Posted on September 20, 2011 by Santamarina Joseph - 2290 efile, 2290 form, efile 2290, express truck tax, Form 2290, form 2290 download, form 2290 efile, heavy vehicle use tax, HVUT, Tax 2290, Truck Tax
On Thursday, September 15th, the U.S. Senate approved a piece of legislation that will extend the funding of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as well as for federal highway programs. The funding for these programs would have been cancelled without this extension. The Transportation bill has been extended many times already, and a more permanent piece of legislation is needed. However, this extension will keep up to a million highway workers at work. A simple extension is better than letting the bill expiring, which would furlough thousands of workers as soon as the funding expired. This stop-gap measure will also provide the government with the ability to collect taxes on airline ticket sales through the FAA. The FAA incurred a partial shutdown for two weeks earlier this year which cost the government $400 Million in taxes associated with airline ticket sales.The Senate was able to pass the pill with a large margin of 92-6. This was largely due to some last minute negotiations by Sen. Barbara Boxer. Sen. Boxer is the chairman of the Senate Public Works Committee, which oversees the highway programs. Boxer negotiated an agreement between Republican senators Rand Paul and Tom Coburn due to their concerns of wasteful spending. This aided to avoiding a last-minute obstacle to the passage, because the FAA funding is set to expire this Friday (September 16).John Crawley, a reporter for Reuters, had the following to say regarding the current state of Capital Hill:
“It remains unclear ahead of an election year whether the House of Representatives, which approved the extensions earlier this week, and the Senate can come together on the bigger bills before the next renewals are due.
The charged political climate in Washington is largely fuelled by partisan divisions over spending, taxes and budget deficits. The transportation bills would require several hundred billion dollars in funding over several years.”
Although it may be difficult to foresee how our elected officials will work together in the future, it is nice to see a healthy negotiation to pass a bill that the American people need.
This is a positive step for the Trucking and Transportation Industry. Although it is not yet possible to file Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes with Form 2290, the folks at Express Truck Tax will be available to answer any questions and help drivers file those taxes. For more information, visit the Express Truck Tax website or call our Truck Tax experts at 704-234-6005. You can also chat online, or email any questions to
Posted on September 16, 2011 by Santamarina Joseph - 2290 efile, 2290 form, efile 2290, efile form 2290, express 2290, express truck tax, Form 2290, IRS form 2290, Tax 2290, Truck Tax
On Tuesday, September 13, 2011, the House of Representatives approved the extension of the Transportation Bill as well as continue programs for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). With both parties focused on jobs and the economy, this bill has been viewed as a no-brainer by many. However, it has been hard to predict what Congress will do as of late.This legislation, H.R. 2887 was introduced to the House of Representatives by the Transportation Committee chairman, John Mica (R-FL), as well as other influential members of that sub-committee. The response by the House was unanimous in support of the extension.The current Transportation Bill has already been extended several times, and a new piece of legislation is needed, but this extension will help continue funding for this nations highways and keep up to a million people at work. Rep. Mica understands this and made the following statement regarding a more permanent solution: “Unfortunately, this bill is the 22nd FAA extension and the 8th surface transportation extension. Congress has delayed passing a long-term FAA bill for over four years, and a surface transportation bill for two years. This action represents a last chance to roll up our sleeves and get transportation projects in America moving again.”For a Senator’s perspective, when asked to comment on the decision, Sen. Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey stated: “The American people didn’t send us here to make unemployment worse and allow our roads to crumble—and that’s why we must act swiftly to extend this law,” he continued. “Instead of putting up roadblocks to this extension, I hope our colleagues will work with us to fix the economy, help Americans get back to work and keeps our country moving forward. Once we have passed this short-term fix, we need to complete work on a long-term bill that strengthens investment in our national transportation network to create jobs, maintain our roads and bridges, and invest in rail and transit to ease commutes.”This is a positive step for the Trucking and Transportation Industry. Although it is still not possible to file Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes with Form 2290, the folks at Express Truck Tax will be available to answer any questions and help drivers file those taxes. For more information, visit the Express Truck Tax website or call our Truck Tax experts at 704-234-6005. You can also chat online, or email any questions to
Posted on September 9, 2011 by Santamarina Joseph - express truck tax,, Form 2290, form 2290 delay,, irs 2290, IRS form 2290, IRS stamped Schedule 1, Proof of 2290 form, Schedule 1 2290, Truck Tax
An IRS Form 2290 is not complete unless the Schedule 1 has officially been stamped by the Internal Revenue Service. The Form 2290 handles Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes, and the Schedule 1 is part of the IRS Form. To ensure that this is handled properly so that any Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes are reported and paid, there are several options. This form can be mailed, taken to the IRS directly, or the most efficient method: e-filing.
Although there is not a way to e-file this tax through the IRS website, the IRS has authorized Express Truck Tax to file this return because they have passed the IRS Assurance Testing System (ATS) and/or Business Acceptance Testing (BATS) requirements for Software Developers of electronic business returns to the IRS.
If you choose to mail the form to the IRS, it can take weeks for the IRS to respond with the official Stamped Schedule 1 in the mail. Because particularly if it is a busy time for the IRS. This is precious time that should not be wasted because the Stamped Schedule 1 is required in order to register the vehicle with the state DMV.
If you choose to actually deliver the form to the IRS office, you will be forced to wait in line for a representative to review the form and then stamp the Schedule 1. With this option, you are at the mercy of the IRS. The nearest office could be many miles away, and once you are there is no way to know how long it could take. People have reported that on a busy day at the IRS office, you may have to wait in line for as long as 6 hours.
For these reasons it is easiest to use an online e-filing tool such as Express Truck Tax for your 2290 filing needs. Since it is authorized by the IRS for e-filing, that shows it is a trustworthy and reliable service. Another benefit to using this particular service is that they have a team of Truck Tax experts that can take calls, emails, and online chats regarding any Truck Tax question you may have. For more information on the 2290 filing process, heavy vehicle use tax, IRS payment methods, etc visit the Express Truck Tax website or call our Truck Tax experts at 704-234-6005. You can also email any questions to and the experts will respond within 24 hours.
Posted on September 8, 2011 by Santamarina Joseph - commercial vehicles, express truck tax,, Form 2290, form 2290 delay, form 2290 download,, irs 2290, IRS form 2290, Truck Tax
A vehicle is considered to be commercial vehicle in the United States if it is titled or registered to a company. This all-encompassing definition includes vehicles in a fleet, company cars, as well as other vehicles used for business. Vehicles that are designed to carry more than 16 passengers are also considered to be a commercial vehicle.
Here are the qualifications for commercial vehicles
- A company or corporation owns the title of the vehicle.
- The vehicle is used for business purposes.
- The vehicle is a leased vehicle and in the name of the financial institution that owns it.
- The vehicle exceeds a certain weight and is therefore “classified” as commercial even though it may not be commercially used or commercially owned. A weight of 26,001 pounds or more is always considered to be commercial.
- The vehicle is used to transport hazardous materials.
Commercial trucks are classified into different classes according to their gross weight:
1. Class 1- GVWR: from 0 to 6,000 pounds (0 to 2,722 kg)2. Class 2- GVWR: from 6,001 to 10,000 pounds (2,722 to 4,536 kg)3. Class 3- GVWR: from 10,001 to 14,000 pounds (4,536 to 6,350 kg)4. Class 4- GVWR: from 14,001 to 16,000 pounds (6,351 to 7,257 kg)5. Class 5- GVWR: from 16,001 to 19,500 pounds (7,258 to 8,845 kg).6. Class 6- GVWR: from 19,501 to 26,000 pounds (8,846 to 11,793 kg)7. Class 7- GVWR: from 26,001 to 33,000 pounds (11,794 to 14,969 kg)8. Class 8- GVWR: above 33,000 pounds (14,969 kg)
If a Class 8 commercial vehicle weighs more than 55,000 lbs, it is subject to heavy vehicle use taxes. The tax is paid to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) using the IRS Form 2290. Heavy Vehicle Use Tax is a federal tax. Individual states do not collect the tax. However, in order to properly register your vehicle with the state, you must present a Stamped Schedule 1 from the Form 2290 to the local DMV when registering the vehicle.
The official qualifications to be liable for heavy vehicle use taxes stipulate that a vehicle must have gross weight 55,000 lbs or more. The IRS defines taxable gross weight as the sum of:
- The unloaded weight of a vehicle that is fully equipped for service
- The weight of any unloaded trailers, equipped for service, and typically used with the vehicle
- The maximum weight of the load customarily carried on the vehicle and on any trailers customarily used with the vehicle. is an IRS authorized E-File provider who can help you file form 2290 as well as keep secure online records of previously filed form 2290’s. For more information on the 2290 filing process, heavy vehicle use tax, IRS payment methods, etc visit the Express Truck Tax website or call our Truck Tax experts at 704-234-6005. You can also email any questions to
Posted on September 7, 2011 by Santamarina Joseph - 2290 form, e-file 2290, express truck tax,, Form 2290, form 2290 2011 delay, form 2290 download, Form 2290 E-file, HVUT, Tax 2290, Truck Tax, Truck tax regulations
President Barack Obama has once again urged Congress once more to extend the transportation bill, following a jobs report that was not very flattering of the American economy. This message served as a warning that letting the current transportation bill expire would be an economic disaster that could be easily avoided.Obama focused on the amount of jobs that would be furloughed and eventually removed if a decision could not be made in Congress. “Right away, over 4,000 workers would be furloughed without pay. If it’s delayed for just 10 days, we will lose nearly $1 billion in highway funding that we can never get back. And if we wait even longer, almost 1 million workers could be in danger of losing their jobs over the next year.” These jobs are literally left in the hands of Congress. They can choose to extend the bill, or create a more long term solution, but action needs to be made regardless.President Obama made a speech from the White House’s Rose Garden last week, in which he was joined by Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood, as well as Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, and also David Chavern, the chief operating officer of the Chamber of Commerce. He gave Congress another warning at that time also, stating that letting the transportation bill expire at the end of the month would be “not acceptable” and “inexcusable.”In his recent address, the president reiterated that thousands of workers and their families would be hurt if infrastructure projects like highway construction, bridge repair and mass transit systems were put on hold. Obama has previously spoken about renewing the transportation bill as a “no-brainer.” It is also important to note that Congress has renewed the bill seven times in the last two years, and as badly as Americans need jobs, not renewing it this time would be a grave mistake. Nonetheless, a new and sustainable bill would be the best option.“But thanks to political posturing in Washington, they haven’t been able to extend it this time — and the clock is running out,” he said. Virginia, Minnesota and Florida are examples of states that have thousands of jobs on the chopping block, and the President argued that the decision to let the bill expire is “completely avoidable.” “This isn’t a Democratic or a Republican issue — it’s an American issue,” he said. The president also mentioned that a group of 128 Democratic and Republican mayors have written to Congress, urging their representatives to pass the extension.Obama also added a statement that nicely summarizes the heart of the issue: “There’s a lot of talk in Washington these days about creating jobs. But it doesn’t help when those same folks turn around and risk losing hundreds of thousands of jobs just because of political gamesmanship. We need to pass this transportation bill and put people to work rebuilding America.”To see a video of Obama’s address urging the passage of the bill, you can check it out here. This Information has been provided by the Truck Tax Team at
Posted on August 26, 2011 by Santamarina Joseph - 2290 form, e-file 2290, express truck tax,, Form 2290, form 2290 2011 delay, form 2290 download, HVUT, Tax 2290, Truck Operator tax, Truck Tax, Truck tax regulations
If you are a trucker, owner operator, or trucking company, you are subject to filing a tax return for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. These taxes have typically been filed with the IRS Form 2290. Until recently, this form could only be filed by paper. However, there have been great advances in technology over the past few years and the IRS now accepts and encourages taxpayers to E-File their 2290 Form.
The IRS has approved several third party service providers to E-File the Form 2290 on behalf of those taxpayers who need to file. This list is posted on the IRS website. The IRS itself does not provide a way to E-File this form through their website. In deciding how to file, there are a few things that should be considered. When you select a provider, it is important to be sure that they are an Authorized IRS E-File Provider, make sure that they can handle all of your truck tax needs, and it is safest to find a provider that is entirely web-based.
- When selecting an Authorized E-File Provider, you should look on their website for something to verify that they are actually authorized by the IRS to E-File tax forms. Again, you can also refer to the IRS Website for a complete list of Authorized E-File Providers. Be sure that the provider you choose is on that list!
- If you need to file several types of Truck Taxes and not only the Form 2290, like IFTA or Form 8849 then it would be helpful to have them all filed from the same place. Some service providers are only for Form 2290, or Form 8849, etc. The most convenient and economical way of filing would be to have them all filed with the same service.
- If an E-Filing system is not web-based, then there is less reason to use it. If a so-called E-Filing system is not web-based, meaning you need to download a program onto your computer in order to run the program, then it is not a true E-Filing system. The IRS recommends E-Filing because of its speed and security. If you are required to download lots of files and store information on your computer, your system is not completely web based. The benefits of a web-based system are obviously the speed of transfer to the IRS when you are finished, but also the security of storing your information online instead of on your computer. If you rely on your computer to store your information, you run the risk of losing all of your information if your computer crashed or if you spill something on it, etc. fits all of these qualifications for a Truck Tax E-File Provider. It is entirely web-based, they are a one-stop-shop for all truck tax needs, and they are authorized by the IRS as an E-File provider on the official list from their website. If you need any help, you can also contact their wonderful customer support team! They offer live chat & phone support Monday through Friday (9:00am – 6:00pm EST) at 704.234.6005, as well as email support 24/7 ( This way you can get a stamped schedule 1 in about 10 minutes. The file is electronically submitted to the IRS, and within minutes the file will be processed by the IRS and the filer will receive a notification from Express Truck Tax that their return has been processed.
As you already know, it is becoming increasingly popular and more and more recommended to paying bills online. The same goes for your taxes. The process for a single return can actually be rather quick, easy, and completely painless. The IRS itself has authorized certain programs in which to file .These programs help increase the accuracy of your filing, as well as a secure way in which to transfer a tax payment. A tax payment made online takes only an instant, and is done over a secure connection; when sending tax payments via postal mail, it can take days to get there (and there is hardly a way of knowing if it was received until it is too late).The IRS encourages everyone to E-File their tax returns because it is quicker and easier to process for the IRS. This is also a less costly option for the IRS. If you are considering E-Filing your Tax Return, there are a few things that you should look for:A system to file tax returns is by nature going to be complex, but that does not mean that it cannot be user friendly. If a system is too complicated to figure out and there is no customer support options that should be a red flag.Along with being user friendly, the questions asked should be completely understandable. If you cannot understand what is being asked, check the help guide, or contact the customer service. If there is no customer service available at all, it may be a good time to find another tool.It is important to remember that the IRS itself has created a list of authorized E-File providers. This list is posted on the Official IRS Website. Anyone planning to E-File a tax return should definitely check their E-Filing source and make sure that they are indeed an authorized E-Filing Service.One of the best ways to E-File many different types of tax returns is through Express Tax Zone. They offer a wide variety of tax tools for e-filing. You can file something as easy as a tax extension, or something more complicated like Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. The Website for filing Truck Taxes online is It is a very simple process to file a complicated task. If you need assistance, you can contact their US-based customer support team of Truck Tax experts. They are available either by online chat, email (, or by phone: 704.234.6005.
An annual tax on the use of heavy highway vehicles is imposed in Section 4481 of the Internal Revenue Code. The IRS uses Form 2290 to report this tax. The Internal Revenue Service has stated that the law governing taxes imposed on the use of heavy highway vehicles (Form 2290)will expire on September 30, 2011. The IRS Form 2290 for the new tax year beginning July 1, 2011 is not available at this time and has not yet been published by the IRS for the new tax period. Due to the current situation, you can most likely expect a delay in the filing period for heavy vehicle use tax form 2290. It is also very likely that we may also expect to see changes in the new Form 2290 when it is published. This is based on the fact that the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Schedule 1 for previous tax periods has typically changed slightly from year to year.
Although the 2290 form is not yet ready, you can still get your vehicle tags for the tax period beginning July 1, 2011. Existing regulations allow states to register heavy highway vehicles when the registration application is received during the months of July, August, or September. A Schedule 1 for the previous year (July 2010 – June 2011) then state offices can accept it as a proof of payment.
You can also get your newly acquired heavy highway vehicles registered by the state without having a proof of tax payment. If you present an original or a photocopy of the bill of sale showing that the vehicle was acquired during the 60 days preceding the date that the state receives the application for registration.
Taxpayers should be aware that the IRS strictly discourages sending any old/previous form or payment to the IRS in order to file HVUT for new tax period (2011-2012). If the older form is sent to the IRS, the payment will be applied towards the tax account and a Schedule 1 will not be issued. However, they will send a notice to send a new form when it becomes available.
We will keep you updated on the latest changes as we get them from the IRS. In the meantime, if you have already filed a 2290 return for the tax year 2010-2011, then you should contact the IRS at 866-699-4096 to get a copy of your Schedule 1. If you have filed through one of the IRS authorized E-File providers such as then you need to get in touch with them to get a copy of your Schedule 1.
Posted on August 18, 2011 by Santamarina Joseph - 2290 e-file, 2290 tax, e-file 2290, express truck tax, Form 2290, Form 2290 E-file, Form 2290 filing delay, IRS, IRS phishing scams, IRS scammers, stay alert, Tax 2290
Scammers are like cockroaches; they are unwanted, yet they never seem to go away. Recently, there has been a set of IRS phishing emails that have been infesting the web. There have been at least two versions. One claims to be from “info” and another from “support” These emails can look convincing with headers that read: “IRS notification.” Although it may seem authoritative, neither of these are legitimate and should be ignored, deleted, or forwarded along to Do Not reply and Do Not open the attachments.Here is the plain text version of one of the emails:
Important Information about your tax return
We are unable to process your tax return
We received your tax return. However, we are unable to process the return as field.
Our records indicate that the person identified as the primary taxpayer or spouse on the tax return did not provided all the required documents shown on the tax form. Our records are based on information received from the Social Security Administration.
Based on this information, the tax account for the individual has been locked
What you need to do
Print out the attached notification and list of missing documents, fill it in, add the documents and send the following information to the address shown in the attached notification.
List of required documents:
- A copy of this letter
- Notification letter
- A photocopy of valid U.S. Federal or State Government issued identification.
Keep this notice for your records.
As you can see, this email is littered with typos and grammatical errors. That is always a Huge Red Flag if you are receiving an email that is supposedly from a professional organization. In addition to that, it is commonly known that the IRS does not send unsolicited e-mails to taxpayers. Therefore, most emails claiming to be from the IRS are most likely a scam. Be very careful with these emails. Most of them try to get you to reveal your personal or financial information. Do not reveal any of this information via e-mail. Better yet, Do Not reply to the email at all. Don’t follow any links from these e-mails to any web sites where you might be asked for the same information.
Other e-mails may have attachments or links which download viruses or other malware onto your computer. Some of this malware, has the capabilities to retrieve financial and other personal information from your computer. Even if you don’t manually input personal information into these sites, the malware allows the scammers to track your personally identifiable information.
Key Point to Remember: the IRS will never initiate contact with you via email. They will not ask you to click links to fix your tax information or verify your tax account. Neither will you be advised of a mistake in your refund via email. If you are concerned that you need to contact the IRS, then you should call them (1.800.829.1040). Don’t click on an attachment or reply to an email claiming to be from the IRS.
So to recap: delete, delete, delete. Do Not open links. Do Not open any attachments. Do Not investigate on your own. The IRS can handle any investigation if necessary. If you would like to make the IRS aware of it, you can forward the e-mail to the IRS at then DELETE the email.
This Information has been provided by the Truck Tax Team at
The IRS recently advised truckers, owner operators, and trucking companies that their next federal highway use tax return for filing HVUT (which is usually due on August 31) will instead be due on November 30, 2011. The primary reason for the extension of the due date is to reduce confusion and multiple filings of Form 2290 that could result if Congress reinstates or modifies the highway use tax after September 30, 2011.The Heavy Vehicle Use Tax applies to trucks, truck tractors and buses with a gross taxable weight of 55,000 pounds or more. There are many more specific rules for vehicles with minimal road use, logging or agricultural vehicles, vehicles transferred during the year and those first used on the road after July. In normal circumstances, vans, pick-ups and panel trucks are not taxable because they fall below the 55,000-pound requirement. The newly determined November 30 filing deadline for Form 2290 (Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return) applies to the tax period beginning on July 1, 2011. This includes the vehicles used during July, as well as those whose first use month was during August or September. According to the recent IRS statements, returns should not be filed and payments should not be made until November 1, 2011.For new vehicles that need to be registered during Jul-Oct of 2011, the state DMV’s are required to accept a Stamped Schedule 1 from the previous year since it is not possible to receive a stamped Schedule 1 until November 2011. If a vehicle was acquired within the current year, and there is not a stamped Schedule 1 for the previous year, the owner only needs to provide some form of proof of purchase to prove that the vehicle was recently placed in his/her possession.Luckily, once the Form 2290 is available, the electronic filing service: will be able to E-File the form and send it to the IRS in minutes. The E-Filing Process is very simple; the form can be completed in minutes, and it can be sent to the IRS as soon as it is finished. It is such a time saver when you compare it to waiting in the IRS office for hours or sending it via postal mail and waiting weeks for the IRS to process it.