Category: EFTPS

The Countdown is On: E-file Before the HVUT Deadline

If you haven’t filed your Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes for this year, then you’re running out of time! You have less than a month left to e-file by the due date on August 31.

But before you e-file there are some things you need to know to get started. From your EIN, VIN, and Gross Vehicle Weight to the actual e-filing process, we’ve got you covered!

What You Need Before you E-file

  • Your EIN
  • Access to Internet
  • Computer, Tablet, or Smartphone
  • Your VIN
  • Your Gross Vehicle Weight

Once you have all that, it’s time to e-file. All you have to do is follow the simple guide below, then you’re all done!

How to E-file

With ExpressTruckTax you can rest assured the e-filing process is incredibly easy. In fact, just follow three simple steps, and you’ll be done in no time!

Step 1: Account Setup

  • If you’ve created an account with us, simply login to your account.
  • If you’ve never created an account with us before, then go ahead and hit “Create Account”, then enter your email address and a password of your choosing to get started.
    • Pro-tip #1: To save time, you can also choose to login with your Google account or your Facebook Account. 
  • Now you need to enter all your business details, including your EIN, business name, and any signing authority you may have. 
  • Then you can move on and e-file your 2290 for the current tax year.

Step 2: Vehicle Details

  • Now you need to add all of your vehicle information. If you’re a returning user, you can select the trucks you filed for previously using Truck Zone. 
  • If you are a new user, you can input your vehicle information one of two ways: 
  • You can choose to do it manually, entering one truck at a time
  • Or you can upload all of your trucks in one fell swoop from a, Excel file.
  • And remember, there are three different types of vehicles you can file for. So know the differences!

Step 3: Pay & Securely Transmit

  • Now all you need to do is select your payment method and transmit your return!
    • Pro-tip #2: The IRS only accepts three payment methods: Direct Debit, EFTPS, and check or money order. They do not accept debit or credit cards.
  • After you’ve decided how to pay, review your details on last time and make sure everything is correct. Our system will also review your information for you, just in case. 
  • Then you can securely transmit your return to the IRS, and get your Stamped Schedule 1 back via email in minutes.

Links to Help You E-file

If you have any questions about other parts of the e-filing process, or how to make sure you’re prepared, we’ve got tons of guides for you to follow!  Hopefully we’ve answered every question you could think of to ask, but if you still need help we have an amazing US-Based support team ready and waiting to help you.

Forgot Your Password?

  • If you forgot your password, don’t worry! Here is a step-by-step blog on how to recover your password and continuing using your ExpressTruckTax account.

How to Create an Account

  • If you’re a new user, this is the guide for you! We go over how to create an account with ExpressTruckTax step-by-step so you can begin e-filing and get back to your life.

FastTransfer Feature

  • The FastTransfer feature helps you save time by allowing you to copy your previous return for your current tax year. This guide explains how to utilize the feature in order to e-file.

Truck Zone

  • Truck Zone is your very own virtual garage. Store all of your trucks securely on our servers, and never forget a vehicle. This guide explains how this feature benefits you and how to use it.

7 Common E-filing Mistakes to Avoid

  • Everybody makes mistakes, but with this guide we’re hoping to minimize several common occurrences. Learn what to avoid and how to successfully e-file for the HVUT tax season.

6 Tips For Success this Renewal Season

  • Have a successful renewal season with these 6 easy tips on how to e-file!

The Do’s and Don’ts of E-filing Your 2290

  • Tips on how to make e-filing even easier by being prepared throughout the tax year.

If you need any help along the way, just ask our dedicated support legends! You can give them a call at 704.234.6005 during our new extended business hours from 8AM to 8PM EST, or you can shoot them an email at for 24/hour support in English and Spanish.

E-file today, avoid late penalties, and get back to your life!

How to E-file For Your Client With ExpressTruckTax

Accountants who use ExpressTruckTax can get some pretty great perks, including being able to e-file for their clients quickly through our easy e-filing software. You won’t find another product where you can e-file for your client in under 10 minutes.

If you’re tired of paper-filing or playing the waiting game for your clients to sign and fax back Form 8453-EX, we have solutions for all of these problems. Setting up your account as a tax preparer with ExpressTruckTax is easy, and as always, we’ve added shortcuts to streamline the process and help simplify your business.

All you need to do is follow three simple steps!

CPA Account Setup

  • If this is your first time using ExpressTruckTax, then go ahead and create an account and make sure you specify that you are a CPA. 
  • If you’ve created an account, simply log in and go to your dashboard.
  • Now all you need to do is enter your accounting firm details and your EIN number.

E-file For Your Client

The next step is to e-file a Form 2290 for your client. With ExpressTruckTax, the whole process from start to finish is very easy.

Step 1: Enter Client’s Account Details

  • Enter their name, business details and, EIN number.
  • Choose to file for the current year

Step 2: Enter Client’s Vehicle Details

  • You can do this in a number of different ways. You can import their vehicles from a CSV file, you can enter them in manually, or you can import them from their virtual garage in TruckZone.
  • Don’t forget any low mileage credits.

Step 3: Client’s Payment Details

  • The final step in the e-filing process is to pay and securely transmit their return to the IRS.
  • Simply select their payment method from the three types the IRS accepts: Direct debit, EFTPS, and check or money order. Then review their information and move on to the next step. This is where you will encounter Form 8453-EX.

E-File in High Gear: Use the Bulk Upload Options

Alternatively, you can bulk upload business details for all of your clients in one fell swoop! It works in the same way that bulk uploading your client’s trucks from an excel file does. And yet again, you can do this in three simple steps!

Step 1: The Excel File

  • Login to your account and under new to business list, select manage businesses

  • Then, on the manage businesses screen, select “Bulk Upload Businesses”
  • A screen prompting you to download our excel template will appear, select to download the template and move on to step two!

Step 2: Enter Businesses

  • Now in the excel file you need to enter your client’s businesses and a few details, including their EIN, phone numbers, fax numbers, and addresses. 

Step 3: Upload File

  • Now all you need to do is upload the file to your ExpressTruckTax account. The rest of the work is done for you!
  • If there are any errors, our system will catch them and let you know on a case-by-case basis what type of error it is and what you need to do to fix it.
  • Then voila! You have all of your clients uploaded.

And that’s all there is to it! when you encounter the Form 8453-EX, all you have to do is send it to your client via your tax portal to be e-signed, by email, or by fax, and then you can securely transmit your client’s return. Then you’re done!

If you need any help during the e-filing process, or you encounter any problems, we’re here for you! Our dedicated support legends can answer all of your heavy vehicle use tax and ExpressTruckTax-related questions with ease.

So give them a call at 704.234.6005 during our new extended business hours from 8AM – 8PM EST or send them an email at for 24/hour support in English and Spanish.

E-file Anywhere with ExpressTruckTax

ExpressTruckTax just got a facelift.

 And now with our new look available for both iPhone and Android users, and our mobile website for Blackberry and Windows Phone users, you can e-file even more places in a flash!

Our apps have always been user-friendly and easy-to-use, but now it’s even easier (and prettier, if you ask us).

With tax season in full force, you’ll need all the help you can get! Remember, you only have until August 31st to get those 2290’s done.

When you e-file with ExpressTruckTax, either through our website or our new and improved apps, you can get your 2290’s securely transmitted to the IRS in just under 10 minutes. And once you’re done and you’ve transmitted your return, you’ll get your Stamped Schedule 1 emailed directly to you!

You can e-file anywhere and anytime. No matter where you are, if you have your smartphone (or tablet), you can e-file.

Whether you’re waiting in line on your lunch break, sitting in the shade in the park, or having a cup of coffee at a truckstop, if you’ve got 10 minutes, you can e-file!

Jair relaxing on a bench and e-filing his 2290.

With just three simple steps, ExpressTruckTax can help you file your 2290 and get right back to your life. No muss, no fuss, just a great product and superior e-filing.

How to E-file On-the-Go

To e-file with our new apps in a flash, all you need to do is follow three simple steps!

Account Setup

  • If you’ve never filed with us before, then you’ll need to set up your account. In order to do this, simply select “create new account” or choose to login with your Google+ or Facebook account.
  • If you’re a returning user, simply enter your information and login.
  • Now you can enter in your business details and your EIN number. Again, if you’ve filed with us previously, you can simply use the same business details and EIN that you filed with last year.
  • Then choose to file for the current year and move on to step two!

Vehicle Details

  • After you’ve entered your business information and selected to file for the current tax year, the next step is to enter the information for your vehicle or vehicles. 
  • You can do this in a number of different ways. You can import them from a CSV file, you can enter them in manually, or if you’ve filed with us previously, you can import them from your virtual garage in TruckZone.
    • Pro-tip: There are three different kinds of vehicles you can enter. Make sure you’re entering them all on the right screen or you may have to file an amendment (and owe the IRS more money).
  • At the end of this step you can enter in any low mileage credits, and then quickly and easily move on to step 3!

Pay & Transmit

  • The final step in the e-filing process is to pay and securely transmit your return to the IRS.
  • Simply select your payment method from the three types the IRS accepts: Direct debit, EFTPS, and check or money order. Then review your information and securely transmit your return to the IRS.
  • Your Stamped Schedule 1 will follow any minute. It’s just that easy!

If you have any questions or need any help through the e-filing process, our support legends are here for you. Our USA-based support team is ready to help you around the clock! You can reach them by phone during our new extended hours from 8AM to 8PM EST or by email day and night.

Give them a call at 704.234.6005 or send them at email at for 24/7 support in English and Spanish.

Don’t delay, e-file today!

ExpressTruckTax is Secure!

Year after tax year, scam artists seem to crop up, claiming they’re CPA’s that can file your 2290 for you. They may even go so far as to print out a fake Stamped Schedule 1 right before they close up shop and disappear.

Unfortunately these types of scams are very common, especially taking advantage of truckers who speak English as a second language.

Here at ExpressTruckTax, we guarantee you a safe, secure, and completely 100% scam-free experience when you file with us. Not to mention we are an IRS Authorized E-file Provider and a link to our website can be found directly on the IRS’s website.

How To Identify A Scam

Trying to identify a scam isn’t always easy, but you should always look for these two red flags.

“Cash Only” E-filing

E-filing providers who claim they only accept cash for their e-filing fee are most definitely not playing by the rules. Those who go by the book will have several payment options available, none of which are “cash only”. And you should definitely never have to pay cash for your taxes. The IRS only accepts three payment methods: Direct Debit, EFTPS, and Check or Money Order. If they ask for anything else, it’s a scam!

Not Listed on IRS Website

You may not always check, but you should. One of the easiest ways to identify and avoid being scammed is to check the IRS website for verified e-filers. If they’re not on that list, the risk they’re a scam goes up. So only use e-filer providers that you trust!

Unless you know and trust a company completely, avoid anyone who isn’t an IRS-certified e-file provider. And you should definitely avoid any company who only wants you to pay in cash! Always know who you’re giving your money to.

Beware of fake Stamped Schedule 1’s! A legitimate Stamped Schedule 1 from the IRS will look like this, complete with the IRS’s real watermark:

It will be that clear and crisp and will contain all of your correct information and vehicles. Anything that doesn’t look like this is not legitimate and will not be accepted by the DMV.

The Secure Promise from ExpressTruckTax

As an industry leader and an IRS-authorized e-file provider, ExpressTruckTax can promise security and peace of mind when you e-file through us.

Our product is McAfee Certified HackerProof and we utilize SSL, which securely encrypts communications between your device and our US-based servers.

With us, you’ll get a legitimate Stamped Schedule 1 emailed right to you within minutes after your return is accepted! Your tax payment will always go straight through us and to the right place—the IRS—in minutes.

With the help of our US-based support legends (operating from right here in Rock Hill, South Carolina!), you can rest assured that your taxes will be filed quickly and correctly. So if you have any questions or need any help, just give them a call at 704.234.6005 or sent them an email at for 24/hour support in English and Spanish.

There’s no guesswork, just secure e-filing with ease!

Set up Your Account Today for Early Bird Benefits

Everyone’s heard the saying, “The early bird gets the worm.”

But have you also heard that the early bird E-files on time?

It’s true! Preparing for HVUT season now can save your sanity later, especially if you’re new to the HVUT game. And the best way to be prepared for whatever the IRS throws your way is to set up your ExpressTruckTax account. Right. Now.

Here are just some of the benefits of getting your account set up early:

Early Bird Benefits

  • You’ll save tons of time later! 
  • You’ll be less likely to file late and face penalties because you will already have everything you need and know exactly what to expect.
  • You can E-file early, possibly even as early as mid-June! (IRS depending)
  • We’ll send you email notifications reminding you to E-file before the deadline. 
  • Plus when you become one of our users, you’ll get these perks too!

How Can I Prepare?

Follow these five steps, and you’ll be set for E-filing success!

1. EIN: If you don’t yet have an Employer Identification Number, now is the perfect time to register! It takes up to 15 business days for your EIN to become activated, and any tax return filed before your EIN is active will be rejected. So get your EIN now, and you won’t have to worry about it later!

  • Pro Tip: You can apply on the IRS website for free here or call a reputable processing service to register your EIN for you. But whatever you do, beware of internet scams that charge hundreds of dollars for an EIN! 

2. The Name Game: If you already have an EIN, do you remember the business name it’s registered under? The business name on your taxes must exactly match the name on record with your EIN. This is known as name control. If you are unsure of the exact name associated with your EIN, you can find out by calling the IRS hotline at 1.800.829.4933.


3. Take it to the Bank: Once you have your EIN and Name Control, it’s time to SHOW ME THE MONEY! Not really, but you will have to show the IRS. And to do that, you’ll need to figure out how you want to pay.

If you plan to pay by Direct Debit, make sure you know your bank account number AND routing number (lots of people forget that one). Or you can set up an EFTPS account. The Electronic Federal Tax Payment System is cool because it’s free and it allows you to schedule your tax payment up to 120 days in advance. But it takes 5-7 days to register, which is why you should do it now!

Register for free by visiting or by calling 1-800-555-4477. When you enroll, you’ll need your EIN, bank account, bank routing number, address and name as it appears on IRS documents.


4. Password, Please: It’s time to create your ExpressTruckTax account, the easiest part! Simply enter your email address and a password of your choosing. It’s that simple. It’s completely free to create an account and explore the program, so logon and start poking around now.


5. Truck Zone: You’re almost set up for E-filing success! The last step to prepare for HVUT season is to load your vehicle details into Truck Zone. Truck Zone will store your vehicle information year-after-year to make E-filing faster. For this step, you’ll need your VIN and Gross Vehicle Weight.

  • Pro Tip: If you aren’t sure how to calculate your GVW, simply add these three numbers together: 1. The unloaded (tare) weight of the truck, 2. The unloaded weight of the trailer, and 3. The maximum weight of the cargo customarily carried by the truck/trailer. 

You can manually upload your data by entering the information in Truck Zone, or you can bulk upload the data from a .CSV file. Bulk Upload is the fastest way to upload hundreds or even thousands of vehicles at once with no data entry. For step-by-step instructions, check out this blog.

Plus you can always count on the Support Team for help getting started! They live to provide top notch year-round support in English & Spanish. Call them at 704.234.6005 or email them at

More Answers to Your Frequently Asked HVUT Questions!

It’s time for some much-needed Monday Morning brain stimulation!

Whether you’ve been scratching your head over the same HVUT questions, or you’re just looking to learn some random facts to freshen your Trivia Game prowess, then this blog is for you!

1. Is my HVUT renewal due the same time my vehicle registration renewal is due?

No. Although you need a current stamped Schedule 1 to renew your tags, they are not necessarily due at the same time.

Every year the HVUT renewal period opens July 1st and closes at the end of August. All renewals must be filed and taxes paid during this period, regardless of when your vehicle registration is due. If you wait to file your renewal until you need your tags, you will owe additional late fees on top of the heavy vehicle tax. When filling out your Form 2290 for your renewal, your first-used month is automatically July.

2. My taxable gross weight has increased. Do I need to file a new Form 2290?

No, but you may need to file a Form 2290 Amendment, which can also be easily E-filed through ExpressTruckTax.

If your gross vehicle weight has increased enough to bump you up into a higher weight category, then you can E-file a 2290 Amendment and only pay the difference. For a step-by-step guide to E-filing an Amendment for a Weight Increase, check out this blog.

3. My credits are greater than the tax due. How do I get this money back?

If the IRS owes you more than you owe them, then our system will automatically generate a completed Form 8849 for a refund. It’s just one more way we go the extra mile to try to make your life easier!

4. Can I pay my HVUT with a debit or credit card?

No, the IRS no longer accepts tax payments in the form of a debit or credit card. However, you may pay our E-filing fee with either.

The IRS only accepts payments from Direct Debit (Electronic Funds Withdrawal), EFTPS, or by Check or Money order. When paying by check or money order, be sure to attach a 2290-V payment voucher. If you E-file with us, we’ll automatically create a completed payment voucher for you! 

5. Where is your Support Team located, and how can I reach them?

Our Support Team is proudly located in the USA at our headquarters in Rock Hill, South Carolina. Not only are we USA-based, but we offer support in English and Spanish, all year long. We don’t just hire one or two people to provide seasonal tax support during the renewal period. Instead, we have a dedicated team that does nothing but provide HVUT support every day of the year.

We take great pride in being immersed in the transportation industry and talking to truckers, fleet owners, farmers, and CPA’s every day. We know this gives us an understanding of the industry that can’t be replicated, and it helps us to continue offering you the support experience of a lifetime.

You can reach us via phone Monday through Friday from 8am-6pm EST at 704.234.6005. You can also shoot us a message via live online chat, or email us at for 24/7 emergency assistance.

Become an E-filing Genius! Check out More Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions- Form 2290 Style!

Three Easy Ways to Pay Your HVUT

Gathering the funds to pay your HVUT each year is headache enough! Sending those funds to the IRS should be the easy part.

That’s why ExpressTruckTax has gone above and beyond to make paying your heavy vehicle use taxes easy. We offer three ways to pay your taxes, and no matter which one you choose, rest assured that we’ve made it quick and simple.

Here’s the lowdown on each payment method. Choose whichever is most convenient for you!

Direct Debit

  • Also known as EFW (Electronic Funds Withdrawal), this is the fastest, easiest way to pay your HVUT, and you can only do it if you E-file!
  • EFW means the IRS will initiate a direct debit from your bank account. In order to do this, they’ll need your bank routing number and account number. Both can be located along the bottom of one of your checks. 
  • When paying with direct debit, the IRS will not process your return on a weekend or holiday, but on the next business day. For immediate processing of your return, pay by Check or Money Order (see below). 


  • The Electronic Federal Tax Payment System may be a mouthful, but it’s another free and convenient way to pay your HVUT. 
  • A free service provided by the US Dept. of the Treasury, you must register with this system 5-7 business days prior to your first payment. Register for free by visiting or by calling 1-800-555-4477. When you enroll, be sure to have your EIN, bank account, bank routing number, and address and name as they appear on IRS documents.
  • What’s so cool about EFTPS? You can schedule a business payment up to 120 days in advance. But keep in mind that you can’t schedule same-day payments. So be sure to schedule at least 1 business day prior to your tax due date!

Check or Money Order

  • This is the only way to pay if you need your stamped Schedule 1 on a weekend or holiday.
  • When paying by check or money order, you must submit a completed 2290-V Payment Voucher. Here’s the good news. ExpressTruckTax creates one for you! It’s page 5 of your completed 2290. Just detach the bottom portion, paper clip to your payment (do not staple them together!), and mail. How easy was that?!
  • “Where do I mail it to,” you ask? (Yes, I can hear your thoughts!) Instructions are on your voucher, but for the sake of convenience, here’s the address:
    Internal Revenue Service,
    P.O. Box 804525, 
    Cincinnati, OH 45280-4525

You’ll notice that a credit card is not one of the available payment options. That’s because the IRS no longer accepts tax payments via credit card. You will, however, need a credit card when E-filing to pay our $9.90 E-filing fee, so keep your card on hand!

Of course, if you need any assistance on the payment page, or along any other step of your E-filing journey, just reach out to our support team! They can help you choose which payment option suits you best. Just call 704.234.6005 or for 24/7 assistance email

Three Ways to Pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax!

You’ve come to it at last. The final step of filing your annual HVUT: paying the IRS. Well lucky for you, we’ve not only streamlined the process of completing your Form 2290, but we’ve also made payment convenient as well!

When you E-file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax, there are not one–not two–but three!– three easy

& secure ways to pay the IRS!

While the IRS no longer accepts credit card payments, you can still conveniently pay by Direct Debit, EFTPS, or by Check or Money Order.

Direct Debit/ EFW (Electronic Funds Withdrawal)

  • The fastest way to pay!
  • This option is available only if you E-file.
  • The IRS initiates a debit from your bank account.
  • Must provide your Bank Account and Routing Numbers (located at the bottom of a check).
  • You can cancel a payment by contacting a U.S. Treasury Financial Agent, but no later than 2 business days before the payment date.
  • With this payment, the IRS will not accept your return on a weekend or holiday. It must be completed on the next business day.

EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System)

  • A free service provided by the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury, it’s available by phone or online 24/7.
  • You must register with this system 5-7 business days before you need to make your first payment. Visit or call 1-800-555-4477.
  • To enroll, you will need your E.I.N., bank account and routing number, and address and name as they appear on IRS documents.
  • With this option, you can E-file your Form 2290 365 days a year, day or night.
  • You can even schedule a business payment up to 120 days in advance.
  • Your payment must be scheduled at least 1 business day before your taxes are due!

Check or Money Order

  • If you need your Stamped Schedule I on the weekend, this is the only way to pay!
  • When paying by check or money order, a completed payment voucher called the 2290-V must accompany the payment.
  • This is page 5 of your completed Form 2290. Luckily, we autocomplete this voucher for you, and you can print it from your account any time!
  • Detach the voucher and send it with the payment, but do not staple the voucher to your payment.
  • Do not send cash.
  • Make your check or money order payable to the United States Treasury. Include your name, address, EIN, “IRS Form 2290,” and the date (as entered in Box 3) on your payment.
  • Mail your payment with the 2290- V to the following address:
    • Internal Revenue Service,
      P.O. Box 804525,
      Cincinnati, OH 45280-4525
With three secure ways to pay, you’re free to choose whichever suits you best! And you can relax knowing that whatever option you choose, we’ve gone above and beyond to make it fast and easy.
If you’ve got any questions at all, the Support Heroes in sunny Rock Hill, SC, are happy to help in English, Spanish, and Russian! Call us at 704.234.6005, speak via online chat, or get 24/7 email support at

What is the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Used For?

The Heavy Vehicle Use Tax or HVUT is an annual fee assessed on heavy vehicles operating on public highways at registered gross weights equal to or exceeding 55,000 pounds. The gross taxable weight of a vehicle is determined by adding the unloaded weight of the motor vehicle and any trailers together with the maximum load customarily carried on-road by the truck-trailer combination. IRS Form 2290 is filed annually to pay the HVUT due on the taxable vehicle and proof of payment is the Stamped Schedule 1.

The damage to the road surface caused by heavy trucks is 160,000 times more than that of a car, according to the findings of the American Association of State Highways Official (AASHO) road test. The tax, which is based on the vehicle weight, is a significant source of transportation funding in the US. The HVUT ensures that operators of heavy trucks pay a little more for the highway network relative to the motorists than the light trucks who meet their responsibility through other forms of taxes (e.g., registration fees, motor fuel taxes) but do less damage to the system.  The monies collected are used to help pay for road repairs and maintenance.

The IRS has simplified the process of filing Form 2290 and paying your HVUT taxes with the ability to E-File.  Anyone who is filing a return with 25 or more vehicles is required to file electronically, but everyone is encouraged to do so.  Through an IRS Authorized E-File Provider, like, you can file your Form 2290, pay your HVUT taxes owed to the IRS and receive your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes.  Having the option to E-File makes the annual filing process quick and easy.

For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our friendly US Based Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

Form 2290 Payment Options

When E-Filing IRS Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Tax with ExpressTruckTax you have 3 options for paying any tax amounts due:

Each payment method is processed directly by the US Treasury. Regardless of the payment method you choose you still receive your Stamped Schedule 1 via email within minutes of your return being accepted by the IRS because you have either paid or made an electronic promise to pay the taxes due. You will choose your payment option during the process of E-Filing your Form 2290.

Please note that credit cards cannot be used to make tax payments because the IRS does not accept this payment method for 2290s at this time.

To E-File the Form 2290 online now, go to or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!