Category: FAQ’s

Viernes de Preguntas Frecuentes: ¿Qué es hacer el Formulario 2290 por anticipo?

¿Qué es la presentación por anticipo?

Todos los años, a partir de Mayo, ExpressTruckTax ofrece un servicio conocido como presentación por anticipo. La presentación por anticipo es un servicio exclusivo de ExpressTruckTax. Cuando realiza una presentación por anticipo con ExpressTruckTax, puede presentar su Formulario 2290 para el próximo año fiscal antes que en cualquier otro lugar.

¿Cuándo estará disponible la presentación por anticipo?

La presentación por anticipo para el año fiscal 2022-23 comenzó el 16 de Mayo de 2022 y dura hasta el 30 de Junio. La razón por la que solo dura hasta el 30 de Junio es porque el IRS comenzará a aceptar oficialmente el Formulario 2290 el 1ro. de Julio.

¿Por qué es bueno declarar temprano?

La presentación por anticipo con ExpressTruckTax le permite evitar la prisa de todos los que intentan presentar una declaración a la vez, lo que hace que el IRS tenga una copia de seguridad. Los formularios 2290 prearchivados se transmitirán al IRS tan pronto como comiencen a aceptarlos el 1ro. de Julio.

¿Cuándo recibe su Anexo 1 si hace su formulario antes de tiempo?

Tan pronto como el IRS acepte el Formulario 2290 después de transmitirlo, recibirá su Anexo 1 sellado. Sin embargo, si espera para presentar la declaración hasta que el IRS comience a aceptar el Formulario 2290, pueden pasar varios días antes de que reciba su Anexo 1 sellado.

Con todos los increíbles beneficios de la presentación por anticipo, sería genial aprovechar esta oportunidad por tiempo limitado. ¿Qué estás esperando? Haga su Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax hoy y pague sus impuestos una vez que el IRS lo acepte y obtenga su Anexo 1 antes que el resto.

FAQ Friday: What is Pre-Filing?

What is Pre-Filing?

Every year starting in May, ExpressTruckTax offers a service known as pre-filing. Pre-filing is a service unique to ExpressTruckTax. When you pre-file with ExpressTruckTax you are able to file your Form 2290 for the upcoming tax year earlier than you can anywhere else. 

When is pre-filing available?

Pre-filing for the 2022-23 tax year started May 16th, 2022, and lasts until June 30th. The reason it only lasts until June 30th is that the IRS starts officially accepting Form 2290 on July 1st. 

Why is it good to file early?

Pre-filing with ExpressTruckTax allows you to beat the rush of everyone trying to file at once causing the IRS to be backed up. The pre-filed Form 2290s will be transmitted to the IRS as soon as they start accepting them on July 1st. 

When do you receive your Schedule 1 if you file early?

As soon as Form 2290 is accepted by the IRS after being transmitted, you will receive your stamped Schedule 1. If you wait to file until after the IRS starts accepting Form 2290 however, it might be several days before you receive your stamped Schedule 1.

With all of the amazing benefits pre-filing it would be great to take advantage of this limited-time opportunity. What are you waiting for? Pre-file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today and pay your tax later once the IRS accepts it and get your Schedule 1 ahead of the rest! 

Viernes de Preguntas Frecuentes: ¿Qué es una Tarjeta de Combustible?

Cada semana presentaremos una pregunta frecuente y la explicaremos más detalladamente. Esta semana vamos a hablar sobre las tarjetas de combustible, qué son, qué hacen y cómo benefician a los camioneros.

¿Qué es una Tarjeta de Combustible?

Una tarjeta de combustible es como una tarjeta de crédito, pero a menudo la emiten compañías para las que conducen los conductores. Con estas tarjetas, los conductores pueden pagar el combustible y otros gastos en las paradas de camiones en lugar de usar efectivo, una tarjeta de débito o una tarjeta de crédito normal. Esto permite a las empresas ahorrar dinero en costos de combustible y reducir el tiempo requerido para procesar a los empleados que reclaman los gastos de combustible de la empresa.

¿Cómo benefician las tarjetas de combustible a los camioneros?

No solo se aceptan tarjetas de combustible en más de 12,000 paradas de camiones en todo el país, sino que cuando las use, pagará el precio en efectivo en la bomba, sin importar dónde se detenga. También brindan altos retornos a su presupuesto de combustible con descuentos negociados previamente. Las aplicaciones móviles lo ayudan a encontrar los mejores precios de combustible y administrar su cuenta de combustible y los conductores, incluso cuando está en movimiento.

¿Qué tiene esto que ver con ExpressTruckTax?

EFS, un conocido proveedor de tarjetas de combustible, se asocia con ExpressTruckTax para ofrecerle la tarjeta de combustible ExpressTruckTax. Este es un beneficio exclusivo para los clientes de ExpressTruckTax y viene repleto de increíbles ahorros de costos, descuentos de combustible negociados previamente, seguridad e informes líderes en la industria, además de una gama completa de productos diseñados para permitirle concentrarse en hacer crecer su negocio. Seguridad y controles líderes en la industria que le permiten elegir exactamente qué se puede cargar a su cuenta, por quién y por qué montos. Esto puede ayudar a regular las compras con su tarjeta. Los beneficios de esta tarjeta no terminan ahí. Los informes de alta resolución muestran los detalles de las transacciones de elementos de línea y nunca lo dejan adivinando exactamente cuánto están cargando sus conductores a su tarjeta de combustible. Esta tarjeta de combustible también incluye administración de cuenta en línea gratuita que le permite ver transacciones, solicitar nuevas tarjetas y realizar cambios en su cuenta desde cualquier lugar donde tenga conexión a Internet. 

Al usar esta tarjeta de combustible de EFS, puede ahorrar entre 10 y 15 centavos por galón en promedio. Incluso puede usar esta tarjeta en Canadá. Si bien esta tarjeta no tiene una tarifa anual, hay una pequeña tarifa por uso, pero los ahorros siempre superan los costos de uso.

¿Qué estás Esperando?

Ahora que sabes lo que es una tarjeta de combustible, ¿Qué esperas? Regístrese para uno hoy y comience a ahorrar en combustible tan pronto como lo aprueben. Contáctenos al (704)-234-6005 para más detalles.

FAQ Friday: What is a Fuel Card?

Each week we will feature a Frequently Asked Question and explain it more in detail. This week we are going to discuss Fuel Cards, what they are, what they do, and how they benefit truckers. 

What is a Fuel Card?

A fuel card is like a credit card but it is often issued by companies that drivers drive for. With these cards, drivers can pay for fuel and other expenses at truck stops instead of using cash, a debit card, or a regular credit card. This enables companies to save money on fuel costs and reduce the time required to process employees claiming back business fuel expenses. 

How Fuel Cards Benefit Truckers?

Not only are fuel cards accepted at over 12,000 truck stops nationwide but when you use them you will pay cash price at the pump, no matter where you stop. They also provide high returns to your fuel budget with pre-negotiated discounts. Mobile apps help you find the best fuel prices and manage your fuel account and drivers even when on the go.

What does this have to do with ExpressTruckTax?

EFS, a well-known fuel card provider, partners with ExpressTruckTax to bring you the ExpressTruckTax Fuel Card. This is an exclusive benefit for ExpressTruckTax customers and comes packed with incredible cost savings, pre-negotiated fuel discounts, industry-leading security, and reporting, plus an entire array of products designed to let you focus on growing your business. Industry-leading security and controls that let you choose exactly what may be charged to your account, by whom, and for what amounts. This can help regulate the purchases on your card. The benefits of this card don’t stop there. High-resolution reports show line-item transaction details and never leave you guessing exactly what your drivers are charging to your fuel card. This fuel card also includes free online account management that lets you view transactions, order new cards and make changes to your account from anywhere you have an internet connection.

By using this fuel card from EFS, you can save between 10 and 15 cents per gallon on average. You can even use this card in Canada. While this card has no annual fee, there is a small fee for usage but the savings will always outweigh the usage costs.

What are you waiting for?

Now that you know what a fuel card is, what are you waiting for? Sign up for one today and start saving on fuel as soon as you get approved! Contact us at (704)-234-6005 for more details.

Get Your HVUT Money Back: E-file Form 8849 Today

We’re back, Trucking Nation, with even more information on the what, when, why, and how of E-filing your Form 8849 for refunds.

Now that you know you can get a refund for being under the mileage limit, you may still have some more questions about your refund. And, that’s what we’re here for! So, let me break it down for you.
When should I make a claim & What types of credits can be claimed?

Form 8849 offers a variety of schedules that you can file for, but one of the most common is the Schedule 6. Under the 8849 Schedule 6, you can file for three different types of refund credits:

  • Stolen, Sold, or Destroyed Vehicle
  • Suspended Vehicle, or a vehicle that drove less than the mileage limit (5,000 for regular heavy vehicles and 7,500 for agricultural vehicles)
  • Overpayment on Form 2290

If you have experienced any of these situations during the tax year, then voila! You qualify for an HVUT refund!

What should I know before claiming a credit?

Before claiming a credit, you should know what does and does not qualify for a refund, as well as what information you will need in order to make a claim.

Listed in the previous section is a breakdown of the three credits you can claim and when you should make that claim. However, before you can do that, there is some information you need about your vehicle.

Before you make your claim, you should know:

  • Your company’s tax year month end
  • Your VIN
  • First-used month
  • Gross vehicle weight

Any relevant dates (if the vehicle was sold, stolen or destroyed you will need to know that date, and if you are claiming overpayment you will need to know the date of overpayment.)

Now that we’ve gotten all that out of the way, you may have questions about what doesn’t qualify for a refund. Well, you are not eligible for a refund when:

You sometimes operate at a lower gross vehicle weight than initially reported.

You used your vehicle for only part of the year. How often you’ve used the vehicle or how many months it was in use does not matter if you’ve exceeded the mileage limit.

Sold, Destroyed, and Stolen Vehicles

If your vehicle was sold, destroyed, or stolen during the tax year, you may be wondering just how to calculate refunds for that specific return. As always, here at ExpressTruckTax, we’ve got your back.

When you enter your information with us, we calculate the prorated tax for you! No muss, no fuss, no partial period tax tables! Just ExpressTruckTax doing what we do to make your life easier.

How do I handle overpaid 2290 taxes?

Since the credit claimed cannot exceed the tax reported on Form 2290, any excess credit must be claimed using Form 8849. So, if you’ve paid too much, you can get that money back!

And, when you use ExpressTruckTax to E-File your Form 2290, if your credit exceeds tax due, our program will automatically generate the Form 8849 for you! That means, there’s no need to enter any additional information because we’ll do it for you!

If you need step-by-step instructions on how to E-File for either one of these claims, refer to our previous blog about Claiming Low Mileage Refunds.

How Will I Get My Refund?

Good question! Once the IRS receives your information, it can take 4-6 weeks for them to process your refund. Then, once everything is in order and squared away, the IRS will mail a check to your home address.

So, register with ExpressTruckTax today and on June 1 you’ll be ready to start E-filing for your refund! With 4-6 weeks to wait, there’s no time to waste. Not to mention, you only have until June 30th to E-file for your Form 8849. After that you’ll need to file a Form 2290 with a credit vehicle.

We hope we answered all of your questions, Trucking Nation! But, if you have more give our dedicated support team a call at 704.234.6005 or e-mail us at for 24/7 support!