Category: artificial intelligence

GATS 2019 Trending Topics: AI in the World of Trucking

It’s no secret that AI is continuing to grow in today’s world.

With the rise of artificial intelligence comes the confusion and uncertainty that accompanies any unknown territory.

Because of that, this topic was a big focus for truck drivers at the Great American Trucking Show (GATS) this year.

If you couldn’t make GATS 2019, here’s what you missed regarding artificial intelligence in the world of trucking.

Artificial Intelligence and Trucking

GATS 2019

AI continues to be a big topic at GATS, with updates on how trucking technology will continue to affect American truck drivers.

Most of the fear surrounding AI comes with self-driving trucks, but those are still in their infancy.

More immediately, AI is making a positive impact on the trucking industry by increasing efficiency on the back end.

AI is also a great tool for decreasing error. Matt Bernstein, CEO of HubTran, points out, “Whenever you have manual processes, no matter how many checkers there are, there will be errors.”

Artificial intelligence plays a big role in reducing those errors for truck drivers.

GATS 2019 hosted a variety of different educational sessions addressing artificial intelligence, including a session titled “The Driver’s Role with Driverless Trucks”, featuring Pronto and Starsky Robotics.

Pronto brings to market safety systems designed for commercial trucking fleets.

Their Copilot products offer advanced adaptive cruise control, electronic steering and collision mitigation, and other innovative safety measures.

Starsky Robotics also works on autonomous strategies and has created technology that will handle the highway miles for commercial vehicles.

Trucking Technology

A report by MarketsandMarkets estimates that the AI market for transportation is projected to grow nearly 18% from 2017 – 2030.

With the rise of AI comes an increase in value for human skills.

GATS 2019 also focused on adding increased value and attention to things that are uniquely human.

As more jobs or activities become automated, people are freed from routine and predictable tasks.

Instead, they are challenged to manage new technologies and exercise greater critical thinking skills on a regular basis.

The Great American Truck Show hosted educational sessions focusing on the importance of these skills as well.

Growing AI in the trucking industry means continuing to grow human skills.
These skills include communication, empathy, trust, and judgment.

Staying Ahead With Your Trucking Business

Trucking technology can be a huge advantage if we let it.

Whether you’re a leased operator, owner-operator, or fleet manager, make the decision to use trucking technology to your advantage with a business management software.

TruckLogics is a trucking management software with features for managing dispatches, tracking income & expenses, scheduling maintenance, sending invoices, and so much more.

Just like ExpressTruckTax takes the paperwork out of filing, our sister product TruckLogics is aimed at taking the paperwork out of trucking.

Trucking technology is a huge asset for saving time and money. Get started with a free 15-day trial today!

Dash Cameras: Are They Helpful or Harmful?

Over the last few years dashboard cameras (dash cams) have become the must-have accessory for road voyagers. Next, to artificial intelligence, this new device has some hefty pros and cons. If you’re considering getting a dash cam for your next long-haul we have made a list of things for you to think about. Before you press record or invest in a dashcam we want you to make sure it’s the right thing for your truck.


There are some obvious pros to dash cams that are changing the game for truckers and one of those would be that it prevents staged accidents. Often times passenger vehicles blame large trucks for accidents that just never happened. It’s easy to play the blame game when there are no witnesses or proof. Statistics say that of the car-truck crashes approximately 80 percent of them were at the fault of passenger vehicles. This number may be increased as more dash cams are installed. Dash cams can save you from a rise in insurance and keep you from being blamed for a staged accident.

Other Pros of Dashcams Include the Following:

Improve Driving Skills

CDL instructors and company freight trainers are beginning to use dashcams to train new drivers and help prevent common mistakes. Dash cams are becoming a new method of learning and are creating a culture of safety on the road. Some dash cams can even store information technology that may assist in the training process. CDL training is slowly improving with the help of gadgets like dash cameras.

Document Your Trip

Being away from family on long-hauls can be extremely tough, but once you come home watching the footage from the dashcam will give you a chance to bond with loved ones.

Prevents Theft

Cargo theft can cost you thousands, but with the use of a dash cam, you can capture the culprits and possibly retrieve the stolen cargo.


The cons of dash cams are a little lighter than the pros, but there are a few things that should be considered.

Driving Distraction

Dash cams can easily be a distraction. Technology has a mind of its own and while you’re driving something may happen and you feel the urge to fiddle. The combination of fiddling with one hand and using the other to operate a 55,000-pound truck may not end the best way.

Rule Breaking

There are some states where recording without consent is illegal. You may be arrested, charged, or even fined, so making sure you are aware of the laws of each state line you cross will save you from facing some heavy consequences.

The technology that is dash cameras can come in handy and can also lead to tragedy. Knowing the ends and outs of the specific camera you purchase is the most beneficial way to ensure it is right for you and the long-hauls you’ll be making. Hopefully, these basic pros and cons will give you an idea of what to expect from all trucker’s new favorite gadget and help you in finding the best dash cam for your truck.