Category: fitness

Ready for April? 3 Important Moves to Make RIGHT NOW!

Alright Trucking Nation, April is here! And that means a few things for us in the transportation industry.

What’s going on in April? Well, your personal taxes and fuel taxes are both due. And there’s a chance for you to work on your health!

Extend Your Taxes

First up, your personal taxes are due April 18th. Normally they would be due April 15th, but the weekend buys you some time! And you can get even more time with a Personal Tax Extension Form 4868.

Let’s face it, filing your taxes isn’t fun. But do you know every deduction a trucker can file? There are a lot, so don’t sit on this! And yeah, finding some more deductions doesn’t make it fun. But it makes filing a little bit easier, don’t you think?

Whether you’re filing by yourself or you have someone filing for you, you can get an extension for an additional 6 months to file Form 1040, 1040A, 1040-EZ, 1040NR, 1040NR-EZ, 1040-PR, or 1040-SS.

Let’s Get Ready for IFTA!

Alright, we know you don’t want to hear all this tax stuff. If you’re anything like me, it just gives you anxiety. But that’s why we try to make things easier.

How easy? Well, the same login credentials you use for your ExpressTruckTax account works for ExpressIFTA. So you can generate your fuel tax report with the same ease of use that you expect for your 2290s.

How else can you get ready? Instead of waiting until the last moment, take this next week to gather all of your fuel records and trip sheets.

If you’re not running around like a chicken with your head cut off, IFTA is pretty easy, really.

And if you want to make your next round of IFTA even easier, pick up an app like TruckLogics. With this handy cloud-based trucking management software, you can generate and send invoices, create profit & loss reports, and use ProMiles for one-click trip sheets.

Now Is the Time to Get Healthy

Okay, you were supposed to get healthy at the new year. But you didn’t!

If your diet fell apart three weeks into the new year, let April be the month you get healthy!

How? Well, eat better. Change your diet to focus on whole grains, whole veggies, and lean meats and proteins. Yeah, that doesn’t sound as great as a bucket of hot wings, but you need to make some changes.

After you get your diet in check, find time to exercise! We know you can! No excuses. In fact, we’ve told you how to turn your trucking environment into a portable gym. So don’t let that stop you.

Besides, you want that beach bod, don’t you? Ha!

So use April as your time to shine with your personal taxes, fuel taxes, and physical well being. If you have any questions about e-filing your fuel taxes, give the support experts a call at 704.234.6005 or an email at

Are YOU ready for April?

Quick Tips to Reduce Trucker Stress

When you’re on the road, things can get pretty stressful. You’ve got crazed four-wheelers darting around your rig, dispatchers asking you to bend some rules, and some upcoming tax forms you’ve been avoiding. You can’t get rid of all those stressful factors, but you can find creative outlets to help you reduce how they affect you.

Stress happens for different reasons, and there are an assortment of ways to combat it. Here are a few tips we suggest.

Reduce Stressful Paperwork

Want to ditch the stress of tax filing? Well, just e-file your HVUT 2290s with ExpressTruckTax! We’re known as the easiest way to e-file your heavy vehicle use taxes, and we pride ourselves on our helpful customer support team. Best of all, after filing with us you will get your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes! That way you can get back on the road.

Eat. Sleep. Lift.

Alright, alright. You’re tired of us hammering this point home. But we’re gonna stick with it, because your health is important! In short, you need to sleep more, eat better, and exercise regularly.

Does it sound like we’re constantly telling you to sleep more? Well, we are! Sleep recharges your body and helps you sort things out in your life. When you get more sleep, you’re going to be a more alert, safer driver. Your moods will also be more positive as a whole. And we’re not saying you’re eating unhealthy, but most truckers have a reputation for eating some bad foods. The solution? Avoid fast food and junk food and eat healthy foods! And of course, find time to exercise. You can store away weights or use your resources.

Stay on Time with Reminders

Tired of deadlines looming over your head? With RigMinders, you simply download the free app and let it run its course. As deadlines approach, RigMinders will remind you so that you don’t fall behind and get smacked with late penalties. The last thing you want is to pay a late fine, right?

Reduce Stress with a Hobby

You’re all over the country, seeing more of the United States than most people ever will. If you’re looking for a good hobby to help you relieve stress, try photography! Come on, you come across all those open skies and lonely roads—perfect for a camera lens. Not much of the visual artist type? Perhaps you could bring a guitar and try your hand at a good old fashion traveling song.

You already know how to stay entertained with your phone, tablet, and laptop computer. But not many truckers know that using these tools for stress relief is another great option! By using these same gadgets, you can connect to loved ones back home, run truck management software like TruckLogics, maintain a truck driving YouTube channel, or even educate yourself with free online courses.

And if you ever get stressed filing, reach out to our dedicated, bilingual support team! We’re available by phone at 704.234.6005, email at, and by live chat on our website!

How do you reduce stress while on the road? Let us know in the comments, or on Facebook!

Love on the Long Haul

There’s a special bond between a driver and their rig – one which takes constant maintenance and consideration. It’s almost like a long term relationship for some OTR drivers out there! But don’t worry, Trucking Nation, we’re not here to judge.

But let’s examine the other relationship in your life. Whether it’s a spouse or a long time partner, having someone back home can make the road warrior life a lot easier. But it can also complicate things. Constant absence can be hard on a relationship and a family. What’s a trucker to do?

How can you make your relationship work?

Communication is the Key

In order to have a successful relationship, it takes constant work. But it doesn’t have to be exhausting. With the level of technology we have today, communicating with your significant other is pretty easy. You still need to follow the rules of the road, but being able to call and text your spouse lets them know they’re on your mind. And similar to watching your favorite movies on the road, a good WiFi setup can help you feel close by letting you video chat with someone back home.

Set Goals for the Future

Why do you haul? If you’ve stuck around with it for a while, you know you can make a solid living from it. But what are you building towards? A great way to keep your relationship moving is to set goals with your better half for the future. That can be anything from saving up for the house you’ve always wanted, to starting a college fund for your young ones, or even for a once in a lifetime dream vacation. Goals will also make you feel accomplished and appreciate each other.

Hit the Road Together

Now, we know this option isn’t for every couple out there – but team driving does work for some. You’ll hear some drivers praise spouse team driving, and some hate it more than they hate dispatchers. So what are some of the benefits? Well, first off, you drive together and make more money as a team. Also, you won’t be as lonely with your partner with you. And finally, sharing a cab with a romantic partner instead of a business partner erases some issues normal team drivers face.

But you can also find yourself with less time, if one of you sleeps while the other drives. And you have to make sure both of you love driving and spending time together, or else you could end up resenting each other. This option isn’t for every couple, and we understand that, but it is still something to consider!

Take Care of Yourself

When you’re happy and healthy, you’ll find this reflected in your relationships. I mean, there’s nothing better than being on home time and spending quality time with your loved one. So

stay healthy by creating a fitness routine, eating healthy, managing your stress, and taking care of your body!

Fallen in Love with a New Truck?

Okay, so maybe you’re happy being single and just watching out for yourself. That’s fine! And hey, if you just got a new truck and THAT’S the love of your life, you need to take care of your heavy vehicle use tax, then! But you already paid your HVUT? Remember this, when you buy a rig from another owner who already paid their HVUT fees, you’re covered until after the month of sale. From the first day of the following month, it’s up to you, the new owner, to pay the HVUT 2290 from the first day of that month to the end of the tax year.

Basically, the seller gets credited for the taxes they paid before they sold you the vehicle, and then you owe the difference. And if you have questions about filing that 2290, call us at 704.234.6005, email us, or hit us up with a live chat from our website!

Fitness Tips for Truckers

You hear it all the time – trucking is an unhealthy career choice. Sure, staples like all-you-can-eat buffets, truck stop junk food, and long hours planted in a seat give the job a bad reputation. But let’s be real, the trucking life is what you make of it. And honestly, it’s up to us in Trucking Nation to turn the tide on OTR health.

Think about it, you take the time to care for your rig, deliver your loads on time, and file your HVUT and IFTA returns. In the same way, you need to care for your health. We’ve talked about yoga and healthy eating before, but we know some of you want the high intensity release of weight training and cardio to balance out all that sitting time.

Some truckers might go with a national gym chain membership, but that limits your access depending on your route and location. Have some downtime coming up? Look for hotels with fitness centers and you can get in a nice, solid workout before hitting the road again. For Owner-Operators on the long haul with a sleeper cab, you can prepare for a fitness routine by bringing your own equipment and knowing some fitness routines.

Store Small Equipment in Your Truck

We know it’s a tight fit in plenty of cabs, but there are some compact and portable fitness options for your OTR lifestyle.

  • Weights: Keep some smaller weights in your cab. You don’t want to add a ton to your tare weight, but a couple of dumbbells for strength training inside your cab is a great start.
  • Resistance: Resistance bands are a great alternative for hauling weights. With different tension levels, you can knock out a killer workout without taking up much space in the cab.
  • Jump Rope: Hey, if Rocky Balboa could jump rope and look cool, so can you! If you’re already storing resistance bands or bungee cords, toss a jump rope into the mix. Plus, it’s a really effective way to burn the calories of an 8-minute mile without running one.
  • Cycling: We’ve even heard of some truckers storing bikes behind their cabs, which is a great way to stay fit while on the road. Plus, you can get around on a bicycle without having to drive the rig anywhere.

Train Anywhere With Bodyweight and Cardio

While storing equipment works for some, there are several alternatives to hauling a portable gym with you. If you are looking for a high intensity routine geared towards building muscle, consider body weight training. By using your own weight as your resistance, you can get a great workout anywhere for free!

  • Bodyweight Squats: Need an intense bodybuilding without an entire gym? Try bodyweight squats! With your legs and thighs inactive throughout the day, squats are a great way to increase muscles and keep your body active.
  • Push-ups: Everybody knows the push-up. You might even hate the push-up, but you can’t deny the effectiveness. Push-ups work your arms, chest, and shoulders. If you’re looking for a key workout, find space to knock out some push-ups. 
  • Burpees: For an exhausting, yet satisfying burn, try burpees. With a burpee, you get both strength training and aerobics. You’ll feel the burn mostly in your quadriceps, but you’ll also feel it in your chest, calves, and hamstrings. 
  • Cardio: Of course, keeping your heart rate and body active after a long haul is important for the trucking lifestyle. With a solid cardio routine, you’ll improve your heart and overall health. We already mentioned cycling, but there are plenty of body-only cardio workouts that will help you out between hauls. 

Use Your Resources

If you don’t have any equipment on hand, you can still start a fitness routine. Take advantage of your resources until you get the proper gear for your routine. 

  • Repurpose: For weight training, try using milk and water jugs as weights. Just keep the containers empty until you get to a stop, then fill them with water. They’re also a great way to stay hydrated after a workout!
  • Straps: If you’re interested in resistance training, repurpose bungee cords or flatbed tarp straps as resistance bands. 
  • Loading: For some truckers, just loading and unloading can give a great workout. I mean, if you’re lifting boxes day in and day out, it makes sense. Just make sure to follow proper lifting techniques, so you don’t injure your back in the process.

At the end of the day, your health is in your hands. Watching what you eat and implementing an exercise routine will make the difference between a long healthy career or future health complications.

And when you’re keeping up with your rig’s tax forms, ExpressTruckTax will be here to assist you with any HVUT matters. Reach us by phone at 704.234.6005, email at, or live chat via our website.