Category: Form 2290

5 Simple Steps to File Form 2290

5 Simple Steps to File Form 2290
5 Simple Steps to File Form 2290

As we keep rolling through truck tax season, we’ve had a few callers ask us to go through the e-filing system step-by-step.

So we’re gonna break things down real quick, and show you that you can e-file Form 2290 in 5 easy steps!

First Step – Login

The first step for any truck tax filer is to create their account—of course, if they’ve filed with us before, they can just sign in.

It’s easy, it only takes a moment, and it’s FREE. We won’t charge you a single cent for creating your account! You only pay once you’ve e-filed using our service, which won’t take too long, thankfully.

Second Step – Information

On your second step, you enter your business information. This includes your name and your Employer Information Number (EIN), which you need to make sure you know.

Pro Tip: Did you know you can e-file 2290 directly from the ExpressTruckTax App?

Third Step – Details

Now you need to enter your tax year and first used month for the vehicle(s) you are filing for. The tax year for IRS Form 2290 starts July 1 of each year and ends on June 30 of the following year.

You file Form 2290 based on the first used month of the vehicle. For example, if your vehicle was first used on public highways in September, you have until October 31 to file your 2290.

After that, enter your vehicle identification number (VIN) and the taxable gross weight of the vehicle you are filing for. You can also select if your vehicle is used for any special purposes, such as for agricultural use or logging.

Fourth Step – Payment

As we calculate the taxes on your 2290, make sure you’re familiar with the IRS payment options available to pay the IRS for your HVUT, including:

  • Direct Debit or Electronic Funds Withdrawal
  • Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)
  • Check or Money Order

Fifth Step – Transmit

Before we transmit, we’ll check over your form to make sure it’s clear of any basic errors. On your end, double check the summary to be sure that your business and vehicle information are correct. Once your payment information has been entered, your return is ready to be transmitted to the IRS. Simply add your electronic signature and transmit!

Secret Final Step – Celebrate

A few moments after you file, you’ll get your 2290 Schedule 1. With that in hand, you can go out and celebrate. If you have some vacation time, that is. If not, at least you’ll be roadworthy!

If you have any questions about filing your excise taxes, please reach out to us and let us know! Our dedicated customer service team is waiting by the phones and checking their inbox, ready to help you!

Related Blog: 5 Ways to Get Help E-Filing Your 2290

What to Do if Your Form 2290 Tax Return is Rejected by the IRS?

What to Do If Your Form 2290 Return is Rejected by the IRS?
What to Do If Your Form 2290 Return is Rejected by the IRS?

So you were very proactive this year, and you decided to go ahead and e-file irs form 2290.

But then you discover, your 2290 tax return has been rejected by the IRS. So what does that mean for you?

Basically, you need to keep filing until you get things right.

Thankfully, we here at ExpressTruckTax believe in unlimited retransmissions for rejected returns.

Now we’ve heard some people would rather just not file their 2290s than bother with re-transmissions – but that doesn’t make any sense.

What are the Penalties for Failing to File Form 2290?

Basically, you’re going to get hit with a bunch of financial costs if you fail to, or are late, paying
Form 2290. HVUT penalties can range from 4.5 percent of total tax due, assessed on a monthly basis up to five months to an additional monthly penalty equal to 0.5 percent of total tax due for late filers.

Additional interest charges of 0.54 percent per month accrue as well.

Do I Need to E-File Tax Form 2290?

When you e-file your 2290 with ExpressTruckTax, you receive your Schedule 1, which shows an IRS e-file watermark with the date the return was received and processed. This will be accepted by all DOT’s, DMV’s, and other federal authorities.

ExpressTruckTax automatically emails the stamped Schedule 1 after the IRS accepts your 2290. We can also send you updates via text and fax–plus we can even notify your company/carrier.

Your stamped Schedule 1 counts as your proof of payment.

What if you e-filed your tax form 2290 and then something changes—like your vehicle weight?

Just File a 2290 Amendment

When the information on the vehicle you filed for changes, the IRS wants you to file a Form 2290 Amendment. If you want to get that taken care of quickly, just e-file it with ExpressTruckTax. The choice is simple.

So don’t skip out on your tax filing, just because you’re frustrated. In fact, with unlimited retransmission—its all easy!

So if your 2290 is rejected this truck tax season, don’t worry! Instead, login to ExpressTruckTax, and we’ll take care of what we can.

See, it pays off to be proactive!

Related Blog: 7 Common E-Filing Mistakes to Avoid

New IRS 2290 for Tax Year 2016 – 2017

New IRS 2290 for Tax Year 2016 - 2017
New IRS 2290 for Tax Year 2016 – 2017

You probably didn’t realize that there’s a new IRS Form 2290, did you?

It’s OK, not much changed, however, you can only use this form to file your Form 2290 for the tax period beginning on July 1, 2016 and ending on June 30, 2017.

To learn more about this new form, check out the material provided by the IRS.

Click here to learn more about why Form 2290 has changed, and what it means for your filing.

And when you have that covered, you can go stand in line with your completed Form 2290.

But why waste your time trying to figure it out yourself when you have ExpressTruckTax on your side.

With our interview-style form completion, we’ll help you e-file—yes e-file—your Form 2290 with the IRS.

That means, no standing in line at the IRS office, no trying to figure out complicated tax jargon by yourself, and no wasting time off the road.

Create your free account with ExpressTruckTax and start e-filing your 2290, today!

Form 2290 Due Dates for the Tax Year 2016 – 2017

Form 2290 Due Date
Form 2290 Due Date Reminder

So you’ve kept track of your paperwork and you’re now ready to file your Form 2290 with the IRS to get your stamped Schedule 1.

But why wait in that long line at the IRS office, deal with people giving you a hard time and miss out on payable hours driving when you don’t have to?

That’s right; there’s a completely easier way to do all of this – ExpressTruckTax.

ExpressTruckTax is designed to help keep you on the road and out of the IRS office.

We even provide you with valuable information, such as Form 2290 due date for this year, the Form 2290 due date 2016, and the Form 2290 due date for 2017.

Take look at our easy-to-understand chart that explains exactly when you should file and pay your taxes:

If, in this period, the vehicle is first used during
Then, file IRS Form 2290 and make your payment by *
July, 2016
August 31, 2016
August, 2016
September 30, 2016
September, 2016
October 31, 2016
October, 2016
November 30, 2016
November, 2016
January 3, 2017
December, 2016
January 31, 2017
January, 2017
February 28, 2017
February, 2017
March 31, 2017
March, 2017
May 1, 2017
April, 2017
May 31, 2017
May, 2017
June 30, 2017
June, 2017
July 31, 2017

So you decide – would you rather stand in line at the IRS office and in the comfort of your own truck?

We’ll be waiting at to help you e-file your Form 2290 before your deadline.

E-File 2290s at the Right Price!

E-File 2290s at the Right Price!
E-File 2290s at the Right Price!

2290 – seems like the magic number everyone has been talking about since last month, the month before that, this month, and next month.

But a 2290 is something that as a trucker–whether you’re a greenhorn or an experienced road warrior – you should know.

And no, “2290” isn’t code for a rest stop or a crazy four-wheeler switching lanes every ten seconds. It’s a number – by that we mean a tax form – designated by the glorious moguls of the IRS to name the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax that all truckers have to pay each year.

When it comes to filing and paying this tax, there are a lot of options out there.

  • You could stand in a long line at the IRS office, only to get turned away when you don’t have all of the information you need. 
  • You could fill out the form yourself and then mail it, along with your money, to the IRS. 
  • Or, you could use the most-trusted e-file provider of 2290s, ExpressTruckTax, and never have to leave the comfort of your home or truck. 

    We’ve been in the business long enough to have seen just about every type of problem you might experience when filing your 2290.

    But we’re not just a place to complete and transmit your return, we also offer a whole heck of a lot of features too.

    Check ‘em out!

    ExpressTruckTax Features

    First off, getting started with ExpressTruckTax is completely free. That’s right…FREE! All you need to do is create an account (or use the one you created last year) and then click file.

    There’s no complicated programs to download or forms to print off—everything is done right from your phone, computer, or tablet.

    You also have the option of using these other great features that come along in your account:

    • Complete e-filing of your 2290
    • Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes—sent by fax or email
    • E-filing Form 2290 amendments
    • 2290 VIN corrections
    • Unlimited submissions for rejected Form 2290s
    • Instant tax audit
    • Text notifications
    • Instant proof of payment notification
    • A friendly USA-based support anytime you need it

    The Price

    Don’t pay the price of trusting anyone else to file your 2290 for you.

    Don’t pay the price when you are late getting your 2290 to the IRS.

    Don’t pay anyone else to do the job for you when you can use ExpressTruckTax.

    Trust me. ExpressTruckTax is the right price to pay for all of your 2290 needs. And we’ll be here year after year to help you.

    After all, it’s truckers that keeps America running. ExpressTruckTax is here to keep you on the road.

    Log in or create an account now with ExpressTruckTax and get to filing your 2290 before the madness at the IRS office sets in. Just visit

    Related Blog: IRS Form 2290 Payment Methods

    IRS Form 2290 Payment Methods

    IRS Form 2290 Payment Methods
    IRS Form 2290 Payment Methods

    You can pay for your taxes with 3 different payment methods, but unfortunately, credit card and debit card are not an option.

    However, you can pay your ExpressTruckTax Filing Fee with credit (or) debit. But that’s it!

    So how can you pay for Form 2290?

    Direct Debit or Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW):

    If you go with EFW for payment, the IRS will initiate an electronic funds withdrawal (direct debit) from your bank, using bank details that you provide.

    Of course, you want to make sure that you have enough funds in your account to cover the taxes due.

    EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System):

    Here’s the tricky one – the IRS accepts payments via EFTPS, as well. You need to schedule the EFTPS payment on your own and you are responsible for timely payment of the taxes.

    Now, this option isn’t for everybody and most single truck filers won’t have this as an option. To find out more, visit the EFTPS website or call 1-800-555-4477.

    For Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) payments to be on time, you must initiate the transaction at least 1 business day before the date the payment is due.

    Check (or) Money Order:

    You can also send your payment by check or money order, but not by cash. When you pay by check or money order, you need to print the completed payment voucher – 2290-V, page 5 of the completed form 2290.

    Make your payment payable to the United States Treasury, and then write your name, address, EIN, “IRS Form 2290” and the date (as entered in Box 3) on your payment. Detach the voucher 2290-V and send it with your payment.

    If you have filed electronically, don’t send IRS Form 2290 and Schedule 1 with the payment voucher. Don’t staple your payment to the voucher or IRS Form 2290, either.

    Send the payment and voucher 2290-V to:

    Internal Revenue Service
    P.O. Box 804525,
    Cincinnati, OH 45280-4525

    Just to reiterate, you cannot pay for your 2290 taxes with a credit or debit card! We accept the payment only for the filing fee.

    If you have any questions about payment methods, reach out to our awesome support team at ExpressTruckTax by phone at 704.234.6005.

    Related Blog: E-File 2290s at the Right Price!

    What’s the Deal with the Stamped Schedule 1?

    Stamped Schedule 1
    Stamped Schedule 1

    When you e-file heavy vehicle use tax, you get your 2290 stamped schedule 1.

    But what’s the deal with the stamped schedule 1? We’ll break it down for you.

    What is the Stamped Schedule 1?

    To put it frankly, the stamped schedule 1 is your Proof of Payment!

    If you file by paper with the IRS, you can expect to receive your stamped Schedule 1 within 6 weeks after they receive your form 2290.

    How You Get Your Stamped Schedule 1

    Once the IRS receives and checks your return with their database, you receive your stamped schedule 1. Your schedule 1 will show an IRS e-file watermark with the date the return was received and processed. Your schedule 1 will be accepted by all DOT’s, DMV’s, and other federal authorities.

    We can also send updates about your schedule 1 via text and fax – and we can even notify your company or carrier! ExpressTruckTax automatically emails your stamped schedule 1 to you.

    Understanding the Stamped Schedule 1:

    First off, how do you know if your stamped Schedule 1 is authentic? Well, the IRS digital e-file watermark tells you everything you need to know!. You can always contact our customer support team if you have questions, though!

    When you e-file IRS form 2290, the IRS stamps it with a digital watermark. This digital schedule 1 is your official proof of payment, and all DMV locations are required to accept this document.

    Of course, if you have any questions about e-filing and receiving your stamped schedule 1, contact our US-based customer service squad!

    The Advantages of E-Filing Heavy Vehicle Taxes

    Advantages of IRS E File HVUT
    Advantages of E-Filing Heavy Vehicle Taxes

    Are you ready to e-file form 2290 – better known as your 2290?

    Well, you better be because tax season is here and you need to get that stamped Schedule 1 before the IRS madness sets in.

    So what are you waiting for? E-file your 2290 with ExpressTruckTax and get your stamped schedule 1 on July 1st.

    You heard it right!

    When you e-file with us we’ll be sure that you get all of your needed forms to (and from) the IRS before the rush.

    And besides, wouldn’t it be great to not have to worry about your IRS 2290 until next July?

    Get Started!

    Worried that completing your 2290 might be difficult? Don’t be!

    ExpressTruckTax is here to guide you step-by-step through the filing process so you can get your stamped Schedule 1 and get back on the road.

    Ready to get started? If you don’t previously have an ExpressTruckTax account, register with us. Already have an account? Just sign in!

    Get E-Filing!

    Now that you’re all signed in, let’s get to filing your Form 2290!

    ExpressTruckTax will walk you through the process of completing your form, and we’ll check to make sure it’s accurate before sending it off to the IRS.

    So quit waiting around! E-file your 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today and forget worrying about it until next July.

    Need any assistance give the experts at ExpressTruckTax a call, send them a quick chat or an email. They’d be glad to help!

    Related Blog: What’s the Deal with the Stamped Schedule 1?

    What are the Requirements for IRS Form 2290?

    Requirements for IRS Form 2290 E File
    Requirements for IRS Form 2290 E File

    It’s almost truck tax time, Trucking Nation.

    Which means you need to know the requirements to e-file IRS Form 2290.

    Don’t worry, we have you covered. You simply need your taxable vehicle information, employer ID numbers, and the correct vehicle identification numbers.

    Taxable Vehicle Information

    What makes a taxable vehicle… taxable? A highway motor vehicle includes any self-propelled vehicle designed to carry a load over public highways and roadways, and can be designed for additional functions, as well.

    A vehicle consists of a chassis and body, but excludes the load. No matter what the vehicle is designed for — whether it’s a highway passenger transportation vehicle or a designed special kind of cargo, there will need to be a 2290 filed for it.

    Employer ID Numbers

    An Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number, is used to identify a business entity. Generally, businesses need an EIN.

    You need an EIN to file Form 2290. You can apply online to receive your EIN. If the customer has recently applied and received EIN from the IRS, it takes about 15 days to get into the e-file system. If you e-file your 2290 during this period, the IRS will reject the filing.

    Correct Vehicle Identification Numbers

    Another important requirement for Form 2290 is your vehicle identification number. Your VIN identifies the individual truck you are e-filing your HVUT 2290 for.

    Unfortunately, the VIN is a string of numbers and letters—which means plenty of people get them wrong come tax time! Hey, we can’t blame you.

    The good news is, we offer FREE Form 2290 VIN corrections!

    When it comes time to e-file, you know that ExpressTruckTax is here for you! We’re ready to help you with our safe, secure software, user friendly features, and our dedicated, US-based customer support team.

    Related Blog: 5 Ways to Get Help E-Filing Your 2290