Category: Form 8453 EX

E-Sign Form 8453-EX – ExpressTruckTax Feature Spotlight

E-Sign Form 8453-EX
E-Sign Form 8453-EX – Feature Spotlight

Around these parts, we do what we do to make things easier for truckers. Which in our case, usually means helping truckers understand and e-file Form 2290 – just because that’s our expertise.

But some truck drivers and carriers are unaware that we actually support a few other tax forms and features, too. One of these being Form 8453-EX.

What is Form 8453-EX, you ask? Also known as the “Excise Tax Declaration for an IRS e-File Return”, the 8453-EX is a declaration by a taxpayer to authenticate an electronic Form 2290 and authorize an intermediate service provider to transmit their return using a third-party transmitter.

Basically, if somebody else files your taxes on your behalf, you need to file this form.

A taxpayer e-filing directly through ExpressTruckTax doesn’t have to file an 8453-EX, though. But if you’re an accountant or other service provider filing on behalf of a trucker, an 8453-EX has to be signed to authorize the transmission.

What Is the E-Sign Feature?

This feature is beneficial to both truckers and accountants alike. With the e-signing feature for Form 8453-EX, CPA’s can get instant permission to e-file for their client as a third party!

Once you’ve finished the e-filing process for a client, our system will prompt you and your client to sign Form 8453-EX. This link directs your client to our e-sign site and allows them to sign the 8453-EX on any device. They can even e-sign it with their fingertip if they are using a tablet or a mobile device with a touchscreen.

Once they’ve e-signed (or rejected the form), it will return to the ExpressTruckTax system and you’ll be notified.

How Does E-Signing Help Me?

If you haven’t put it together yet, ExpressTruckTax offers a safe and secure way to get your clients to e-sign Form 8453-EX in seconds. Best of all, e-signing works on any device—computer, tablet, and mobile phone.

Plus, you get to avoid coordinating faxes on an old fax machine.

How Do I E-Sign Form 8453-EX?

When e-filing with ExpressTruckTax, all you need to do is click the link to email the electronic form to your client, and after they receive it, they can follow detailed instructions on how to complete the process on their end.

If you have any questions about e-signing 8453-EX, live chat with us over at

Signing Form 8453-EX Just Got a Little Easier

Hello, Trucking Nation! Per usual, ExpressTruckTax is here to help make the lives of our loyal and hard-working customers a little easier. For today’s topic, we want to focus on our trusty and fast e-sign feature, which eliminates long waits and any frustration.

To file the Excise Tax Declaration, or Form 8453-EX, the IRS requires both the taxpayer and tax practitioner to sign. When e-filing with ExpressTruckTax, all you need to do is click the link to email the electronic form to your client, and after they receive it, he/she can follow detailed instructions on how to complete the process on their end.

Once you get to the 8453-EX page, follow the steps below:

  • Click on “Step 2: Send the form to your client by one of the following means.” (See image.)
  • Once opened, click “Send for E-Sign” to email a link to our secure e-sign page. Your client will need to click the link, enter their EIN to access the form, and then follow the steps to finish the process. 
  • You will receive notification once your client has signed, and then it’s your turn. Just log back into your account, continue to the 8453-EX page, and click on the link to apply your signature. From there, you can click “Next” to move on to the final page and transmit the return to the IRS.

What Are The Benefits of the E-Sign Feature?

  • It’s safe and secure
  • Clients can e-sign in seconds
  • No more waits for faxes
  • Works from any device 

We hope these instructions are beneficial to you, but if you need further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us! You can call our support team at 704.234.6005 or email us at

Remember, Trucking Nation, we’re here for you!

E-Filing HVUT for Tax Professionals: A Guide

Hello again, Tax Pro’s of the Trucking Nation! We’re back again with a blog just for you. Last time we covered Creating a Tax Professional Account with ExpressTruckTax, step-by-step.

Not only is it free to set-up, but it’s fast and easy too. With Bulk Upload options for businesses, as well as trucks, you’ll be ready to hit the ground E-filing in just minutes.

Which is the topic for today! We’ll walkthrough the E-filing process for third party designees (that’s you).

You’ll notice again that every step of the way, we’ve incorporated shortcuts to make the E-filing process quick and painless.

Step 1: Select First-Used Month

From the dropdown menu, choose the month in which the vehicle was purchased or first put in use. If you’re E-filing for a previous year, indicate this by checking the appropriate tax year.

Step 2: Add Taxable Vehicles

You have three options here for adding vehicles to the return. The first option is manual entry. Click
+Add Taxable Vehicle and enter the vehicle’s VIN and gross weight. Option 2, use our Bulk Upload button to import hundreds or thousands of vehicles at once.

Or the third option is selecting vehicles from Truck Zone. This option only works if you previously imported your client’s vehicles. If you have, then they’ll be saved in Truck Zone. Just check the box next to the ones you’d like to E-file for, and they’ll be magically added to the return.

At this stage, you also have the opportunity to add Suspended Vehicles (those that travel fewer than 5,000 miles during the tax year or 7,500 miles for agricultural vehicles), as well as Prior Year Suspended and Sold/Lost/Destroyed vehicles. The process for adding these vehicles is the same as above.

Step 3: IRS Payment

Believe it or not, the hard part is over! (I know what you’re thinking: What hard part?!)

On this screen, enter your client’s payment information. Your client can pay the IRS taxes via EFW (Direct Debit), EFTPS, or by Check or Money Order.

If they choose to pay by check or money order, our system will automatically generate the payment voucher that the IRS requires with the payment. Another way we save you and your business precious seconds.

Step 4: Review & Instant Audit

It’s time to review your information one last time before securely transmitting it to the IRS. Check over each field, and then click the green “Review” button at the bottom of the page. Our system will then perform our signature Instant Audit to scan the return for errors.

Once you’ve got the green light, you’re almost done.

Step 5: Pay our Fee & Add Notifications for Clients

Time to enter your credit card details to pay our E-filing fee. But there’s a shortcut here too! If you get set-up on one of our payment plans for Tax Professionals, you’ll not only have access to discounted pricing, you’ll also be able to skip this payment screen, saving you time each time you E-file.

To learn more about our Price Packages, check out this blog or call one of our Account Managers at 704.234.6005.

Another time saving feature that’s–available you can elect to add text, fax, or postal mail notifications on the status of the return. Rather than call or email your clients to let them know you’ve filed, just enter their fax number, and we’ll fax them a copy of the return and stamped Schedule 1 the second the return is accepted.

Step 6: Form 8453-EX (Optional)

Last, but not least, the Form 8453-EX. This step is optional. If you previously entered a current Form

2848 for this client (Power of Attorney), then you will skip this step.

If you don’t have Power of Attorney on file with the IRS, then you can quickly get authorization to file for each client by completing Form 8453-EX instead. If you’re unfamiliar with this form, check out this video.

As yet another time-saving feature, our system will automatically generate a completed 8453 for you. To complete the authorization process:
  • 1. Review the 8453 PDF to ensure the info we entered is correct. 
  • 2. Download, email, or fax the form to your client.
  • 3. Once your client has signed and returned the form to you, upload it into our system.

Now you’re ready to press the big, green TRANSMIT button and bask in your victory. Ah, the smell of success. Or is that coffee? I can’t tell anymore.

In just a few moments, you’ll receive an email with the client’s stamped Schedule 1, as well as any other notifications you added for you or your client.

5 steps in 5 minutes or less. Are you ready to start E-filing? Don’t forget to set-up a discounted price package first to reap the benefits of CPA savings. Contact your personal account manager for details.

Don’t have an account manager yet? Call 704.234.6005 or email to get connected today.

ExpressTruckTax For The Tax Professional

ExpressTruckTax is perfect for any Tax Professional. We provide specialty pricing and make it possible to manage unlimited clients from a single account. As a tax professional, your job is complicated enough and we want to make transmitting Form 2290, 2290 Amendments, and Form 8849 Sch 6 the quickest and easiest e-filing process you have to do.

The e-filing procedure is a little different for a tax professional, so let’s take a closer look…

Form 8453 EX
This form is known as the Excise Tax Declaration for an IRS E-Filed Return. Sounds so fancy right? Form 8453 EX is a declaration by a taxpayer to authenticate an electronic Form 2290 and authorize an intermediate to transmit the return using a third party transmitter (i.e the tax professional). Simply put, this form is used by a tax preparer to file on someone’s behalf.

A Tax Professional in the Trucking Industry
Every owner/operator and trucking company will have different tax and compliance needs. Some will need interstate compliance instead of intrastate, some trucks are only used for logging, some trucks won’t go over 5,000 miles, there are many variables that dictate what needs to be filed. So drivers and company owners will look for a processing agent or tax professional to keep all their needed documentation and compliance requirements up-to-date.

On Form 2290, you will need to gather the usual business information from your client (EIN, business name, and address). But you will also need to know information about your clients truck(s) – VIN, gross weight, if is used for logging, if it travels more than 5,000 miles, and if it used only for agriculture. It is always good to have the IRS hotline numbers:

                    IRS EIN hotline: 1-800-829-4933
                    IRS 2290 hotline: 1-866-699-4096

When you do have questions or run into a problem, we have an amazing support team always ready to assist you. Contact us via phone: 704.234.6005 or 24/7 email:

Form 8453-EX

The IRS Form 8453-EX is also known as the Excise Tax Declaration for an IRS E-Filed Return.  The IRS Form 8453-EX is a declaration by a taxpayer to authenticate an electronic Form 2290 and authorize an intermediate to transmit your return using a third party transmitter.  Simply put, this form is filed if you use a tax preparer to E-File the Form 2290 on  your behalf.

A taxpayer E-Filing directly with ExpressTruckTax is not required to file a Form 8453-EX. However, if an accountant or other service provider files on your behalf, you are required to sign an 8453-EX to authorize the transmission. The 8453-EX will be E-Filed along with your Form 2290.

For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!