Category: broker setup packet

Getting Familiar With The Setup Process With Freight Brokers

Featured Blogger
Benjamin Bellville

Today I would like to point out some key things to look for in the setup process with freight brokers. This of course being when you will have to fill out an information packet and fax it back to a broker before they will allow you to haul their freight. I’m going to talk about the type of information you will receive from them and it’s relevance, the information and forms you will need to send back to them and the little things you should look for in the packet that if not followed correctly may cost you a bundle.

What type of info will a freight broker include about themselves?

With every freight broker setup packet you will receive many pages of information about that broker. These are not pages that you need to send back, but they are pages that you should save and staple together with the finished packet after you have faxed back what was required. This information at a minimum will include the following:

   1. All of the freight brokers contact information.
   2. Their freight brokers authority page (MC#)
   3. Their Insurance carrier information.
   4. The brokers surety bond.
   5. A reference page. (showing companies they have brokered freight to)

This is all information that you could find out just by knowing their MC#, but it’s just easier to have it on hand should they decide to stiff you on a payment and you need to make a claim against them.

What type of info will they require from me?

This is going to depend on the freight broker you are dealing with,some have very short packets (you will be thankful when you get that lucky!) and some will expect you to fill out an encyclopedia worth of what is sometimes pointless it would seem. following are the main things you will be asked to return every time guaranteed.

   1. A copy of your authority (MC#)
   2. Copy of your insurance.
   3. A current W-9.
   4. A carrier profile page.
   5. The contract with each page initialed and dated as well as properly signed.

For this reason it would be a great idea to have copies of the first 3 on your computer easily accessible if you are using an email fax server. After you have seen a few carrier profile pages it would also be a good idea to make one of your own as every now and then you will come across a broker who wants one, but fails to send you a form.

Things to look for in the setup process with freight brokers!

Some of this information will also be included in fine print on the load rate confirmation, which is the actual contract that a freight broker and trucking company enter into on a load by load basis. What you want to watch for is their policies that need to be followed that in many cases if not followed will garner a fine for your company. These may include the following stipulations:

   1. Fines for not being on time to a pickup or delivery.
   2. Fines for being reported as being uncooperative with their customers.
   3. Fines for damaged freight.
   4. Fines for not contacting them with load movement updates on their schedule.
   5. Payment information pertaining to what they will or won’t cover for things such as tolls, lumper fees,detention and layover.

Once you get the hang of the things to look for it’s best to just ask the broker any questions you may have about these things before you have them fax you a setup pack. Their will be some brokers who are too demanding and who are sticklers for all fines they say may be levied against you regardless of the circumstances. It’s a learning process every time you do business with a new broker, but if you pay attention to details you should have no problem at all.

Now that you’ve learned all about the setup process with freight brokers go on over and check out how easy the folks here at Express 2290 can make filing for your Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes which are required to be paid and proof shown before you can get your I.R.P.