Category: Cargo theft

Save Money And Protect Your Cargo With These Methods

It is reported that less than 20 percent of stolen cargo is ever recovered, making cargo theft one of the most expensive incidents that drivers face on the road. On average, it costs anywhere from $15 to $30 billion.

Crime and theft specialist, Scott Cornell notes that in recent years cargo thieves are becoming more likely to target mixed retail loads or less-than-truckload shipments because they are perceived as being less secure than larger truckloads.

Improving load security is easy if you understand how thieves choose their targets and the methods behind their madness. There are several cargo theft tactics including straight cargo theft and cyber-attack methods.

Types of Cargo Theft

Thieves are constantly updating their methods and, in the computer age, they have been forced to become smarter. Drivers need to be aware of every method that could be used against them.

Straight Cargo Theft

Straight cargo theft can happen anywhere cargo is left unattended. Truck stops, parking lots, and roadside parking areas are the most targeted. A great way to combat this tactic is investing in high-security rear door locks.

Strategic Cargo Theft

Strategic cargo theft is constantly evolving. This is typically defined as theft involving unconventional methods. Identity theft, fictitious pickups, forged documents, fraudulent carriers and brokering scams all fall in line with strategic cargo theft. Always do your research on your contacts and make sure everything matches up. Always confirm positive identification at pickups and drop-offs.

Other Effective Ways To Combat Cargo Theft

When it comes to protecting your fleet, it is best to develop a layered approach. With a layered approach, there are step-by-step methods and ‘in case’ tactics put into place if security technology happens to fail. Regular procedure training should be done to ensure that everyone understands the latest tactics theives are employing.

Aware Drivers

Become aware of theft ‘hot spots’ on your route. By studying your route beforehand you can pick safe areas to stop along the way.

Keep Your Holiday Cargo Safe with These Tips

Happy November! We are officially cruising through the Holiday season and while we may be
excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas it’s important for truckers to realize that black Friday and a major retail boom is also on its way.

That means you may be hauling cargo that’s more enticing to thieves, so be sure to take measures to protect yourself from theft. But there’s no need to feel paranoid, it’s easy to increase your security by taking a few precautions.

How To Protect Your Cargo

1. Always Be Aware

No matter what you’re hauling, someone might want to take it. From a shipment of laptops to Q-Tips, if a thief thinks they can take it and sell it, then they will. Heck, sometimes they may just even want your truck.

Keep your wits about you and study your surroundings at all times, no matter what day it is or what time it is. Even though the highest rates of cargo theft happen on weekend nights, they can occur at any time, even in broad daylight.

If someone seems sketchy to you take note of what they look like and what they are wearing so you can accurately describe them to the police should you need to.

Remember that someone could be listening to you, so keep what you’re hauling to yourself. Never post it on social media for the world to see.

2. Put Yourself In Safe Surroundings

When you park your truck pick a well-populated area, and at night make sure you’re under lights. If you can, always be sure to park in range of security cameras. You can also back up against a wall or surface to block your trailer doors when you stop. Just be sure to back up extremely carefully to prevent damage.

If you aren’t sure if your terminal will have proper lighting, locked fencing, or security after hours you can call ahead and ask. If their security isn’t up to your standards then make arrangements to park in a safer location.

3. Plan Ahead

Think about your moves before you make them. Never just leave your truck unattended and idling, because that gives people more than enough time to jump in it and speed off. Keep your truck locked at all times, no matter if you’re inside or outside of it.


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Also, make sure the padlocks on your trailer doors are secure and look into purchasing vehicle locks like king pin locks, air brake valve locks, glad hand locks, or seals.

Try to minimize the time that your trailer will be sitting full of cargo. Try to make your delivery by the weekend. Make sure that your cargo will never sit in your lot for 24 hours because that gives a lot of thieves time to make a plan of action.

Check your route in advance to make sure it isn’t taking you through a bad part of town. Google maps is a good tool to use and look at

4. Hire The Right Team And Educate Them

Make sure you run background checks on your drivers, don’t just hire anyone. Then educate them on how to protect themselves and cargo to create a safety. For example, explain how it’s best to fill up before you pick up cargo to prevent thieves from following them for hours.

Be sure to track your drivers by placing GPS units on their rig or trailers. This way you will be aware of their location at all times and will be able to track the location of the vehicles if they are stolen.

Stay Safe

Rates of cargo theft increase during the holiday season but the risk actually occurs all year. People like to take whatever they can get their hands on, even if it seems boring and invaluable to you. You can keep your cargo safe by keeping your wits about you, making secure decisions in advance, and by staying in safe locations.

If you have any security tips please add them to the comment section below and visit ExpressTruckTax for more trucking blogs.

Are You Participating In A Day Without Truckers?

The trucking community is full of hardworking men and women who dedicate a majority of their time to the road in order to deliver goods all across the nation. As a result, our economy keeps moving. Without truckers, everything would come to a screeching halt.

Everything around you, your coffee mug, clothes, snack, and more were most likely on a truck at some point. If you like being able to go into a convenience store to pick up a drink or a pack of gum then thank a trucker.

People don’t realize how hard truckers work, and how dangerous of a job it is. Aside from the traffic danger and health risks, drivers also face murder. During the past decade, over 500 transportation professionals have been murdered. That’s why Trucker Lives Matter (TML) has created the event. ‘A Day Without Truckers’ on September 5th to spread awareness.

A Day Without Truckers

A Day Without Truckers is an event that will be held in front of the U.S. Capitol where all truckers are invited to gather to and ride in a memorial procession in memory of their fellow truckers who have been murdered. Those who cannot make it to Washington for the event are encouraged to shut down for the day. Also, everyone participating will be wearing all black.

Hundreds of truckers are expected to peacefully attend this event on September 5th, which is the first day back to work after Labor Day to bring awareness to the gun violence directed towards truckers and how they need self-defense and gun rights.

TLM has evolved from the equal protection bill named for Michael Boeglin, a trucker who after being murdered was burned in his trunk in Detroit during June 2014. TLM is working towards allowing every American to legally carry guns across state lines, which is quite the goal to have.

As of right now, truckers, as well as everyone else, cannot legally carry a gun across state lines even if they have concealed carry licenses and permits unless the states that the individual is traveling to and from have an official agreement.

Recently, Keith Odom was shot. The 49-year-old trucker from Tennessee was the victim of a random robbery at 8 AM in Baton Rouge on August 8th. He pulled over to repair a tire and was robbed of his belongings. He was shot even though he complied with the robber. Aside from being robbed of their personal belonging truckers face the dangers of cargo theft and road rage.

To deter people who want to cause you harm, park in well-lit areas, always be aware of your surroundings, stay calm, and have someone monitor your truck from dispatch. It also helps to park in areas with surveillance.

Stay Safe Out There

Whether you are participating in A Day Without Truckers, shutting down for the day, or simply wearing all black, be sure to remain alert and stay safe. We want to thank you for all of your hard work you do all across the nation and our hearts go out to those who have lost their lives.

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