Category: express truck tax

Trucking Spotlight

–  Brenda Swaidner

–  Trucks For You, Inc.

–  Been at Trucks For You, Inc. for 25 years.  They care about their drivers and employees!  They treat you like family, not just a number!

We are proud to showcase our clients’ trucks on our blog! If you are one of our clients, please send us a picture and details about your truck and we will be happy to post them here. Thank You!

Express Truck Tax has Extended Customer Support Hours

The IRS Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Tax must be filed by Friday, August 31, 2012. Even with the deadline being tomorrow, it is still possible to E-File this form online through  We have extended our customer support hours from 8AM-11.30PM EST on Thursday August 30 and Friday August 31 to assist the last minute filers.

Our User-Friendly and Intuitive program makes it incredibly simple for anyone to E-File their 2290 return online. All you need is some basic business information, EIN, VIN and Gross Weight of the Vehicle to send your return to the IRS and you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 in just minutes!

There is no reason to wait in a long line in the IRS office or make a mad dash to the post office. It is much easier to simply file this form from your computer. The entire process takes just a few minutes and you can E-File the return from any computer with an Internet connection.

The IRS sent postcards notifying you of the scheduled maintenance that will cause the IRS to shut down its E-Filing system at 1PM EST on Friday, August 31, 2012.  Due to the maintenance, the IRS has extended the E-Filing deadline until September 7, 2012. Paper returns still must be postmarked by August 31, 2012.

Although the deadline has been extended, we encourage you to get your returns filed now. If you have any questions, please contact us at our US based customer support center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 during our extended customer support hours of 8AM-11.30PM EST or email us at

Trucking Spotlight

–  Bryan Larson

–  2004 W900L 550 Accert C-15 Seattle Trim

–  Larson Farms

–  Williston, ND

We are proud to showcase our clients’ trucks on our blog! If you are one of our clients, please send us a picture and details about your truck and we will be happy to post them here. Thank You!

Form 2290 Suspended Vehicles

We here at are frequently asked why they have to file a Form 2290 Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Return if they only have a vehicle that is considered suspended.  If a highway motor vehicle does not exceed mileage 5,000 miles or less (7,500 miles or less for agricultural vehicles) it is considered suspended and is exempt from tax.

Mileage use limit means the use of a vehicle on public highways 5,000 miles or less (7,500 miles or less for agricultural vehicles). The mileage use limit applies to the total mileage a vehicle is used during a period, regardless of the number of owners.

An agricultural vehicle is any highway motor vehicle that is:

  • 1. Used (or expected to be used) primarily for farming purposes, and
  • 2. Registered (under state laws) as a highway motor vehicle used for farming purposes for the entire period. A special tag or license plate identifying the vehicle as used for farming is not required for it to be considered an agricultural vehicle.

So why would do you have to file?  In order to obtain your registration and/or tags, state require and Stamped Schedule 1 from the IRS for all vehicles 55,000 lbs or more.  You must file Form 2290 in order to receive your Stamped Schedule 1.

At, you can file your Form 2290 and receive your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes. Friday is the deadline so to E-File the Form 2290 online now, go to If you have any questions, contact our friendly US based customer support center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at

Last Minute Tips for E-Filing Form 2290 is the quickest, easiest, and best value for filing your Form 2290 (Heavy Truck Use Tax) online with the IRS. The August 31st due date for the tax is getting closer, and here are a few points to keep in mind while E-Filing.

  • E-file your 2290 returns with
  • Review Federal Tax ID# or EIN# [Employer Identification Number]
  • Review your Tax Year and Month
  • Review your VIN# [Vehicle Identification Number]
  • Sign and date your return electronically
  • Choose IRS payment option
  • Review all the information
  • Double check your Business Name
  • E-File Your 2290 Return

Choose an IRS payment option:
There are several options to pay the HVUT taxes with the IRS.

  • Electronic Funds Withdrawal, or Direct Debit: The IRS will collect the taxes due after they are provided with a bank account number and routing number
  • EFTPS: You have to schedule the payment to the IRS by going to
  • Check/Money Order: The IRS also supports Check/Money Order as long as it is scheduled by the 31st.

We strongly advise our Canadian customers to use this option as EFW may not work for Canadian banks.

Just a reminder, if you choose Direct Debit (EFW) as a payment method, the IRS will not process your return during the weekends, or on federal holidays, but on the next business day.

Review Tax ID Numbers
Carefully check Tax Identification numbers on your return.

Review Your Return is a very smart program, it automatically checks for any errors before you transmit your 2290 return to IRS, but it’s always good to double check everything before you hit the ‘Transmit to IRS’ button.

We are always available to help if needed. Viisit or contact our friendly US Truck Tax Experts in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at, for English and Spanish support!

Beware of Email Scams

We have received inquiries from some of our clients about suspicious emails from the IRS regarding their Federal Tax Payment.  Please note the IRS DOES NOT communicate payment information through email.

These emails may seem to some as legit, they come from and the physical address they have listed: Internal Revenue Service

Metro Plex 1
8401 Corporate Drive, Suite 300
Landover, MD  20785

IS an actual IRS office.  But these emails are scams.  The email directs recipients to a bogus link for a transaction report that, when clicked, downloads malicious software (malware) that infects the intended victim’s computer. The malware is designed to send back to the scammer personal and financial information already contained on the taxpayer’s computer or obtained through capturing keystrokes. The scammer uses this personal and financial information to commit identity theft.

See the email below received from one of our customers:
Your federal Tax transaction (ID: 1585160020943), recently initiated from your bank account was returned by your financial institution.

Rejected Tax Transfer
Tax Transaction ID:    1585160020943
Reason of rejection    See details in the report below
FederalTax Transaction Report    tax_report_1585160020943.doc (Microsoft Word Document)

Internal Revenue Service, Metro Plex 1, 8401 Corporate Drive, Suite 300, Landover, MD 20785
Remember, the IRS DOES NOT communicate payment information through email.
If you should receive this email or anything that you believe it a scam, DO NOT click on any links or open any attachments.  Do not reply, instead forward the email to and then DELETE the email.

For more information see:,,id=179820,00.html

We at want to keep you informed and protected against the scams out there.  Let others know, so they are aware that these emails are NOT from the IRS.

Checklist for Last Minute Form 2290 Filers

There is only 9 days left to file Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Tax for the 2012-2013 tax year.
Here’s a checklist of what you will need:

  • Federal Tax ID# or EIN (Employer Identification Number)
  • VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)
  • Taxable Gross Weight of Vehicle(s)

The taxable gross weight of a vehicle (other than a bus) is the total of:  

  • The actual unloaded weight of the vehicle fully equipped for service
  • The actual unloaded weight of any trailers or semitrailers fully equipped for service customarily used in combination with the vehicle
  • The weight of the maximum load customarily carried on the vehicle and on any trailers or semitrailers customarily used in combination with the vehicle.
  • Name and Address
  • Choose IRS payment option

There are three methods to pay the tax:

That’s it!  Our program takes care of computing the tax and enables you to submit your IRS payment.  You will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes! is an IRS authorized e-file provider for Form 2290 Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return. For questions call our friendly US Based customer support team @ 704.234.6005 or email @

Free VIN Corrections at ExpressTruckTax

When you E-File the IRS HVUT Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes through, you have the ability to resubmit your return until it is accepted by the IRS at no additional charge. So if you make a mistake while entering the Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN, a VIN Correction can be E-Filed for free.

Hassle-free VIN number corrections are found exclusively at ExpressTruckTax, regardless of how you originally filed your Form 2290 return. You can E-File your VIN correction with for FREE with just a few clicks and get your new IRS Stamped Schedule 1 back within minutes.

To start a VIN Correction you will create a new return, choose 2290 amendment and then choose VIN Correction.  The filing process is simple, takes only minutes and is 100% free.  We at are here to get you back on the road as quickly and easily as possible.

For more information or to get started today, visit If you have any questions, contact our friendly US based customer support team in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at