Category: claim

You have a New EIN? You Might Need Form 8849!

You have a New EIN? You Might Need Form 8849!
You have a New EIN? You Might Need Form 8849!

So you finally did it – you took the plunge and became an LLC, allowing yourself more business protection and earning yourself a new EIN.

Unfortunately, this leads to many unforeseen complications. For example, how do you go about e-filing your 2290’s for your trucks now? Are you just going to go ahead and file anyway?

Unfortunately, you can’t assume everything will be A-OK – you just fundamentally changed how your business is handled by the IRS, and so you will need to account for this with your trucks.

IRS Form 8849

While some people think it’s best to file wait for the new tax period and file Form 2290 when you change your business status, there is another option. You can also file Form 8849, the Claim for Refund of Excise Taxes.

If you’ve sold a vehicle recently and you had already filed Form 2290 Return, you would need to file Form 8849, Schedule 6 in order to claim your credit.

You also need to use Form 8849 if your vehicle was stolen, destroyed, or if Form 2290 was paid and the vehicle was used 5,000 miles or less on public highways (7,500 or less for agricultural vehicles) during the tax period.

New EIN Complications

So what do you do when you become an LLC, and you all of the sudden realize your trucks are still tied to your old EIN?

Once your business name or EIN has changed, then you need to file a new 2290 form and get a prorated refund for the taxes paid under the previous name or EIN. Just e-file a new Form 2290 for all vehicles under this new name or EIN, then e-file a Form 8849 under the old name or EIN to get some of your original filing back.

A lot of our users don’t realize they have to go through this entire process, which is why we’re here laying this out for you!

How Do You File Form 8849?

If your new EIN requires you to file an 8849, you will need your name and address, making sure it is an accurate match to what the IRS has on file.

You will also need your old EIN number, and any other pertinent business details for your old “business.” Finally, you will need the vehicle information you are claiming a refund for.

If you are filing because the vehicle was sold/stolen/destroyed, you will need the date the event occurred.

How Can You File?

Thankfully, it’s pretty easy to e-file Form 8849 – you just have to sign in to ExpressTruckTax, select Start New Return, and then choose Form 8849 Schedule 6.

Then you just follow the step-by-step process to e-file Form 8849, just like you did with Form 2290.

If you have any questions about e-filing Form 8849, you can contact us at 704.234.6005.