Category: First Used month

File Form 2290 for First Used Month of December before January 31st

Did you purchase or put a vehicle weighing 55,000 pounds or more on the road for the first time in December of 2022? If this is the case your vehicle has a First Used Month of December. A vehicle’s First Used Month, or FUM, is the month a vehicle is put on the road for the first time. This determines when Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) needs to be filed for this vehicle. The deadline to file Form 2290 is the last day of the month following the vehicle’s First Used Month. The deadline to file Form 2290 for vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more that have a First Used Month of December is January 31, 2023. 

January 31, 2023, is only a few days away. In order to make sure that you are on time with your filing and your payment, ExpressTruckTax strives to make the Form 2290 filing process as simple and straightforward as possible. In order to file, you will need to provide your business information. This includes your Employer Identification Number (EIN) and business name. You will also need to provide information about your vehicle. Your vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) will need to be entered as well as the vehicle’s weight class. Do you have any credit vehicles that you need to claim on your Form 2290? This includes vehicles that the taxes have been paid for previously and the vehicle was either sold, stolen, or destroyed.

To make things even easier, ExpressTruckTax also offers several convenient payment options for paying the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax for your vehicle. You are able to send in payment via check or money order if you are not ready to pay the tax right away. This payment will be withdrawn from your account once the IRS receives it. You can also choose to pay through EFTPS and schedule when the IRS takes the payment. Choosing this payment option requires you to have an EFTPS account. If you do not have one, it may take up to fifteen days to become active. 

If you want the payment to be more immediate, you can choose Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) as your payment method. You will enter your banking information including your account number and routing number directly onto your Form 2290 and once the form is accepted, the funds will be withdrawn from your account in 1-2 business days. You also have the option to pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax via credit or debit card. You can either choose to pay through a third-party IRS-approved credit card processor or make your credit card payment directly from ExpressTruckTax alongside your filing fee. 

Whatever option you choose, ExpressTruckTax strives to be easy and convenient for you. Once your Form 2290 is approved by the IRS, you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 in minutes. The Stamped Schedule 1 is required when you need to obtain the tags and registration for your vehicle. You are running out of time to file Form 2290 if your vehicle’s First Used Month is December. What are you waiting for? Avoid getting late fined and get your filing finished in only a few minutes with ExpressTruckTax today!

First Used Month: What Is It And How Does It Relate To Your Form 2290?

*This blog doesn’t reflect the pricing for the 2022-23 filing season

Filing Form 2290 is done when your vehicle weighs over 55,000 pounds. If your vehicle travels less than 5,000 miles a year or 7,500 miles if it is used for agricultural purposes, you still have to file Form 2290 but you don’t have to pay the tax because your vehicle is then considered suspended/exempt. No matter if your vehicle is suspended/exempt or not when you file your Form 2290 you have to enter your first used month. 

What is a First Used Month?

The words “first used month” will appear several times in ExpressTruckTax and when you are filing your Form 2290. What does it mean? The first used month refers to the first month that you put your truck on the road during the specific tax year and does not have to do with the date on your tags. The Form 2290 tax year is July 1 to June 30.  If a truck has been put on the road for the first time in the middle of a tax year then the month you put the truck on the road will be your first used month. If your truck has been on the road for longer, however, your first used month will be July. Your first used month along with the weight of your vehicle is what determines how much your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) will be once you file your Form 2290.

Why Use ExpressTruckTax to file Form 2290?

ExpressTruckTax makes filing your Form 2290 easier. It only takes six simple steps and you are finished. You are not only guaranteed to receive your stamped Schedule 1 in minutes but ExpressTruckTax offers instant error check, free VIN corrections if you filed your original return with us, a free mobile app, and much more! Not only that but our prices start at only $9.90 for a single truck. Have any questions? Our 100% US-based customer service team is here to help!

What are you waiting for? File your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today!

If You First Used A Truck In August, the Deadline To File Form 2290 Is Almost Here!

Did you get a new truck in August? Was August the first time you started driving a new truck? 

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then you need to file Form 2290 with the new vehicle’s VIN by September 30th.

Even though you’re still getting used to your new truck, it’s important that you remember to file the Form 2290 for it before the deadline to ensure it has a valid stamped Schedule 1 and to avoid late penalties issued by the IRS!

What does ‘First Used Month’ mean?

The First Used Month (FUM) refers to the first month the truck was used on a public road during the current tax year. The Form 2290 and HVUT payment are always due at the end of the following month after the vehicle was first used. 

The chart below shows what your filing deadline will be based on the First Used Month of your truck:

What happens if it’s late? 

If your Form 2290 is filed after the deadline, the IRS will issue hefty penalties that will incur until it is filed and paid. 

If you do not file the Form 2290 before September 30th, you will be issued these penalties, plus additional interest from the IRS. The penalty for late filing will be equal to 4.5% of your owed tax amount and will incur every month it is late.

Please note that, even if you are unable to make the HVUT payment at this time, it is important to at least file before the deadline. The penalties won’t be as great if, at least, the Form 2290 is filed on time.

File Your Form 2290 Now!

E-filing your Form 2290 with ExpresstruckTax is a quick and simple process! When filing online with ExpressTruckTax, you will have access to the market-leading e-filing program along with multiple features to help make filing easy!

When you file with ExpresstruckTax, you will receive your stamped Schedule 1 within minutes after submission! 

Go to ExpressTruckTax to file now! If you have any questions or are in need of assistance, call our customer support team at 704.234.6005! They are always happy to help!

If Your First Use Month Was October, File Your Form 2290 Today

If you started using a vehicle in October 2020, you need to file your Form 2290 before November 30, 2020!

If you do not file before November 30, you will face penalties and interest from the IRS. You will immediately be hit with a penalty with equal to 4.5% of your owed tax amount.

How to Determine your First Use Month (FUM)

Your Form 2290 First Used Month is the first month that you start using your truck during a particular tax year. Your HVUT is always due at the end of the month following your FUM. 

So if you started using a truck in October 2020, your Form 2290 return will be due at the end of November. The Form 2290 tax year runs from July 1 – June 30 of each year.

How to file your 2290 on time

The easiest way to complete your Form 2290 by the deadline is to e-file with ExpressTruckTax

All you have to do is enter your business information and answer some questions about your truck. You’ll need your FUM, your weight category, and a way to make your IRS payment.

The whole process takes less than 5 minutes and you’ll get your stamped Schedule 1 back in a matter of minutes.

How To Understand The First Use Month On The Form 2290

The IRS Form 2290 (otherwise known as the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax or HVUT), like all federal tax forms, can be very confusing to understand and file correctly.

For instance, the yearly Form 2290 filing season begins on July 1, and ends on June 30 and the final deadline to file Form 2290 is August 31.

But if you purchased and started using a new truck at any point this year, the Form 2290 due date for that new truck would be the end of the month after you started using it.

Let’s cover how the HVUT 2290 tax works.

What is the 2290 tax?

The Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) helps fund infrastructure maintenance across the United States. 

HVUT 2290 filing is a requirement for all vehicles weighing more than 55,000 pounds that drive 5,000 or more miles a year.

This includes specialized heavy vehicles like big rigs and commercial coaches that put more stress on roadways than regular motor vehicles. 

Trucker using truck for IRS Form 2290 first use month

IRS form 2290 first use month

In the simplest terms, the first use month policy means that if you started using a new truck in January of 2020, your Form 2290 due date would be February 28, 2020. And if you starting using a truck in September, your Form 2290 due date would be October, 31.

Obviously, if you bought a new truck and didn’t actually start using it on public highways, you would not need to file your 2290 yet. You would wait until the end of the month after you actually began using it.

What this means is that your Form 2290 due date will probably be different than that of many other drivers.

But since the 2290 HVUT calendar year runs from July 30 through July 1, many drivers start using their trucks in July and their Form 2290 due date is August, 31.

File your 2290 today!

With ExpressTruckTax, the 2290 filing process is simple, affordable, and you get your Stamped Schedule 1 in minutes!

Was January Your First Used Month? Time to File Your 2290

When did you first use your heavy vehicle during the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) period? If it was in January, then it is time to file Form 2290!

If this deadline has caught you off guard no need to fear, ExpressTruckTax is here to help you complete your forms in just a matter of minutes. But we go a step further by providing you with important Form 2290 information so you can drive right on through your e-filing experience. Check out these top HVUT deadline tips from the tax experts at ExpressTruckTax.

Was January Your First Used Month? Time to File Your 2290

So why are there so many deadlines for Form 2290? Well, your deadline for Form 2290 is based the first month you’ve used your heavy vehicle on public highways during the current tax period. This is important because you don’t have to pay for the months your truck wasn’t on the road.

Unlike the fiscal year, the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax runs from July 1st to June 20th of the following year, and you need to file by the last day of the month following your first used month. So that means that if you first used your truck back in January, it is time to file…… or face penalties.

So other than the fear of penalties why is Form 2290 so important? Because the taxes collected are used to repair, maintain, and build public roads. Once you file, you will get a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 as proof of filing and paying your HVUT taxes. You will actually need this form to renew your tags and to complete your International Registration Plan (IRP) return.

Fear the HVUT Penalties

If you fail to file by midnight tonight and you are required to do so, you will face expensive penalties. If that doesn’t strike fear into your heart, I am sure this will. The penalty rate for failing to file is a minimum of 4.5 % of the total tax due. This amount will accrue on a monthly basis for up to five months.

Plus, if your HVUT payment is late or is not paid in full, you will owe an additional penalty of 0.5% of the total amount owed. Oh and yeah there is an additional penalty of .54% too.

But wait it gets worst: If you don’t file you will not receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1, which is required by the DMV to operate your vehicle legally. Don’t get stuck in the pits by this deadline but take a caution lap getting ahead over the competition with ExpressTruckTax.


Truck driving down the road at an alarming speed trying to file their Form 2290

Keep on Truckin’ With ExpressTruckTax

Our e-filing system is streamlined for fast and easy use so we can get you back on the road fast. No complex IRS jargon just straightforward interview style questions. If you get stuck in a rut, don’t worry we will give you push no need to get out of the truck! Our dedicated team of tax experts standing by.

When you file with us, you will receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 in as little as 15 minutes via email.

Is Your HVUT Form 2290 Due This Month?

ExpressTruckTax explains the HVUT Form 2290 Deadline

As a trucker, you probably know that you have truck taxes to pay. From IRP, IFTA, Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes, and more. You probably also already know that if you miss a deadline you will have hefty penalties to face.

Here at ExpressTruckTax, we don’t want you to get penalized and we understand that your HVUT 2290 deadline can be confusing since it’s based on your first used month. That’s why we’re here to clear things up with the proper HVUT Form 2290 facts. These facts will make you a truck tax expert like all of the incredibly skilled members on our support team.

HVUT 2290 Reminders 

1. Your HUVT Form 2290 is due based on your first used month.

This ultimately means that your Form 2290 is due based on the month that you first use your truck. This is true for all drivers. They do not have to file Form 2290 until the last day of the month after the month that they first use their heavy vehicle on public highways.

For example, if you first use your truck in October then your Form 2290 is due by November 30. If you first use your truck in March then your Form 2290 is due by April 30. Therefore your 2290 can be due in a completely different month from when your friend’s is due.

It’s important to note that the deadline is based on the first used month during the tax period which runs from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. The current HVUT Form 2290 tax period began on July 1, 2017 and will end on June 30.

Because most truckers first use their heavy vehicles in July, the first month of the tax period, most HVUT Form 2290s are due on August 31.

2. You could save money based on your vehicle type.

It’s true, some vehicles are subject to lower tax rates than others depending on what you drive. The different vehicle types include:

E-filing Form 2290 is easy with ExpressTruckTax

Agricultural: These are highway motor vehicles that are used or expected to be used for farming purposes primarily. They must be registered as agricultural vehicles and count as suspended or credit vehicles when used for less than 7,500 miles during the tax period.

Logging: Logging vehicles are used exclusively for hauling timber from or around harvested forest sites. They have to be registered as logging vehicles with your state and are subject to lower tax rates.

Suspended Vehicles: Suspended vehicles are vehicles that are expected to travel less than 5,000 miles during the tax period. (7,500 for agricultural vehicles). They’re also known as credit vehicles. Other examples of credit vehicles include vehicles that were lost, stolen, sold, or destroyed.

3. E-Filing With ExpressTruckTax is Best

We have streamlined the e-filing process to be quick and simple, no matter what month your HVUT Form 2290 is due. Our step-by-step e-filing guide will help you instantly complete your form and transmit it directly to the IRS. Then within about 15 minutes, you’ll receive a copy of your stamped Schedule 1 via email.

Plus, our outstanding, US-based ExpressTruckTax support team is full of truck tax experts who are ready to assist you every step of the way. Give us a call Monday – Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM EST at 704.234.6005, reach us via live chat, or take advantage of our 24/7 email support at

The Due Date Cometh: August 31 is the 2290 Tax Deadline

Due Date to File Form 2290 is August 31
Due Date to File Form 2290 is August 31

With the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 deadline approaching, we decided to break down some of the Form 2290 basics.

First of all, let’s reiterate the 2290 truck tax due date.

The Deadline for Form 2290

The IRS HVUT Form 2290 due date (or) deadline for the 2016-2017 tax year is August 31st, 2016.

When you need to file form 2290 online for 2016-2017, you also need to know your First Used Month.

The First Used Month of Vehicle

The First Used Month is the first month that the vehicle is used in a tax year.

If you have a new vehicle, the first used month is the first month that the vehicle is used in a year.

You need to file your HVUT Form 2290 a month after the first used month. If you bought the truck in February and started using it then, you would need to file your HVUT by the end of March.

Taxation Year

In order to understand how to file your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax return Form 2290, you need to comprehend how the HVUT tax year works.

If you have owned your truck for multiple years, July counts as your first used month for subsequent years after the first purchased year.

So when you go to e-file truck tax Form 2290, knowing the little details of your tax filing will make all the difference.

E-filing on the go? Check out the ExpressTruckTax mobile app!

Unsure about your First Used Month still? Contact our expert support team at ExpressTruckTax by calling 704.234.6005.

Related Blog: The Countdown Is On! It’s Almost Form 2290 HVUT Deadline Day

E-FILING 101: Frequently Asked Questions for Filing Form 2290

You may not know it yet, but there’s a tax-filing pro inside each and every one of you! We at ExpressTruckTax firmly believe this, so that’s why we designed accessible E-filing solutions– to let that tax pro shine!

So on this #ManicMonday morning, less than one week from the Form 2290 deadline, it’s time to unleash your inner tax guru!

Here’s a crash course in E-filing your truck taxes– ETT 101: Intro to Easy E-filing! Get a head start on your E-filing degree by learning the answers to these frequently asked questions.

  • Q: What is my first-used month?
A: For most people, the default answer is July.The HVUT tax year opens July 1st. So this means that the first-used month for all renewals is automatically July. Even if you’re filing in August or September, the first-used month must still be set back to July if you’re vehicle was driven that month. The only time you’d select a later month is if the vehicle is purchased later in the year.

  • Q. What is the taxable gross weight of my vehicle?

A: The taxable gross weight of your vehicle can be determined by adding three numbers together. 1. The unloaded (empty tare) weight of the vehicle, plus 2. The unloaded weight of any trailers customarily attached to the vehicle, and 3. The weight of the maximum load customarily carried in the vehicle and/or attached trailers. The sum of these three figures is your taxable gross weight.

  • Q: Does the IRS take credit cards?

A: No, but we do! While you can pay our fee with a credit card, the IRS no longer accepts tax payments via credit card. We do, however, still offer three convenient methods of payment: Direct Debit, EFTPS, and Check or Money order. Direct Debit, also called Electronic Funds Withdrawal, is the fastest way to pay, but it’s only available to E-filers! You provide your bank account & routing number, and the IRS initiates a Direct Debit from your bank account.

EFTPS is a free service through the US Dept. of the Treasury, but you must register with this system 5-7 business days prior to when you need to make a payment. Also, the payment must be scheduled at least 1 business day prior to the payment due date!

Finally, if you pay by check or money order, you’ll get your Schedule 1 back even on a weekend or holiday! Just don’t forget to mail your 2290-V payment voucher with your check, but don’t staple them together! The completed voucher can be found on page 5 of your 2290; we autofill it for you!

  • Q: Why am I entering two methods of payment?

A: While you can pay us by credit card (only $9.90 for those with a single truck!), you will also need to select one of the three payment methods above to pay your taxes to the IRS.

  • Q: How do I make VIN corrections?
A: The answer: easily! If your return is rejected for a VIN error, such as a duplicate filing error, we’ll help you find the mistake, fix it, and retransmit it to the IRS for free! But only if you E-filed with us! If you made a VIN error, but your return was accepted by the IRS, then you can quickly E-file a Form 2290 Amendment. Simply log back in as a Returning User, click “Start” under 2290 Amendment, then “Start” under Form 2290 VIN correction. You’ll receive your updated, stamped Schedule 1 as soon as the IRS accepts the correction!

Of course, we can’t possibly cover everything in one class! So if you’re ready to graduate, check out the sequel: E-FILING 102!

And if you still have questions, give our Support Heroes a call! They offer one-on-one ETT101 tutoring in English, Spanish, and Russian! Call us at 704.234.6005, speak via online chat, or get 24/7 email support at

Now get E-filed and go to the head of the class!

Form 2290 Due Date For Vehicles First Used After July

Form 2290 must be filed by the last day of the month following the month of first use. For example, if you purchase and first use a vehicle in January, you must file a Form 2290 by the end of February.  Annual renewal of your Form 2290 for a new tax period must be completed by August 31.

Heavy vehicle use taxes are determined by the taxable gross weight and first use month of the vehicle. Vehicles used for logging are subject to lower taxes.  If you begin using your vehicle during any month other than July you are liable for a prorated tax amount during that tax period. Our system will automatically calculate your Form 2290 tax based on your vehicle weight and first use month.

All you will need is some basic business information, EIN, VIN and Gross Weight of the Vehicle to complete the return.  Then you will transmit the return to the IRS and you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 in just minutes! If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact us our US based customer support team in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at