friends and family, which can be a shock for the younger, more intertwined generation.

    Which is why some drivers consider trucking a passion more than your standard job. You can’t deny, it definitely carries it’s own atmosphere and lifestyle ramifications.

    As new truckers do come into the industry, let’s do them a favor and let them know the easiest way to get your stamped Schedule 1 is to e-file your HVUT 2290s with ExpressTruckTax.

    How do you think the industry can attract new drivers? Let us know on Facebook (or) Twitter!

    5 Trucker Trends to Watch

    We’re rolling into spring, leaving winter behind, and it feels good. Right now, there’s nothing on your mind—you’re just enjoying the open road. But a voice in the back of your head says, “Hey, what are you missing? You gotta be missing something!”
    So just in case, we’re bringing you an update on the latest happenings in our neck of the woods. Here are some news items and events that affect you as a trucker over the upcoming months.

    FMCSA Considering Sleep Apnea Rule

    The FMCSA announced that they are seeking feedback about sleep apnea in commercial vehicle drivers as an initial move towards a ruling on the condition. Basically, the rule could mean transportation workers in safety sensitive positions who exhibit multiple risk factors for sleep apnea would undergo evaluation and treatment by a healthcare professional with expertise in sleep disorders.

    Are you going to MATS? See ya there!

    In case you missed it on social media, we’re headed to the Mid-America Trucking Show March 31st – April 2nd! We’ll be giving out FREE tickets to the show, which you can claim here. Keep an eye out for cool prizes and the inside scoop on the latest ExpressTruckTax and TruckLogics developments.

    What is Alice Isn’t Dead?

    There’s a new podcast shooting to the top of the iTunes charts—and it’s about a trucker! Alice Isn’t Dead follows a truck driver on a quest to find her wife, who was presumed dead. Along the way, the trucker meets unsavory characters, ghost towns, and uncovers a dark conspiracy.

    Are you ready to file your Personal Taxes?

    Don’t forget, Trucking Nation, your personal taxes are due Monday, April 18th. If you’re not ready to file, head over to ExpressExtension to e-file a personal tax extension! Normally, your tax deadline would be April 15th, but that is Emancipation Day, which will be celebrated as a government holiday in Washington, D.C. So, the tax deadline was moved to Monday. (Hey, it gives you more time!) And that’s okay with us. By the way, make sure you don’t miss out on any trucker specific deductions.

    There’s an IFTA Deadline, and there’s a HVUT Deadline

    Don’t forget, deadlines are approaching! The 1st Quarter of IFTA ends in March, so you’ll have a payment due in April. And summer is almost here, so your 2290s are only months away. Get a head start now!

    There’s always something happening in the trucking world. Make sure you follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with the latest transportation news. Start planning your finances and truck taxes now, and we’ll see you at MATS later this month!

    Don’t forget, our dedicated customer support team is here to answer any of your HVUT 2290 filing questions! You can reach them by phone at 704.234.6005, live chat via our website, or email at