Category: Form 2290

Easy Step-By-Step Form 2290 Instructions

It’s finally here. Today marks the start of the IRS accepting your 2019 Heavy Use Vehicle Tax (HVUT) 2290 returns.

ExpressTruckTax offers a quick and easy 2019 Form 2290 process that out beats our competition. Get your stamped Schedule 1 in minutes with these 7 simple steps. Meet your 2019 HVUT deadline by choosing the leading Form 2290 online filing solution, ExpressTruckTax.

2019-20 Form 2290 Instructions:

1. Sign in/Sign up

If you don’t have an account you can register for a FREE ExpressTruckTax account

2. Click ‘Start New Return’

Click the orange ‘Start New Return’ button and fill out the basic information  What you’ll need: Business Name, Address, Employee Identification Number (EIN)

3. Enter Vehicle Information

Enter both your vehicle’s first used month and tax year.

ExpressTruckTax 2019 Form 2290 filing is based on your vehicles first used month and is due the last day of the month following when it was first used.

4. Add Vehicle Details

Be sure to enter your correct Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and taxable gross weight.

When you enter your VIN and the taxable gross weight knowing your vehicle’s category is important. In this section, you will need to select if the vehicle was used specifically for logging or agricultural purposes. 

There are some vehicles that are exempt or eligible for a break. If this is the case you will still need to file in order to receive your stamped Schedule 1.

5. Calculate Tax

ExpressTruckTax will calculate the tax amount you owe when you file your 2019 Form 2290. We also accept 2019 HVUT payments via credit card, debit card, direct debit, electronic funds withdrawal (EFW), Electronic Federal Tax Payment System – EFTPS online, or by check/money order

6. Instant Error Check

ExpressTruckTax will allow you to review your information and make corrections. Our system performs an instant internal audit to ensure error-free filing.

7. Transmit Your Form

After you have checked for any errors you will need to enter a 5-digit code of your choice at the bottom of your form to electronically sign and transmit. 

Get Your Stamped Schedule 1 in Minutes!

Click the button below to get started today

Frequently Asked Questions

“When will I receive my Stamped Schedule 1?”

After these 7 steps, the next thing you’ll have to do is just wait for your Stamped Schedule 1. When you file your 2019 Form 2290 with expressTruckTax you can expect to receive your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes.

“What if I get stuck?” 

If you need additional help filing your 2019 Form 2290 our dedicated EXpert support team is available via phone, live chat, and email. Our 100% US-based support staff will take the time to answer your questions thoroughly, so you will know exactly what to do.

“Can someone file my 2019 Form 2290 for me?”

Our sister product, Truck Services of North Amerca (TSNA) is a full-service 2019 Form 2290 solution. They off bilingual support and will file your 2019 Form 2290 on your behalf, right over the phone.

Call TSNAmerica Today!


It is a straightforward process that will get you your Stamped Schedule 1 via email in record time. This process takes less than 5 minutes and will have you back on the road, doing what you love in no time.

Get To Know ExpressTruckTax, The Leading 2290 Filing Solution

Why is ExpressTruckTax the leading Form 2290 filing solution?

Simple, it’s because of fleets and drivers like you! 

At ExpressTruckTax, we know and understand how hard it is to leave your friends and family at the start of a long haul. So when you are off the clock or back home the last thing you want to deal with is taxes.

The Trucking Industry Moves America Forward One Load at a Time.

Who is ExpressTruckTax?

ExpressTruckTax is committed to making the HVUT (Heavy Vehicle Use Tax) filing process easy. We stand behind drivers and their families to keep them tax compliant year-round.

After a long haul spent away from your friends and family you deserve a simple and easy Form 2290 filing process. When you file with ExpressTruckTax we guarantee you will receive your stamped Schedule 1 in minutes so you can get back to moving America forward. 

How do we stick to our why?

We show our commitment to those in the trucking industry by going the extra mile, each day.

Our bilingual support staff is trained to answer any questions you have about your Form 2290 for 2019.

Your time is valuable, so we continue to strive for excellence by saving you time and money. Don’t get stopped this season because of an expired Schedule 1. 

What does ExpressTruckTax do?

ExpressTruckTax is the leading HVUT solution providing over half a million truck drivers with the easiest Form 2290 online process.
ExpressTruckTax knows the significance of giving our clients options. That’s why we give you the option to pay with a credit card, copy your previous returns, file using our free Form 2290 mobile, and so much more.
Have questions about our filing process or IRS Form 2290? Contact our 100% US-based support staff via phone, email, or chat today! We’re here to help you every step of the way.
ExpressTruckTax is the #1 Choice Among Fleets & Drivers

How To Prepare For Summer As A Trucker

Those who have already chosen ExpressTruckTax to file their Form 2290 2019 are finding themselves with a lot of time on their hands for summer 2019. ExpressTruckTax saves truckers money and time with a solution ranked higher than all others in the trucking industry.

Filing your Form 2290 for 2019 is a big task, but it doesn’t have to be. ExpressTruckTax is adamant about giving clients the best possible experience. This is why it is called the leading Form 2290 solution and for the 2019-20 season, it’s no different. The process for filing your Form 2290 2019 has gotten quicker compared to past years.

In the trucking industry more time on your hands can mean more time with family or more time on the road. If you choose to spend that extra time on the road there are a few things you should be concerned about.

Check The Fuel For Your Body

Heat exhaustion can go hand in hand with dehydration. There are two forms of heat exhaustion that can take place when the temperature begins to rise, water depletion and salt depletion. Water depletion symptoms can be weakness and headaches.

Watch out for any of the signs that relate to heat exhaustion and be aware of changes in your body and functions.

Food High in Water Content

  • Cucumbers 
  • Celery
  • Zucchini
  • Cauliflower
  • Watermelon
  • Strawberries
  • Yogurt
  • Spinach

Tips and Tricks

  • Remove tight-fitting clothing
  • Take a cool shower
  • Get out of the sun

Check The Fuel For Your Vehicle

The engine cooling system is important, especially in sweltering temperatures. Your body can be affected by heat exhaustion, what makes you think your rig can’t?! Before beginning your trip make sure your system has both enough antifreeze and water.

Checking on the coolant of your vehicle is important in making sure your vehicle isn’t overheating. Coolant that is too hot can lead to engine failure and even a fire.

Slow It Down And Take A Break

Your vehicle is more vulnerable to overheating when you are traveling at high speeds. There is extra stress on both the tires and the engine being applied.

  • Drive slow and remember to take frequent breaks to let the system cool down.
  • Tire blowouts are more common in hot weather. Air pressure also increases with temperature. Allowing the tires to cool off every few hours or ideally every 100 miles reduce the risk of not only blowouts but fire as well.

Enjoy The Summer

Truckers can get pretty overwhelmed in the summer because of the time they’re missing away from family on top of their workload increasing. One way truck drivers can enjoy their summer is by getting ahead on their Form 2290 2019. If you haven’t already you can file now and have your Form 2290 2019 submitted to the IRS the very day they begin accepting Forms.
We hope these tips make your Sumer 2019 one to remember. Stay safe, stay hydrated and stay ready for anything. 

What You Need To Know About The 2019 HVUT Due Date

The IRS Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes (HVUT) must be filed annually by August 31st. This year, however, the HVUT due date is technically September 3rd.

Although there is a shift in the 2019 HVUT due date, this isn’t a call for procrastination.

Why September 3rd?

As mentioned August 31st is normally the HVUT due date, but this year that date falls on a Saturday and the following business day is on Labor Day.

File Your 2019 Form 2290 Now and Pay Later

We are encouraging all of our clients to file their 2019 Form 2290 as early as today and beat the rush. If procrastination is on your mind just think of how many other truckers are thinking the same thing.

You could get your 2019 Form 2290 handled today and not worry about paying 2019 HVUT until later.

By later we mean before August 31st.

2019 HVUT Due Date: 
Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019

Don’t Wait Until the HVUT Due Date

We know that technically 5 is greater than 0 and pressing snooze again is better than hearing a 5 o’clock wake up call. However, what if that 0 meant 0 penalties versus 5 and pressing snooze one more time could cost you your job?
There is a long list of benefits for filing your 2019 Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax, but our favorite is that you could win free stuff. That’s right we are having an ExpressTruckTax giveaway. This year any ExpressTruckTax client who files before June 30th can win a FREE BlueParrott Bluetooth Headset and a whole lot more. This ExpressTruckTax giveaway might be our favorite yet.

Other Ways To File

ExpressTruckTax’s sister company, Truck Services of North America (TSNAmerica) is now offering phone filing. You can now get for 2019 Form 2290 filed over the phone in just minutes by their well-trained support staff.

Possible HVUT Penalties

We know that time gets away from us all and by setting aside a few minutes of your day you could dodge huge penalties with the click of a button.

The IRS may impose penalties for several different reasons regarding HVUT Form 2290. You may be penalized for failing to file your return or to pay taxes owed by the 2019 Form 2290 due date. HVUT penalties may also be applied for filing false or fraudulent returns. These penalties are in addition to interest accrued on late payments.

Get The Office Scoop From The Real Experts of Form 2290

The Real Experts of Form 2290 have no problem giving you the inside scoop of what takes place in the office. They also have no problem telling you about their REAL lives. Meet the team that is making sure you and thousands of others are getting top of the line support.

Scroll down to see what the Real EXperts are up to this season!


Amber loves Disney. Some may even say she is a fanatic, but around the office we call it passion. That same passion Amber has when it comes to all things Disney is what she expresses when assisting our loyal customers, year after year. This is what makes Amber one of our EXpert vets.


When Andrew isn’t weirdly spending time convincing new team members he can lick his own elbow,  he is convincing truckers to “just e-file it”. What makes Andrew an EXpert is his commitment to making e-filing your 2290 a lot easier than this unique, but yet oddly-impressive, party trick of his. 😝


At night, Ariel is a wizard costume designer, but her powers don’t stop there. She is our in-house oracle that foresees your future Google search and is the reason you are seeing our social media ads after telling your spouse you need to file your 2290…

Shhh.. She’s listening.


The 2290 renewal period is a beast, and “Trucker B.”, as he is notoriously known as, expects this year to be the best one yet! As a Form 2290 vet, “Trucker B.” is ready to conquer the beast without breaking a sweat. 😅
That is what we call, skill!


Even though Elena is a blue belt in Tae Kwon Do and can break a wooden board on a fly, her true talent is remembering specifics about our clients. She is excited to chat with our longtime clients, who she refers to as a family.


Hannah’s colorful vocabulary isn’t the only way she chooses to EXpress herself. Her eclectic taste in music will have her reciting Biggie lyrics one moment and serenading to the likes of Fleetwood Mac the next. She is just as excited to experience the hype of the 2290 season as she was when she heard Fleetwood Mac’s “Dreams” for the first time.


Since the age of 8, Leah has been dominating thousands of dirt tracks all by herself! 💪

This year Leah is throwing on a jersey, (well an ExpressTruckTax shirt), and joining a team of EXperts to tackle thousands of Form 2290’s!


When Meredith isn’t enthusiastically keeping truckers up to date on how to save time and money, she is keeping her coffee cup full to the rim. What makes Meredith an EXpert is her commitment to helping truckers with tons on their plate.


Missael is a Carolinian, by way of Mexico, and with true southern spirit is determined to show some of the vets why he deserves a spot amongst the elites. This may be his first season, but he is geared up for what lies ahead.


Like any world traveler, Ryan knows it all and has seen it all, this goes for Form 2290 as well. Ryan is thrilled to partner with a team of like-minded individuals to handle what is thrown ExpressTruckTax’s way. The busiest and craziest time of the year is no big deal to our office globetrotter.


Taylor is a self-taught DIY carpenter from the University of Pinterest. When she isn’t building her next masterpiece, she is building you the most convenient online experience. From floral backdrops to Form 2290 blog post, her hands can create them both.   

Do You Need To File Form 2290?

If you’re new to trucking, the numbers used for necessary forms may be a bit overwhelming. There’s the 2290s, 8849s, 4868s, 1099s, and 123s. Okay.. we might be exaggerating with the 123s, but you get the gist, it’s a lot of forms and a lot of numbers to remember. We won’t bore you and got through each form 1 by 1, but we will tell you about the two most relevant ones for this filing period.

What is Form 2290?

The form that you have probably heard the most about, as of late, is Form 2290. What is Form 2290, and how does it relate to you, if at all?!

Form 2290 is used to figure and pay the tax due on highway motor vehicles used. Your next question is probably does it even apply to you, and the answer is it might. All vehicles with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more than travel by highway is required to file a Form 2290.

After paying taxes you will be given a Stamped Schedule 1 that serves as proof of payment from the IRS. This document is important, as it is needed in order to register your commercial vehicle.

Do You Need to File Form 8849?

There are exemptions and claim suspensions that apply to some vehicles meeting certain requirements. The requirements are as follows:

  • The vehicle used 5,000 highway miles or less during the period.
  • The vehicle is an agricultural vehicle and used 7,500 miles or less during the period.
  • The Vehicle was stolen during the period
  • The vehicle was destroyed during the period
  • The vehicle was sold during the period

The above list leads us to the importance of Form 8849. If any of the above is true about a vehicle you own/owned then you must first file a Form 2290, pay the correct amount of Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) and then complete the Form 8849.

Claims and Refunds

In order to claim credits or refunds for vehicles stolen, destroyed, sold, or only used for 5,000 miles or less and 7,500 miles or less for agricultural vehicles, the Form 8849 is required. The

things you’ll need to file a Form 8849 are your name, address, details on the vehicle you are seeking a claim/refund for and your Employee Identification Number (EIN). Be sure to double check that the EIN you are using is consistent with what the IRS has on file.

*If an EIN is needed you are able to apply for one online with the IRS.

File With ExpressTruckTax

The great thing about ExpressTruckTax is that it makes all of your Form 2290 filing simpler. It even gives you a chance to auto-generate a Form 8849 if you are in need of one for the current filing period.

Attention Truckers! Your IRS Form 2290 is Due Friday

Attention Truckers! Your IRS Form 2290 is Due Friday

What’s on your mind? The fact that it’s a hot and humid summer, the fact that Labor Day is right around the corner, or the fact that your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) Form 2290 due date is August 31st? For those not looking at a calendar, that is this Friday!

Sooo if your mind isn’t on the Form 2290 deadline, then it should be, for at least 5 minutes, because that’s all it takes to quickly and conveniently file your IRS Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax. Once filed with the IRS, you will receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 via email within minutes. 

All About Your HVUT Form 2290

So what exactly is the HVUT Form 2290? It is the tax assessed on the use of public highways by heavy vehicles with gross weights of 55,000 pounds or more. The truck tax collected is used to repair, maintain, and build public highways.

If a taxable highway motor vehicle is registered in your name in the United States, the District of Columbia, Canada, or Mexico you must file an HVUT Form 2290.

A taxable highway motor vehicle is any vehicle with a gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more and includes any self-propelled vehicle designed to carry loads over public highways, regardless if it’s designed to perform other functions. A taxable vehicle consists of a chassis or a chassis and a body but does not include the load.

The current HVUT tax period began on July 1, 2018, and will end on June 30, 2019. The HVUT is based on your first use month and is due by the last day of the month following the first use month.

For example, if you first use your truck in October, then your Form 2290 will be due by November 30th. However, if your current vehicle was in use during the previous tax year, you are required to file by the August 31st deadline.

Attention Truckers! Your IRS Form 2290 is Due FridayOnce you file Form 2290, you will receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 which serves as your proof of payment for your truck tax. It actually has a digital watermark stamp that includes the time that the IRS approved and accepted your IRS Form 2290. To remain operational, you are required to have a stamped Schedule 1. You will need it to register any new vehicles and to renew your current vehicle tags. Without it, you will be operating illegally.

Luckily when you file Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax is quick and easy. All you need to file is your business name, address, and EIN (Employer Identification Number). For your vehicles, you need the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) and taxable gross weight.

You cannot use your SSN (Social Security Number) in place of an EIN. If you use your SSN to file your HVUT Form 2290, it will be rejected by the IRS. 

How to E-File Form 2290?

File Form 2290 in 5 minutes or less with ExpressTruckTax. Simply click here to get started or download the ExpressTruckTax app on your mobile device and follow the step-by-step e-filing guide to complete your Form 2290 online. Once you submit to the IRS, you will receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 via email within minutes.

File Over The Phone

For an even easier way to file call TSNAmerica at 803.386.0320 to have a US-based representative file for you. All you have to do is answer a few questions to complete the filing process, and you will receive your stamped Schedule 1 via email in a matter of minutes.

Contact ExpressTruckTax

Our dedicated US-based support team is standing by to help at headquarters in historic Rock Hill, SC. Give us a call Monday – Friday from 8 AM to 7 PM EST at 704.234.6005, connect with us via live chat or take advantage of our 24/7 email support at

Your Last-Chance to Join The IGLOO® Cooler Giveaway

Your Last-Chance to Join The IGLOO® Cooler Giveaway

Attention trucking nation! The IRS Form 2290 filing season is officially here at ExpressTruckTax, and we are ringing in the new tax year with a special giveaway. We understand that HVUT Form 2290 filing is not the highlight of your summer which is why we are adding a little extra incentive.

What better way to start off the summer than with an IGLOO® IMX Cooler. When you file your heavy use tax before July 1, 2018, you are automatically entered to win! Don’t miss your chance to be entered to win! Keep your drinks cold and snacks fresh while you’re on the road this summer.

On July 2, 2018, we will announce the winner via Facebook live! Don’t miss out. File your 2018 – 2019 IRS Form 2290 on/before 6/30/2018 to be automatically entered to win our IGLOO® IMX Cooler giveaway.

How to File IRS Form 2290?

Login or create a free ExpressTruckTax account
Enter your trucking and business details (EIN, VIN, etc.)
Verify your information and transmit your HVUT 2290 to the IRS
Receive your stamped Schedule 1 via email

It is that simple! File before July 1, 2018, and be entered to win a free hardshell cooler!

Information Needed to File Your Heavy Use Tax:

  1. Your employer identification number (EIN). You cannot use your social security number for Form 2290 filing. 
  2. Your vehicle identification number (VIN). 
  3. The taxable gross weight of your vehicle(s) to determine your category. 

Start My Form 2290 Filing Today

ExpressTruckTax Giveaway Terms & Conditions

The filing & payment to transmit a Form 2290 is necessary to enter to win.

By entering an ExpressTruckTax Giveaway (each, a “Sweepstakes”), you will be bound by these Terms & Conditions and you acknowledge that you satisfy all eligibility requirements. “ExpressTruckTax” means Span Enterprises LLC or any of its affiliates.

Eligibility. Open to individual legal residents of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia who have an ExpressTruckTax account and are 18 years of age or the legal age of majority in their state of residence prior to the date of entry. Employees of ExpressTruckTax, its affiliates, and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate.

Prize(s) and Winner Selection Method. The Sponsor will award a prize to one or more individuals who file their 2018-19 Form 2290 on between 6/1/2018-6/30/2018 Potential winner(s) will be selected at random from among all eligible entries received. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. If you are a winner, an e-mail notification will be sent to you.

You must have an ExpressTruckTax account and have filed a 2018-19 Form 2290 before June 30, 2018, in order to enter or receive a prize. Limit one entry per person and household using only one account per Sweepstakes. Prize(s) will be fulfilled by the Sponsor. Prize(s) will be delivered by

Each prize will be awarded “as is” and without warranty of any kind, express or implied (including, without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose). If you win a prize, you may not transfer, assign, or redeem the prize for cash. ExpressTruckTax may substitute a prize with a prize of equal or greater value.

How to Enter. You will automatically be entered to win a prize upon the transmission of a 2018-19 Form 2290. If you do not wish to automatically be entered into the sweepstakes, you must notify us by email at or call us at 704.234.6005. If you choose to promote your entry (including that you filed your Form 2290) via social media or other channels, you should disclose your connection to the Sweepstakes. For example, it may be sufficient to include a statement such as #ExpressTruckTaxGiveaway.

This giveaway is not associated with,, or

Other Sweepstakes. Additional Terms. Sponsor, together with ExpressTruckTax, reserves the right to modify or cancel a Sweepstakes at any time. Sponsor and ExpressTruckTax and its affiliates are not responsible for: (a) lost, misdirected, late, or incomplete entries or for inaccurate entry information; (b) any operation or transmission error, theft, unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries; or (c) damage to any computer or device resulting from downloading Sweepstakes materials. Sponsor, together with ExpressTruckTax, may disqualify any individual found to be: (x) tampering with a Sweepstakes; (y) violating these Terms & Conditions; or (z) acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner or with intent to threaten or harass any person. Incomplete and robotic, automatic, programmed or similar entries will be disqualified. The authorized subscriber of the account used to enter a Sweepstakes at the actual time of entry will be deemed to be the participant and must comply with these Terms & Conditions in the event of a dispute as to entries submitted by multiple users having the same e-mail account.

No greater than the number of prizes stated on the Sweepstakes Landing Page will be awarded. If any errors occur in the selection of a potential winner, or if more prizes are claimed than specified, Sponsor or ExpressTruckTax may award the prize(s) by random drawing from among all eligible claimants. All prizes made available for a Sweepstakes may not be awarded in the event Sponsor or ExpressTruckTax does not receive a sufficient number of qualified and eligible entries for an applicable Sweepstakes.

Miscellaneous. Each Sweepstakes is governed by the laws of the United States. By entering a Sweepstakes, you agree (for yourself and your heirs) that Sponsor, ExpressTruckTax, and each of their respective affiliates and agents, and any entity involved in any aspect of the Sweepstakes (all aforementioned parties are collective, the “Released Parties”) will have no liability, and will be held harmless from and against liability, loss, injury or damage to property or person, including death, and reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs, due in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by reason of the acceptance, possession, use or misuse of a prize or participation in the Sweepstakes, even if caused or contributed to by the negligence of any of the Released Parties.

You agree that Sponsor’s decisions related to each Sweepstakes and all distribution of prizes are final. Each winner agrees that, by participating in a Sweepstakes, Sponsor, ExpressTruckTax, and their respective affiliates may use the winner’s name in any manner and in any medium for its promotional purposes without additional compensation, including posting in a winner’s list, except where prohibited by law, and Sponsor, ExpressTruckTax, and their respective affiliates may be required to disclose the winner’s address to state regulatory authorities.

Privacy Notice: All information submitted in connection with this Sweepstakes will be treated in accordance with these Terms & Conditions, ExpressTruckTax’ Privacy Policy.

The IRS Form 2290 Filing Season is Now Here

The IRS Form 2290 Filing Season is Now HereAttention all truckers IRS Form 2290 filing season is officially here at ExpressTruckTax! Whether you are a loyal ExpressTruckTax customer or just now hearing of us, we understand how important your business is to you and we are here to make the 2290 filing process simple and quick. Instead of waiting for the IRS to open July 1st, you can take advantage of the many benefits of e-filing IRS Form 2290 today with ExpressTruckTax.

The IRS Form 2290 Filing Season is Now Here
How to E-File Form 2290 Online?

After signing up for your free ExpressTruckTax account, you will enter the necessary information for your business like the name, address, and EIN (Employer Identification Number).

You will need information about your heavy vehicles to complete your IRS Form 2290, such as its WIN or Vehicle Identification Number and taxable gross weight. Remember that suspended vehicles must be included.

A suspended vehicle is one that is exempt from HVUT taxes for the current tax season. Vehicles with less than 5,000 miles are exempt, along with agricultural vehicles with less than 7,500 miles. When you’ve finished entering your information we will automatically calculate the amount of HVUT you owe, and you can pay the IRS with credit/debit, direct debit, electronic funds withdrawal, EFTP, check, or money order.

Then you will be presented with a summary of your IRS Form 2290 to make sure you have entered everything correctly, and we will perform an instant error check. Once you have corrected any mistakes, your IRS Form 2290 will be ready for submission. It will remain in our encrypted system until it is transmitted to the IRS on July 1st.

As soon as the IRS approves your IRS Form 2290, you will receive your stamped Schedule 1 via email.

File HVUT 2290 Over the Phone

If you need an even simpler way to file then contact our sister product, TSNAmerica. Their outstanding team will file Form 2290 while you’re on the phone. The process is a straightforward 5-minute phone call, and as a result, you’ll receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 via email.

TSNAmerica: 803.386.0320

Need Help Filing HVUT 2290 Online?

Our dedicated ExpressTruckTax support team is available via phone, live chat, and email. These US-based representatives are HVUT experts and will take the time to answer all of our questions and will even walk you through the entire filing process.

File Form 2290 Online Today!

Now is The Time! Cool Off With This IGLOO® Cooler Giveaway

Now is The Time! Cool Off With This IGLOO® Cooler GiveawayAhh, summer is here. A season of fun in the sun, barbeque, warm nights, and of course taxes. Well, that is for those of us in the trucking industry. With this in mind, we thought we would take the drudgery out of filing IRS Form 2290 by adding an awesome incentive. 

File Your 2018-19 IRS Form 2290

As an IRS-authorized e-file provider for all things trucking, ExpressTruckTax is automatically entering everyone who files their IRS Form 2290 between 6/1/2018 – 6/30/2018 in a giveaway to win an IGLOO® IMX Cooler. The giveaway starts today; don’t miss your chance to be entered to win so you can keep your drinks and snacks fresh while you’re on the road this summer.

On July 2nd, 2018, we will announce the winner via a live Facebook party! Don’t miss out! File your 2018 – 2019 IRS Form 2290 before 6/30/2018 to automatically be entered to win our IGLOO® IMX Cooler giveaway.

File My Form 2290 Today

ExpressTruckTax Giveaway Terms & Conditions

The filing & payment to transmit a Form 2290 is necessary to enter to win.
By entering an ExpressTruckTax Giveaway (each, a “Sweepstakes”), you will be bound by these Terms & Conditions and you acknowledge that you satisfy all eligibility requirements. “ExpressTruckTax” means Span Enterprises LLC or any of its affiliates.

Eligibility. Open to individual legal residents of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia who have an ExpressTruckTax account and are 18 years of age or the legal age of majority in their state of residence prior to the date of entry. Employees of ExpressTruckTax, its affiliates, and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate.

Prize(s) and Winner Selection Method. The Sponsor will award a prize to one or more individuals who file their 2018-19 Form 2290 on between 6/1/2018-6/30/2018 Potential winner(s) will be selected at random from among all eligible entries received. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. If you are a winner, an e-mail notification will be sent to you.

You must have an ExpressTruckTax account and have filed a 2018-19 Form 2290 before June 30, 2018, in order to enter or receive a prize. Limit one entry per person and household using only one account per Sweepstakes. Prize(s) will be fulfilled by the Sponsor. Prize(s) will be delivered by

Each prize will be awarded “as is” and without warranty of any kind, express or implied (including, without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose). If you win a prize, you may not transfer, assign, or redeem the prize for cash. ExpressTruckTax may substitute a prize with a prize of equal or greater value.

How to Enter. You will automatically be entered to win a prize upon the transmission of a 2018-19 Form 2290. If you do not wish to automatically be entered into the sweepstakes, you must notify us by email at or call us at 704.234.6005. If you choose to promote your entry (including that you filed your Form 2290) via social media or other channels, you should disclose your connection to the Sweepstakes. For example, it may be sufficient to include a statement such as #ExpressTruckTaxGiveaway.

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Other Sweepstakes. Additional Terms. Sponsor, together with ExpressTruckTax, reserves the right to modify or cancel a Sweepstakes at any time. Sponsor and ExpressTruckTax and its affiliates are not responsible for: (a) lost, misdirected, late, or incomplete entries or for inaccurate entry information; (b) any operation or transmission error, theft, unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries; or (c) damage to any computer or device resulting from downloading Sweepstakes materials. Sponsor, together with ExpressTruckTax, may disqualify any individual found to be: (x) tampering with a Sweepstakes; (y) violating these Terms & Conditions; or (z) acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner or with intent to threaten or harass any person. Incomplete and robotic, automatic, programmed or similar entries will be disqualified. The authorized subscriber of the account used to enter a Sweepstakes at the actual time of entry will be deemed to be the participant and must comply with these Terms & Conditions in the event of a dispute as to entries submitted by multiple users having the same e-mail account.

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