Category: how to e-file form 2290

The IRS is Now Accepting Form 2290 for 2021-22: What You Need To Do

No more putting it off. The 2021-22 IRS Form 2290 season is officially here.

Beginning today, the IRS is processing the 2021-22 Form 2290. That means you need to start renewing your registration today!

The 2021-22 HVUT deadline for most truckers is August 31, 2021. However, you shouldn’t wait that long to file! The IRS will inevitably have service delays due to increased demand in August. Check here for changes to Form 2290 filing for the 2021-22 tax year.

Get Started Today with ExpressTruckTax

You can get your 2021-22 Form 2290 done in minutes! Go to ExpressTruckTax right now and start e-filing. Just follow our simple interview-style e-file process and you’ll get your stamped Schedule 1 back within minutes. 

If you filed a Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax before, you can use our
copy return feature to copy and transmit your return to the IRS in just two simple steps.

Why should you choose ExpressTruckTax to E-file your 2021-2022 Form 2290?

ExpressTruckTax is the market-leading, IRS-authorized e-file provider for Form 2290. We have processed over $1.5 billion in excise tax payments in the last ten years. 

We have served hundreds of thousands of truckers with our simple, secure, and affordable e-filing solution. Our customer support representatives are ready to help answer any questions.

We also give you an instant internal audit that checks for common 2290 mistakes. To further ensure accuracy, we offer a free VIN checker to identify VIN errors on your Form 2290. And if you notice any errors on your Schedule 1, you can always correct your VIN for free and get an updated Schedule 1. 

Our solution is encrypted and cloud-based so truckers can securely file their Form 2290 on any device, from anywhere, even the cab of their truck. Returns filed with ExpressTruckTax are transmitted directly to the IRS, so clients will typically receive their stamped Schedule 1 back in a matter of minutes.

What’s new from ExpressTruckTax this season?

2290 VIN Checker:

Our new time-saving feature, 2290 VIN Checker, will help you make sure your VIN is correct before filing. This further reduces the chance of receiving a Schedule 1 with the incorrect VIN.

How to Complete and E-file Form 2290 for 2021-22 Using ExpressTruckTax?

There are only 3 steps to complete your Form 2290:

Step 1: Enter Business Information

Step 2: Enter Vehicle Information

Step 3: Review Form Summary and E-file

Don’t wait until August to take care of your Form 2290! The rush of peak season has begun! Get yours finished today!

Get Started Today!

Today Is the Last Day to E File HVUT Form 2290!

Today Is the Last Day to E File HVUT Form 2290!
Today Is the Last Day to E File HVUT Form 2290!

Well, today is the day to file tax Form 2290. Our online e-filing program is primed and ready to go—and our dedicated customer support staff are standing by, ready to answer your questions.

Still unsure if you want to e-file Form 2290 for 2016-2017? We put together a list of the 8 steps required to e-file (and therefore get your stamped Schedule 1).

Trust us, you want to follow these steps and e-file before the Form 2290 due date passes. I mean, you don’t want to get hit with penalties, do you?

Step 1: Sign in / Create Your Account

First of all, creating an account is always free! We never charge you to create your account, and you don’t have to pay until you transmit your return. We’ll even let you create sub-accounts for employees, accountants, or anybody else

Step 2: Enter Your Business Information

At this point, you need to enter your business information. This includes your name and your Employer Information Number (EIN), which you need to make sure you know.

Step 3: Choose Your Tax Year and First Used Month

At step 3, you enter your tax year and first used month for the vehicle(s) you are filing for.

The tax year you’ll be filing for (for this deadline) will be 2016-2017!

Step 4: Enter Your Vehicle Information

After that, you need to enter your vehicle identification number (VIN) and the taxable gross weight of the vehicle(s) you are filing for.

If you need to, you can select if your vehicle is used for any special purposes, such as for agricultural use or logging.

Note: Logging doesn’t mean you use e-logs or any other type of mileage logging system.

Step 5: IRS Payment Options

There are several payment options for you to select when you e-file IRS HVUT Form 2290. We suggest that you make sure you’re familiar with the IRS payment options available, including:

  • Direct Debit or Electronic Funds Withdrawal
  • Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)
  • Check or Money Order

Step 6: Summary and Audit Check

Before we transmit your 2290, we’ll check over your form to make sure it’s clear of any basic filing errors.

We can’t guarantee that you won’t be audited, but we can do our best to make sure nothing looks funky before we transmit!

Step 7: Transmit Your Return to the IRS

At this point, your return is ready to be transmitted to the IRS. Simply add your electronic signature and voila! We can transmit, and you’re done with Form 2290 Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return for the year!

Step 8: Receive Your Stamped Schedule 1

Want to know the best part? Shortly after you file, you’ll get your 2290 Schedule 1. That’s not bad!

Note: You can e-file 2290 directly from the ExpressTruckTax App?

As always, the team here at ExpressTruckTax will be here to help and support you through the e-filing process. Give us a call at 704.234.6005 if you have any questions!

5 Simple Steps to File Form 2290

5 Simple Steps to File Form 2290
5 Simple Steps to File Form 2290

As we keep rolling through truck tax season, we’ve had a few callers ask us to go through the e-filing system step-by-step.

So we’re gonna break things down real quick, and show you that you can e-file Form 2290 in 5 easy steps!

First Step – Login

The first step for any truck tax filer is to create their account—of course, if they’ve filed with us before, they can just sign in.

It’s easy, it only takes a moment, and it’s FREE. We won’t charge you a single cent for creating your account! You only pay once you’ve e-filed using our service, which won’t take too long, thankfully.

Second Step – Information

On your second step, you enter your business information. This includes your name and your Employer Information Number (EIN), which you need to make sure you know.

Pro Tip: Did you know you can e-file 2290 directly from the ExpressTruckTax App?

Third Step – Details

Now you need to enter your tax year and first used month for the vehicle(s) you are filing for. The tax year for IRS Form 2290 starts July 1 of each year and ends on June 30 of the following year.

You file Form 2290 based on the first used month of the vehicle. For example, if your vehicle was first used on public highways in September, you have until October 31 to file your 2290.

After that, enter your vehicle identification number (VIN) and the taxable gross weight of the vehicle you are filing for. You can also select if your vehicle is used for any special purposes, such as for agricultural use or logging.

Fourth Step – Payment

As we calculate the taxes on your 2290, make sure you’re familiar with the IRS payment options available to pay the IRS for your HVUT, including:

  • Direct Debit or Electronic Funds Withdrawal
  • Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)
  • Check or Money Order

Fifth Step – Transmit

Before we transmit, we’ll check over your form to make sure it’s clear of any basic errors. On your end, double check the summary to be sure that your business and vehicle information are correct. Once your payment information has been entered, your return is ready to be transmitted to the IRS. Simply add your electronic signature and transmit!

Secret Final Step – Celebrate

A few moments after you file, you’ll get your 2290 Schedule 1. With that in hand, you can go out and celebrate. If you have some vacation time, that is. If not, at least you’ll be roadworthy!

If you have any questions about filing your excise taxes, please reach out to us and let us know! Our dedicated customer service team is waiting by the phones and checking their inbox, ready to help you!

Related Blog: 5 Ways to Get Help E-Filing Your 2290

How to Pre-file Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax

Have you heard the great news, Trucking Nation!? 

ExpressTruckTax is offering pre-filing for the 2015-16 tax year during the month of June! That’s right, all month long you can pre-file your HVUT renewal at no additional cost. 
In fact, it actually costs less if you use promo code PREFILE. Plus, you’ll be entered to win our Swag Bag with a $50 gift card! All you need to do is pre-file to enter!

And best of all, pre-filing with us is the same as e-filing for any other tax year, and just as easy! You’ll just follow the same three easy steps to e-filing success!

Let’s have a look!

Step 1: Account Setup

The first thing you need to do is login to your account, or if you’ve never registered with us before, create a new account by simply entering your email address and a password of your choosing. Once you’ve done that, you need to enter your business details and your EIN number.

The next part is where it gets a little different. After you’ve entered your details and have chosen to begin a new Form 2290, you will be prompted on the next screen to select advance filing or to file for the current tax year.

To pre-file, select “Choose Advance Filing” and continue onto the next screen. Here, choose to file for the new tax year and select the first use month of your vehicle.

Then, just hit next and it’s on to step two!

Step 2: Enter Vehicle Details

The next step is adding all of your heavy vehicle information. If you’re a returning user, just select the trucks you’d like to file for from Truck Zone! All of your information is stored there and ready to be added to your return.

If you’re a new user, you can input the vehicle details one-by-one (which still doesn’t take long), or you can upload your VIN and more from a CSV file, which is the fastest way to do it if you have multiple trucks.

Also remember that there are three different types of vehicles you can add. Just be sure to enter them on the appropriate screen.

  • Taxable VehiclesThese are vehicles that have exceeded the 5,000 mile limit (or 7,500 miles for agricultural vehicles) for the tax year. You owe taxes on these vehicles for the year. Also remember that if you drive a logging vehicle (a vehicle used to transport foresting materials) you are eligible for a tax discount!
  • Low Mileage or Suspended VehiclesThese are vehicles that have not exceeded the mileage limit for the tax year. These vehicles do not cost you in taxes, but still need to be filed for in order to get the Stamped Schedule 1.
  • Sold, Lost, or Destroyed Credit VehiclesThese are vehicles that you no longer have, but you are still required to file for them if they were used for any part of the tax year.

You can also enter vehicles that you have previously filed as suspended, and you can enter low mileage credits at the end of this step.

Step 3: Select Payment Method & Securely Transmit Your Return

The last step to pre-filing is selecting your payment method and securely transmitting your return to the IRS. This step is slightly different than when you e-file for the regular tax year since we will transmit the return for you when the IRS begins accepting them on July 1st.

In order to pay your taxes due, you can select one of three payment methods. The payment method you choose, determines when the IRS will accept your payment and take money out of your account.

When you select direct debit, the taxes you owe will come out of your account one or two days after the IRS processes your return on July 1. If you elect to pay by other means, like EFTPS or with a check or money order, you can schedule your payment for as late as August 31, the renewal due date.

Once you’ve decided what payment method to use, you will be taken to your account summary page. Here you can correct any errors you see or continue to submit your return. Plus, our Instant Audit feature will even check it for you to minimize the risk of your return being rejected by the IRS due to missing information.

Then all you need to do is select transmit to the IRS and voila! You’ve successfully pre-filed your Form 2290!

If you need any help throughout the e-filing process, we’re here for you! We have a dedicated, trained support team year round for that very reason. If you find yourself having some trouble, give us a call at 704.234.6005 or shoot us an email at for 24/hour support in English or Spanish!

How to File IRS Taxes Online?

As you already know, it is becoming increasingly popular and more and more recommended to paying bills online. The same goes for your taxes. The process for a single return can actually be rather quick, easy, and completely painless. The IRS itself has authorized certain programs in which to file .These programs help increase the accuracy of your filing, as well as a secure way in which to transfer a tax payment. A tax payment made online takes only an instant, and is done over a secure connection; when sending tax payments via postal mail, it can take days to get there (and there is hardly a way of knowing if it was received until it is too late).

The IRS encourages everyone to E-File their tax returns because it is quicker and easier to process for the IRS. This is also a less costly option for the IRS. If you are considering E-Filing your Tax Return, there are a few things that you should look for:

A system to file tax returns is by nature going to be complex, but that does not mean that it cannot be user friendly. If a system is too complicated to figure out and there is no customer support options that should be a red flag.

Along with being user friendly, the questions asked should be completely understandable. If you cannot understand what is being asked, check the help guide, or contact the customer service.  If there is no customer service available at all, it may be a good time to find another tool.

It is important to remember that the IRS itself has created a list of authorized E-File providers. This list is posted on the Official IRS Website. Anyone planning to E-File a tax return should definitely check their E-Filing source and make sure that they are indeed an authorized E-Filing Service.

One of the best ways to E-File many different types of tax returns is through Express Tax Zone. They offer a wide variety of tax tools for e-filing. You can file something as easy as a tax extension, or something more complicated like Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. The Website for filing Truck Taxes online is It is a very simple process to file a complicated task. If you need assistance, you can contact their US-based customer support team of Truck Tax experts. They are available either by online chat, email (, or by phone: 704.234.6005.