Category: heavy vehicle use tax

Guide to Heavy Vehicle Use Tax: Navigating HVUT Compliance

Guide to Heavy Vehicle Use Tax

The Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) is a federal excise tax imposed on owners and operators of heavy-duty vehicles that contribute significantly to the wear and tear of the nation’s highways due to their substantial weight. It plays a vital role in funding highway construction and maintenance, ensuring the infrastructure remains safe and functional for all users.

Vehicles Subject to HVUT

To comply with HVUT requirements, it is crucial to understand which vehicles are taxable. The following criteria outline vehicles subject to HVUT:

Taxable Gross Weight: Trucks, truck tractors, and buses with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more.

Mileage Threshold: Vehicles expected to travel 5,000 miles or more during the tax period (7,500 miles or more for agricultural vehicles).

Definition of a Highway Motor Vehicle

For HVUT purposes, a “highway motor vehicle” refers to any self-propelled vehicle designed to transport loads over public highways, regardless of its specific intended use. Examples include:

Commercial Vehicles: Trucks and truck tractors used for freight or goods delivery.

Passenger Vehicles: Buses designed to carry passengers on public highways.

Specialty Vehicles: Vehicles commercially utilized on highways for specific tasks.

Exclusions from HVUT

Not all heavy vehicles are subject to HVUT. The IRS provides specific exclusions that exempt certain vehicles from the tax. Common exclusions include:

Government Vehicles: Fire trucks, ambulances, and other vehicles used for official government purposes.

Nonprofit and Charitable Vehicles: Vehicles operated by nonprofit organizations that meet IRS requirements.

Low-Mileage Vehicles: Commercial vehicles traveling fewer than 5,000 miles annually (or 7,500 miles for agricultural vehicles).

Specific Vehicles Exempt from HVUT

Some vehicles are inherently exempt from HVUT due to their design or purpose. These exemptions include:

Heavy Machinery: Vehicles like mobile cranes used for non-transportation purposes.

Off-Road Vehicles: Construction vehicles and other machinery not designed for operation on public highways.

Understanding the categories of exclusions and specific exemptions is essential for vehicle owners to determine their tax obligations accurately and avoid unnecessary payments. These provisions ensure fairness by taxing vehicles that significantly impact highway infrastructure while exempting those that do not.

By identifying taxable vehicles, defining “highway motor vehicles,” and recognizing the exclusions and exemptions, heavy vehicle owners and operators can effectively navigate HVUT requirements. Compliance ensures accurate tax payments, prevents overpayment, and contributes to the upkeep of the nation’s highway system.

Determining Your HVUT Payment

Before calculating and submitting your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT), you must determine the taxability of your vehicle and ascertain the taxable gross weight. This process can be intricate, but it’s essential for accurate HVUT payment to the IRS.

Vehicle Taxability for HVUT

To determine if your vehicle is taxable, consider the following criteria:

Taxable Gross Weight: Verify whether the vehicle’s gross weight is 55,000 pounds or more. This includes the actual unloaded weight of the vehicle, plus the weight of any trailers and the maximum load typically carried.

Mileage Use Limit: If your vehicle is expected to travel 5,000 miles or more during the tax period (7,500 for agricultural vehicles), it is subject to HVUT. Vehicles that travel fewer miles may be exempt.

Importance of Knowing Your Vehicle’s Taxable Gross Weight

The taxable gross weight of your vehicle plays a pivotal role in the HVUT calculation:

Tax Brackets: HVUT rates are determined based on the vehicle’s taxable gross weight. Higher weight brackets are subject to greater tax rates.

Accurate Tax Payment: Knowing the exact taxable gross weight ensures you pay the correct tax amount, avoiding underpayment or overpayment.

Calculating HVUT

When you’re ready to calculate your HVUT, follow these guidelines:

IRS Tax Tables: Utilize the IRS tax tables provided in the Instructions for Form 2290 to find the tax due for your vehicle’s weight category.

Pro-Rated Tax: If your vehicle is first used on a public highway during any month other than July, the HVUT is prorated for the number of months remaining in the tax period.

Use the IRS tax tables and consider the vehicle’s first operational month to determine the precise amount owed.

Payment Options for HVUT

The IRS offers multiple payment methods to accommodate different preferences:

  • Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW)
    • Direct debit from your bank account upon e-filing.
    • Requires routing and account numbers.
  • Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)
    • Secure online payments after prior enrollment.
    • Requires setup of a secure PIN.
  • Check or Money Order
    • Include your Form 2290 voucher and mail to the IRS.
  • Credit or Debit Card
    • Fast and convenient, though subject to processing fees.

Filing Deadlines and Penalties

Timely filing and payment are critical to avoid penalties:

  • Filing Deadline: HVUT is due August 31 for the tax period running from July 1 to June 30 of the following year.
  • Late Filing Penalties: Failure to file or pay on time may result in:
    • 4.5% penalty of the total tax due, assessed monthly for up to five months.
    • Additional interest on unpaid taxes.

Special Considerations for HVUT Payment

When addressing the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT), it is essential to account for specific circumstances that may impact payment requirements. This includes situations involving destroyed or stolen vehicles, as well as those that fall under the mileage use limit. Understanding these scenarios ensures compliance with HVUT regulations and helps avoid unnecessary payments.

Vehicles Destroyed or Stolen

If a vehicle subject to HVUT is destroyed or stolen within the tax period, the owner may be eligible for a credit or refund of the tax paid. To pursue this:

  1. Filing a Claim
    The owner must file Form 8849, Schedule 6 (Form 8849), Claim for Refund of Excise Taxes, to request a credit or refund.
  2. Providing Evidence
    Supporting documentation that verifies the destruction or theft of the vehicle must accompany the claim.
  3. Timing of the Event
    The claim should be based on the month in which the vehicle was destroyed or stolen.

It is important to note that if the vehicle was used at any point during the month prior to its destruction or theft, the tax for that month is still due.

Suspension of Tax for Low-Mileage Vehicles

Certain vehicles, while meeting the weight requirements for HVUT, may not travel extensively on highways and can qualify for a suspension of the tax:

  1. Mileage Use Limit
    Heavy vehicles expected to travel 5,000 miles or less (7,500 miles for agricultural vehicles) during the tax period are eligible for tax suspension.
  2. Filing Requirements
    Even with this exemption, vehicle owners must file Form 2290 to claim the suspension.
  3. Recordkeeping Obligations
    Accurate records of the vehicle’s mileage must be maintained in case the IRS requests proof.

If the vehicle exceeds the mileage use limit during the tax period, the tax becomes due, and the owner must file an amended Form 2290.

By understanding these specific considerations, heavy vehicle owners can avoid overpaying taxes and adhere to IRS guidelines for HVUT exemptions and credits. This proactive approach ensures effective compliance while minimizing unnecessary financial burdens.

Pay your HVUT Tax with ExpressTruckTax

Are you a trucker, fleet owner, or tax preparer grappling with the complexities of Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) compliance? Let ExpressTruckTax pave the way to a smoother tax filing journey. Our HVUT e-filing system is expertly designed to simplify your Form 2290 submissions, guiding you through every step—from determining taxability to selecting the right payment method before the critical August 31st deadline.

Get on the road to compliance with ExpressTruckTax – your trusted partner in HVUT e-filing.

Almost out of Time! Avoid Penalties, File IRS 2290 Now

The IRS 2290 filing deadline is coming up on September 3rd, 2019.

If you’re thinking of putting off filing IRS 2290 or waiting to pay your heavy vehicle use tax, I’m here to prepare you for the IRS penalties you can expect.

Plus, we’ll go over how exactly to avoid those penalties while saving money and time.

Let’s get started.

Everything You Need For IRS 2290 Filing

IRS Form 2290 Filing Deadline

As mentioned, the 2290 deadline is September 3rd, 2019.

This is the deadline to file IRS Form 2290 and pay your 2290 tax amount.

Failing to file and pay heavy vehicle use tax will result in penalties from the IRS. The penalty for failing to file IRS Form 2290 on time is 4.5% of the total highway tax 2290 amount you owe, with additional 0.54% interest each month.

However, the penalty for filing your IRS Form 2290 but failing to pay your highway tax 2290 amount is 0.5% of the HVUT payment, substantially less than failing to file.

The interest is the same.

If you can’t afford to make your HVUT payment right this moment, file IRS Form 2290 anyway. There’s no reason to miss the deadline. The whole process takes a matter of minutes and can be done from your phone.

IRS 2290 Filing Tips

Save time by gathering information before you dive in. Here’s what you need for IRS Form 2290 filing:

–  EIN

You must have an EIN to file IRS 2290. If you need one, you can try to get one from the IRS in time, but we suggest calling TSNAmerica at 803.386.0320.

–  Business Information

You’ll need to enter your business name and address at the beginning of your IRS Form 2290.

–  VIN

This is your Vehicle Identification Number, and should be 17 characters long.

–  Authorized Signatory Details

This is the 5-digit unique signature PIN you’ll need to use to sign your IRS Form 2290.

–  Gross Taxable Weight

Your vehicle’s gross taxable weight is its weight when fully equipped for service, minus the weight of you and the load. You can find this on your cab card or sticker inside the door.

–  HVUT Payment Information

Pay your HVUT 2290 tax amount online fast. Leading IRS-authorized e-file providers like ExpressTruckTax will offer multiple payment options, including credit card, direct debit, EFW (Electronic Funds Transfer), and EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System).

Once you’re ready, choose an IRS-authorized online filing system. Filing IRS 2290 highway use tax online will save you loads of time and ensure that you receive your 2290 Schedule 1 fast.

The Quickest Way to File

As mentioned, filing IRS 2290 and paying HVUT 2290 online will save you tons of time.

The entire process takes minutes.

When you file IRS Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax, you’ll also receive your stamped Schedule 1 just minutes after filing your 2290 tax.

You’ll also save time on potential HVUT rejection.

ExpressTruckTax offers an instant IRS 2290 error check, and FREE VIN corrections in the event that you need to make a quick fix.

We’re all about making taxes easy. Sign up for a free account and test it out for yourself.

The One Thing Truck Drivers Cannot Escape

Taxes can be confusing. First of all, there are a ton of different returns to remember from income tax returns, IFTA returns, Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes (HVUT), and more. Second of all, each of these different returns have different due dates to remember.

The HVUT Form 2290 deadline can be especially tricky because it can be due at different times of the year. However, don’t let it grind your gears because we are here to go over the deadline so you will know exactly when to file.

Your Form 2290 Deadline

Alright, so the HVUT Form 2290 tax period runs from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. The current HVUT tax period began on July 1, 2017 and will end on June 30, 2018. This is important to know because the HUVT deadline is based on your vehicle’s first use month.

Your first use month is the month that you first use your heavy vehicle on public highways during the tax period. Then your 2290 is due the last day of the month following the first use month.

Because most people first use their heavy vehicles in July at the beginning of the period their deadline is August 31st. However, if you don’t use your vehicle until October then your deadline will be on November 30.

See, no big deal, the deadline is easy! Just remember it’s due the last day of the month following your first used month. Now let’s see what other HVUT 2290 Form  topics we can tackle. 

 Instantly get your Form 2290 Stamped Schedule 1 With ExpressTruckTax

What Is A Taxable Heavy Vehicle?

You have to file Form 2290 for all of your taxable heavy vehicles, which are highway motor vehicles with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more. A highway motor vehicle is any vehicle that is self-propelled and designed to carry a load over public highways, regardless if they are also designed to perform other functions.

Examples of these vehicles include trucks, truck tractors, and buses. Usually, vans, pickup trucks, and panel trucks are not subject to the HVUT because they weight less than 55,000 pounds. 

What Are The HVUT Penalties?

If you fail to file Form 2290 by the deadline you will have penalties to face. The penalty for filing late is 4.5% of the total tax you owe and this amount will accrue on a monthly basis for up to five months.

Also, if you fail to make a payment by the deadline you will face an additional penalty of .5% of the total amount due. Plus, you will face an additional interest charge of .54% on a monthly basis as well. 

How Do I File HVUT Form 2290?

Well, that’s super easy. Head to to create your free account then follow the step-by-step e-filing guide to complete your form in a matter of minutes. The instructions tell you what information is needed and where so you can transmit your form directly to the IRS in no time!

As a result of filing with ExpressTruckTax, you will receive your stamped Schedule 1 via email within 15 minutes of transmitting your Form 2290 to the IRS! You can also have your stamped Schedule 1 faxed or mailed wherever you need it to go and simply log in to your account at any time to access it.

Contact Us

If you need any HVUT assistance please don’t hesitate to contact the amazing, US-based ExpressTruckTax support team. We’re available Monday – Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM EST at 704.234.6005. We also offer live chat and 24/7 email support at

Correcting a 2290: Part 1 – VIN Corrections

Correcting a 2290: Part 1 - VIN Corrections
Correcting a 2290: Part 1 – VIN Corrections

So you e-filed your HVUT 2290, but realize you made an error on your VIN, yet the IRS accepted it
anyway. What do you do?

Well, if you e-filed with us, you can just login and e-file one of the Form 2290 Amendments we offer – specifically, the free VIN correction!

Since filing season has come and gone, we decided that we’re going to spend the rest of the month focusing on a favorite subject of ours: HVUT amendments and corrections!

We know mistakes happen, and that includes mistakes on the IRS Form 2290. With our free VIN correction option, you won’t have to worry about it anymore. We also offer VIN corrections at a small cost, no matter who you filed with. What we’re saying is, we have you covered!

So how do you e-file a VIN correction?

VIN Correction Made Easy

It’s pretty simple, you just start at the dashboard (after signing in) like always, and then select Start New Return.

You’ll be promoted with a few options – just press Start under “Form 2290 Amendments.”

From here, you can choose if you want to file a VIN Correction, a Taxable Gross Weight Increase, or a Mileage Exceeded amendment.

After that, you simply let us know if you filed with us before, and then we’re on our way to fixing that VIN!

Remember, if you e-filed with ExpressTruckTax, you can just e-file a VIN correction without paying anything. However, we will need your credit card information for verification purposes, but the service itself is free. After you correct your VIN, your corrected Schedule 1 will arrive within minutes.

The Countdown Is On! It’s Almost Form 2290 HVUT Deadline Day

The Countdown Is On! It's Almost Form 2290 Deadline Day
The Countdown Is On! It’s Almost Form 2290 Deadline Day

We know it’s all we’ve talked about for a while, but the HVUT deadline is kind of a big deal around ExpressTruckTax offices.

Instead of wasting your time, we’re going to just hit the highlights in this post! The deadline is coming!

The Due Date

Well, we’re almost there. Just a few days until we hit the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 deadline.

So just a reminder once again, the 2290 truck tax due date is August 31st, 2016!

There’s Still Time!

Thankfully, you still have time to e-file truck tax form 2290.

When you go to e-file form 2290 online for 2016-2017, make sure you have access to all of your important records.

If you’re a little unsure about how to file, watch this video:

If you’re going to e-file using our mobile app, here’s what you need to know:

Most importantly, know that we’re here to answer your questions about e-filing Heavy Vehicle Use Tax return Form 2290. If you have any issues e-filing this next week, reach out to us by email at or by phone at 704.234.6005.

Related Blog: The Due Date Cometh: August 31 is the 2290 Tax Deadline

5 Ways to Get Help E-Filing Your 2290

5 Ways to Get Help E-Filing Your 2290
5 Ways to Get Help E-Filing Your 2290

There’s no escaping it—taxes are difficult. We know it, you know it, your carrier knows it.

But what would you say if we knew a group that doesn’t mind truck taxes. In fact, they spend their day helping truckers e-file their truck taxes!

Sounds ridiculous right? Well, it’s not! Here at ExpressTruckTax, our support experts dedicate their days to answering your e-filing questions. Really, there’s someone available to direct you in the right direction throughout the entire day.

How do we do this? By providing 5 avenues of contact, we’ve made it possible for you to get help for any 2290 questions you may come across.

Call Us on the Phone

Throughout the year, we keep our specialists ready to answer your calls from 9 am to 6 pm. During 2290 peak season, you can probably find someone ready to answer your calls even earlier, and even later.

We do this so that we match your schedule as best as possible!

Best of all, you’ll always talk to a friendly voice located in downtown Rock Hill, South Carolina. There’s something about outsourcing your questions to a call center across the world that just doesn’t sit right with us.

So give us a call at 704.234.6005!

Send Us an Email

Of course, the thought may strike you to e-file your 2290 in the middle of the night. Stranger things have happened!

When you’re sitting up in your sleeper cab, wondering how you can claim a suspended vehicle credit, you know it’s too late to call us.

So you can just send us an email at, and we’ll get you a response as soon as possible.

Chat With Us

Maybe you just have a small question, nothing you want to get wrapped up in a conversation about.

There’s a simple solution for that, too.

You can just send us a quick chat via the expresstrucktax website.

In fact, you just gotta click ‘chat with us’, and the chat window will walk you through the rest.

Find Us on Facebook

Sometimes it feels like everybody has Facebook. Not only will you find your friends, but you’ll find kids, grandmothers, heck – even dogs. But most importantly, you’ll find companies like ExpressTruckTax doing what they can from Facebook.

Now, you’re free to comment on our posts with your issues, but you can also send us a message via Facebook as well.

If you have sensitive information you need to share with us, send us a message on Facebook and we will follow up with instructions for a secure, fast, and easy communication.

Hashtag It on Twitter

Sometimes it’s easier to just blast out a tweet. Sure, half the time we’re tweeting about stuff like cats and Taco Tuesday, but Twitter is actually one of the best places to reach a customer representative.

If you have any issues e-filing, send us a tweet at @ExpressTruckTax containing the hashtags #ETTSupport or #ExpressTruckTax, and we’ll get your issue squared away.

So, instead of pulling your hair out over confusing tax forms, try these 5 channels to reach the experts at ExpressTruckTax!

Related Blog: 5 Simple Steps to File Form 2290

What are the Requirements for IRS Form 2290?

Requirements for IRS Form 2290 E File
Requirements for IRS Form 2290 E File

It’s almost truck tax time, Trucking Nation.

Which means you need to know the requirements to e-file IRS Form 2290.

Don’t worry, we have you covered. You simply need your taxable vehicle information, employer ID numbers, and the correct vehicle identification numbers.

Taxable Vehicle Information

What makes a taxable vehicle… taxable? A highway motor vehicle includes any self-propelled vehicle designed to carry a load over public highways and roadways, and can be designed for additional functions, as well.

A vehicle consists of a chassis and body, but excludes the load. No matter what the vehicle is designed for — whether it’s a highway passenger transportation vehicle or a designed special kind of cargo, there will need to be a 2290 filed for it.

Employer ID Numbers

An Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number, is used to identify a business entity. Generally, businesses need an EIN.

You need an EIN to file Form 2290. You can apply online to receive your EIN. If the customer has recently applied and received EIN from the IRS, it takes about 15 days to get into the e-file system. If you e-file your 2290 during this period, the IRS will reject the filing.

Correct Vehicle Identification Numbers

Another important requirement for Form 2290 is your vehicle identification number. Your VIN identifies the individual truck you are e-filing your HVUT 2290 for.

Unfortunately, the VIN is a string of numbers and letters—which means plenty of people get them wrong come tax time! Hey, we can’t blame you.

The good news is, we offer FREE Form 2290 VIN corrections!

When it comes time to e-file, you know that ExpressTruckTax is here for you! We’re ready to help you with our safe, secure software, user friendly features, and our dedicated, US-based customer support team.

Related Blog: 5 Ways to Get Help E-Filing Your 2290

Pre-File Heavy Highway Use Tax for 2016-17 with our Mobile App

Pre-File Your 2290 from Mobile App
Pre-File HVUT 2290 from Mobile App

Mobile Filing

Have you met the ExpressTruckTax mobile app? It’s the fastest and easiest way to stay out on the road and e-file Form 2290! The app is available for both iOS and Android, and can even alert you that your return was accepted with a push notification. Check out the ExpressTruckTax Mobile app today!

How Easy is E-Filing Form 2290?

In order to e-file form 2290, you need to follow these four steps. Be warned – they’re super easy.

E Filing Form 2290
E Filing Form 2290

  1. Create your account. 
  2. Enter your business and truck information. 
  3. Transmit to the IRS. 
  4. Get your stamped Schedule 1 (it’s your proof of payment).

Whoever said it was difficult to e-file your heavy vehicle use taxes?

What’s up with the Stamped Schedule 1?

When you e-file your 2290 with ExpressTruckTax, the IRS receives your payment and checks your return with their database.

After they receive your 2290, the Schedule 1 will display an IRS e-file watermark with the date the return was received and processed. This will be accepted by all DOT’s, DMV’s, and other federal authorities.

ExpressTruckTax automatically emails your stamped Schedule 1 after the IRS accepts your 2290. We can also send you updates via text and fax–plus we can even notify your company/carrier.

Pre-File 2290 with ExpressTruckTax

How does pre-filing work? Pre-filing works the same way regular e-filing does, except you pre-file your 2290 a whole month early. That means you can e-file for the upcoming tax year in June! That’s a whole month early!

Plus when you pre-file pre-file IRS Form 2290 now, you can still pay later! Pre-filing allows you to find out how much you owe so you can start saving money, then pay your taxes by August 31. Budgeting is awesome.

So don’t put off e-filing your IRS 2290! Instead, let’s work together to pre-file HVUT Form 2290.

Related Blog: Pre-File Your 2290 Now!

7 Ways Truckers Can Prevent Accidents

Prevent Truck Accidents
Prevent Truck Accidents

There’s nothing worse than a close call on the highway. Well, except for an actual incident!

So what’s the cause of the many trucking accidents? It’s hard to pick one thing, but we know there are a few key factors that always come up.

How can you prevent accidents on the road? By starting with yourself!

We’ve listened to truckers and health experts to put together these 7 tips for accident prevention.

Get More Sleep

Nothing is more dangerous than falling asleep behind the wheel of a 70,000 lb truck speeding down the highway. Which is why you hear so many people in the industry discussing the sleeping patterns, health, and practices of drivers. Federal regulations do not allow more than 12 consecutive hours of road time, but there are many drivers who do more than this.

How can you avoid sleep deprivation? Rest for short intervals and take breaks when you’re tired. With small amounts of recharge time, you can prevent sleep related accidents.

Sit with Proper Posture

Over at TruckLogics blog, we told you about how you need to watch your back while you drive. And it’s true! When you sit comfortably and don’t damage your back, you reduce the likelihood of personal injury and even roadside incidents.

Related Blog: Is Your Truck Destroying Your Back?

Keep Your Distance

Always be aware of your lane distance as you cross the highways. Knowing your stopping and starting distance, break distance, and proper speeds will be essential for proper safety on the roads.

Stay Healthy

You know what sounds dangerous? Having a heart attack as you zoom down I-95, or any local highway.

That’s why we constantly tell drivers to eat healthy and exercise. Sure, exhaustion is dangerous enough, but your heart will be all the better with proper nutrition and regular exercise. With that one-two punch, you can reduce your excess weight

Bet you’d improve your sleep, too!

Watch for Blind Spots

Depending on what truck you’re driving, your blind spot is gonna be different. Make sure you know what your blind spot distance is, so you will know how far away a car or a person really is from your truck.

This will prevent major accidents on the road, when backing up, and even when removing items from your truck during a delivery.

Maintain Your Truck

Sure, maybe your employer is “responsible” for truck maintenance as a whole, but you should always implement pre-trip inspections and keep an eye on your truck out there on the road. These checks not only reduce the possibilities for something to go wrong, they also keep you secure in your work and your driving.

Manage Your Time & Profession

Time is money. Trucking is money. Instead of reacting to what happens on the road, plan ahead and document frequently. What we’re saying is, use a trucking software like TruckLogics to stay ahead of the game.

Sure, it might not prevent an accident as well as keeping the proper distance, but having access to all of your receipts, bills of lading, and invoices in one handy phone app will reduce a lot of the stress of your life.

Don’t forget, we’re only a few months away from your 2290 deadline – be sure to keep up with us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest HVUT e-filing updates!

An ExpressTruckTax Exclusive Feature: Truck Zone

Have you always wanted your very own digital garage? Well, with ExpressTruckTax, it is possible! Truck Zone, one of our exclusive features, allows you to manage all of your vehicles in one place while making it easier to e-file your Form 2290, year after year. Whether you have 20, 100, or 1,000 trucks, Truck Zone is available to make your life a little easier.

Let’s Get Started

Once you have signed up with ExpressTruckTax, you can select the Truck Zone tab at the top-right corner to begin saving vehicles and storing their information. When it’s time to add a vehicle, you’ll have the options to:

  • Enter its VIN number, unit number, and gross vehicle weight. 
  • Select if it’s a logging vehicle, if it’s suspended or not, and if it has agriculture plates. 
  • Choose the make, model, and year of the vehicle. 
  • Include information about the fleet, such as the name, license plate number, and the unloaded vehicle weight. 
  • Provide the fuel type and odometer information in the IFTA Details section. 

After you click Save, the vehicle and all its information will be added to Truck Zone! Now, whenever you need to e-file with ExpressTruckTax, you can click Select From “Truck Zone,” which will allow you select the vehicles you would like to add to the return.

Bulk Upload for Faster Filing

If you’re looking for a faster route, ExpressTruckTax offers a Bulk Upload option that enables you to upload hundreds or thousands of vehicles at once! All you need is an Excel/CSV file containing your trucks’ details, and like magic, the information will upload into your ExpressTruckTax account. The tab is located in the Advanced Search section and to the right of the Add Vehicle option:

There’s More

Even after your return is filed, you can go back to Truck Zone for more! For instance, the next time you e-file your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, all of your trucks will be saved and ready to go. Under the HVUT tab, you’ll be able to view your history, including the return you have previously filed, the date you filed it, and the tax that was paid. You’ll also be able to view, download, or email the return from ExpressTruckTax.

If you need any help or have any questions, you can refer to this video tutorial, call the support team at 704.234.6005, or email them at

Remember, Trucking Nation, we’re always here for you!