Category: Customer spotlight

Clientele Spotlight: Native American Heritage Month

November marks the start of Native American Heritage Month. There are over five hundred sovereign tribal nations with a formal nation-to-nation relationship with the United States government. In recent years, the trucking industry has seen an increase in Native American drivers and Native-American-owned trucking businesses, including ones that are women-owned. 

Here at ExpressTruckTax we value all of our Native American clients and want to make sure they all get the best filing experience possible. The entire filing process takes only a few minutes and can be completed in only a few simple steps Our outstanding customer support team also offers support available in Spanish to answer any questions related to Form 2290 you may have to ensure you file everything correctly. 

ExpressTruckTax has a sister company, TruckLogics, a Trucking Management Software. TruckLogics caters to trucking companies located in Mexico, Canada, and the United States. It offers an all-in-one trucking management solution to help you manage every aspect of your trucking business, including dispatching drivers, creating loads, managing trucks and equipment, recording truck maintenance, IFTA reporting, and much more. 

In honor of Native American Heritage Month, ExpressTruckTax wants to take the time to highlight some of our amazing Hispanic clientele and business owners that have generated their 2290 or 8849 Forms with us. We want to hear about your filing experiences.

If you would like your business featured, or want to shout out a Native American-owned trucking company you love, reach out to

We will feature these businesses through a Facebook post upon your approval.

Clientele Spotlight: Hispanic Heritage Month

September is here meaning that the Form 2290 deadline has passed. Even if you still haven’t filed or are putting a truck on the road for the first time, you are still able to file Form 2290. At ExpressTruckTax we value all of our clients and want to make sure they all get the best filing experience possible. 

September 15th marks the start of Hispanic Heritage Month. The trucking industry has seen a large increase in diversity with Hispanic-owned trucking businesses. A lot of the businesses that make up this growth are also women-owned. Over half of the foreign-born drivers in the country are from Spanish-speaking countries. Because of this, we want to make sure that all of our clients have the best filing experience that meets their needs. 

Here at ExpressTruckTax, we value our Hispanic clients by offering a button that translates the site and informational material regarding Form 2290 into Spanish. Our outstanding customer support team also offers support available in Spanish to answer any questions related to Form 2290 you may have to ensure you file everything correctly. 

ExpressTruckTax has a sister company, TruckLogics, a Trucking Management Software. TruckLogics caters to trucking companies located in Mexico, Canada, and the United States. It offers an all-in-one trucking management solution to help you manage every aspect of your trucking business, including dispatching drivers, creating loads, managing trucks and equipment, recording truck maintenance, IFTA reporting, and much more. 

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, ExpressTruckTax wants to take the time to highlight some of our amazing Hispanic clientele and business owners that have generated their 2290 or 8849 Forms with us. We want to hear about your filing experience and if you’ve had a chance to talk to our amazing Spanish-Speaking agents.

If you would like your business featured, or want to shout out a Hispanic-owned trucking company you love, reach out to

We will feature these businesses through a Facebook post upon your approval. 

Also, don’t forget to follow us on TikTok @espanolexpresstrucktax and on YouTube at TruckingMundo.

Atención a la Clientela: Mes de la Historia Asiático-Estadounidense del Pacífico Asiático

Si el Mayo es conocido por su clima más cálido, también es un mes para celebrar los logros, los talentos, los logros y la resiliencia de la comunidad de Asiáticos Estadounidenses e Isleños del Pacífico (AAPI), que abarca más de cincuenta grupos étnicos que hablan más de cien idiomas. Originalmente se conocía como la Semana de la Herencia AAPI, pero luego se cambió para abarcar la duración de todo el mes de Mayo para celebrar mejor los logros de los estadounidenses de origen asiático y los habitantes de las islas del Pacífico. La razón por la que el mes de Mayo tiene importancia para los Asiático-Americanos y los Isleños del Pacífico es que Mayo es el mes en que los primeros inmigrantes japoneses llegaron a los Estados Unidos, pero también es el mes en que se construyó el Ferrocarril Transcontinental en 1869, donde los inmigrantes chinos jugaron un papel muy importante en su construcción.

En honor al Mes de la Historia del Pacífico Asiático, ExpressTruckTax quiere tomarse el tiempo para destacar a algunos de nuestros increíbles clientes de AAPI y/o dueños de negocios que han generado sus Formularios 2290 o 8849 con nosotros.

Si desea que se presente su empresa o desea destacar una empresa de camiones propiedad de AAPI que le encanta, comuníquese con

Presentaremos estos negocios a través de una publicación de Facebook con su aprobación.

Clientele Spotlight: Asian American Asian Pacific History Month

While May is known for its warmer weather, it is also a month to celebrate the achievements, talents, accomplishments, and resilience of the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Community which encompasses over fifty ethnic groups speaking over a hundred languages. Originally it was known as AAPI Heritage week, but it was later changed to span the duration of the entire month of May to better celebrate the accomplishments of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

The reason the month of May holds significance for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders is that May is the month that the first Japanese immigrants came to the United States but it is also the month that the Transcontinental Railroad was built in 1869 where Chinese immigrants played a large role in its construction. 

In honor of Asian Pacific History Month, ExpressTruckTax wants to take the time to highlight some of our amazing AAPI clientele and/or business owners that have generated their 2290 or 8849 Forms with us.

If you would like your business featured, or want to shout out an AAPI-owned trucking company you love, reach out to

We will feature these businesses through a Facebook post upon your approval.