Category: American Trucking Association

Fun Facts About the Industry You Love

If you’re in the trucking industry, know someone who is, or just enjoy learning new facts.

We have you covered. Impress your non-trucking friends with all you know about your industry, or if your spouse is a trucker surprise them by teaching them something new. Whatever your motive is there is a truck industry fun fact that you can use.

The world’s longest semi truck is the Red Giant.

The Red Giant is 93 feet and has been traveling the roadways for almost 40 years.

Semi trucks need about 40% more time than cars need, to stop.

Rear end collisions and under ride incidents are usually the result of truckers not having enough time to stop.

The fastest industry truck is the Iron Knight by Volvo.

The Iron Knight has set records with its 500 meters run in 13.710 seconds.

Around 70% of all goods in the U.S. are delivered by semi trucks.

The largest commodities transported are agricultural and building materials.

The United States has nearly 3.5 million truck drivers.

Professional truck driving is a popular profession, despite its requirements of tailoring the lives of those professionals completely.

Professional truck drivers across America drive more than 400 billion miles per year.

According to American Trucking Associations (ATA), it is estimated that the trucking industry hauls more than 10 billion tons of freight annually.

The engines of semi-trucks are typically 6 times larger than car engines.

Truck engines are also designed to go 1,000,000 miles.

There is an average of 500,000 truck accidents every year.

Sixty-eight percent of all fatal truck accidents happened not in cities, but in rural regions.

Commercial trucks consume annually about 50 billion gallons of diesel fuel and gasoline.

With commercial trucks they typically all have diesel engines and they can reach 40% efficiency or more, making it much easier to move and not exude more fuel.

There are about 15.5 million commercial trucks in the U.S.

If they all lined up bumper to bumper, they would reach right to the moon. Of those operating semi trucks 1/3 of them are registered in California, Florida, and Texas.

Was The Driver Shortage All A Hoax

For over a decade the American Trucking Association (ATA) has been a ring leader in sounding the alarm for the demand of truck drivers in the industry, due to a driver shortage. It has even been predicted that the shortage would increase to roughly 100,000 drivers by 2021.
A more recent study released by the U.S Bureau of Labor (BLS) shows evidence that the trucking industry “works as well as any other blue-collar labor market and poses no constraints on entry into (or exit from) the occupation.”

The Truck Driver Shortage “Myth”

In the study it was revealed that the shortage is a matter dealing primarily with low wages and long hours than the off balanced ratio of truckers to surges in demand, within the industry. After careful review and study in trends the U.S. Department of Labor is speaking out against what the ATA has been driving into the minds trucking advocates across America.

There are many lawmakers who have jumped the gun in order to combat the decade long myth that seems to be the big news affecting the industry. There are 48 states that allow 18 year olds to obtain a commercial driver’s license. Among those is Colorado governor, Jared Polis, who recently signed a bill lowering interstate trucking age limits, just this year. According to Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) the solution of lowering the age opens the door to incidents. Safety groups have opposed the tactic since the beginning, contending that drivers 21 and younger lack the experience to operate heavy machinery, that can reach up to 60,000 Ibs. when loaded.

Instead of finding legitimate solutions, the misinterpretation of high turnover in the industry has taken the focus off the key issues of high mistreatment of workers and low wages, and placed it on the opposite. It is reported that recruiting more drivers will create competition for wages, encouraging drivers to sell themselves short in order to get the job.

Effective Methods

With the real reason behind such high turnover revealed, it is easy for industry leaders to strategize to uncover ways to fix the issue. Turnover rates have reached up to 98%, since mid 2017. In this instance maintaining good retention is crucial to make the industry work for everyone. There are various ways to do so and lower the turnover rate for the industry, as a whole.

Time Well Compensated

Compensation and benefits have been used as incentive methods to bring in more drivers. Adding a promise of consistency will lessen the turnover rate drastically. Gordon Klemp, founder and president of the National Transportation Institute, uncovered that the increase in recent turnover was also affected by drivers uprooting to find fleets offering higher wages. This caused a lot of movement within the job market. Keeping a close eye on trends in wages will even the playing field and stabilize the amount of movement in the market.

Improved Selection Process

It is important for fleets to not overlook the step of measuring and controlling the cost of replacing a driver. Hiring the wrong person can cost thousands. That is why the selection process should be a little more detailed than checking off a CDL box and whether or not they can dress the part with a hat and flannel. Establishing and Identifying warning signs in applicant’s background and past work experiences can separate finding a diamond in the rough as far as an employee, or finding someone who only looks the part and lacks in important areas.

What You Need to Check Out at GATS 2018?

What You Need to Check Out at GATS 2018?It’s that time of year again! Time to party deep in the heart of Texas with your fellow truckers, because GATS, The Great American Trucking Show, will be kicking off in less than two weeks. This interactive and all-encompassing convention will include more than 500 exhibitors, educational opportunities, pure entertainment, and so much more! So to help you make the most of your visit we broke down what you need to check out at GATS 2018.

Events You Don’t Want to Miss at GATS 2018

The Landstar Health & Wellness Pavilion

Heading over to the Landstar Health and Wellness Pavilion, for free health screenings, and demos on cooking and fitness education demos. A few of the screenings include nutrition evaluations, DOT physicals, diabetes, spinal assessment, BMI, blood pressure, and more.

This portion of the show will include healthy food vendors and tons of other vendors offering services and products related to health and wellness. In order to promote driver health and spread health education, there will be an educational seminar and even healthy-cooking demonstrations.

For a full list of the 2018 screenings available, as well as individual booth information, click here.

Trucker Talent Search

On Friday from 3 to 4 PM you can head to the Trucker Talent Search at the Truckers News Stage in Hall A where 3 truckers will compete live. These truckers have been invited to participate in Overdrive-Red Eye Radio’s Trucker Search finals. It’s worth scoping out to discover new talented truckers, plus Tony Justice will be hosting.

All Paws and Claws Pet Grooming

This year at GATS All Paws and Claw will be at the TA|Petro Parking Community to pamper your four-legged road partners while you enjoy the show. They will provide a complete grooming service and booster shots, with brush and bathe services available for dogs and cats.

This will all lead up to a pet parade on Saturday at 3:00 p.m. under the tent, with prizes for the winner. To make an appointment click here to ensure your pooch gets his/her turn.

Overdrive’s Pride & Polish Show

What You Need to Check Out at GATS 2018?

This show is the premier truck beauty championship series in North America. They recognize creativity, excellence, and your dedication to your profession. Competitors from all over the country will be there to show off their shiny rigs.

If you aren’t competing you should definitely take the time to walk around and enjoy seeing these magnificent trucks while attending GATS. The award ceremony will be hosted at 10 a.m. Saturday morning, so make sure you don’t miss out.

The Recruiting Pavilion

Want to find an amazing trucking job? Well, head on down to the Recruiting Pavilion where tons of fleets would love to meet you! There will be over 100 fleets there with representatives to speak to you about their programs and benefits.

They will tell you about the potential for upward mobility and you may find the perfect job that matches your needs. Skip all the phone calls and the online applications by speaking to the fleet representatives yourself, face to face!

2290 Tax Due Date

I know you are excited about GATS, but that doesn’t mean you can let the impending Form 2290 filing deadline slip your mind. Before you head off to GATS 2018 quickly file Form 2290 online with ExpressTruckTax. Spend less than 10 minutes following our user-friendly step-by-step filing guide to complete and transmit your IRS Form 2290 to the IRS and receive your stamped Schedule 1 in just a matter of minutes.

Need some help? Our 100% US-based bilingual support team is available to answer all of your questions via live chat, phone, and email.

File My Heavy Use Tax Now

What You Need To Know About The Denham Amendment 2018

FAA reauthorization 2018 just passed through the house and this is how it will effect the trucking industry

Thursday, April 26th the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) reauthorization 2018 bill passed through the House and included an amendment that will affect all within the trucking industry. The Denham-Cuellar-Costa Amendment simply know as the Denham Amendment has received very mixed reactions from those within the industry. Here is what you need to know about the Denham Amendment 2018. 

What You Need To Know About The Denham Amendment 2018

Backed by House representatives Jeff Denham (R-Cali), Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), and Jim Costa (D-Cali) will standardize meal and rest breaks for truckers. The American Trucking Associations (ATA) believe that the amendment will streamline interstate commerce by further federalizing the hours-of-service rules and regulations. However, on the other end of the spectrum, you have the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA), they believe the Denham Amendment is a threat to drivers fair pay and breaks.

What Does The Denham Amendment Mean?

Before we get into the current industry fight, we will review the facts about the Denham Amendment and how it will affect you. In summary, the amendment will prevent an individual state from setting their own rules and regulations. All drivers will need to abide by the Department of Transportation’s (DOTs) hours-of-service by federal law.

Truckers will be impacted by the passing of the Denham Amendment Under the current federal hours-of-service regulations, drivers are required to take a 20-minute break after driving for eight hours. This means drivers can now work longer hours without taking breaks and without violating state laws.

For example, California requires a 10-minute break for every four hours driven and a 30-minute meal break for every five working hours. The new hours-of-service will be enforced using a mandated Electronic Logging Device (ELD).


So what do both parties want regarding the Denham Amendment:

American Trucking Associations (ATA):

  • They want unified regulations that will not hamper interstate commerce.
  • With the Denham Amendment ATA believes productivity will rise since drivers can continue driving to meet shipment times.
  • This will cause less confusion when crossing into new jurisdictions.

Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA):

  • They believe this will deter drivers from taking much-needed breaks, potentially causing accidents and a decrease in productivity.
  • Under the Denham Amendment drivers wages will be standardized as well because companies will not be required to meet state-imposed minimum wages. 

We want to hear from you! Let us know your thought on the Denham Amendment. Do you like that the hours-of-service will be standardized between state lines or do you believe it will negatively affect your pay/breaks?

National Distracted Driving Month

April is National Distracted Driving Month! ExpressTruckTax would like to thank the entire trucking industry for educating drivers on staying focused. The American Trucking Association, along with America’s Road Team is urging motorists to put their cell phones away and focus on safe driving while behind the wheel of a moving vehicle.

In 2012, more than 3,300 people were killed and another 421,000 were injured in distraction-related crashes. In order to reverse this trend, elite drivers are educating the motoring public on how to save lives while driving on our nations’ roads. 
*America’s Road Team Captains, professional truck drivers selected for their impressive driving records and commitment to safety, are educating motorists on the dangers of distracted driving. Distracted driving comes in many forms. It can include electronic distractions, like navigation systems and cell phones, or more conventional distractions, like interacting with passengers and eating. Here are the distracted driving stats & safety tips provided by the ATA:
Did You Know?

 – Writing or reading a text message takes your eyes off the road for an average of 4.6 seconds. At 55 MPH, that’s like driving the length of a football field completely blindfolded.

 – If you text while you’re behind the wheel, you’re 20 times more likely to be involved in a crash than a non-distracted driver.

 – Talking on a cell phone reduces the amount of brain activity devoted to driving by 37%

 – 41 states, the District of Columbia and Guam ban text messaging for all drivers

 – 12 states and the District of Columbia prohibit hand-held cell phone use by all drivers.

 – Young people are especially at risk: In 2011, 11% of all drivers under the age of 20 involved in fatal crashes were reported as distracted at the time of the crash. This age group has the largest proportion of drivers who were distracted.
Safety Tips:
  • Stay Focused – Keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road at all times. One small distraction can cause an accident.
  • Put Electronics Away – Put your cell phone away, as well as all electronics, while behind the wheel. Nothing is more important than getting to your destination safely.
  • Plan Your Trip – Plan your route ahead of time so you aren’t distracted looking at a map or navigation system. Pay attention to highway signs and traffic.
  • Be Aware of Blindspots – Trucks have large blindspots in front, back and either side. Try to avoid lingering in this space and do not cut in front of a truck.
  • Be a Good Passenger – Speak up if the driver in your car is distracted.
“Motorists need to take responsibility for safety as they navigate our roadways and keep their eyes on the road,” said America’s Road Team Captain – Eddie Weeks, a professional driver with AAA Cooper Transportation. “Putting cell phones away, planning your trip and keeping your eyes on the road will save lives.”
The America’s Road Team would like to remind the motoring public that from driveway to highway, safety requires patience and dedication. 
*The America’s Road Team, sponsored by Volvo Trucks, is a national public outreach program led by a small group of professional truck drivers who share superior driving skills, remarkable safety records and a strong desire to spread the word about safety on the highway. For more information visit: