Category: e-file 2290

Welcome to the 2016 HVUT 2290 Season!

2016 HVUT 2290 Season
Welcome to the 2016 HVUT 2290 Season!

Hooray – the HVUT Form 2290 filing season starts today!

Who’s excited? OK, I know, it’s a little much to get excited over taxes but when you use services like ExpressTruckTax there’s reason to celebrate.

Our interview-style format and friendly customer support representatives make it easy for your to e-file your Form 2290 to the IRS without ever having to leave the comfort of your own truck.

That’s right! Ditch the long lines at the IRS office and leave the complicated paperwork behind. ExpressTruckTax is the future of  HVUT Form 2290 e-filing

ExpressTruckTax Offers

When you make the right choice to use ExpressTruckTax you’ll get surprised at all of the great offers that come with it.

Don’t believe me? Take a look at all of these great features are included in your account:

  • Complete e-filing of your 2290
  • Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes – sent by fax or email
  • E-filing Form 2290 amendments
  • 2290 VIN corrections 
  • Unlimited submissions for rejected Form 2290s
  • Instant tax audit
  • Text notifications 
  • Instant proof of payment notification 
  • A friendly USA-based support anytime you need it

So now that the season is officially here and you have a service ready to help you, let’s get to e-filing and receiving that stamped Schedule 1 before the rush hits.

Create your free account at ExpressTruckTax now and start e-filing your HVUT Form 2290 now so you can get back to doing more of what you love—keeping America running.

Visit to e-file your HVUT Form 2290 today!

What’s the Deal with the Stamped Schedule 1?

Stamped Schedule 1
Stamped Schedule 1

When you e-file heavy vehicle use tax, you get your 2290 stamped schedule 1.

But what’s the deal with the stamped schedule 1? We’ll break it down for you.

What is the Stamped Schedule 1?

To put it frankly, the stamped schedule 1 is your Proof of Payment!

If you file by paper with the IRS, you can expect to receive your stamped Schedule 1 within 6 weeks after they receive your form 2290.

How You Get Your Stamped Schedule 1

Once the IRS receives and checks your return with their database, you receive your stamped schedule 1. Your schedule 1 will show an IRS e-file watermark with the date the return was received and processed. Your schedule 1 will be accepted by all DOT’s, DMV’s, and other federal authorities.

We can also send updates about your schedule 1 via text and fax – and we can even notify your company or carrier! ExpressTruckTax automatically emails your stamped schedule 1 to you.

Understanding the Stamped Schedule 1:

First off, how do you know if your stamped Schedule 1 is authentic? Well, the IRS digital e-file watermark tells you everything you need to know!. You can always contact our customer support team if you have questions, though!

When you e-file IRS form 2290, the IRS stamps it with a digital watermark. This digital schedule 1 is your official proof of payment, and all DMV locations are required to accept this document.

Of course, if you have any questions about e-filing and receiving your stamped schedule 1, contact our US-based customer service squad!

The Advantages of E-Filing Heavy Vehicle Taxes

Advantages of IRS E File HVUT
Advantages of E-Filing Heavy Vehicle Taxes

Are you ready to e-file form 2290 – better known as your 2290?

Well, you better be because tax season is here and you need to get that stamped Schedule 1 before the IRS madness sets in.

So what are you waiting for? E-file your 2290 with ExpressTruckTax and get your stamped schedule 1 on July 1st.

You heard it right!

When you e-file with us we’ll be sure that you get all of your needed forms to (and from) the IRS before the rush.

And besides, wouldn’t it be great to not have to worry about your IRS 2290 until next July?

Get Started!

Worried that completing your 2290 might be difficult? Don’t be!

ExpressTruckTax is here to guide you step-by-step through the filing process so you can get your stamped Schedule 1 and get back on the road.

Ready to get started? If you don’t previously have an ExpressTruckTax account, register with us. Already have an account? Just sign in!

Get E-Filing!

Now that you’re all signed in, let’s get to filing your Form 2290!

ExpressTruckTax will walk you through the process of completing your form, and we’ll check to make sure it’s accurate before sending it off to the IRS.

So quit waiting around! E-file your 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today and forget worrying about it until next July.

Need any assistance give the experts at ExpressTruckTax a call, send them a quick chat or an email. They’d be glad to help!

Related Blog: What’s the Deal with the Stamped Schedule 1?

3 Steps to Pre-File Your 2290 Today

3 Steps to Pre-File Your 2290
3 Steps to Pre-File 2290 Today

Now that we’re in the pre-filing season, it’s time we break down how you can pre-file your HVUT renewal at no additional cost.

In fact, with promo code ETT10, it’ll actually cost you less! Best of all, pre-filing with us is virtually the same as e-filing for any other tax year.

Let’s take a look:

Step 1: Set up Your Account

The first step is logging in or creating your account, if you’ve yet to register, that is. If you need to register, use your email and choose a password – once you’ve done that, you need to click ADD on the business list on the right.

Add Bussiness Details

After that, add your business details and your EIN number.

business details and your EIN number.

Once your business is in the system, start a new return. You may need to proceed back to the dashboard in order to start it. Simply click START under the Form 2290 option and you’ll be taken to the next screen.

This is where things get a little different. After you’ve selected your new Form 2290, you will be asked on the next screen whether you’re pre-filing or filing for the current tax year.


Once you select start pre-filing, you will be able to choose to pre-file for the 2016-17 year and select the first used month of your vehicle.

choose to pre-file for the 2016-17

Hit next and we’ll keep moving on, then.

Step 2: Enter Your Vehicle Details

In the next step of the process, you need to add all of your heavy vehicle information. If you’re a returning user and you are filing for a previously used truck, just select the truck you’d like to file for from the Truck Zone. All of your information is stored there and ready to go!

If you’re a new user, you can enter your vehicle details individually, or you can bulk upload multiple trucks from a CSV file.

Enter Your Vehicle Details

Remember, there are 3 different types of vehicles that you can add.

  • Taxable Vehicles are vehicles that have exceeded the 5,000 mile limit (or 7,500 miles for agricultural vehicles) for the tax year. Don’t forget, if you drive a logging vehicle (a vehicle used to transport foresting materials) you are eligible for a tax discount!
  • Low Mileage or Suspended Vehicles are vehicles that have not exceeded the mileage limit for the tax year. These vehicles do not cost you in taxes, but still need to be filed for in order to get the stamped Schedule 1.
  • Sold, Lost, or Destroyed Credit Vehicles are vehicles that you no longer have, but you are still required to file for them if they were used for any part of the tax year.
You can also enter vehicles that you have previously filed as suspended, and you can enter low mileage credits at the end of this step.

Related Blog: How to E-File Form 2290 with a Credit Vehicle?

Step 3: Select Your Payment Account

Your final step for pre-filing is selecting your payment method and securely transmitting your return to the IRS. This step is a little bit different than when you e-file your regular tax year, since we will transmit the return for you when the IRS begins accepting them on July 1st.

Select Your Payment & Transmit

There are 3 payment methods for you to choose from, and these determine when the IRS will accept your payment and take money out of your account.

If you go with direct debit, the taxes you owe will come out of your account one or two days after the IRS processes your return on July 1. For EFTPS or a check/money order, you can schedule your payment for as late as August 31, the renewal due date.

Once you’ve decided what payment method to use, you will be taken to your account summary page. Here you can correct any errors you see and then continue to submit your return.

With our Instant Audit feature, we will even check your return for you to minimize the risk of being rejected by the IRS due to missing information.

Then you simply transmit! Yeah, that’s it. It’s that easy. Congratulations, you’ve successfully pre-filed your form 2290!

If you have any questions throughout your pre-filing experience, we’re here to help! Our dedicated support team can answer your questions at 704.234.6005 or by email at

Form 2290: Filing For Vehicle First Used In February 2014

Did You Put Your Truck In Service During February 2014? 
If your truck was first used in February 2014, you will need to file a Form 2290 HVUT by March 31st. When a new vehicle is placed into service, the Form 2290 must be filed by the last day of the following month. Filing a 2290 is simple and you receive your Schedule 1 back in a matter of minutes when using ExpressTruckTax.

If you are new to filing the 2290 HVUT, here is a little information to help you out:

What is a 2290 HVUT?
The 2290 is an annual federal highway use tax paid to the federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on vehicle operating on public highways at a gross weight of 55,000 lbs and greater. The federal government distributes revenues back to the states for highway construction and maintenance projects.

Do I pay for the entire year if my first used month was February 2014?
No, your tax will be prorated based on the number of months the vehicle will have been used during the tax year. If a vehicle was used during any part of a month, the tax will be calculated for that month as a whole. For example, if a vehicle was used on February 27th, it will be taxed as though it was used the entire month, regardless of the fact it was only used for a couple of days, and the tax will be based on 5 months, instead of the full year.

Filing your 2290 with ExpressTruckTax only takes a few minutes and you can also file from our mobile site – – if you can’t get to a computer, all you will need is:

  • Some basic business information
  • EIN – employee identification number 
  • VIN 
  • Gross Weight of your vehicle – this is the weight of your truck plus a fully loaded trailer, for most semi-trucks this is 80,000 lbs.

Then all you will need to do is follow the steps to transmit your return to the IRS and you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 in just minutes. If you have any questions about filing your 2290 just give our Express Truck Tax Support team, located in Rock Hill, SC a call at 704-234-6005. We have Spanish Support too!

What is the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Used For?

The Heavy Vehicle Use Tax or HVUT is an annual fee assessed on heavy vehicles operating on public highways at registered gross weights equal to or exceeding 55,000 pounds. The gross taxable weight of a vehicle is determined by adding the unloaded weight of the motor vehicle and any trailers together with the maximum load customarily carried on-road by the truck-trailer combination. IRS Form 2290 is filed annually to pay the HVUT due on the taxable vehicle and proof of payment is the Stamped Schedule 1.

The damage to the road surface caused by heavy trucks is 160,000 times more than that of a car, according to the findings of the American Association of State Highways Official (AASHO) road test. The tax, which is based on the vehicle weight, is a significant source of transportation funding in the US. The HVUT ensures that operators of heavy trucks pay a little more for the highway network relative to the motorists than the light trucks who meet their responsibility through other forms of taxes (e.g., registration fees, motor fuel taxes) but do less damage to the system.  The monies collected are used to help pay for road repairs and maintenance.

The IRS has simplified the process of filing Form 2290 and paying your HVUT taxes with the ability to E-File.  Anyone who is filing a return with 25 or more vehicles is required to file electronically, but everyone is encouraged to do so.  Through an IRS Authorized E-File Provider, like, you can file your Form 2290, pay your HVUT taxes owed to the IRS and receive your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes.  Having the option to E-File makes the annual filing process quick and easy.

For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our friendly US Based Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

Form 2290 HVUT Requirements

The heavy vehicle use tax or HVUT is an annual fee assessed on heavy vehicles operating on public highways at registered gross weights equal to or exceeding 55,000 pounds. The gross taxable weight of a vehicle is determined by adding the unloaded weight of the motor vehicle and any trailers together with the maximum load customarily carried on-road by the truck-trailer combination. IRS Form 2290 is filed annually to pay the HVUT due on the taxable vehicle and proof of payment is the Stamped Schedule 1. The monies collected are used to offset the cost for road repairs and maintenance.

Suspended vehicles (Category W) are still required to file a Form 2290, even though there is no tax due.  A vehicle is considered suspended if the motor vehicle does not exceed 5,000 miles or 7,500 miles for agricultural vehicles during the tax period, regardless of owners.

An agricultural vehicle is any highway motor vehicle that is:
  • Used (or expected to be used) primarily for farming purposes, and
  • Registered (under state laws) as a highway motor vehicle used for farming purposes for the entire period. A special tag or license plate identifying the vehicle as used for farming is not required for it to be considered an agricultural vehicle.

Also note that logging vehicles are taxed at a reduced rate.

There are some vehicles that are exempt from the tax and are not required to file Form 2290. They are:
  • The Federal Government,
  • The District of Columbia,
  • A state or local government,
  • The American National Red Cross,
  • A nonprofit volunteer fire department, ambulance association, or rescue squad,
  • An Indian tribal government but only if the vehicle’s use involves the exercise of an essential tribal government function,
  • A mass transportation authority if it is created under a statute that gives it certain powers normally exercised by the state,
  • Qualified blood collector vehicles (see below) used by qualified blood collector organizations, or
  • Mobile machinery that meets the specifications for a chassis
For more information on exempt vehicles, go to

The IRS has simplified the process of filing Form 2290 and paying your HVUT taxes with the ability to E-File.  Anyone who is filing a return with 25 or more vehicles is required to file electronically, but everyone is now encouraged to E-File.  Through an IRS Authorized E-File Provider, like, you can file your Form 2290, pay your HVUT taxes owed to the IRS and receive your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes.  Your Schedule 1 serves as proof of payment for your HVUT and when you file by the deadline you will avoid any IRS penalties.

To get started today, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

Form 2290 Payment Options

When E-Filing IRS Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Tax with ExpressTruckTax you have 3 options for paying any tax amounts due:

Each payment method is processed directly by the US Treasury. Regardless of the payment method you choose you still receive your Stamped Schedule 1 via email within minutes of your return being accepted by the IRS because you have either paid or made an electronic promise to pay the taxes due. You will choose your payment option during the process of E-Filing your Form 2290.

Please note that credit cards cannot be used to make tax payments because the IRS does not accept this payment method for 2290s at this time.

To E-File the Form 2290 online now, go to or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

FAQ’s For Truckers Who E-File Form 2290

For truckers who are new to the E-Filing process, it may seem a bit intimidating; but rest assured, it is a quick and easy process.  Below are some common questions from the IRS site that may help:

Who is required to E-File Form 2290?
Those reporting 25 or more vehicles for any taxable period, are required to E-File through an IRS-approved software provider; however everyone is encouraged to E-File.  Electronic filing save you time and postage, and helps to reduce preparation and processing errors.

Why do I need an Employer Identification Number to e-file?
The EIN along with your name provides a unique identifier for each taxpayer, which protects your privacy.

What is my name control?
Your name control is assigned at the time the IRS approves your application for an Employer Identification Number. The name control consists of up to four alpha or numeric characters. Before the IRS can validate your electronically filed return, you must provide your name control and it must match what the IRS has in their records.

Can I still file my return electronically if I just received my EIN?
Yes, you may file your return electronically. However, you should wait two weeks from the date your EIN was assigned to allow your name control to be established in the IRS computer system. Your return will be rejected if you try to file your return electronically before your EIN is fully established.

When are my Form 2290 taxes due?
You must file Form 2290 by the last day of the month following the month the vehicle was first used on public highways. These due date rules apply whether you are paying the tax or reporting the suspension of tax. It is important to file and pay all your 2290 taxes on time to avoid paying interest and penalties.

How will I know the IRS has received my return?
You will receive an electronic version of the Schedule 1 containing a watermark of the E-File logo in the background. The Schedule 1 can be printed from your own computer.

How do I make corrections to my e-filed return?
You would need to file an amendment to the 2290.

If I buy another truck after I have e-filed my 2290 for the current tax period, should I e-file my original 2290 again and simply add the new vehicle to the Schedule 1?
You must file a new Form 2290 listing only the new vehicles. You may e-file that 2290 anytime before the last day of the month following the month the new vehicle was first used.

May I file one 2290 for two trucks that I place on the road in two consecutive months?
The amount of tax you owe depends on the month when you first placed your trucks on the road, so you would need to file a separate 2290 for each truck stating the month it was first used.

What should I do if my e-filed return is rejected by the IRS for duplication?
Make sure the correct VIN are listed and are not duplications from a previous filing; correct any duplication and re-submit the return.

What is a duplicate filing error?
The system detects when you have filed a return under the same EIN, for the same tax period, for the same vehicle(s) and/or the same VIN category. Check to make sure you are reporting new vehicles only and that the other information is correct.

How do I claim a refund electronically for a vehicle that was sold, destroyed or stolen during the tax period?
You can claim a credit using Form 8849, Schedule 6, Other Claims. The refund amount will depend on when the vehicle was sold, destroyed or stolen.

How do I claim a refund electronically for a vehicle I used less than 5,000 miles during the tax period?
If you already paid the tax on a vehicle you used for less than 5,000 miles, you can claim a credit using Form 8849, Schedule 6, Other Claims. However, a credit or claim for this refund cannot be filed until the next tax period.

For help with these questions and more,  or to E-File the Form 2290 online now, go to or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

What is the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Used For?

The heavy vehicle use tax or HVUT is an annual fee assessed on heavy vehicles operating on public highways at registered gross weights equal to or exceeding 55,000 pounds. The gross taxable weight of a vehicle is determined by adding the unloaded weight of the motor vehicle and any trailers together with the maximum load customarily carried on-road by the truck-trailer combination. IRS Form 2290 is filed annually to pay the HVUT due on the taxable vehicle and proof of payment is the Stamped Schedule 1.

The damage to the road surface caused by heavy trucks is 160,000 times more than that of a car, according to the findings of the American Association of State Highways Official (AASHO) road test. The tax, which is based on the vehicle weight, is a significant source of transportation funding in the US. The HVUT ensures that operators of heavy trucks pay a little more for the highway network relative to the motorists than the light trucks who meet their responsibility through other forms of taxes (e.g., registration fees, motor fuel taxes) but do less damage to the system. The monies collected are used to help pay for road repairs and maintenance.

The IRS has simplified the process of filing Form 2290 and paying your HVUT taxes with the ability to E-File.  Anyone who is filing a return with 25 or more vehicles is required to file electronically, but everyone is encouraged to do so.  Through an IRS Authorized E-File Provider, like, you can file your Form 2290, pay your HVUT taxes owed to the IRS and receive your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes.  Having the option to E-File makes the annual filing process quick and easy.

For more information or to get started today, visit or contact our friendly US Based Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!