Almost 4 million commercial motor vehicle inspections occur across North America each year.
As a truck driver, it’s important to stay prepared for CVSA inspections in order to remain in operation and maintain safety.
The CVSA, or Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, creates inspection procedures and criteria to ensure truck driver safety on the road.
There are various levels of CVSA inspections, but one of the biggest on the CVSA schedule is brake safety week.
This year, CVSA brake safety week will occur September 15-21, 2019.
Brake maintenance ensures truck driver safety and the safety of others on the road. Let’s go over some trucking regulations for brake safety week and other CVSA inspections.
Brake Safety Week
Brake Safety Week focuses on truck driver safety regulations regarding brake maintenance. This year, inspectors will pay special attention to brake hoses/tubing.
Here is a CVSA inspection you can do yourself in preparation for brake safety week:
1. Gather Tools
You’ll need blocks, chalk, a small ruler, brake linings, and a brake application device.
2. Prepare Truck
Park on level road and place blocks behind your wheels. Check that air pressure is 90-100 psi and release parking brakes. Listen for air leaks.
3. Inspect For…
Rubbing/worn air hoses, air drum brake pad above ¼”, air disk brake above ⅛”, cracked pads/linings, excessive camshaft movement, and external brake drum cracks.
4. Measure Push-Rod Travel Stroke
CVSA Schedule
It is important to note that CVSA inspections are not always announced. For instance, an unannounced brake safety inspection swept the country earlier this year on May 15, 2019.
Be sure to constantly inspect your truck and get routine maintenance done.
Regardless of whether or not there’s an upcoming inspection planned, truck driver safety and the safety of those around you on the road is critical.
You can find CVSA scheduled inspections on their website, but be prepared for unexpected inspections as well.
A CVSA inspection called Safe Driver Week happens in the summer and focuses on unsafe driver behaviors like speeding, distracted driving, following too closely, and improper lane change.
Stay Compliant
Staying compliant with CVSA trucking regulations is necessary for truck driver safety and truck operation. Trucks not in compliance with CVSA trucking regulations will be taken off the road until fixed.
Don’t waste time or risk your own personal safety. Prepare for brake safety week and stay up to date with the CVSA schedule.
Also, be aware of another huge upcoming deadline…
September 3rd is the last day to file IRS Form 2290 without penalty!