Category: Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Tax

Almost out of Time! Avoid Penalties, File IRS 2290 Now

The IRS 2290 filing deadline is coming up on September 3rd, 2019.

If you’re thinking of putting off filing IRS 2290 or waiting to pay your heavy vehicle use tax, I’m here to prepare you for the IRS penalties you can expect.

Plus, we’ll go over how exactly to avoid those penalties while saving money and time.

Let’s get started.

Everything You Need For IRS 2290 Filing

IRS Form 2290 Filing Deadline

As mentioned, the 2290 deadline is September 3rd, 2019.

This is the deadline to file IRS Form 2290 and pay your 2290 tax amount.

Failing to file and pay heavy vehicle use tax will result in penalties from the IRS. The penalty for failing to file IRS Form 2290 on time is 4.5% of the total highway tax 2290 amount you owe, with additional 0.54% interest each month.

However, the penalty for filing your IRS Form 2290 but failing to pay your highway tax 2290 amount is 0.5% of the HVUT payment, substantially less than failing to file.

The interest is the same.

If you can’t afford to make your HVUT payment right this moment, file IRS Form 2290 anyway. There’s no reason to miss the deadline. The whole process takes a matter of minutes and can be done from your phone.

IRS 2290 Filing Tips

Save time by gathering information before you dive in. Here’s what you need for IRS Form 2290 filing:

–  EIN

You must have an EIN to file IRS 2290. If you need one, you can try to get one from the IRS in time, but we suggest calling TSNAmerica at 803.386.0320.

–  Business Information

You’ll need to enter your business name and address at the beginning of your IRS Form 2290.

–  VIN

This is your Vehicle Identification Number, and should be 17 characters long.

–  Authorized Signatory Details

This is the 5-digit unique signature PIN you’ll need to use to sign your IRS Form 2290.

–  Gross Taxable Weight

Your vehicle’s gross taxable weight is its weight when fully equipped for service, minus the weight of you and the load. You can find this on your cab card or sticker inside the door.

–  HVUT Payment Information

Pay your HVUT 2290 tax amount online fast. Leading IRS-authorized e-file providers like ExpressTruckTax will offer multiple payment options, including credit card, direct debit, EFW (Electronic Funds Transfer), and EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System).

Once you’re ready, choose an IRS-authorized online filing system. Filing IRS 2290 highway use tax online will save you loads of time and ensure that you receive your 2290 Schedule 1 fast.

The Quickest Way to File

As mentioned, filing IRS 2290 and paying HVUT 2290 online will save you tons of time.

The entire process takes minutes.

When you file IRS Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax, you’ll also receive your stamped Schedule 1 just minutes after filing your 2290 tax.

You’ll also save time on potential HVUT rejection.

ExpressTruckTax offers an instant IRS 2290 error check, and FREE VIN corrections in the event that you need to make a quick fix.

We’re all about making taxes easy. Sign up for a free account and test it out for yourself.

An Owner Operator’s Guide to 2290s

An Owner Operator's Guide to 2290s
An Owner Operator’s Guide to 2290s

We know that truck drivers have plenty of headaches to deal with. Whether it’s crazed four-wheeler driving through inclement weather or just the hassle of making ends meet, there’s always something adding stress to your world.

We know that some of these might seem unavoidable, but we’ve built our company around making your life easier. Over the last few years, we’ve dedicated ourselves to simplifying heavy vehicle use taxes, and providing an affordable and intuitive way for truckers like you to e-file their 2290s.

We’ve taken that one step further! Let’s talk about how all you Owner Operators can e-file your Form 2290s with the ExpressTruckTax mobile app.

All About the ExpressTruckTax App

Available for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, the ExpressTruckTax App is the easiest way you can take care of your heavy vehicle use tax without accessing a computer.

Best of all? It’s free to download and create an account! You can’t beat that.

Let’s look at some of the cool things you can do with the ExpressTruckTax App:

First, e-filing Form 2290 is easy and can be done in just a few short steps.

You can also correct and resubmit rejected returns, free of charge.

Plus, you’ll save time by getting your Stamped Schedule 1 in your email!

Customer Support From People Like You

The best thing about ExpressTruckTax, it doesn’t matter if you’re using our app or the website, you can always contact us if you have any questions! Our dedicated support team is located in downtown Rock Hill, South Carolina, meaning you’ll always be able to talk to someone just like you.

After all, you have enough frustrations as an Owner Operator. The last thing you want is your call for help ending up in another country, with someone who has no knowledge of your issue!

You can reach us Monday through Friday, 9am to 6pm, ready to help you if the need arises.

If you’ve e-filed with ExpressTruckTax, you know the service and customer support we offer. If you haven’t, click the link below to start e-filing your 2290s with the ExpressTruckTax app!

Today Is the Last Day to E File HVUT Form 2290!

Today Is the Last Day to E File HVUT Form 2290!
Today Is the Last Day to E File HVUT Form 2290!

Well, today is the day to file tax Form 2290. Our online e-filing program is primed and ready to go—and our dedicated customer support staff are standing by, ready to answer your questions.

Still unsure if you want to e-file Form 2290 for 2016-2017? We put together a list of the 8 steps required to e-file (and therefore get your stamped Schedule 1).

Trust us, you want to follow these steps and e-file before the Form 2290 due date passes. I mean, you don’t want to get hit with penalties, do you?

Step 1: Sign in / Create Your Account

First of all, creating an account is always free! We never charge you to create your account, and you don’t have to pay until you transmit your return. We’ll even let you create sub-accounts for employees, accountants, or anybody else

Step 2: Enter Your Business Information

At this point, you need to enter your business information. This includes your name and your Employer Information Number (EIN), which you need to make sure you know.

Step 3: Choose Your Tax Year and First Used Month

At step 3, you enter your tax year and first used month for the vehicle(s) you are filing for.

The tax year you’ll be filing for (for this deadline) will be 2016-2017!

Step 4: Enter Your Vehicle Information

After that, you need to enter your vehicle identification number (VIN) and the taxable gross weight of the vehicle(s) you are filing for.

If you need to, you can select if your vehicle is used for any special purposes, such as for agricultural use or logging.

Note: Logging doesn’t mean you use e-logs or any other type of mileage logging system.

Step 5: IRS Payment Options

There are several payment options for you to select when you e-file IRS HVUT Form 2290. We suggest that you make sure you’re familiar with the IRS payment options available, including:

  • Direct Debit or Electronic Funds Withdrawal
  • Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)
  • Check or Money Order

Step 6: Summary and Audit Check

Before we transmit your 2290, we’ll check over your form to make sure it’s clear of any basic filing errors.

We can’t guarantee that you won’t be audited, but we can do our best to make sure nothing looks funky before we transmit!

Step 7: Transmit Your Return to the IRS

At this point, your return is ready to be transmitted to the IRS. Simply add your electronic signature and voila! We can transmit, and you’re done with Form 2290 Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return for the year!

Step 8: Receive Your Stamped Schedule 1

Want to know the best part? Shortly after you file, you’ll get your 2290 Schedule 1. That’s not bad!

Note: You can e-file 2290 directly from the ExpressTruckTax App?

As always, the team here at ExpressTruckTax will be here to help and support you through the e-filing process. Give us a call at 704.234.6005 if you have any questions!

The Due Date Cometh: August 31 is the 2290 Tax Deadline

Due Date to File Form 2290 is August 31
Due Date to File Form 2290 is August 31

With the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 deadline approaching, we decided to break down some of the Form 2290 basics.

First of all, let’s reiterate the 2290 truck tax due date.

The Deadline for Form 2290

The IRS HVUT Form 2290 due date (or) deadline for the 2016-2017 tax year is August 31st, 2016.

When you need to file form 2290 online for 2016-2017, you also need to know your First Used Month.

The First Used Month of Vehicle

The First Used Month is the first month that the vehicle is used in a tax year.

If you have a new vehicle, the first used month is the first month that the vehicle is used in a year.

You need to file your HVUT Form 2290 a month after the first used month. If you bought the truck in February and started using it then, you would need to file your HVUT by the end of March.

Taxation Year

In order to understand how to file your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax return Form 2290, you need to comprehend how the HVUT tax year works.

If you have owned your truck for multiple years, July counts as your first used month for subsequent years after the first purchased year.

So when you go to e-file truck tax Form 2290, knowing the little details of your tax filing will make all the difference.

E-filing on the go? Check out the ExpressTruckTax mobile app!

Unsure about your First Used Month still? Contact our expert support team at ExpressTruckTax by calling 704.234.6005.

Related Blog: The Countdown Is On! It’s Almost Form 2290 HVUT Deadline Day

The Deadline Approaches – Have You Filed IRS Form 2290?

The Deadline Approaches - Have You Filed IRS Form 2290?
The Deadline Approaches – Have You Filed IRS Form 2290?

Has there been a buzzing in the back of your ear? Do you feel like you forgot something, but can’t remember what?

Well, we hope you didn’t forget that the heavy vehicle use tax deadline is approaching!

This is your first of numerous reminders to let you know, it’s deadline time!

When is the Form 2290 Deadline?

The Form 2290 due date for 2016-2017 is August 31st. That’s a Wednesday—mark it on your calendar.

How Can I File IRS Form 2290?

Well, if you are looking to avoid pen and paper filing, you need to e-file IRS Form 2290. If you’ve e-filed with us before, you know how easy it is. If you’ve never e-filed a 2290 before, we’ll run you through your options.

  • Option 1: Head to the ExpressTruckTax website on your computer, create an account from the web, enter your business details, enter your vehicle information, and within a few clicks you’ll be done.
  • Option 2: Use your mobile browser or download our app, create an account from your mobile device, enter your business details, enter your vehicle information, and within a few clicks you’ll be done.

But have no fear, e-filers. With our easy to use interview-style software and dedicated customer support, you should have no problems this truck tax filing season!

So as the deadline approaches, you need to ask yourself—Are you ready to e-file Form 2290?

E-Sign Form 8453-EX – ExpressTruckTax Feature Spotlight

E-Sign Form 8453-EX
E-Sign Form 8453-EX – Feature Spotlight

Around these parts, we do what we do to make things easier for truckers. Which in our case, usually means helping truckers understand and e-file Form 2290 – just because that’s our expertise.

But some truck drivers and carriers are unaware that we actually support a few other tax forms and features, too. One of these being Form 8453-EX.

What is Form 8453-EX, you ask? Also known as the “Excise Tax Declaration for an IRS e-File Return”, the 8453-EX is a declaration by a taxpayer to authenticate an electronic Form 2290 and authorize an intermediate service provider to transmit their return using a third-party transmitter.

Basically, if somebody else files your taxes on your behalf, you need to file this form.

A taxpayer e-filing directly through ExpressTruckTax doesn’t have to file an 8453-EX, though. But if you’re an accountant or other service provider filing on behalf of a trucker, an 8453-EX has to be signed to authorize the transmission.

What Is the E-Sign Feature?

This feature is beneficial to both truckers and accountants alike. With the e-signing feature for Form 8453-EX, CPA’s can get instant permission to e-file for their client as a third party!

Once you’ve finished the e-filing process for a client, our system will prompt you and your client to sign Form 8453-EX. This link directs your client to our e-sign site and allows them to sign the 8453-EX on any device. They can even e-sign it with their fingertip if they are using a tablet or a mobile device with a touchscreen.

Once they’ve e-signed (or rejected the form), it will return to the ExpressTruckTax system and you’ll be notified.

How Does E-Signing Help Me?

If you haven’t put it together yet, ExpressTruckTax offers a safe and secure way to get your clients to e-sign Form 8453-EX in seconds. Best of all, e-signing works on any device—computer, tablet, and mobile phone.

Plus, you get to avoid coordinating faxes on an old fax machine.

How Do I E-Sign Form 8453-EX?

When e-filing with ExpressTruckTax, all you need to do is click the link to email the electronic form to your client, and after they receive it, they can follow detailed instructions on how to complete the process on their end.

If you have any questions about e-signing 8453-EX, live chat with us over at

5 Simple Steps to File Form 2290

5 Simple Steps to File Form 2290
5 Simple Steps to File Form 2290

As we keep rolling through truck tax season, we’ve had a few callers ask us to go through the e-filing system step-by-step.

So we’re gonna break things down real quick, and show you that you can e-file Form 2290 in 5 easy steps!

First Step – Login

The first step for any truck tax filer is to create their account—of course, if they’ve filed with us before, they can just sign in.

It’s easy, it only takes a moment, and it’s FREE. We won’t charge you a single cent for creating your account! You only pay once you’ve e-filed using our service, which won’t take too long, thankfully.

Second Step – Information

On your second step, you enter your business information. This includes your name and your Employer Information Number (EIN), which you need to make sure you know.

Pro Tip: Did you know you can e-file 2290 directly from the ExpressTruckTax App?

Third Step – Details

Now you need to enter your tax year and first used month for the vehicle(s) you are filing for. The tax year for IRS Form 2290 starts July 1 of each year and ends on June 30 of the following year.

You file Form 2290 based on the first used month of the vehicle. For example, if your vehicle was first used on public highways in September, you have until October 31 to file your 2290.

After that, enter your vehicle identification number (VIN) and the taxable gross weight of the vehicle you are filing for. You can also select if your vehicle is used for any special purposes, such as for agricultural use or logging.

Fourth Step – Payment

As we calculate the taxes on your 2290, make sure you’re familiar with the IRS payment options available to pay the IRS for your HVUT, including:

  • Direct Debit or Electronic Funds Withdrawal
  • Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)
  • Check or Money Order

Fifth Step – Transmit

Before we transmit, we’ll check over your form to make sure it’s clear of any basic errors. On your end, double check the summary to be sure that your business and vehicle information are correct. Once your payment information has been entered, your return is ready to be transmitted to the IRS. Simply add your electronic signature and transmit!

Secret Final Step – Celebrate

A few moments after you file, you’ll get your 2290 Schedule 1. With that in hand, you can go out and celebrate. If you have some vacation time, that is. If not, at least you’ll be roadworthy!

If you have any questions about filing your excise taxes, please reach out to us and let us know! Our dedicated customer service team is waiting by the phones and checking their inbox, ready to help you!

Related Blog: 5 Ways to Get Help E-Filing Your 2290

5 Ways to Get Help E-Filing Your 2290

5 Ways to Get Help E-Filing Your 2290
5 Ways to Get Help E-Filing Your 2290

There’s no escaping it—taxes are difficult. We know it, you know it, your carrier knows it.

But what would you say if we knew a group that doesn’t mind truck taxes. In fact, they spend their day helping truckers e-file their truck taxes!

Sounds ridiculous right? Well, it’s not! Here at ExpressTruckTax, our support experts dedicate their days to answering your e-filing questions. Really, there’s someone available to direct you in the right direction throughout the entire day.

How do we do this? By providing 5 avenues of contact, we’ve made it possible for you to get help for any 2290 questions you may come across.

Call Us on the Phone

Throughout the year, we keep our specialists ready to answer your calls from 9 am to 6 pm. During 2290 peak season, you can probably find someone ready to answer your calls even earlier, and even later.

We do this so that we match your schedule as best as possible!

Best of all, you’ll always talk to a friendly voice located in downtown Rock Hill, South Carolina. There’s something about outsourcing your questions to a call center across the world that just doesn’t sit right with us.

So give us a call at 704.234.6005!

Send Us an Email

Of course, the thought may strike you to e-file your 2290 in the middle of the night. Stranger things have happened!

When you’re sitting up in your sleeper cab, wondering how you can claim a suspended vehicle credit, you know it’s too late to call us.

So you can just send us an email at, and we’ll get you a response as soon as possible.

Chat With Us

Maybe you just have a small question, nothing you want to get wrapped up in a conversation about.

There’s a simple solution for that, too.

You can just send us a quick chat via the expresstrucktax website.

In fact, you just gotta click ‘chat with us’, and the chat window will walk you through the rest.

Find Us on Facebook

Sometimes it feels like everybody has Facebook. Not only will you find your friends, but you’ll find kids, grandmothers, heck – even dogs. But most importantly, you’ll find companies like ExpressTruckTax doing what they can from Facebook.

Now, you’re free to comment on our posts with your issues, but you can also send us a message via Facebook as well.

If you have sensitive information you need to share with us, send us a message on Facebook and we will follow up with instructions for a secure, fast, and easy communication.

Hashtag It on Twitter

Sometimes it’s easier to just blast out a tweet. Sure, half the time we’re tweeting about stuff like cats and Taco Tuesday, but Twitter is actually one of the best places to reach a customer representative.

If you have any issues e-filing, send us a tweet at @ExpressTruckTax containing the hashtags #ETTSupport or #ExpressTruckTax, and we’ll get your issue squared away.

So, instead of pulling your hair out over confusing tax forms, try these 5 channels to reach the experts at ExpressTruckTax!

Related Blog: 5 Simple Steps to File Form 2290

New IRS 2290 for Tax Year 2016 – 2017

New IRS 2290 for Tax Year 2016 - 2017
New IRS 2290 for Tax Year 2016 – 2017

You probably didn’t realize that there’s a new IRS Form 2290, did you?

It’s OK, not much changed, however, you can only use this form to file your Form 2290 for the tax period beginning on July 1, 2016 and ending on June 30, 2017.

To learn more about this new form, check out the material provided by the IRS.

Click here to learn more about why Form 2290 has changed, and what it means for your filing.

And when you have that covered, you can go stand in line with your completed Form 2290.

But why waste your time trying to figure it out yourself when you have ExpressTruckTax on your side.

With our interview-style form completion, we’ll help you e-file—yes e-file—your Form 2290 with the IRS.

That means, no standing in line at the IRS office, no trying to figure out complicated tax jargon by yourself, and no wasting time off the road.

Create your free account with ExpressTruckTax and start e-filing your 2290, today!

What’s the Deal with the Stamped Schedule 1?

Stamped Schedule 1
Stamped Schedule 1

When you e-file heavy vehicle use tax, you get your 2290 stamped schedule 1.

But what’s the deal with the stamped schedule 1? We’ll break it down for you.

What is the Stamped Schedule 1?

To put it frankly, the stamped schedule 1 is your Proof of Payment!

If you file by paper with the IRS, you can expect to receive your stamped Schedule 1 within 6 weeks after they receive your form 2290.

How You Get Your Stamped Schedule 1

Once the IRS receives and checks your return with their database, you receive your stamped schedule 1. Your schedule 1 will show an IRS e-file watermark with the date the return was received and processed. Your schedule 1 will be accepted by all DOT’s, DMV’s, and other federal authorities.

We can also send updates about your schedule 1 via text and fax – and we can even notify your company or carrier! ExpressTruckTax automatically emails your stamped schedule 1 to you.

Understanding the Stamped Schedule 1:

First off, how do you know if your stamped Schedule 1 is authentic? Well, the IRS digital e-file watermark tells you everything you need to know!. You can always contact our customer support team if you have questions, though!

When you e-file IRS form 2290, the IRS stamps it with a digital watermark. This digital schedule 1 is your official proof of payment, and all DMV locations are required to accept this document.

Of course, if you have any questions about e-filing and receiving your stamped schedule 1, contact our US-based customer service squad!