Category: form 2290 amendments

Gross Vehicle Weight Increase: E-Filing Form 2290 Amendments

Gross Vehicle Weight Increase
Gross Vehicle Weight Increase

As part of our series on e-filing Form 2290 Amendments, we have to discuss the elephant in the room.

Yup, that’s right… Gross vehicle weight increases! If your truck goes up to the next weight class, that means you have to pay an increase on the heavy vehicle tax you owed during tax season.

Weight Classes

There are eight weight classes for trucks, and three weight categories. They include light duty, which is 6-15k lbs, medium duty, coming in at 14-26k lbs, and heavy duty, which ranges from 26k-33 lbs.

These three categories then get broken down into eight smaller weight classes. The weight class then determines how much you will owe in heavy vehicle use taxes for that year. The heavier your vehicle – the higher your taxes will be.

Gross Vehicle Weight Increases

With ExpressTruckTax, all you need to do is e-file a Form 2290 Amendment to account for your vehicle’s gross weight increase. It’s easy, it’s economical, and we’ll tell you how to do it!

After signing in, you start your amendment like we’ve discussed in our previous posts. Once inside the amendment form, you select your vehicle’s first-used month, and then select the month where your vehicle’s weight change occurred.

If you already e-filed your HVUT form with ExpressTruckTax this year, you just select the vehicle(s) you need to amend from your previous return and choose your new weight class. If you’re changing the weight for multiple trucks, click “Save & Add Another.”

Pro-Tip: If you e-filed your 2290 with us this year, you are able to e-file a FREE VIN correction.

After that, you simply choose your payment method like you would for your regular 2290, and follow through to transmittal.

Don’t forget, you need to submit your amendment by the last day of the month following the month in which your weight increase occurred. If your weight increase occurred in February, you would need to file your amendment by the end of March.

The good news is, that’s all you need to do! It’s a pretty simple process, actually.

If you need help e-filing any amendments, call us at 704.234.6005, or hit us up on Facebook and Twitter. We’ll be here to help in any way we can!

Related Blog: Exceeding the Mileage Limit

Why E-File Form 2290 With ExpressTruckTax?

We’re really good at what we do, and what we do is make filing your taxes easier. Here’s just a few reasons why:

IRS Approved
We’re an IRS Authorized E-File provider
Safe and Secure
Our site is encrypted and COMODO certified, keeping your information safe.

We are Mobile
On the road and can’t get to a computer? No problem, our mobile site, is compatible with iPhones, iPads, Androids, Windows Phones & Blackberrys.

The Right Price
You can E-file for as little as $9.90, it is a great price in the industry.

Quick and Easy
IRS Form 2290 can be filed online in minutes.
You can use an Excel Template for a multiple vehicle filing.

Free Email Notifications
To let you know when your Schedule 1 is ready.

Optional Fax and Text Message Reminders
You can also opt to receive optional Fax and Text Message reminders and notify your contracting (leasing) company that your payment has been made.

Power to the Pros
ExpressTruckTax also offers flexible pricing plans to fit any size fleet. CPAs and Tax professionals can also receive discounted pricing rates to file for many of their clients.

Automatic Form 8849
Express Truck Tax will automatically create a Form 8849 for any credits due.

Free VIN Corrections
Free VIN corrections so you are not penalized for a simple typo.

Form 2290 Amendments
You can also file Form 2290 Amendments if your taxable gross weight increases or you exceed the mileage limit.   

Unparalleled Customer Service
The customer service does not stop once the form is filed. Express Truck Tax offers unlimited, US based customer support via email, chat, & phone. Simply email, call 704.234.6005, or go to to chat online with English & Spanish customer support professionals from their Rock Hill, SC Support Center.

File Form 2290 Amendments With ExpressTruckTax

You have E-Filed Form 2290 with, paid your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax and received your Schedule 1.  For most truckers, that takes care of the HVUT filing until next year, unless you need to make an amendment.

The most common reason for Amendments are:

  • Taxable Gross Weight Increases – If you taxable gross weight increases anytime during the tax period, you are required to notify the IRS and can do so with our program
  • Mileage limit is exceeded – If you go over the 5,000 miles (7,500 for farm vehicles) during the tax period, you are required to notify the IRS and can do so with our program
  • To do VIN Correction (for FREE) – If you notice your VIN is incorrect, you can quickly and easily file a VIN Correction and it’s FREE with ExpressTruckTax.  Even if you did not previously file with us.

Whatever your reason is for needing to file a Form 2290 Amendment, you can do so quickly and easily with  Simply log into your account (or if you do not yet have an account, click on ‘New User’ and create one), choose ‘Start New Return’ then ‘Form 2290 Amendments’.  From there choose the reason for the Amendment and follow the step by step instructions and receive your Stamped Schedule 1 in minutes.  That’s it!

For any questions about Form 2290 Amendments, simply call 704.234.6005, email or go to to chat online with the excellent customer support professionals from their Rock Hill, SC Support Center.

EIN Changes (Employer Identification Number)

As the IRS recently posted on their website, as of May 21st the IRS will only issue one EIN per day per “Responsible Party.” An EIN is an Employer Identification number. This number is assigned by the IRS to each business filing a tax return. This change comes right before the Truck Tax Season begins. As you may know the Tax year for HVUT runs from July – June. As of July 1st, it will be time to once again file the annual excise tax for Heavy Vehicles with the IRS Form 2290.

This EIN news is particularly relevant to those in the trucking industry because an EIN is required to file the Form 2290. In the past, the IRS has accepted a Social Security Number, but they have recently changed their requirements to no longer accept a Social Security Number in the place of an EIN.
The IRS definition of a Responsible Party can be found on their website. But it can be generally described as someone who has some sort of management or ownership in the business. is an IRS authorized E-File provider who can help you file form 2290 as well as keep secure online records of previously filed form 2290’s. For more information on the 2290 filing process, heavy vehicle use tax, IRS payment methods, etc visit the Express Truck Tax website or call our Truck Tax experts at 704-234-6005. You can also email any questions to

E-File a VIN Correction for your Form 2290 for FREE!!!

It is always important to be extra careful when filing any form with the IRS. A small mistake could end up costing you more money or risking an IRS audit. However, if you E-File the IRS Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes through you have the ability to resubmit it until it is accepted at no extra charge. Likewise, if a mistake is made while entering the Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN, a VIN Correction can also be E-Filed for free.

Entering the Vehicle Identification Number for heavy vehicles on the Form 2290 is typically a stumbling block for many taxpayers. This is due to the fact that the VIN is 17 Characters long and this needs to be added for each individual vehicle.
When paper filing this form, this would have to be written manually, but with an excel file of all the vehicles can be uploaded instead. This saves time and helps eliminate the risk of error.
Reminder: a VIN is 17 Characters long and does not contain the following characters:
If for any other reason an IRS Form 2290 is rejected by the IRS through the taxpayer will still be able to make changes to their tax return and resubmit it to the IRS until it is accepted. There is no additional charge for this service either.
Filing this form online only takes a few minutes and you will receive a stamped schedule 1 within minutes of filing this form online. Although the deadline is approaching, you will still be able to E-File your Form 2290 through our service anytime. If you have any questions, please contact us at our USA-based customer support center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at

File The IRS Form 2290 Amendment for VIN Corrections Free Online

It is easy to mistakenly enter an incorrect VIN on the Form 2290. Correcting a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is very easy in our system. Typically the IRS processing time is the same as a standard 2290 form. In order to file a VIN correction, the taxpayer simply needs to file an IRS 2290 Amendment.
If they already have an account with us, they will need to click the orange ‘Create New Return’ button from the ‘Dashboard’ page inside their account. Once they click this button, they will be asked what form they would like to file. They will need to choose 2290 Amendment and then select the VIN correction option. The system will then walk them through the VIN correction filing process. The drivers can e-file a VIN correction through us even if the original 2290 was not filed through ExpressTruckTax.
There is no charge to e-file a VIN correction however they will need to enter a valid credit card in order to authenticate the filing. The card will not be charged.
We hope this helps. Please let us know if there is anything else we may do to be of assistance. If any of your drivers have additional questions about the VIN correction, they are more than welcome to contact our customer support line at 704-234-6005 and we will gladly assist.

Benefits of E-Filing Truck Tax Form 2290 is packed with all sorts of features that benefit Owner Operators, Trucking Companies, and other service providers filing HVUT. It has everything you need to file your truck taxes online so that you can stay on the road.
With Express Truck tax, you can easily file one of the most commonly filed IRS forms among those in the Trucking Industry: the IRS Form 2290, and its accompanying Schedule 1. This IRS form can be filed online in minutes, and for as little as $9.90, it is the most attractive price in the industry.
The person filing Form 2290 with the IRS through Express Truck Tax will receive Free Fax and Email Notifications to let them know when the Schedule 1 is ready. The taxpayer can also opt to receive optional Text Message reminders as well. These Reminders can also notify your contracting (leasing) company to let them know that a payment has been made.
If you are owed a credit for Truck Taxes and you are filing Form 2290 online, Express Truck Tax will automatically create a Form 8849 for any credits due. There is also an option to use an Excel Template for a multiple vehicle filing. A 2290 filing can be for only 1 truck, or up to 40,000 vehicles with our Enterprise Filing. ExpressTruckTax also offers flexible pricing plans to fit any size fleet. CPAs and Tax professionals can also receive discounted pricing rates to file for many of their clients.
Express Truck Tax also offers Free VIN corrections so that no one is penalized for a simple typo. There is also the ability to amend a previously filed Form 2290 through the service.
The customer service does not stop once the form is filed. For any questions about the service, Express Truck Tax offers unlimited, USA-based customer support via email, chat, and phone. Simply email, call 704.234.6005, or go to to chat online with the excellent customer support professionals from their Rock Hill, SC Support Center.
You can file your Form 2290 (HVUT) in just minutes via self-service, file by phone and full service, meaning you can register and file yourself, or have us take care of the filing. Either way, this easy-to-use software will save you time and money. was built by one of the most talented teams in the industry—no one has more experience in HVUT E-Filing!