Category: ExpressTruckTax giveaway

What You Need To Know About The 2019 HVUT Due Date

The IRS Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes (HVUT) must be filed annually by August 31st. This year, however, the HVUT due date is technically September 3rd.

Although there is a shift in the 2019 HVUT due date, this isn’t a call for procrastination.

Why September 3rd?

As mentioned August 31st is normally the HVUT due date, but this year that date falls on a Saturday and the following business day is on Labor Day.

File Your 2019 Form 2290 Now and Pay Later

We are encouraging all of our clients to file their 2019 Form 2290 as early as today and beat the rush. If procrastination is on your mind just think of how many other truckers are thinking the same thing.

You could get your 2019 Form 2290 handled today and not worry about paying 2019 HVUT until later.

By later we mean before August 31st.

2019 HVUT Due Date: 
Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019

Don’t Wait Until the HVUT Due Date

We know that technically 5 is greater than 0 and pressing snooze again is better than hearing a 5 o’clock wake up call. However, what if that 0 meant 0 penalties versus 5 and pressing snooze one more time could cost you your job?
There is a long list of benefits for filing your 2019 Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax, but our favorite is that you could win free stuff. That’s right we are having an ExpressTruckTax giveaway. This year any ExpressTruckTax client who files before June 30th can win a FREE BlueParrott Bluetooth Headset and a whole lot more. This ExpressTruckTax giveaway might be our favorite yet.

Other Ways To File

ExpressTruckTax’s sister company, Truck Services of North America (TSNAmerica) is now offering phone filing. You can now get for 2019 Form 2290 filed over the phone in just minutes by their well-trained support staff.

Possible HVUT Penalties

We know that time gets away from us all and by setting aside a few minutes of your day you could dodge huge penalties with the click of a button.

The IRS may impose penalties for several different reasons regarding HVUT Form 2290. You may be penalized for failing to file your return or to pay taxes owed by the 2019 Form 2290 due date. HVUT penalties may also be applied for filing false or fraudulent returns. These penalties are in addition to interest accrued on late payments.