Category: Form 2290 Deadline

Hurry! Your IRS Form 2290 Deadline Is Tomorrow!

And just like that, the 2023-24 IRS Form 2290 deadline is nearly here! It’s super important that you don’t miss the deadline, because you will face penalties and interest from the IRS if you’re late.

File today with ExpressTruckTax

The quickest, easiest, and most secure solution for filing your Form 2290 is to use ExpressTruckTax!

We’ll make sure you have time to finish filing before the deadline! Our interview-style form is easy to understand and takes only a few minutes to fill out. All you need is your business information, vehicle information, and a payment method for your IRS HVUT tax amount.

Plus, if you have filed with us before and you are still using the same truck, you can use our Ready Return feature to auto-populate your return in a single click. ExpressTruckTax will recall the information entered on your last return and use it to populate your 2023 return in seconds. All you have to do is review the information and choose an IRS payment method.

Speaking of credit card payments, we now accept HVUT payments by credit or debit card, so you won’t have any extra steps!

You can also have your 2290 Schedule 1 sent to your carrier for free.

If you have any questions about your return, our 100% US-based customer support team is working extended hours until the August 31 deadline! You can call Monday-Friday, 8am-7pm EST!

Time Is Running Out To File Form 2290!

Hey everyone, it’s Amber with ExpressTruckTax, and today is Monday, August 28th. Oh my goodness, it flew by! The deadline to file your 2290 is this Thursday. Thursday, August 31st, is the deadline to file your 2290. Please do not wait until Thursday to file your 2290.

If you are watching this video, click the link below to go to and log into your account and file your 2290 now. It seriously, seriously, it’s the deadline, just don’t even, don’t even worry, just do it now. Do it right now while you’re watching this video.

If you don’t have an ExpressTruckTax account, that’s your first problem. Uh, click the link below and register for an account. It’ll take you about two seconds, fill in your business information, your truck information, it will take you about five minutes. Seriously, this is the quickest, most efficient way to file your 2290. So go now to to file your 2290.

And we are always here at this point in the game. We sleep here, we eat here, we do all the things here in our office, okay? So if you do have questions, we have the live chat option that’s on the website, there’s like a little bubble, as we are here. And then you can also email us at

Now listen very carefully, we do have phone support. It’s the last week of August, we are probably really busy with phone support, but we are here. So if you need to call us at 704-234-6005, and we will always return missed calls as well. So that’s what we do, that’s what sets ExpressTruckTax apart. Well, actually, there’s a lot of things that set ExpressTruckTax apart, but our customer support is how we are number one.

So we will get to your phone call, but you can always reach us by live chat and email as well. Just know that, and know that we are here to support you, and know that we do appreciate you, we appreciate our clients, and we know, we know that you’re busy, and you’ve been busy since May, and you’ll continue to be busy, and this is probably, I’m gonna guess, not on the list of your favorite things to do.

Um, so I get that, but I also am here to tell you that we’re here to support you in getting the things done, doing the adulting things, so that we can play and have fun over here, right?

All right, so thank you so much for using ExpressTruckTax. Let us know if you do have any questions. I appreciate you guys. Bye.

File Form 2290 for First Used Month of December before January 31st

Did you purchase or put a vehicle weighing 55,000 pounds or more on the road for the first time in December of 2022? If this is the case your vehicle has a First Used Month of December. A vehicle’s First Used Month, or FUM, is the month a vehicle is put on the road for the first time. This determines when Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) needs to be filed for this vehicle. The deadline to file Form 2290 is the last day of the month following the vehicle’s First Used Month. The deadline to file Form 2290 for vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more that have a First Used Month of December is January 31, 2023. 

January 31, 2023, is only a few days away. In order to make sure that you are on time with your filing and your payment, ExpressTruckTax strives to make the Form 2290 filing process as simple and straightforward as possible. In order to file, you will need to provide your business information. This includes your Employer Identification Number (EIN) and business name. You will also need to provide information about your vehicle. Your vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) will need to be entered as well as the vehicle’s weight class. Do you have any credit vehicles that you need to claim on your Form 2290? This includes vehicles that the taxes have been paid for previously and the vehicle was either sold, stolen, or destroyed.

To make things even easier, ExpressTruckTax also offers several convenient payment options for paying the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax for your vehicle. You are able to send in payment via check or money order if you are not ready to pay the tax right away. This payment will be withdrawn from your account once the IRS receives it. You can also choose to pay through EFTPS and schedule when the IRS takes the payment. Choosing this payment option requires you to have an EFTPS account. If you do not have one, it may take up to fifteen days to become active. 

If you want the payment to be more immediate, you can choose Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) as your payment method. You will enter your banking information including your account number and routing number directly onto your Form 2290 and once the form is accepted, the funds will be withdrawn from your account in 1-2 business days. You also have the option to pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax via credit or debit card. You can either choose to pay through a third-party IRS-approved credit card processor or make your credit card payment directly from ExpressTruckTax alongside your filing fee. 

Whatever option you choose, ExpressTruckTax strives to be easy and convenient for you. Once your Form 2290 is approved by the IRS, you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 in minutes. The Stamped Schedule 1 is required when you need to obtain the tags and registration for your vehicle. You are running out of time to file Form 2290 if your vehicle’s First Used Month is December. What are you waiting for? Avoid getting late fined and get your filing finished in only a few minutes with ExpressTruckTax today!

Sólo quedan dos semanas para hacer el Formulario 2290 antes de la fecha límite del 31 de Agosto

¡La fecha límite para hacer el Formulario 2290 está a solo dos semanas! Esto significa que solo le quedan dos semanas para presentarlo antes de recibir penalidades por retraso en el pago del impuesto sobre el uso de vehículos pesados ​​(HVUT). Los conductores de vehículos que pesan 55,000 libras o más tienen que hacer anualmente el Formulario 2290 al IRS.

Si usted es uno de estos conductores, asegúrese de hacer su Formulario 2290 antes de la fecha límite del 31 de agosto. La presentación del Formulario 2290 garantiza que recibirá un Anexo 1 sellado del IRS que actúa como prueba de la declaración del Formulario 2290. Este Anexo 1 sellado le permite obtener las placas y el registro del vehículo. Si se encuentra sin un Anexo 1 estampado actual, es cuando se producirán sanciones y multas. También puede recibir una multa por no poder proporcionar un Anexo 1 estampado actual además de recibir penalidades. Una forma de evitar esto es presentando el Formulario 2290 antes de la fecha límite del 31 de agosto.

Para asegurarse de no perder la fecha límite y presentar su declaración a tiempo, ExpressTruckTax tiene la solución que necesita para presentar el Formulario 2290. De esta manera, no tiene que preocuparse por no cumplir con la fecha límite y ser multado por el IRS por llegar tarde. con el pago de impuestos. ExpressTruckTax es el presentador electrónico del Formulario 2290 líder en el mercado que garantiza que recibirá su Anexo 1 sellado a los pocos minutos de presentarlo. Simplemente necesita crear una cuenta con ExpressTruckTax e ingresar su información, incluyendo la información de su negocio, su Número de Identificación de Empleador (EIN), la información de su vehículo, incluido el Número de información del vehículo (VIN), si está reclamando algún vehículo de crédito, y luego su Información del pago.

ExpressTruckTax ofrece una función de pago completamente nueva que hace que ExpressTruckTax sea aún más conveniente para los contribuyentes porque pueden hacer el Formulario 2290 y el impuesto se puede pagar al mismo tiempo mediante tarjeta de crédito o débito. Antes, tendría que pasar por un sitio de procesamiento de pagos externo para pagar sus impuestos y correr el riesgo de olvidarse de pagar, lo que resultaría en penalidades por demora. ¡Ahora el pago y la presentación están disponibles en un lugar conveniente! Ahora no tiene que preocuparse por atrasarse con sus pagos de impuestos y hacerlo todo al mismo tiempo.

¿Está cansado de estar atrasado con sus pagos de impuestos? ¡Ya no tiene que preocuparse por eso con ExpressTruckTax! ¿Qué estás esperando? ¡Haga el Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax hoy y nunca más se preocupe por retrasarse en el pago de sus impuestos HVUT!

Only Two Weeks Left To File Form 2290 Before The August 31st Deadline!

The Deadline to File Form 2290 is only two weeks away! This means that you have only two weeks left to file before you get late fines or penalties for being late with your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT). Form 2290 is filed annually by drivers of vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more to the IRS. 

If you are one of these drivers, make sure to file your Form 2290 before the August 31st deadline. Filing Form 2290 guarantees that you will receive a Stamped Schedule 1 from the IRS that acts as proof of filing Form 2290. This Stamped Schedule 1 allows you to get vehicle tags and registration. If you are found without a current Stamped Schedule 1, that is when penalties and fines will occur. You can also get a ticket for not being able to provide a current Stamped Schedule 1 on top of getting fined. One way to avoid this is by Filing Form 2290 before the August 31st deadline. 

In order to make sure you don’t miss the deadline and file on time, ExpressTruckTax has the solution you need to file Form 2290. This way you don’t have to worry about missing the deadline and getting fined by the IRS for being late with the tax payment. ExpressTruckTax is the market-leading Form 2290 e-filer that guarantees you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes of filing.

You simply need to create an account with ExpressTruckTax and enter your information including your business information, your Employer Identification Number (EIN), your vehicle information including the vehicle’s Vehicle Information Number (VIN), if you are claiming any credit vehicles, and then your payment information. 

ExpressTruckTax offers a brand new payment feature that makes ExpressTruckTax even more convenient for filers because Form 2290 can be filed and the tax can be paid at the same time via credit or debit card. Before you would have to go through an external payment processing site to pay your taxes and risk forgetting to pay, resulting in late fines. Now paying and filing are available in one convenient place! Now you don’t have to worry about being late with your tax payments and get it all done at the same time.

Are you tired of being late with your tax payments? You don’t have to worry about that anymore with ExpressTruckTax! What are you waiting for? File Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today and never worry about being late to pay your HVUT taxes again!

What is the IRS Form 2290 Due Date for the Tax year 2022-2023?

What is Form 2290?

Drivers of vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more are required to file IRS Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT). If one of these qualifying vehicles drives less than 5,000 miles a year, or less than 7,500 miles a year if the vehicle is used for agricultural purposes, the 2290 Form must still be filed. If this happens, the IRS will consider this vehicle as suspended and will be exempt from paying the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. If this vehicle exceeds the mileage limit and is not suspended, the tax amount owed will depend on the vehicle’s Taxable Gross Weight and the vehicle’s First Used Month (FUM).

Why is Filing Form 2290 Necessary?

When it comes to driving a vehicle weighing 55,000 pounds or more, filing Form 2290 is important because it guarantees that the driver will receive a Stamped Schedule 1. This Stamped Schedule 1 is important because it is required when getting the registration and tags for the vehicle. If you do not have a current Schedule 1 then there is a chance that you will get penalized if you get pulled over. There are ways to avoid these penalties, however.

How do you Avoid Penalties from the IRS Regarding Form 2290?

In order to avoid penalties, you must ensure that you File Form 2290. This is because by filing form 2290, you are able to get the tags and registration for your vehicle by having a current stamped Schedule 1. If you get pulled over and found to not have one this can result in fines and penalties. The best way to avoid getting penalized for not having one is to file Form 2290 before the due date for the 2022-23 tax year. 

When is the Form 2290 Due Date For the 2022-23 Tax Year? 

The 2022-23 Form 2290 due date depends on the vehicle’s First Used Month. This is especially true if the vehicle has been on the road for a year or less and refers to the month that the vehicle was first put on the road. In this case, the payment for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax will be due on the last day of the month following the First Used Month. For example, if you put your vehicle on the road in November, you should file your Form 2290 in November but the tax payment will be due on the last day of December to pay the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax to the IRS. 

If the vehicle has been on the road for more than a year or is being put on the road for the first time in July, the vehicle’s First Used Month will be July. This means that the deadline to pay the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax to the IRS will be August 31st. The Heavy Vehicle Use Tax is always paid for the upcoming tax year. The tax year for Form 2290 goes from July 1st to June 30th. This means that the Form 2290 due date 2022 is August 31st, 2022 for the 2022-23 tax year.

The Benefits of Filing with ExpressTruckTax

When you file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax you will find that the system is easy to use and follow. You are able to complete your Form 2290 filing for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax in a few simple steps. All you need to do is enter your information, your business information, your truck information, and whether or not you are claiming credits for vehicles, and then you can choose between four convenient payment options. 

These payment options include Credit or debit card, electronic funds withdrawal (EFW), EFTPS, and check or money order. By using a credit card you are able to pay your tax directly from ExpressTruckTax or another IRS-approved payment processor. If you select electronic funds withdrawal (EFW), you will enter your bank account information and the money will be withdrawn from your account within a couple of days of your Form 2290 is accepted. When it comes to EFTPS, you will go to to make your tax payment. If you do not have an existing EFTPS account, you will need to create one and it typically takes about 15 business days to become active. If you select a check or money order, you will receive a voucher that tells you where to send the payment to. Include this voucher with your payment when you mail it in.

ExpressTruckTax makes it easy and convenient for you to file your Form 2290. It offers easy-to-follow steps that help you file your Form 2290 before the August 31st due date. What are you waiting for? Visit ExpressTruckTax and file your Form 2290 today!

Don’t Miss This Important Deadline That’s Only A Few Days Away!

The 2021-22 Form 2290 tax season is coming to an end, and that means important deadlines are here!

It is important to meet the requirements for this deadline to avoid hefty penalties given by the IRS. No one wants to pay more than they need to, so file now to avoid missing the deadline.

What Deadline Is Coming Up?

The important deadline that is just right around the corner is the Form 2290 and HVUT payment due date. The Form 2290 must be filed and the HVUT payment must be made to the IRS by the end of August 31st, 2021.

Missing this deadline will result in additional charges that will keep incurring until the Form 2290 is filed and the HVUT payment is made.

What Penalties Will Be Charged?

If you miss the deadline for Form 2290, you will be subjected to additional penalties that can make the tax payment even more substantial.

If the Form 2290 is not filed in time, a penalty equal to 4.5% of the total tax amount will be incurred on top of what you would have owed. Plus, for each additional month, you are late, you will incur another .5% in interest.

If you don’t file your Form 2290, you also won’t be sent your new stamped Schedule 1. With last year’s Schedule 1 expired, you will not have proof of filing. This will be an issue when going to renew titles and licenses for your vehicle

This may also result in your vehicle being grounded, and no one wants that!

Why Should You E-file Form 2290 Now?

The deadline is only a few days away and, to ensure the IRS receives the Form 2290 on time and to avoid processing delays, it is important to file online.

When you file your Form 2290 online with ExpressTruckTax, your Form 2290 will be processed by the IRS and you will receive your stamped Schedule 1 within minutes.

Once you file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax, remember you aren’t quite done yet. You must remember to make the HVUT payment to the IRS before the deadline. 

Filing online is quick and simple when using ExpressTruckTax. We offer multiple features to help simplify the process and we offer truckers the ability to file from anywhere, even on the road!

File Your Form 2290 Before The Deadline!

File your Form 22290 and make your HVUT payment now before the deadline on August 31st. 

To sign in or register with ExpressTruckTax, click here or give our live customer support team a call at 704-234-6005.

How To Prepare Yourself for 2021-2022 HVUT Form 2290 Filing

The 2021-22 Form 2290 deadline is coming soon! You need to file before the deadline to avoid IRS HVUT penalties.

To file your Form 2290 quickly, you will need several pieces of information on hand. Be sure to gather the following items before e-filing your Form 2290 (unless you have already e-filed with ExpressTruckTax).

What you will need to file Form 2290

1. Business information

You will need to have the most accurate and up-to-date information about your business on hand. This includes the business type, business name, business address, and EIN.

2. Emploer Identification Number

Your Employer Identification Number (EIN) is like a Social Security Number (SSN) for your business. As a trucker, it is the only form of identification that the IRS accepts for Form 2290 filing

If you do not have one, you will need to apply for one. You can do that at this link, however, be aware that new EINs typically take 10+ business days to become active.

3. Vehicle Information

You will also need information about each one of the vehicles you are filing for. This includes First Used Month (FUM), Gross Taxable Weight, and VIN number. 

Fortunately, if you are filing for lots of vehicles, we also have a bulk upload feature that makes this process simple. 

4. First Used Month

Your vehicle’s First Used Month, is, obviously, the first month you began using the vehicle during the tax year. Your 2290 will be due at the end of the month following your FUM. So if you began using a truck in July, your 2290 will be due at the end of August.

If you are renewing a truck that you have been using for a year or more, the FUM will be July.

5. Taxable Gross Weight

The gross taxable weight of your vehicle is a sum of the following information:

1. The actual unloaded weight of a fully equipped vehicle.

2. The actual unloaded weight of any trailers or semi-trailers that is fully equipped and is generally used in combination with the vehicle. 

3. The weight of the maximum load usually carried on the vehicle and the trailers or semi-trailers. 

Learn more about gross taxable weight here.

6. Vehicle Identification Number

The Vehicle Identification Number on your truck serves as a unique identifier for your vehicle. It is important to get the VIN exactly correct on your 2290 because one of the most common reasons for the IRS to reject your 2290 is because of a duplicate VIN number filing.

Also, if your VIN is wrong, you will need to correct it for your stamped Schedule 1 to be accurate.

File your 2290 today!

The 2021-22 Form 2290 deadline is coming soon! It takes less than 5 minutes to file your 2290 if you have all your information on hand.

This Is It! The Form 2290 Deadline Is Here!

The 2020 Form 2290 deadline is today! There’s no more time to procrastinate.  Failing to file by midnight will mean serious IRS HVUT penalties and could even mean the suspension of your IRP registration.

If you fail to file, an additional 4.5% of your owed tax amount will be tacked on. And since an up-to-date stamped Schedule 1 is required for IRP registration, your IRP could be suspended if you wait too long.

Meet your 2290 Deadline with ExpressTruckTax

We make it possible for truckers to file Form 2290 on time. With ExpressTruckTax, you can file anytime and anywhere.

It takes less than 5 minutes to file with us, and we provide step-by-step instructions along the way.

Our returns are usually accepted by the IRS within minutes, meaning you will get the stamped Schedule 1 almost in minutes. By comparison, paper filing can take weeks.

And, with our ExpressGuarantee, you can be sure your 2290 will be accepted by the IRS, or we will refund your filing fee. Our 100% US-based customer support team will also do everything they can to fix any errors you might have. 

They are working extended hours until midnight tonight, so you can be sure to get your 2290 filed correctly. Call 803.234.6005 to have your questions answered in English or Spanish.

Pricing starts at just $9.90 for a single truck.

Form 2290: Last Minute Filing Guide

Don’t miss the deadline. File now!

Your HVUT Form 2290 Was Due Last Month

E-file Form 2290 With ExpressTruckTax

Happy fall! We hope you have been enjoying the cooler temperatures and maybe you’ve had the chance to catch a football game or two. Fall is a great time to relax before the holiday rush begins. You can really take a load off by knowing that you’re already handled you Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) back in August around the 31st when From 2290 was due.

Unless…you missed the deadline?! That means your form is almost a month late. However, you don’t need to panic because the ExpressTruckTax team is here to help! We will answer your questions and explain exactly what you need to do.

My HVUT Is Late, What Do I Do? 

You are probably wondering if there are any penalties for filing late so we will get those out of the way first. The penalty for filing HVUT Form 2290 late is equal to 4.5% of the total tax due assessed on a monthly basis for up to five months. If you also make a late HVUT payment you will also face a monthly penalty of .5% of the total tax due and additional interest charges of .54% will accrue per month as well.

Those are some hefty fees, so it’s best to go ahead and file as soon as possible to avoid having them grow larger. However, if you can provide reasonable cause for filing late you may not face penalties. Simply attach your reasonable cause with your Form 2290 when you file and the IRS may accept or reject it.

The HVUT period started in July 2017 and will end in June 2018. The due date is based on your first used month for your heavy vehicles. You have until the last day of the month following the month you first use your heavy vehicle on public highways to file.

So, because most truckers first used their trucks in July at the beginning of the period, they have until August 31st to file, making it a major HVUT deadline day. However, if first use your truck later in the year, then you have a later deadline. For example, if you first use your truck in November then you have until December 31 to file.

As mentioned above, if you have missed your deadline then it’s best to go ahead and file as soon as possible. Also, if your deadline coming up why not go ahead and knock it out with ExpressTruckTax?

How To File HVUT Form 2290

The e-filing process is quick and easy and can be completed online in a matter of minutes. All you have to do is follow the step by step e-filing guide, and you’ll begin by creating your free ExpressTruckTax account with your email address and personal password.

File Form 2290 With The ExpressTruckTax Mobile App

Then you will enter your business information such as the name, address, and EIN or Employer Identification Number. Next, you will enter your tax year and first used the month before entering your vehicle information including the VIN or Vehicle Identification Number and the taxable gross weight.

After that, we will calculate the amount of HVUT the IRS for you and you can pay that amount via direct debit or electronic funds withdrawal, EFTPS, check or money order.

Then we will perform a basic error check on your form to catch any simple mistakes. Double check your information to make sure it’s correct, and when you’re ready to pay for your form and transmit it directly to the IRS.

Then within 15 minutes of e-filing, you will receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 via email!!

Best of all, you don’t need a computer to file. Simply download the ExpressTruckTax App to your smartphone or tablet to file at any time, from any location. This makes it incredibly easy to file while you’re out on a trip because you can handle all of your HVUT form 2290 needs from the comfort of your own cab.

We’re Here To Help

Taxes can be confusing, but with us, they don’t have to be. Contact the dedicated ExpressTruckTax support team at any time, we’re available over the phone Monday – Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM EST at 704.234.6005. We also offer live chat and 24/7 email support and