Category: HVUT

3 Easy Ways To Simplify IRS HVUT Payments

HVUT payments don’t have to be complicated. Don’t know how much you will owe the IRS? Don’t know how to make your 2290 payment? We can help with that!

Here are our top three tips and tricks to help simplify your HVUT payments.

1. Figure out your HVUT Payment

With the HVUT 2290 tax payment calculator from ExpressTruckTax, you can figure out exactly how much HVUT you will owe the IRS. 

Simply enter your First Use Month and Weight Category and we will calculate precisely how much HVUT you owe! 

Take the guesswork and the stress out of your HVUT tax payment this year!

Tax Calculator

2. Choose the best method to make your HVUT payments

There are three IRS HVUT 290 payment methods available to truckers for the 2020-21 tax year. 

Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW)

EFW is just your standard bank account transfer. You’ll need to provide your bank account number and routing number to the IRS. Typically they will withdraw your payment within one or two business days.

Electronic Federal Tax Payment Service (EFTPS)

EFTPS is a service offered by the IRS to simplify tax payments. It is a highly secure solution that allows you to schedule out payments in advance

If you choose EFTPS to pay your IRS 2290 payment, you’ll need to create an account by enrolling in the program here.

Check or Money Order

If you choose to make your 2290 payment by check or money order, you’ll need to remember to mail it to them. The responsibility to be on time is entirely on you.

Mail your check or money order to:

Internal Revenue Service,

P.O. Box 804525,

Cincinnati, OH 45280-4525

3. Choose the right 2290 E-file provider

Many e-file providers have confusing processes for filing out HVUT returns. In most cases, the structure makes it hard to know how much you will need to pay them and how you can pay the IRS.

However, with ExpressTruckTax, everything is upfront. Our pricing is transparent. Our interview-style e-filing process makes filing easy. And we make sure you know how and when you need to pay the IRS.

Plus, if you have any questions you can always call our 100% US-based customer support team!

Transferring Your 2290 to a New Vehicle

Do you need to transfer your 2290 in a hurry? If you swapped vehicles or purchased a new one last month, then the answer is yes!

Vehicles first used in one month have a 2290 filing deadline at the end of the next month!

Even though that’s no time at all, it’s still plenty of time to transfer your 2290.

That’s because it only takes about 10 minutes to E-file a Form 2290. So if you’ve recently swapped vehicles, it’s time to get in gear and get yourself E-filed before the deadline.

Here’s the Game Plan:

1. E-file a new Form 2290
2. Claim a Credit Vehicle on that form
3. Receive your new Stamped Schedule 1 via email instantly

That’s all it takes to “transfer” your 2290 from your old vehicle to the new one. Want to see it step-by-step? I thought so, here’s the Play-by-Play.

1: Login or create an account (it’s free!). If you’re new to ExpressTruckTax, quickly enter your name, business info, and EIN before you begin E-filing. Finally, click “Start New Return,” choose a Form 2290, and then enter your first-used month (the month in which you purchased the new vehicle).  

2: Now to enter your taxable vehicle information (for the new truck). Simply input the VIN, gross weight, and select whether the vehicle is used for logging. Save and then skip the next few screens.  

Step 3: It’s time to enter your Credit Vehicle. This is how you receive a prorated refund on the HVUT tax previously paid. Click +Add a Credit Vehicle, enter the VIN & gross weight, then enter details of the “loss event.” This means choosing the date on which the vehicle was sold, lost, or destroyed, as well as uploading any required evidence, like a bill of sale.    And that’s it. Simply input your payment method, and then hit the big green Transmit button. Within about 10 minutes, the IRS will have reviewed you return, and if it’s accepted (98% of returns E-filed with us are!), then you’ll receive your new stamped Schedule 1 via email immediately.

Bonus Tips: More Ways to Save

  • If your previous truck was sold, stolen, or destroyed, and you are choosing not to replace it, then you can still get a prorated refund of the HVUT you paid! The procedure is different from the “transfer” process. To claim a prorated refund in this case, simply E-file a Form 8849. We offer easy E-filing of this form too, check out these tips on how to file your 8849 fast. 
  • If your business name or EIN has changed, then you can also get a prorated refund for the taxes paid under the previous name/EIN. Just E-file a new Form 2290 for all vehicles under this new name or EIN. Then E-file a Form 8849 under the old name/EIN to get some of those tax bucks back. 

Ready to transfer?

Still have questions about transferring your 2290 or claiming your refund?

That’s what our Support Team is for! They’re ready to lend a helping hand to E-filers in distress, 24/7.

Call them at 704.234.6005 or shoot them an email 24/7 at

They’ll help you cross the E-filing Finish Line before the deadline, guaranteed.

Last Day! How To File Form 2290 For 2019 On Time

It’s almost over. After today, you won’t have to worry about IRS 2290 filing for a whole year!

Hopefully, you’re already aware that today, September 3rd, 2019, is the deadline to file Form 2290 for 2019.

You’re cutting it close, but luckily, if you file online, you can have your 2290 Form 2019 filed by the end of the day.

Here are some last-minute Form 2290 instructions 2019 to guide you through the truck tax online filing process.

IRS Form 2290 for 2019

Tips for Filing IRS 2290 Fast

File IRS Form 2290 fast by having your information prepared before you start. The best way to reduce IRS 2290 penalties is by filing as soon as possible, which requires some information.

You’ll need:
–  Business Name & Address
–  EIN (Employer Identification Number)
–  VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)
–  Gross Taxable Weight
–  Authorized Signatory Details

Remember, an EIN is required for filing Form 2290 2019, you can no longer use your social security number.

You’ll also want to double-check your VIN number to avoid delays. It should be 17 characters long, including both numbers and letters.

IRS Form 2290 Penalties

It’s critical that you file Form 2290 for 2019 by the end of the day to avoid heavy highway tax filing penalties.

If you file IRS 2290 or pay your HVUT after the 2290 deadline, you’ll face these penalties:
–  If you don’t file IRS Form 2290 for 2019 by the deadline, you’ll have to pay a penalty of 4.5% of the total HVUT 2290 tax amount due. This will increase monthly for up to 5 months.
–  If you don’t pay your heavy highway tax by the deadline, you’ll have to pay a penalty of 0.5% of your HVUT 2290 tax amount, with additional interest of 0.54% per month.
You may be able to avoid these Form 2290 2019 penalties if you can show the IRS reasonable cause for failing to file your IRS 2290 and pay your HVUT amount on time.

Filing Your Truck Tax Online

File Form 2290 for 2019 truck tax online with the leading IRS-authorized e-file provider, ExpressTruckTax.

You’ll be done filing 2290 Form 2019 in just minutes, and you’ll receive your stamped Schedule 1 shortly after.

Don’t make this process longer than it needs to be. The Form 2290 2019 deadline is already here.

ExpressTruckTax offers a quick solution for filing IRS Form 2290 for 2019 in no time.

Simply create a free ExpressTruckTax account, enter the information discussed above, undergo a free instant error check, and transmit your Form 2290 2019 to the IRS.

You’ll be done before you know it.
ExpressTruckTax will send you your stamped Schedule 1 within minutes of filing your heavy highway tax.
It’s that easy.

Last Chance! File Your IRS 2290 Today

Before you start making plans for Labor Day weekend, don’t forget that your Form 2290 for 2019 is due September 3rd, 2019.

While you may be tempted to wait until the last minute, remember that the IRS will be closed for maintenance 8/31-9/2. File this week.

Plus, if anything were to happen and your IRS is rejected, you’ll need the extra time to make corrections.

It’s best to just act like the usual August 31st deadline is still in effect.

Here’s how to file IRS Form 2290 before your holiday weekend.

The Rundown on Form 2290 for 2019

Form 2290 Due Date

When is 2290 due? Let’s reiterate: This year’s Form 2290 due date has been pushed back to September 3rd, 2019.

The usual August 31st date falls on a weekend, and the following business day is a holiday – Labor Day.

Therefore, Tuesday, September 3rd, is the deadline.

I’ve heard plenty of people assume they’re too late and might as well just file later or paper file and accept the penalty.

There’s literally no reason to do that. Filing IRS Form 2290 online before the Form 2290 due date is quick and painless. Plus, it’s affordable.

You’ll save money and time – no negative side effects.

IRS Form 2290 Filing Tips

If you want to make IRS 2290 filing the most efficient process possible, gather your information first.

You’ll need your EIN, VIN, business information, vehicle’s gross taxable weight, authorized signatory details, and payment information.

Then, file IRS 2290 online with an IRS-authorized e-file provider, such as ExpressTruckTax, the industry leader.

Once you’ve created a free account, you’ll follow the simple steps of the ExpressTruckTax interview-style process, dedicated to making taxes easy.

You can even complete these steps on your cell phone.

Our system is dedicated to fitting IRS Form 2290 for 2019 into your busy life on the go.

If at any point you have questions or get stuck, simply call our 100% US-based, live customer support team located in Rock Hill, SC.

File 2290 Form 2019 on time. Trust me, you’ll be glad you did.

The Quickest Way to File

The IRS recommends online filing for quickness and ease of approval for Form 2290 for 2019.

Not only will filing online help the IRS accept your 2290 Form 2019 within a reasonable amount of time, but it will also ensure that you receive a copy of your Schedule 1 Form 2290 quickly.

When you file online with ExpressTruckTax, you’ll receive your Schedule 1 Form 2290 just minutes after filing your 2290 Form 2019 with the IRS.

Plus, you’ll have access to free VIN corrections and an instant error check, so you won’t have to worry about having to file IRS 2290 more than once.

Take a moment and get it done with ExpressTruckTax!

Almost out of Time! Avoid Penalties, File IRS 2290 Now

The IRS 2290 filing deadline is coming up on September 3rd, 2019.

If you’re thinking of putting off filing IRS 2290 or waiting to pay your heavy vehicle use tax, I’m here to prepare you for the IRS penalties you can expect.

Plus, we’ll go over how exactly to avoid those penalties while saving money and time.

Let’s get started.

Everything You Need For IRS 2290 Filing

IRS Form 2290 Filing Deadline

As mentioned, the 2290 deadline is September 3rd, 2019.

This is the deadline to file IRS Form 2290 and pay your 2290 tax amount.

Failing to file and pay heavy vehicle use tax will result in penalties from the IRS. The penalty for failing to file IRS Form 2290 on time is 4.5% of the total highway tax 2290 amount you owe, with additional 0.54% interest each month.

However, the penalty for filing your IRS Form 2290 but failing to pay your highway tax 2290 amount is 0.5% of the HVUT payment, substantially less than failing to file.

The interest is the same.

If you can’t afford to make your HVUT payment right this moment, file IRS Form 2290 anyway. There’s no reason to miss the deadline. The whole process takes a matter of minutes and can be done from your phone.

IRS 2290 Filing Tips

Save time by gathering information before you dive in. Here’s what you need for IRS Form 2290 filing:

–  EIN

You must have an EIN to file IRS 2290. If you need one, you can try to get one from the IRS in time, but we suggest calling TSNAmerica at 803.386.0320.

–  Business Information

You’ll need to enter your business name and address at the beginning of your IRS Form 2290.

–  VIN

This is your Vehicle Identification Number, and should be 17 characters long.

–  Authorized Signatory Details

This is the 5-digit unique signature PIN you’ll need to use to sign your IRS Form 2290.

–  Gross Taxable Weight

Your vehicle’s gross taxable weight is its weight when fully equipped for service, minus the weight of you and the load. You can find this on your cab card or sticker inside the door.

–  HVUT Payment Information

Pay your HVUT 2290 tax amount online fast. Leading IRS-authorized e-file providers like ExpressTruckTax will offer multiple payment options, including credit card, direct debit, EFW (Electronic Funds Transfer), and EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System).

Once you’re ready, choose an IRS-authorized online filing system. Filing IRS 2290 highway use tax online will save you loads of time and ensure that you receive your 2290 Schedule 1 fast.

The Quickest Way to File

As mentioned, filing IRS 2290 and paying HVUT 2290 online will save you tons of time.

The entire process takes minutes.

When you file IRS Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax, you’ll also receive your stamped Schedule 1 just minutes after filing your 2290 tax.

You’ll also save time on potential HVUT rejection.

ExpressTruckTax offers an instant IRS 2290 error check, and FREE VIN corrections in the event that you need to make a quick fix.

We’re all about making taxes easy. Sign up for a free account and test it out for yourself.

Things You Need To Know: HVUT, Highway Tax 2290, and IFTA Tax

With every deadline comes more confusion.

You might think, “What are all these forms and payments, and why am I constantly dealing with them?”

Understanding HVUT, highway tax 2290, and IFTA tax will prepare you to file quickly each year and keep you from making filing mistakes.

Knowing the differences will also give you an idea of if you need to file, and when to file.


HVUT, or Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, is a tax on heavy vehicles used to fund highway maintenance.

You must pay Heavy Highway Use Tax if your truck has a gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more and is driven on public highways over 5,000 miles per year. Gross weight is weight when fully equipped for service.
Heavy Highway Use Tax is an annual tax. The HVUT deadline is the same as the 2290 highway use tax form deadline. HVUT is also known as HVUT 2290 because of its connection with Form 2290, which we’ll talk about next.

Highway Tax 2290

Highway Tax 2290, or simply Form 2290, is the form used to pay your HVUT amount.

Form 2290 is also used to calculate the Heavy Highway Use Tax amount you owe, determine your truck’s category, claim an exemption or credit, and more.

Highway Tax 2290 proves why the HVUT 2290 amount you’re paying is what you’re paying.
You need an EIN to file 2290 Highway Use Tax Form. The deadline is the same as the HVUT 2290 deadline. File Highway Tax 2290 Form and pay HVUT 2290 by the end of the month after your first use month.


The IFTA tax is not related to HVUT 2290 and Highway Tax 2290 Form. IFTA, or International Fuel Tax Agreement, ensures that each state/province is paid the correct IFTA fuel tax.

IFTA fuel tax becomes important when vehicles travel frequently across state borders. If trucks fill up in one state and immediately cross to the next, the state they’re driving in is losing out.

With IFTA reporting, truckers track miles in each state.

You need to pay IFTA fuel tax quarterly if your vehicle has 2 axles and a gross vehicle weight or registered gross weight > 26,000 pounds, has a combined weight of 26,000 pounds or has 3 or more axles regardless of weight.

Here are the deadlines:
Quarter Periods
IFTA Quarterly Tax Return Period
Due Dates
1st Quarter
January – March
April 30 
2nd Quarter
April – June
July 31
3rd Quarter
July – September
October 31
4th Quarter
October – December
January 31

How To Keep Up With Truck Taxes

The best way to pay these taxes is online. Cutting out paperwork saves time, and filing online allows you to keep a record of your previous filings.

Using a service that offers all of these forms in the same place is ideal.

With ExpressTruckTax, you can do it all. IFTA reporting, highway tax 2290, and HVUT are all in one place for your convenience.

Save time with bulk upload, free VIN corrections, multi-user access, and more features.
Plus, our mobile app allows you to file whenever and wherever. Filing taxes has never been easier.
Don’t forget! Your HVUT 2290 deadline is approaching!
Your IRS Form 2290 and HVUT payment are due September 3rd, 2019.File Form 2290 today to avoid IRS penalties.

The Best Tips For Filing 2290 Form 2019 Quickly

The IRS Form 2290 deadline is almost here!

This year, the IRS 2290 filing deadline is September 3rd since the usual August 31st date falls on a weekend.

We’ve got you covered with everything you need to know to file IRS 2290 Form 2019 as fast as possible to avoid IRS penalties.

Let’s get started.

How To File 2290 Form 2019 Fast

Getting Started

Before you begin your 2290 filing, here’s some information you’ll want to collect to speed up the 2290 filing process.

– Your EIN (Employer Identification Number)

You must have an EIN to file. If you need an EIN, apply online with the IRS, or call TSNAmerica at (803) 386-0320.

– Your business name and business address
Enter business information at the beginning of the 2290 filing process.

– Your VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)
This number should be 17 characters, including both numbers and letters.

– Authorized signatory details

Sign your IRS Form 2290 online with a unique 5-digit signature PIN.

– Your vehicle’s gross taxable weight

The weight of your vehicle when fully equipped for service, minus the weight of you and the load. Find this number on your cab card or a sticker inside the door of your cab. (The number on the door may be outdated, so use the cab card number if you have it.)

– Payment information

ExpressTruckTax offers multiple HVUT 2290 payment options, including credit card, direct debit, EFW (Electronic Funds Withdrawal), and EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System).

You can also mail the IRS your highway tax 2290 payment via check or money order.

Form 2290 Filing Tips

Filing 2290 Form 2019 doesn’t have to be a hassle. In fact, with ExpressTruckTax, you can file IRS 2290 in under 20 minutes.

However, if an IRS 2290 mistake is made, the IRS will reject your form, forcing you to re-file.

To avoid this, ExpressTruckTax will run an instant error check on your highway tax 2290 before filing.

Also, if you’ve filed with us before, your information will be saved, further reducing the chance of error.

If you do end up making a mistake, ExpressTruckTax offers free VIN corrections and IRS 2290 amendments.

Can’t pay your HVUT (heavy highway vehicle use tax) amount right now? Don’t worry. The penalty for failing to pay your highway tax 2290 is lower than the penalty for failing file. File now, pay HVUT 2290 later.

IRS 2290 Filing Steps

IRS Form 2290 online filing has changed the game for highway tax 2290, making the process faster and easier.

ExpressTruckTax is an IRS-authorized, e-file provider, dedicated to simplifying the online IRS 2290 filing process. Our secure, cloud-based software ensures safe HVUT 2290 payment and 2290 Form 2019 filing.

Simply follow these steps to file 2290 Form 2019:

1. Sign up for your FREE ExpressTruckTax account
2. Select “start new return”
3. Enter vehicle information and details
4. Calculate tax (ExpressTruckTax will do this for you with our IRS 2290 Tax Calculator)
5. Undergo an instant error check

6. Transmit your form and pay HVUT 2290
Once these steps are completed, you’ll receive your stamped Schedule 1 in minutes!

The Most Important Remix of Old Town Road Has Arrived

How many times do you think Lil Nas X can remix “Old Town Road?” We hope it’s a lot.

Rather than waiting for an unlikely HVUT 2290 remix, we took matters into our own hands.

Ladies and gents, boys and girls, grab your cowboy hats and saddle up because we’re about to take a trip to Old Town Rock Hill.

The Most Important Remix of Old Town Road Has Arrived

Why “Old Town Road?” & Other Fun Facts

It’s no secret – the Form 2290 for 2019 deadline is approaching.

You must file Form 2290 for 2019 to stay compliant with heavy highway tax 2290 and receive your Schedule 1.

We have the perfect HVUT 2290 solution, but how can we spread the word?

One day, the sales team upstairs was helping 2290 Form 2019 filers complete their HVUT 2290 heavy highway tax 2290 when they noticed they were hearing the same song over and over.

It was May, and “Old Town Road” was blowing up the radio, quickly becoming one of the biggest hits in the nation.

We were constantly reminded of the tune, both hearing it in the office and seeing the unique flags lining the streets outside, welcoming us every day to Old Town Rock Hill.

It was Amber, the Director of Transportation Products, who connected the dots with a plan.

“We see those flags every day when we come into the office to help people file taxes. I realized we’d been given a unique opportunity to relate to our customers.”

Transforming 2290 Form 2019 from a headache to a simple process is our overarching mission.

Creating a remix of “Old Town Road” would help us convey that taxes don’t have to be boring.

“I picked up the idea and ran,” says Caitlyn, our Digital Marketing Content Creator.

Thus began a team effort to create a remix of “Old Town Road” dedicated to reminding you to hammer down and file your taxes.

Behind the Scenes of Our Old Town Road Remix

From the start, we knew this HVUT 2290 Form 2019 remix of “Old Town Road” would rely on collaboration.

Our Marketing Team created lyrics for the remix and Taylor, our Content Marketing Specialist, contacted her cousin, the owner of Rich Game Stables in Matthews, NC.

It was all hands on deck. Cardboard trucks were built and painted. Paint was spilled and shoes were destroyed. That’s how it goes in showbiz. 🤷

We definitely faced our challenges. Mixing the music to produce the remix of “Old Town Road” was beyond our technical skills, but we persevered for the sake of 2290 Form 2019 filing.

Even our handmade trucks survived South Carolina heat just long enough for footage before its glue melted and they collapsed.

The Product That Inspired It All

ExpressTruckTax is an IRS-authorized heavy highway tax 2290 Form 2019 e-filing provider created to make filing your taxes easy.

Life on the go can be chaotic. With ExpressTruckTax, you can file Form 2290 for 2019 fast.

We even offer an app, so file your taxes whenever and wherever.

Here in Old Town Rock Hill, South Carolina, we’re here for you. Check out our remix of “Old Town Road”, and then hammer down and file your taxes TODAY! 


What You Need To Know About The 2019 HVUT Due Date

The IRS Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes (HVUT) must be filed annually by August 31st. This year, however, the HVUT due date is technically September 3rd.

Although there is a shift in the 2019 HVUT due date, this isn’t a call for procrastination.

Why September 3rd?

As mentioned August 31st is normally the HVUT due date, but this year that date falls on a Saturday and the following business day is on Labor Day.

File Your 2019 Form 2290 Now and Pay Later

We are encouraging all of our clients to file their 2019 Form 2290 as early as today and beat the rush. If procrastination is on your mind just think of how many other truckers are thinking the same thing.

You could get your 2019 Form 2290 handled today and not worry about paying 2019 HVUT until later.

By later we mean before August 31st.

2019 HVUT Due Date: 
Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019

Don’t Wait Until the HVUT Due Date

We know that technically 5 is greater than 0 and pressing snooze again is better than hearing a 5 o’clock wake up call. However, what if that 0 meant 0 penalties versus 5 and pressing snooze one more time could cost you your job?
There is a long list of benefits for filing your 2019 Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax, but our favorite is that you could win free stuff. That’s right we are having an ExpressTruckTax giveaway. This year any ExpressTruckTax client who files before June 30th can win a FREE BlueParrott Bluetooth Headset and a whole lot more. This ExpressTruckTax giveaway might be our favorite yet.

Other Ways To File

ExpressTruckTax’s sister company, Truck Services of North America (TSNAmerica) is now offering phone filing. You can now get for 2019 Form 2290 filed over the phone in just minutes by their well-trained support staff.

Possible HVUT Penalties

We know that time gets away from us all and by setting aside a few minutes of your day you could dodge huge penalties with the click of a button.

The IRS may impose penalties for several different reasons regarding HVUT Form 2290. You may be penalized for failing to file your return or to pay taxes owed by the 2019 Form 2290 due date. HVUT penalties may also be applied for filing false or fraudulent returns. These penalties are in addition to interest accrued on late payments.

Tomorrow is the Deadline to File Form 2290

Tomorrow is the Deadline to File Form 2290 Whoa, it’s time to get moving! Your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 is due tomorrow, August 31 at midnight. The deadline is here! That means you’re literally running out of time to file without facing major penalties.

This little piece of news might send you straight to panic mode, but try and stay calm. You can file Form 2290 in a matter of minutes with ExpressTruckTax. Plus, to help you file even faster, we have put together a list of frequently asked questions and provided the answers.

HVUT Form 2290 FAQs

1. What is my first use month?
Your first use month is the first month that you use your heavy vehicle during the tax period. The current HVUT period runs from July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019. So if you were driving your current rig this time last year you are required to file by tomorrow’s HVUT deadline.

However, if you purchased a new rig during the previous tax year, you will need to base your due date on your first used month.

2. Can I pay the amount of HVUT I owe with a credit card?
Absolutely! Starting this truck tax season, the IRS is now allowing you to pay 2290 with credit card or debit! Or another option is to pay with direct debit or electronic funds withdrawal, by authorizing the IRS to debit the amount you owe from your bank account. To do this, you will need to provide your bank account and routing number, which can be found on one of your checks.

Or you can also pay with the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System, where you will create a free account at The amount you owe will be debited from your bank account, but it could take up to 10 days to create your account.

If you want to, you can mail the amount you owe directly to the IRS with a check or money order. Just print your completed 2290-V (your payment voucher) from page 11 of your completed 2290 form and mail it with your payment.

3. What is an EIN?
Your EIN is your Employer Identification Number, and it’s used to identify a business entity. To complete Form 2290, you need an EIN and can apply for one online with the IRS. If you already have an EIN, it can be found on a previous stamped Schedule 1.

You cannot use your Social Security Number in place of your EIN on HVUT Form 2290. If you use your SSN instead of your EIN, your form will be rejected. If you need an EIN, you better hop to it because it takes about 14 days for your EIN to become active in the IRS’s system and your form could get rejected during that time.

4. How Do I file?
It’s easy! Choose Express Truck Tax and follow the step-by-step e-filing guide to complete your form in 5 minutes or less. As a result, you will receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 within a few minutes via email.

Are you out on a trip without access to a computer? Then download the ExpressTruckTax mobile app to your smartphone or tablet to file at any time, from any location. ExpresstruckTax is just as mobile as you are!

Or you could call TSNAmerica at 803.386.0320 to have a local, US-based representative file for you over the phone. It’s the quickest and most convenient way to file, all you have to do is answer a few questions to complete your Form 2290. After you finish filing a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 will be sent to your email.

We’re Here To Help

If you have any questions, ExpressTruckTax is here for you every step of the way. We have a dedicated ExpressTruckTax US support team ready to help you! We promise never to stick you with a robot or automated call system. Give us a call at 704.234.6005 or send us an email at for 24-hour support in both English and Spanish.

Start My Form 2290 Filing Today!

Looking for an even easier way to file? Our sister product, TSNAmerica, is a full -service 2290 filing solution. The process is straightforward and will take less than 5 minutes. Simply give them your information over the phone, and they will file your IRS Form 2290 on your behalf. Once they have submitted your information to the IRS, you will receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 via email. Their outstanding bilingual team supports filing in both English and Spanish.

TSNAmerica: 803.386.0320