Category: efile tax 2290

Filing HVUT with Form 2290 in 2011

As anyone in the Transportation Industry will already know, the filing process for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes (HVUT) will be a little bit different than normal this year. The Schedule 1 of the Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT), which is part of the IRS Form 2290, has been extended to November 30 of 2011. It is also not possible to receive a receipt for the Form 2290 until after November 1st. This means that the majority of those filing this tax will not do so until November.

Since a stamped Schedule 1 is required to register a vehicle with the Department of Motor Vehicles, they will be accepting the HVUT proof of payment for the previous tax year of July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011, to make things go as smoothly as possible this year. The IRS has informed taxpayers of the Form 2290 delay and the available options for payment once the form is available.

The following items may be accepted by the DMV as proof of HVUT payment until November 30, 2011:

  • Original or copy of a Stamped Schedule 1 from the Form 2290 (electronically watermarked or manually stamped) for the previous tax year of July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011.
  • A copy of the IRS Form 2290 from the previous tax year, filed with the IRS as well as a copy of the front and back of the check to the IRS for the entire HVUT payment.
  • Original or copy of an IRS Form 2290 (electronically watermarked or manually stamped), listing the vehicle as a “Credit Vehicle” for the previous tax year.

Once the IRS begins issuing the Form 2290 again, the process will revert to the normal procedures. The proof of HVUT payment will then be able to be sent to the DMV for any applications requiring HVUT verification.

This tax that the IRS collects is an annual tax on commercial motor vehicles that weigh
55,000 pounds or more. This is referred to as the taxable gross weight of a vehicle. Congress is in the process of extending the tax, and the previously mentioned due date exists as a temporary regulation that postpones the due date until November 30, 2011.

Although it is still not possible to file Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes with Form 2290 yet, the Truck Tax experts at Express Truck Tax will be available to answer any questions as well as help drivers and trucking companies file those taxes. For more information, visit the Express Truck Tax website or give the Truck Tax experts a phone call at 704-234-6005. You can also email any questions to

Credits for Sold/ Destroyed/ Stolen Vehicles (Internal Revenue Service Form 2290)

You may be surprised to know that you can actually E-File an IRS Form 2290 to claim a credit for your Heavy Vehicles in some specific scenarios.  If a vehicle falls into this particular category, it is referred to as a “Credit Vehicle.” allows you to E-File an IRS Form 2290 for these credit vehicles through its tax program.  

Heavy Highway Motor Vehicles that were stolen, destroyed, or sold before June 1st and were not used during the rest of the year qualify as a credit vehicle.  A heavy vehicle also qualifies as a credit vehicle if it was used for 5,000 miles or less, or 7,500 miles or less if it was used for agricultural use.  It is important to also note that a credit, lower tax rate, exemption, or refund is not allowed for an occasional light or decreased load; nor is it allowed for a changed use of the vehicle, or if the vehicle was discontinued.

While the rules that apply to credit vehicles may be confusing and complicated, helps make this process simple.  The filing process only takes a few minutes.  If you need any help, their dedicated customer support team can help walk you through the process.

HVUT(IRS Form 2290) Payment to the IRS

When it comes to E-Filing your IRS Form 2290 through an authorized E-File provider such as, there are several different payment options.  Taxpayers can pay by Electronic Funds Withdrawal, EFTPS, Check, or Money Order.  The options to pay by check or money order may be easier to understand, but the options for Electronic Funds Withdrawal and EFTPS may need an additional explanation.

If you elect to pay by Electronic Funds Withdrawal, you can use either a checking or savings account.  You will need to enter the US Bank Account Number and Routing Number in order for the IRS to Process the payment.  This information is typically listed on a check.

EFTPS is short for Electronic Federal Tax Tayment System.  It is a government program that allows you to schedule Federal Tax Payments electronically.  If you select to pay by this option, you are acknowledging that it is your responsibility to send the tax payment to the IRS through the website.

IRS Update Regarding IRS Form 2290(HVUT)- June 15, 2011

The following information regarding HVUT can be found on the IRS website at,,id=231565,00.html 
The law that governs the annual tax imposed on the use of heavy highway vehicles (Form 2290) expires on October 1, 2011. We have not published Form 2290 for the taxable period beginning July 1, 2011 and the form is not available at this time. As soon as we know when the form will be available, we will provide that information on this page. In the meantime, you can still get your tags and register your new or used vehicle.
Getting Your Tags
You can get tags for the tax period beginning July 1, 2011. Existing regulations allow states to register a heavy highway vehicle when the application for registration is received during the months of July, August or September 2011. States can accept as proof of payment a Form 2290 receipted Schedule 1 for the taxable period July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.
Registering Your New or Used Vehicle
States must register new and/or used heavy highway use vehicles without proof of tax payment if you present the original or a photocopy of a bill of sale showing that the vehicle was purchased by the owner during the 60 days before the date the state received the application for registration. 
Getting a Copy of Your Schedule 1
Call our Excise Tax division at 1-866-699-4096 to get a copy of your Schedule 1 for the taxable period July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. From Canada or Mexico, call 1-859-669-5733 (not toll-free).
If you need any additional information, feel free to contact us at (704) 234-6005 or email us at