Category: cvsa

Everything You Need to Best Prepare for CVSA Inspections

Almost 4 million commercial motor vehicle inspections occur across North America each year.

As a truck driver, it’s important to stay prepared for CVSA inspections in order to remain in operation and maintain safety.

The CVSA, or Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, creates inspection procedures and criteria to ensure truck driver safety on the road.

There are various levels of CVSA inspections, but one of the biggest on the CVSA schedule is brake safety week.

This year, CVSA brake safety week will occur September 15-21, 2019.

Brake maintenance ensures truck driver safety and the safety of others on the road. Let’s go over some trucking regulations for brake safety week and other CVSA inspections.


Brake Safety Week

Brake Safety Week focuses on truck driver safety regulations regarding brake maintenance. This year, inspectors will pay special attention to brake hoses/tubing.

Here is a CVSA inspection you can do yourself in preparation for brake safety week:

1. Gather Tools

You’ll need blocks, chalk, a small ruler, brake linings, and a brake application device.

2. Prepare Truck

Park on level road and place blocks behind your wheels. Check that air pressure is 90-100 psi and release parking brakes. Listen for air leaks.

3. Inspect For…

Rubbing/worn air hoses, air drum brake pad above ¼”, air disk brake above ⅛”, cracked pads/linings, excessive camshaft movement, and external brake drum cracks.

4. Measure Push-Rod Travel Stroke

Make chalk mark on each push-rod at rear of brake chamber and apply full brake application. Measure from chalk mark to rear of brake chamber and check results with the standards below:

Brake Chamber Type & Size
Max Travel Limit Allowed
Short stroke 20 or 24 (round air port)
Steer axles
1.75 inches
Short stroke 30
Truck drives & Trailer axles
2 inches
Long stroke 20 or 24
Steer axles
2 inches
Long stroke 30 (square air port)
Truck drives & Trailer axles
2.5 inches

CVSA Schedule

It is important to note that CVSA inspections are not always announced. For instance, an unannounced brake safety inspection swept the country earlier this year on May 15, 2019.

Be sure to constantly inspect your truck and get routine maintenance done.

Regardless of whether or not there’s an upcoming inspection planned, truck driver safety and the safety of those around you on the road is critical.

You can find CVSA scheduled inspections on their website, but be prepared for unexpected inspections as well.

A CVSA inspection called Safe Driver Week happens in the summer and focuses on unsafe driver behaviors like speeding, distracted driving, following too closely, and improper lane change.

Remember, truck driver regulations can change, so check CVSA to stay updated.

Stay Compliant

Staying compliant with CVSA trucking regulations is necessary for truck driver safety and truck operation. Trucks not in compliance with CVSA trucking regulations will be taken off the road until fixed.

Don’t waste time or risk your own personal safety. Prepare for brake safety week and stay up to date with the CVSA schedule.

Also, be aware of another huge upcoming deadline

September 3rd is the last day to file IRS Form 2290 without penalty!

You must file Form 2290 to avoid fees and receive your stamped Schedule 1, which is required for operation. Take as little as 10 minutes and file today with ExpressTruckTax.

How To Get Prepared For Upcoming Truck Inspections

One thing we like to say around here is “stay ready, so you don’t have to get ready.”

We are halfway through 2019 and there are still a couple truck inspections and important dates you have to make it through, like the 2019 Form 2290 filing deadline

The CVSA’s Operation Safe Driver Week 2019 and the CVSA’s Brake Safety Week are both coming up fast.

If you’re still operating your rig, it is safe to say you survived the CVSA Roadcheck 2019.

If you have been in the industry you know that the truck inspections don’t stop there. Here are a few upcoming truck inspection dates you need to be aware of.

Upcoming Truck Inspection Dates

CVSA’s Operation Safe Driver Week 2019: (July 14-20, 2019)

The first truck inspection date you should remember is the CVSA’s Operation Safe Driver Week 2019. This inspection will last from July 14th to July 20th.

Each year this inspection puts focus on some form of dangerous driver behavior and this year there is an emphasis on speeding. 

During this week, North American jurisdictions will be promoting and endorsing the message: “Late won’t kill you, speeding will”

Speeding is the one thing we have all been found guilty of from time to time, so this comes as a forewarning to every trucker with a led foot, who may get stopped.

The CVSA will partner with law enforcement personnel to issue warnings and/or citations to drivers operating a commercial vehicle or passenger vehicle, driving at unlawful speeds.

Previous Operation Safe Driver Week Results

During the CVSA’s Operation Safe Driver Week last year, there was nearly 17,000 passenger vehicle pulled over alone for speeding and almost 2,000 commercial vehicles. In addition, 17 commercial vehicles were given a citation for driving too fast for the weather conditions.

CVSA’s Brake Safety Week 2019: (September 15-21, 2019)

The CVSA’s Brake Safety Week will be taking place from September 15th through 21st. Roadside safety truck inspections will be conducted on commercial vehicles throughout North American jurisdictions. 

Any vehicle found with critical brake violations, or other critical violations, will not be able to travel until they are up to protocol.  
Any commercial vehicle that passes the truck inspection during the CVSA Brake Safety Week 2019 will receive a CVSA decal to identify them as such. 
Alongside the truck inspection, law enforcement will also be doing outreach and bringing awareness to the importance of proper brake safety.

Important Dates To Prepare For 

ExpressTruckTax’s strives to be proactive. That is why our goal is to get you prepared early for the upcoming CVSA truck inspections, the 2019 Form 2290 deadline, and HVUT payment.

When you file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax your stamped Schedule 1 will be sent to you within minutes. After using the ExpressTruckTax step-by-step method you are good to go until July of 2020!

File your 2019 Form 2290 today and don’t let procrastination get the best of you!

Today Is The ELD Compliance Deadline

ExpressTruckTax goes over the ELD compliance deadline

Guess what day it is! You wife’s birthday? Well maybe. Your anniversary? If it is then we hope you’re prepared…But, actually, it’s the ELD compliance deadline day. We hope you have ELDs installed in your trucks or you could have some penalties to face.

While some truckers consider the ELD mandate to be positive, many drivers feel negatively towards it. Some drivers even said they would quit if the ELD mandate took place. However, all we can do today is wait see how it will affect the trucking industry.

Today Is The ELD Compliance Deadline

If you don’t have an ELD device yet, you might wanna go ahead and order one as soon as possible, even though there is a major shortage affecting the nation. Amil Freight has a great ELD/AOBRD device with instructional demos to teach you how to use it.

Now, you don’t need to worry if you don’t have an ELD today because the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) has given you a bit of time to comply with the mandate with their out-of-service-criteria (OOSC).

Under this criteria you have until April 1, 2018 to have an ELD device installed before you will be placed out of service. But this doesn’t mean you can get by without having an ELD until then.

Beginning today, December 18, roadside personal and inspectors will start checking vehicles for ELDS and reserve the right to issue expensive citations if you don’t have one. You could get away with a warning or you could get ticketed. It will all depend on who pulls you over and how lucky you are today.

Also, if you have a grandfathered AOBRD or automatic onboard recording device that was installed before today then you have until December 16, 2019 to switch to an ELD device. So, lucky you, enjoy your extra time.

ExpressTruckTax notes ELD benefits for truckers

ELDs are here today leaving us with two options. We can quit or look at the positives and we’re choosing to look at the positives because ELDs actually have some pretty good benefits. For example, they will reduce paperwork.

As a trucker with an ELD, you can say goodbye to your paper logbook because your ELD will automatically record your miles traveled per jurisdiction. You won’t have to record your odometer reading every time you cross a state line or manually record your trips by hand. Also, this information will make it easier to complete your IFTA return.

Then back at the office you and your secretary won’t have to spend hours processing and entering this information into a computer for HOS compliance because it will all be stored in one convenient location online.

Your dispatcher will also be able to track your rig live! This will allow them to provide instantly check calls, find a shop nearby if you break down, provide more accurate ETAs without distracting you, and more.

Do You Have Your ELD?

We hope you already have your ELD, but if you don’t you have a few months to get one before you will be placed out of service. Please let us know how this compliance deadline is affecting you and share your thoughts about the ELD mandate in the comment section below. Visit ExpressTruckTax for more trucking blogs.

Prepare For Operation Safe Driver Week

Learn about CVSA with ExpressTruckTax

It’s no secret that we care about trucker safety. The hard-working men and women who deliver goods all across the nation deserve to make it home to their families safely. They are incredibly brave to take on the trucking lifestyle, especially when trucking is considered to be the most hazardous profession in America.

Habits like speeding, driving distracted, driving tired, not complying with the laws, and more endanger our roads. That’s why the CVSA (Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance) has put together a series of safety weeks to educate transportation professionals on safety and to enforce compliance. Their next safety check is Operation Safe Driver Week, and it will take place October 15-21st, 2017.

CSVA’s Operation Safe Driver Week

Operation Safe Driver Week is coming up in just a few days, so be prepared to pass inspection. During this week law enforcement personnel from all across the country will engage in increased traffic safety enforcement and education to fight unsafe driving practices exhibited by commercial vehicle drivers and their passengers.

In 2015, 3,852 people died in large truck accidents. 69% of these people were drivers and passengers in other vehicles, while 16% were drivers and passengers of commercial vehicles. CVSA hopes to reduce these numbers.

That’s why this safety check was created to decrease the number of accidents, injuries, and deaths involving large passenger and transportation vehicles, including trucks and buses due to unsafe driving habits and behaviors. The leading cause of accidents involving commercial vehicles is due to unsafe drivers.

A few things that officers will have their eye out for during this safety check include speeding, texting while driving, seatbelt usage, tailgating, improper lane changing, failure to obey traffic safety tools, and more.

If you or your passengers are identified as exhibiting any of these unsafe behaviors then you may be issued warnings or citations. It would be much easier to avoid this headache altogether by simply practicing safe driving habits at all times.

ExpressTruckTax recommends safe driving habits
Don’t text and drive!

Don’t think that you can do whatever you want on the road to get away with it. The bears, city kitties, foxes in the hen houses, and more will all be looking for you. Especially because FMCSA has joined forces with CVSA to sponsor Operation Safe Driver Week.

They also have tons of support from safety transportation organizations with the common goal of improving road safety by addressing drivers operating unsafely and their passengers on an individual basis.

There are a number of things you can do to start improving driver safety today. For example, slow down. Speeding is dangerous, and going slower will help you more gas efficient. You can also make sure you’re well rested and avoid driving tired, which is equal to driving drunk.

Also, you can put all of your electronic devices down to avoid driving distracted and make sure your seatbelt is always on. They really do their part when it comes to saving lives. Another thing you can do is give other vehicles enough space so you will have time to stop if they suddenly hit the brakes.

Keep Up Your Safe Driving

We know you can handle Operation Safe Driver Week! Just keep doing your part to make the roads a safe place and you won’t get a citation. The best way to promote safety is to spread awareness, so be sure to pass these tips along to fellow drivers. If you have anything about safety to add please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Visit for more trucking blogs.

Tire Safety: Getting Ready for Roadcheck

It’s official — the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) has announced this year’s International Roadcheck will focus on tire safety! Taking place from June 7-9, this event is a joint effort of the CVSA and the FMCSA (and a few others).

So what all will Roadcheck focus on with tire safety? We’re going to break this down so that your wheels start turning.

Under Pressure

A tire which has too much or too little pressure could overheat, or it could be vulnerable to a dangerous blowout.

So how can you avoid dangerous vulnerabilities from low tire pressure?

Ideally, you want to make sure you have an accurate pressure gauge to detect under inflation. If they’re legal in your neck of the woods, you can also use a tire thumper to hear if your tires sound inflated.

Now a thumper won’t give you a precise measurement, but will let you know if you’re a wide margin off.

Tire Condition

Don’t ever underestimate the value of a visual evaluation, truckers.

What should you look for? Mainly anything that is visually wrong with your tires. Obviously, any bubbles and bumps are a sign of an impending blowout. Especially if you were to hit road debris. Speaking of, you want to also see if there is any debris between tires!

Tread Carefully

An often overlooked aspect of tire inspection is tire tread! Not just the treads themselves, but the depth and condition of the treads. Treads with a low depth can have uneven wear, and risk your exposure to blowouts and worse.

Tire Placement

Tires just go in their spots, right? It’s like building a LEGO set, isn’t it?

Well, not exactly. You need to make sure your tires aren’t mismatched. Matching tires are important! It’ll balance out your wear and tear.

And with dual tires, you need to make sure there is no contact between them. While that sounds obvious, it’s these little checks that can make a big difference.

It’s the Details

Overall, just look for little things that’ll set you back. Things to look out for include: damaged rims, missing valve stems, rusty/loose nuts, as well as oil and grease buildup/leaks.

With Roadcheck coming up, it’s a good idea to treat every pre-trip inspection like a big deal. With your tires in great condition, you’ll be able to knockout your trucking route.

As we roll closer to the HVUT 2290 and 2nd Quarter IFTA deadline, the helpful folks at ExpressTruckTax will be here to help you! Reach out to us at any time by email or by phone at 704.234.6005.

Are you ready for Roadcheck 2016?