Category: CPA

2290 Filing for CPAs

2290 Filing for CPAs
2290 Filing for CPAs

We spend a lot of time conversing with truckers around these parts, but we’re overlooking a key audience of filers out there.

That’s right, to all of our accountant friends out there – we don’t mean to ignore you. So this post is for you!

If you’re a CPA who needs to file form 2290 online, read ahead!

Understanding Taxable Vehicles

Most CPA’s know this, but if you’re new to the game, let’s touch up on taxable vehicles.

A taxable highway motor vehicle includes any self-propelled vehicle with a gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more designed to carry a load over public highways, whether or not also designed to perform other functions.

Examples of these heavy highway vehicles include trucks, truck tractors, and buses.

Some vehicles, like logging and agricultural trucks, have a different set of rules. ExpressTruckTax walks you through all those road bumps, though.

Welcome to the TruckZone

If you’re a CPA, you’re probably not filing for a single truck. With the TruckZone, you can manage all of your vehicles in one place.

As you add vehicles, we store them in the TruckZone. The next time you go to file IRS 2290s, you can easily retrieve the trucks and drivers. You can even search by truck or unit number, driver, VIN, month filed, and even by the date the Schedule 1 was received.

The ExpressTruckTax Truck Zone can upload hundreds even thousands of trucks at one time.

If you need to file multiple Form 2290 returns, we’ve broken down the steps to e-file multiple 2290 forms.

If you have any issues with bulk uploading or transmitting, please contact our customer support experts at 704.234.6005.

E-Sign Form 8453-EX – ExpressTruckTax Feature Spotlight

E-Sign Form 8453-EX
E-Sign Form 8453-EX – Feature Spotlight

Around these parts, we do what we do to make things easier for truckers. Which in our case, usually means helping truckers understand and e-file Form 2290 – just because that’s our expertise.

But some truck drivers and carriers are unaware that we actually support a few other tax forms and features, too. One of these being Form 8453-EX.

What is Form 8453-EX, you ask? Also known as the “Excise Tax Declaration for an IRS e-File Return”, the 8453-EX is a declaration by a taxpayer to authenticate an electronic Form 2290 and authorize an intermediate service provider to transmit their return using a third-party transmitter.

Basically, if somebody else files your taxes on your behalf, you need to file this form.

A taxpayer e-filing directly through ExpressTruckTax doesn’t have to file an 8453-EX, though. But if you’re an accountant or other service provider filing on behalf of a trucker, an 8453-EX has to be signed to authorize the transmission.

What Is the E-Sign Feature?

This feature is beneficial to both truckers and accountants alike. With the e-signing feature for Form 8453-EX, CPA’s can get instant permission to e-file for their client as a third party!

Once you’ve finished the e-filing process for a client, our system will prompt you and your client to sign Form 8453-EX. This link directs your client to our e-sign site and allows them to sign the 8453-EX on any device. They can even e-sign it with their fingertip if they are using a tablet or a mobile device with a touchscreen.

Once they’ve e-signed (or rejected the form), it will return to the ExpressTruckTax system and you’ll be notified.

How Does E-Signing Help Me?

If you haven’t put it together yet, ExpressTruckTax offers a safe and secure way to get your clients to e-sign Form 8453-EX in seconds. Best of all, e-signing works on any device—computer, tablet, and mobile phone.

Plus, you get to avoid coordinating faxes on an old fax machine.

How Do I E-Sign Form 8453-EX?

When e-filing with ExpressTruckTax, all you need to do is click the link to email the electronic form to your client, and after they receive it, they can follow detailed instructions on how to complete the process on their end.

If you have any questions about e-signing 8453-EX, live chat with us over at