Category: electronic federal tax payment system

IRS Form 2290 Payment Methods

IRS Form 2290 Payment Methods
IRS Form 2290 Payment Methods

You can pay for your taxes with 3 different payment methods, but unfortunately, credit card and debit card are not an option.

However, you can pay your ExpressTruckTax Filing Fee with credit (or) debit. But that’s it!

So how can you pay for Form 2290?

Direct Debit or Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW):

If you go with EFW for payment, the IRS will initiate an electronic funds withdrawal (direct debit) from your bank, using bank details that you provide.

Of course, you want to make sure that you have enough funds in your account to cover the taxes due.

EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System):

Here’s the tricky one – the IRS accepts payments via EFTPS, as well. You need to schedule the EFTPS payment on your own and you are responsible for timely payment of the taxes.

Now, this option isn’t for everybody and most single truck filers won’t have this as an option. To find out more, visit the EFTPS website or call 1-800-555-4477.

For Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) payments to be on time, you must initiate the transaction at least 1 business day before the date the payment is due.

Check (or) Money Order:

You can also send your payment by check or money order, but not by cash. When you pay by check or money order, you need to print the completed payment voucher – 2290-V, page 5 of the completed form 2290.

Make your payment payable to the United States Treasury, and then write your name, address, EIN, “IRS Form 2290” and the date (as entered in Box 3) on your payment. Detach the voucher 2290-V and send it with your payment.

If you have filed electronically, don’t send IRS Form 2290 and Schedule 1 with the payment voucher. Don’t staple your payment to the voucher or IRS Form 2290, either.

Send the payment and voucher 2290-V to:

Internal Revenue Service
P.O. Box 804525,
Cincinnati, OH 45280-4525

Just to reiterate, you cannot pay for your 2290 taxes with a credit or debit card! We accept the payment only for the filing fee.

If you have any questions about payment methods, reach out to our awesome support team at ExpressTruckTax by phone at 704.234.6005.

Related Blog: E-File 2290s at the Right Price!

Form 2290 Payment Options

When E-Filing IRS Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Tax with ExpressTruckTax you have 3 options for paying any tax amounts due:

Each payment method is processed directly by the US Treasury. Regardless of the payment method you choose you still receive your Stamped Schedule 1 via email within minutes of your return being accepted by the IRS because you have either paid or made an electronic promise to pay the taxes due. You will choose your payment option during the process of E-Filing your Form 2290.

Please note that credit cards cannot be used to make tax payments because the IRS does not accept this payment method for 2290s at this time.

To E-File the Form 2290 online now, go to or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

Payment Options to Pay Form 2290 Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes Due to the IRS

When E-Filing Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Tax with ExpressTruckTax you have 3 options for paying any tax amounts due:

Each payment method is processed directly by the US Treasury. Regardless of the payment method you choose you can still receive your Stamped Schedule 1 via email within minutes of your return being accepted by the IRS because you have either paid or made an electronic promise to pay the taxes due. You will choose your payment option during the process of E-Filing your Form 2290.

Please note that credit cards cannot be used to make tax payments because the IRS does not accept this payment method for 2290s at this time.
To E-File the Form 2290 online now, go or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

Payment Options to Pay Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes Due to the IRS

When E-Filing with ExpressTruckTax you have 3 options for paying any tax amounts due.  Electronic Funds Withdrawl (EFW) using your bank routing number and bank account number, Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) by visiting or by mailing in a check or money order.

Each payment method is processed directly by the US Treasury. Regardless of the payment method you choose you can still receive your Stamped Schedule 1 via email within minutes of your return being accepted by the IRS because you have either paid or made an electronic promise to pay the taxes due. You will choose your payment option during the process of E-Filing your Form 2290.

Please note that credit cards cannot be used to make tax payments because the IRS does not accept this payment method for 2290s at this time.

To E-File the Form 2290 online now, go to or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

E-file IRS HVUT Form 2290 in November 2011-2012

The Tax Year for 2011 – 2012 has been different due to the delay in the filing process. This year the Form 2290 is due during the period ranging from November 1 – 30, 2011 for the 2011-2012 tax periods. In order to File the IRS Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes (HVUT), Express Truck Tax has made the process Quick, Simple, and Easy-to-use. When you use Express Truck Tax to E-File a Form 2290, the process takes just a few minutes. Choosing to E-file this return is much simpler than paper filing. Instead of using a confusing form full of tax jargon, Express Truck Tax has simplified the form to plain English. It is just a series of questions, mostly pertaining to basic business information. The process is broken down into several short and to-the-point sections.
The first step to Filing the Form 2290 Online is to go to an IRS Authorized E-File Provider for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes. From this page, you can get started on a Form 2290, IFTA filing, or sign up as a service provider. To login, just click on the Sign-Up button. From here, just enter some basic information to set up you Express Truck Tax account. (Please note: it is totally free to create an account. You only pay per return)
After signing up, you will be taken to the Dashboard of your account. This page displays your basic business information as well as the status of your most recent returns. From here, you can add new businesses to file for, as well as create new returns. To File a new 2290, just click on Create New Return at the bottom of the page.
The first thing that will be asked is the First Use Month of the vehicle as well as the year that you are filing for. If the vehicle has been on the road since last year, then select July 2011 as the first use month because that is the first month of the tax period.
On the next section, you can add heavy vehicles. There are several categories to add them to. They can be Taxable Vehicles, Suspended Vehicles, Prior Year Suspended Vehicles, Sold/Destroyed/Stolen Vehicles, or Low Mileage Credit Vehicles. Taxable Vehicles are normal heavy vehicles that travel a minimum of 5,000 miles per year. Suspended Vehicles fall below the 5,000 mile threshold (7,500 if agricultural) and no taxes are due for these, but they must still be filed for. Prior Year Suspended Vehicles are vehicle that were filed for previously, but they either exceeded the mileage threshold or the vehicle was sold. Sold/Destroyed/Stolen Vehicles are just as they sound – sold, destroyed, or stolen before June 1. Low Mileage Credit Vehicles are recorded if taxes were paid for a vehicle in the previous year, but the vehicle never exceeded the mileage threshold.
After selecting the type of payment for the taxes due, the system performs an internal audit of the information that was submitted. This audit checks for any basic errors that may have been made.
You can then select how you would like to pay the IRS. The IRS accepts Electronic Funds Withdrawal, EFTPS, and check or money order. An electronic funds withdrawal would instantly withdraw the payment from a bank account within 5 business days. EFTPS stands for the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System. It is a government program, but in order to use it you must already have an EFTPS account (this can take at least 2 weeks to create). A check or money order can also be used to pay the taxes due. In order to use this method, you will need to print a payment voucher from the Express Truck Tax website then mail that to your local IRS office.
Before you finish, offers many additional services such as a fax or an automated text message to your cell phone as soon as the Schedule 1 is available. You can also have the form faxed to anyone including your leasing company, trucking association, or yourself. allows you to fill out your IRS Form 2290 online and send it to the IRS electronically! This way you can get a stamped schedule 1 in about 10 minutes. Express Truck Tax is authorized by the IRS to file Form 2290. The taxpayer will then receive the schedule 1 via email or fax as soon as the IRS processes the form. The form will then be watermarked by the IRS instead of an actual physical stamp.

3 Month Extension for Truck Taxes(Federal Highway Use Tax Form 2290)

The Internal Revenue Service recently advised truckers and others filing Heavy Vehicle Use Tax that the next federal highway use tax return would be due on November 30, 2011instead of the typical August 31 deadline. The full letter from the Internal Revenue Service can be found here.

The extension is meant to remove confusion and multiple filings. Since new legislation needs to be voted on by Congress, the tax could be modified or simply reinstated. To ease the hassle of applying for state vehicle registration on or before November 30, state DMV’s must accept a stamped Schedule 1 of the prior year’s Form 2290. Typically, taxpayers  receive a stamped schedule 1 after the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax is filed and paid.  However, this year, the prior year’s schedule 1 must be used because the IRS is not yet accepting the Form 2290 for this tax year.

For Taxpayers who have acquired and need to register new or used vehicles during the July-November period, new regulations now require states to register those vehicles without a proof of HVUT payment. The taxpayer will be required to prove that they acquired the vehicle within the past 150 days.

For taxable vehicles used during July, the Form 2290 and payment are normally due on August 31st. The tax is calculated based on the weight of the vehicle. There are also many special rules that apply to vehicles with low mileage, as well as logging, and agricultural vehicles.  

Express Truck Tax offers a Simple way to File IRS Form 2290; HVUT Taxes

Express Truck Tax continues to be an Industry Leader in Innovation and New Technologies

In preparation for the upcoming 2011 – 2012 tax period, Express Truck Tax has announced the simplest, most secure, and most economical way to file IRS Form 2290 (Heavy Vehicle Use Tax).
Since the introduction of E-Filing Form 2290 in 2007, taxpayers with 25 or more reportable heavy vehicles have been required to electronically file with the IRS. This primarily includes larger trucking companies. Unlike most HVUT E-File providers who have historically targeted only large trucking companies, Express Truck Tax specializes in serving owner operators and small trucking companies.
These owner operators and small trucking companies benefit from the most affordable pricing in the industry. The US-based company, Express Truck Tax, allows users to file an IRS Form 2290 for as little as $9.90; the industry average for this service consistently averages about $30 for a single vehicle filing.
Express Truck Tax also uses the most practical and understandable language throughout the filing process. Instead of using an enormous form with confusing tax jargon, each part has been broken down into easy to understand sections. There are even help videos and text on each page to guide the user through the process. There is also free phone and chat support, as well as 24/7 email support for any questions along the way.
The simplification of this process has caused a surge in small trucking companies across North America to begin E-Filing their Form 2290 with Express Truck Tax. “We knew we had a good idea,” said Charles Hardy, Communications Director with Express Truck Tax, “but we never expected this kind of response. [The response] has been fantastic.”
Last month, Express Truck Tax became the first authorized HVUT E-File provider to offer complete service and support in Spanish. In addition to integrating the Spanish-language option into their current E-filing system (, ExpressTruckTax has also released a new website ( exclusively for Spanish speaking taxpayers who need to file HVUT returns. β€œIn previous years, the Hispanic trucking community has generally been under-served,” said Moises Mejia, Director of Spanish Services with ExpressTruckTax. β€œWhile HVUT E-filing has been available since 2007, no provider has ever offered those services in Spanish – until now.”
James Harris, Director of Tax Products with Express Truck Tax, also commented on the significance of the Hispanic trucking community: “Reports show that one in seven long haul drivers speak Spanish as their primary language, and that number is expected to rise.” To support the additional Spanish-speaking taxpayers, Express Truck Tax has added more staff to their support center in Rock Hill, South Carolina. All support functions, including phone, email, and live chat support, will be available in both English and Spanish.
These are just a few examples of how Express Truck Tax has been an industry leader when it comes to innovation and new technology within this industry. There have been many other accomplishments that could also be mentioned here, such as the fact that Express Truck Tax was also the first to introduce Free VIN corrections, and also the ability to directly email the Schedule 1 to the leasing company.
Express Truck Tax also offers many other useful features for those in the trucking industry such as the ability to download a copy of the E-Filed 2290, Schedule 1 Form, and payment vouchers. Preparing IFTA returns can also be done online with Express Truck Tax. State IFTA returns can be automatically generated online with some useful features such as free online trip sheets, an abnormal MPG audit, and a state adjacency check to help boost information accuracy and avoid an audit. James Harris, Director of Tax Products with Express Truck Tax, is looking forward to the new tax period with much anticipation: “We at Express Truck Tax would like to wish all those in the trucking industry a safe and prosperous year. We look forward to working with so many great individuals again during this tax period.”