Category: e-file 2290

Basing the IRS Form 2290 HVUT Tax on weight is fairer

The heavy vehicle use tax or HVUT is a fee assessed annually on heavy vehicles operating on public highways at registered gross weights equal to or exceeding 55,000 pounds. The gross taxable weight of a vehicle is determined by adding the unloaded weight of the motor vehicle and any trailers together with the maximum load customarily carried on-road by the truck-trailer combination.
The HVUT rates for these vehicles are broken down into 3 categories. Vehicles that are less than 55,000 pounds do not have HVUT because they do not qualify as a heavy vehicle. Vehicles between 55,000 and 75,000 pounds owe $100, plus $22 per 1,000 pounds over 55,000 pounds. Vehicles that weigh over 75,000 pounds the maximum HVUT is $550 annually.

The damage to the road surface caused by heavy trucks is 160,000 times more than that of a car, according to the findings of the American Assciation of State Highways Official (AASHO) road test. The tax, which is based on the vehicle weight, is a significant source of transportation funding in the US.

The HVUT is more fair by ensuring that operators of heavy trucks pay a little more for the highway network relative to the motorists and light trucks who meet their responsibility through other forms of taxes (e.g., registration fees, motor fuel taxes) but do less damage to the system. So it makes more sense that the heavier vehicles pay a higher tax since they are doing more damage to the road.
E-file IRS Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return with and get stamped Schedule 1 in minutes. If you have any questions contact Truck Tax team at 704.234.6005 or email us at

Form 2290 filing season started for Tax Year 2012-2013, E-file today with ExpressTruckTax

The Form 2290 Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) filing season for the 2012-2013 tax year has begun!  The deadline for filing your return for all taxable vehicles used during the month of July is August 31, 2012. All tax must be paid in full by the deadline to avoid penalties.

This federal excise tax is imposed through the IRS Form 2290 on an annual basis. This IRS Form 2290 can be E-Filed in just minutes to complete this requirement. Once it is filed, the taxpayer will receive a Stamped Schedule 1. This is required by State DMVs in order to register heavy highway vehicles.

If you have not ever E-Filed a tax returns before, there is no need to worry. The E-Filing process is actually easier than paper filing. We at also have a dedicated team of customer support professionals available to help you over the phone, email, or online chat (available in English or Spanish). All you need to file this IRS Form is your EIN (Employee Identification Number), Address, Phone Number, VIN’s (Vehicle Identification Numbers), and Gross Vehicle Weight and our program will take care of the rest.

States require a stamped Schedule 1 as proof of payment for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax in order to register the vehicle.  Instead of waiting for hours or up to 6 weeks for the IRS to stamp your schedule 1 and send it back to you, Express Truck Tax will get your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes of filing. When you login to the site, you can enter the information for the Form 2290, and Express Truck Tax will then create a Schedule 1 based on that information.  That form will be sent to the IRS electronically, and they will then send the stamped Schedule 1 back to Express Truck Tax, who will then automatically email the file to the taxpayer. 

This document can also be faxed as well as emailed to the taxpayer as soon as the IRS processes the form.  The form will be transmitted with a watermark as well as an IRS E-File logo since the document will not be physically stamped.  When ExpressTruckTax sends the Stamped Schedule 1 to the taxpayer, it will be sent as a pdf attachment.  Although the form will not be physically stamped, the official E-File watermark serves as an official IRS stamp. 

Use to file your 2290 return within minutes.  It’s quick and easy to use and if you have any questions, please contact our friendly US based customer support center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at

E-file Form 2290 for any Heavy Vehicles First Used in May 2012

As stated in the Form 2290 instructionsfound on, the Form 2290 must be filed by the last day of the month following the month of first use. June 30, 2012 marks the Form 2290 filing deadline for any heavy vehicles that were first used in May 2012.  Any vehicles used less than 5,000 miles (7,500 miles agricultural) during the tax period will have no tax due to the IRS, but are still required to file their Form 2290 return to avoid any penalty.

When you e-file Form 2290with ExpressTruckTax, you will receive a IRS accepted stamped Schedule 1 in minutes, Schedule 1 can be notified through email to your Trucking or leasing company as well. A stamped 2290 Schedule 1 is used to register any Heavy Highway Vehicle in the state DMV’s. along with excellent US based customer support guides you with easy and simple steps to e-file IRS Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return to get Schedule 1. For more information you can contact Express Truck Tax Customer support Team folks @ 704.234.6005 or you can email to

2290 Tax season is just around the corner, E-file today with ExpressTruckTax

The new Heavy Vehicle Use Tax year begins July 1, 2012 and runs through June 30, 2013. The Form 2290 filing deadline for all taxable vehicles used during the month of July is August 31, 2012. All tax must be paid in full by the deadline to avoid penalties.

The tax is based on the gross vehicle weight and ranges from $100 to $550 per year per vehicle. For vehicles first used during any other month than July during the tax period, the tax is prorated and due by the last day of the month following the month first used. For example, if a vehicle will be first used in December, the Form 2290 would have to be filed by January 31, 2013. There is no tax due for any vehicle used than 5,000 (7,500 agricultural) miles during a tax period. The Form 2290 return would still need to be filed, but the vehicle would be classified as a suspended vehicle, so no tax would be due. There are other circumstances where a vehicle is classified as suspended, but enables you to identify those vehicles. 

States require a stamped Schedule 1 as proof of payment for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax in order to register the vehicle. With ExpressTruckTax.comyou will receive your stamped Schedule 1 within minutes, so you no longer have to wait to register or renew your vehicles.

IRS E-File Provider: ExpressTruckTax Offers E-Filing for the New HVUT Tax Period

The IRS Form 2290 can be E-Filed for the new HVUT Tax Period of 2012-2013 as of July 1, 2012. 

The New Tax Year for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes is nearly here. The leading service provider for E-Filing HVUT – will begin accepting the IRS Form 2290, Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Return (HVUT) for the 2012-2013 tax year on July 1, 2012. Their fast and intuitive system is as powerful as it is versatile. Whether it’s a one-man trucking company, or a national corporation with multiple fleets, everyone can get far when they’re rolling with ExpressTruckTax.
Here are some of the services that ExpressTruckTax has to offer:

One Click Login
  • There is no need to create an account. Just login with Facebook or Google to start the process in seconds.
User-Friendly Program
  • Contextual help and video guides with clear instructions appear throughout the process. They’ve done everything possible to make taxes less taxing.
Real-Time Notifications
  • Get notifications about the status of a tax return through emails, text messages and even fax! The Schedule 1 can be emailed or faxed automatically to a trucking or leasing company.
Bulk Upload
  • Companies with more than 25 trucks are required by the IRS to e-file Form 2290. Instead of entering each truck one by one, entire fleets can be uploaded using a spreadsheet.
Quick Credits
  • While filing Form 2290, the system can identify credits and help taxpayers quickly and easily file Form 8849, so that they get their money back from the IRS faster. An IRS Form 8849 is automatically generated when tax credits exceed the amount of tax due.
Stamped Schedule 1
  • The tax system is so fast; a Stamped Schedule 1 from the IRS can be received in a matter of minutes.
ExpressTruckTax is offering the greatest value in the industry for HVUT e-filing, there is also additional pricing and packages to suit any company in any situation. Tax professionals can take advantage of deep price discounts and special packages for their clients.
Form 2290 Amendments and free VIN corrections can be filed in a few easy steps. The system performs a free internal audit of tax information to check for errors before it is submitted. If additional help is still needed, the experienced Truck Tax Experts are available anytime in English and Spanish from their USA-based customer support center in Rock Hill, SC.
ExpressTruckTax has close ties to the trucking industry. They are exclusively recommended and endorsed by several major trucking and state associations. Through these partnerships, ExpressTruckTax is able to educate and provide continued support to those within the trucking industry.
There’s really no better combination of affordable prices and knowledgeable professionalism in the industry. To get started now, visit

What is HVUT(Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290)?

What is HVUT?

HVUT stands for Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. This is an annual tax that must be filed for the tax year of July 1 until June 30.  As of now, the IRS is not yet accepting this form for the tax year of July 2012 – June 2013.  Filing for the Form 2290 should begin on July 1st of 2012. is an IRS authorized E-file Provider for HVUT Form 2290. E-file HVUT and get 2290 Schedule 1 in minutes. File your Form 2290 VIN Corrections for Free with us. Call us US based customer support team @ 704.234.6005 or you can e-mail us at

All About IRS Form 2290 (Truck Taxes)

What Is IRS Form 2290?
IRS Form 2290 exists as a way to pay Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes, or HVUT, which must be filed with the IRS for any highway motor vehicle that exceeds a gross weight of 55,000 pounds. IRS Form 2290 also includes what is known as a Schedule 1, which is used to report all vehicles for which you are reporting tax (including an increase in taxable gross weight) and those that you are reporting suspension of the tax by category and vehicle identification number (VIN). The Schedule 1 may also be used as proof of payment to register your vehicle in any state. Use the stamped Schedule 1 that was returned to you by the IRS for this purpose.

Who Must File?
You must file a Form 2290 and Schedule 1 for the tax period beginning on July 1st, and ending on June 30th, if a highway motor vehicle is registered, or required to be registered, in your name under state, District of Columbia, Canadian, or Mexican law at the time of its first use during the period and the vehicle has a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more. Any type of business entity may file a Form 2290 with the IRS.

How much is the Tax?
There are three different categories for HVUT rates for these vehicles. Vehicles Below 55,000 pounds do not have HVUT because they do not qualify as a heavy vehicle. Vehicles between 55,000 and 75,000 pounds owe $100, plus $22 per 1,000 pounds over 55,000 pounds. Finally, for vehicles that are over 75,000 pounds the maximum HVUT is $550 per year.

The gross taxable weight is calculated by adding the following:

  • Unloaded weight of vehicle, fully equipped for service.
  • Unloaded weight of any trailers equipped for service and customarily used in combination with the vehicle
  • Weight of the maximum load customarily carried on the vehicle and on any trailers customarily used in combination with the vehicle.

Who is Exempt?
Although it is rare, some Vehicles that fit the above description may be exempt from the HVUT and Filing requirements of Form 2290. To officially be exempt from filing Form 2290, the vehicle must be owned and operated by the following:

  • The Federal Government
  • The District of Columbia
  • state or local government
  • American National Red Cross
  • Non-Profit Volunteer Fire Department, Ambulance Association, or Rescue Squad
  • Indian Tribe Government (Only if the Vehicle is Used for essential Tribe or Government Function)
  • Mass Transportation Authority (Only if granted certain powers normally exercised by the state)
  • Qualified Blood Collector Vehicles
  • Mobile Machinery that meets specifications for a chassis

There are several providers of services that can help you E-File Form 2290 with the IRS, one such provider is They provide a very excellent service for all Truck Tax Needs.

The Transportation Bill Faces the Gridlock of Capital Hill

while most politicians love to talk about creating jobs for the American people, there is now a real opportunity to avoid thousands, if not close to a million, of American jobs being lost. The Transportation Bill that is currently in Congress funds this nation’s infrastructure. The current bill in place has already been extended many times, and many argue that a new piece of legislation should be created instead of simply extending this old bill. However, the time to act is now, and the simplest way to continue funding this nation’s highways and transportation projects is to extend the current legislation again.

Congressman Hank Johnson represents Georgia’s 4th congressional district and had the following to say regarding the Transportation Bill:

Cutting funding for infrastructure is no way to grow our economy or create jobs.  Republicans who threaten the highway bill are way off base. Short-sighted pandering to their tea party political activists may be easy, but it is deeply irresponsible.
Instead of threatening to slash federal infrastructure spending, we should be making bold, forward-looking investments in America’s future.
President Barack Obama is right on the money when he calls upon Congress to aggressively invest in America’s infrastructure. It’s a common-sense vision backed by both business and labor because it’s the right policy at the right time.

Congressman Johnson argues that extending this bill simply makes sense, and that it is a smart investment because it is literally investing in America. The United States’ aging infrastructure has caused our overall rank to fall from 15th to 24th in the past year according to The World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report. Countries like China, India, and Brazil are making larger investments in their nation’s infrastructure, while we are busy arguing over the idea of funding it at all.  

Although there is a tendency for intense gridlock in Washington, there is still good reason to believe that this bill will be extended due to the sheer necessity. Even if this is slightly delayed, it would have a harsh impact on the highway and transit system. This party politics is becoming something of a game in Washington where both parties refuse to negotiate until it is nearly too late.  

Once this is enacted, anyone wishing to File IRS Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes will be able to file during the month of November. The IRS-Authorized e-file provider, Express Truck Tax, will be able to help any Truck Driver, Trucking Company, or Service Provider get their Excise & HVUT taken care of. To e-file through it only takes a few minutes and can cost as little as $9.90. If you have any questions about the process, you can call them at 704-234-6005 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            704-234-6005      end_of_the_skype_highlighting or send an email to

Filing HVUT with Form 2290 in 2011

As anyone in the Transportation Industry will already know, the filing process for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes (HVUT) will be a little bit different than normal this year. The Schedule 1 of the Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT), which is part of the IRS Form 2290, has been extended to November 30 of 2011. It is also not possible to receive a receipt for the Form 2290 until after November 1st. This means that the majority of those filing this tax will not do so until November.

Since a stamped Schedule 1 is required to register a vehicle with the Department of Motor Vehicles, they will be accepting the HVUT proof of payment for the previous tax year of July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011, to make things go as smoothly as possible this year. The IRS has informed taxpayers of the Form 2290 delay and the available options for payment once the form is available.

The following items may be accepted by the DMV as proof of HVUT payment until November 30, 2011:

  • Original or copy of a Stamped Schedule 1 from the Form 2290 (electronically watermarked or manually stamped) for the previous tax year of July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011.
  • A copy of the IRS Form 2290 from the previous tax year, filed with the IRS as well as a copy of the front and back of the check to the IRS for the entire HVUT payment.
  • Original or copy of an IRS Form 2290 (electronically watermarked or manually stamped), listing the vehicle as a “Credit Vehicle” for the previous tax year.

Once the IRS begins issuing the Form 2290 again, the process will revert to the normal procedures. The proof of HVUT payment will then be able to be sent to the DMV for any applications requiring HVUT verification.

This tax that the IRS collects is an annual tax on commercial motor vehicles that weigh
55,000 pounds or more. This is referred to as the taxable gross weight of a vehicle. Congress is in the process of extending the tax, and the previously mentioned due date exists as a temporary regulation that postpones the due date until November 30, 2011.

Although it is still not possible to file Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes with Form 2290 yet, the Truck Tax experts at Express Truck Tax will be available to answer any questions as well as help drivers and trucking companies file those taxes. For more information, visit the Express Truck Tax website or give the Truck Tax experts a phone call at 704-234-6005. You can also email any questions to

Obama Supports Transportation Bill to Save Jobs

President Barack Obama has once again urged Congress once more to extend the transportation bill, following a jobs report that was not very flattering of the American economy.  This message served as a warning that letting the current transportation bill expire would be an economic disaster that could be easily avoided.

Obama focused on the amount of jobs that would be furloughed and eventually removed if a decision could not be made in Congress. “Right away, over 4,000 workers would be furloughed without pay. If it’s delayed for just 10 days, we will lose nearly $1 billion in highway funding that we can never get back. And if we wait even longer, almost 1 million workers could be in danger of losing their jobs over the next year.” These jobs are literally left in the hands of Congress.  They can choose to extend the bill, or create a more long term solution, but action needs to be made regardless.

President Obama made a speech from the White House’s Rose Garden last week, in which he was joined by Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood, as well as Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, and also David Chavern, the chief operating officer of the Chamber of Commerce. He gave Congress another warning at that time also, stating that letting the transportation bill expire at the end of the month would be “not acceptable” and “inexcusable.”

In his recent address, the president reiterated that thousands of workers and their families would be hurt if infrastructure projects like highway construction, bridge repair and mass transit systems were put on hold. Obama has previously spoken about renewing the transportation bill as a “no-brainer.” It is also important to note that Congress has renewed the bill seven times in the last two years, and as badly as Americans need jobs, not renewing it this time would be a grave mistake. Nonetheless, a new and sustainable bill would be the best option.

“But thanks to political posturing in Washington, they haven’t been able to extend it this time — and the clock is running out,” he said. Virginia, Minnesota and Florida are examples of states that have thousands of jobs on the chopping block, and the President argued that the decision to let the bill expire is “completely avoidable.”

“This isn’t a Democratic or a Republican issue — it’s an American issue,” he said. The president also mentioned that a group of 128 Democratic and Republican mayors have written to Congress, urging their representatives to pass the extension.

Obama also added a statement that nicely summarizes the heart of the issue: “There’s a lot of talk in Washington these days about creating jobs. But it doesn’t help when those same folks turn around and risk losing hundreds of thousands of jobs just because of political gamesmanship. We need to pass this transportation bill and put people to work rebuilding America.”

To see a video of Obama’s address urging the passage of the bill, you can check it out here. This Information has been provided by the Truck Tax Team at