Category: 2290

The Cost of Filing Late (HVUT IRS Form 2290)

Anyone with serious experience in the trucking or transportation industry will tell you that there are many more business and economic responsibilities for truckers and Owner Operators besides simply getting something delivered at the right time and place. Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, or HVUT, is one of the most common taxes that the IRS imposes on heavy highway vehicles in the United States. Paying this tax properly involves filing the IRS Form 2290 and then receiving a Stamped Schedule 1 from the IRS. This Form is so easy to E-File online, and thanks to Express Truck Tax, there is no reason to be late, as you can see from the following points:
IRS Fines
The IRS can add all kinds of interest and late fees, but if you end up in court over the matter it will lead to the court costs as well as heavy fines. Unless you enjoy IRS Audits and spending time in courtrooms, it is a terrible to not pay your taxes.
A Form 2290 can be filed at any time after the deadline has passed but the tax due may be subject to penalties and interest. The penalty for failing to file IRS Form 2290 in a timely manner is equal to 4.5 percent of the total tax due, assessed on a monthly basis up to five months. Late filers not making an HVUT (Form 2290) payment also face an additional monthly penalty equal to 0.5 percent of total tax due. Additional interest charges of 0.54 percent per month accrue as well.
Taxes help improve public roads
Paying taxes is never a joyful experience, but you should get some gratification in the fact that much of the taxes paid for HVUT go back into the cost of roads and highway expenses. It just makes sense; if you enjoy using something, you shouldn’t mind paying for it.
Not filing or not paying is a felony
Fines are bad enough, but it could be worse. Going to court can lead to criminal charges. The IRS & state governments could prosecute anyone who purposely cheats to avoid paying the truck tax. It can also lead to time in prison.
Stay focused on your business
If these are not paid in a timely manner, the previously mentioned fines, court appearances, and possible jail time could seriously put a halt on your business. The time and energy spent worrying about IRS Audits, Fines, and Court Dates is not worth it.
It’s So Easy
With Express Truck Tax, their team of Truck Tax experts will guide you through the process. All you need to do is login to and start entering the vehicles that you need to file for. If there are any questions, you can call them at 704.234.6005 or send an email to
When you E-file IRS form 2290 with there is no reason that it would not be on time as long as you submit it before the deadline. This year it is even more important to be sure to file on time because the Form 2290 must be filed within the month of November. With this close time frame, it is best to E-File instead of risking it getting lost in the mail. It’s made as easy as 1-2-3 to e-file truck tax with Form 2290 and gets IRS stamped Schedule 1 in few minutes. Avoid IRS penalties and Audits by keeping your 2290 records with express truck tax.

Express Truck Tax Offers Top Quality Customer Support to e-file IRSForm 2290!

The Customer Service team at Express Truck Tax is always standing by to take any calls, emails or online chats that come their way. No automated responses or long on-hold times. Just high quality customer support. Their support center is US-Based in Rock Hill, South Carolina and they make sure to treat all callers with a true southern hospitality.
For anyone who needs to file a Form 2290 for their Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes (HVUT) Express Truck Tax is the best way to go! They offer the best prices and the best support out there. But don’t just take our word for it. Here are a few words from our customers over the past week:
“I was skeptical of using an online provider for this, but after I spoke with the folks at Express Truck Tax, I was able to complete this Form in just a few minutes!”
-Bradley G.
New Mexico
“No More waiting at the IRS office for me! Even for the minor fee, Express Truck Tax is totally worth it”
-Harold W.
“When it comes to computers, I am pretty much illiterate, but Express Truck Tax really made it easy for me to File my 2290 and get my Stamped Schedule 1 in minutes.”
-Ruth D.
North Carolina
“I used another provider last year, and I was shocked to find that Express Truck Tax offered better prices, customer service and the system was even easier to use. Using was a no brainer.”
-Max R.
“As a tax preparer, I used to prepare the Form 2290 by hand and paper files it with the IRS for all my clients. has saved me so much time. I couldn’t do without it!”
-Joel L.
Don’t waste any more time! Get your Form 2290 Filed today and join the thousands of others who have received their Schedule 1 in minutes! HVUT is due on November 30. You can always contact Express Truck Tax for any Truck Tax questions!

Filing Process for IRS Form 2290 in November 2011-2012

In order to file the IRS Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes (HVUT), Express Truck Tax has made the process Quick, Simple, and Easy-to-use. When you use Express Truck Tax to E-File a Form 2290, the process takes just a few minutes. Choosing to E-File this return is much simpler than paper filing. Instead of using a confusing form full of tax jargon, Express Truck Tax has simplified the form to plain English. It is just a series of questions, mostly pertaining to basic business information. The process is broken down into several short and to-the-point sections.
The first step to Filing the Form 2290 Online is to go to an IRS Authorized E-File Provider for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes. From this page, you can get started on a Form 2290, IFTA filing, or sign up as a service provider. To login, just click on the Sign-Up button. From here, just enter some basic information to set up you Express Truck Tax account. (Please note: it is totally free to create an account. You only pay per return)
After signing up, you will be taken to the Dashboard of your account. This page displays your basic business information as well as the status of your most recent returns. From here, you can add new businesses to file for, as well as create new returns. To File a new 2290, just click on Create New Return at the bottom of the page.
The first thing that will be asked is the First Use Month of the vehicle as well as the year that you are filing for. If the vehicle has been on the road since last year, then select July 2011 as the first use month because that is the first month of the tax period.
On the next section, you can add heavy vehicles. There are several categories to add them to. They can be Taxable Vehicles, Suspended Vehicles, Prior Year Suspended Vehicles, Sold/Destroyed/Stolen Vehicles, or Low Mileage Credit Vehicles. Taxable Vehicles are normal heavy vehicles that travel a minimum of 5,000 miles per year. Suspended Vehicles fall below the 5,000 mile threshold (7,500 if agricultural) and no taxes are due for these, but they must still be filed for. Prior Year Suspended Vehicles are vehicle that were filed for previously, but they either exceeded the mileage threshold or the vehicle was sold. Sold/Destroyed/Stolen Vehicles are just as they sound – sold, destroyed, or stolen before June 1. Low Mileage Credit Vehicles are recorded if taxes were paid for a vehicle in the previous year, but the vehicle never exceeded the mileage threshold.
After selecting the type of payment for the taxes due, the system performs an internal audit of the information that was submitted. This audit checks for any basic errors that may have been made.
You can then select how you would like to pay the IRS. The IRS accepts Electronic Funds Withdrawal, EFTPS, and check or money order. An electronic funds withdrawal would instantly withdraw the payment from a bank account within 5 business days. EFTPS stands for the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System. It is a government program, but in order to use it you must already have an EFTPS account (this can take at least 2 weeks to create). A check or money order can also be used to pay the taxes due. In order to use this method, you will need to print a payment voucher from the Express Truck Tax website then mail that to your local IRS office.
Before you finish, offers many additional services such as an automated text message to your cell phone as soon as the Schedule 1 is available. You can also have the form faxed to anyone including your leasing company, trucking association, or yourself.

E-filing Excise Taxes Now Available For Heavy Highway Vehicles

Although it has been a long year for those in the Trucking and Transportation Industry, It is now possible to transmit returns to the IRS through Express Truck Tax. The process for filing Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Returns was briefly interrupted as the legislation that controlled the tax itself nearly expired. Fortunately, due to urges from various congressmen and President Obama himself, the legislation was extended. Had Congress let the legislation expire, there would have been a shutdown of any government funded Transportation jobs. Although many industry experts agree that new legislation is needed, this extension serves as a quick fix the much worse possibility of all government transportation projects being shut down.
This change resulted in a later filing period for 2011 – 2012. Instead of filing by the month of August, the filing period for the 2011-2012 tax period begins on November 1st and ends on November 30th 2011. The IRS did not even begin accepting these forms until November 1st. With a much shorter filing period, those needing to file a Form 2290 will greatly benefit from eFiling this return. The IRS has been steadily pushing people to eFile since last year. The IRS is no longer sending paper forms to those needing to file. They even admit that the eFiling process is easier for them and saves the government money as opposed to paper filing.
The Form 2290 is incredibly easy to eFile with Express Truck Tax. The whole process can be completed in a matter of minutes. Once the 2290 Form has been submitted to the IRS, a Stamped Schedule 1 will be sent from the IRS directly to the taxpayer through Express Truck Tax. The form will arrive as a pdf attachment in an email.
To fill out the Form 2290 online, all you will need is the basic business information such as the EIN, VIN, and the vehicle weight. The IRS accepts several different payment options including: Electronic Funds Withdrawal, EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System), and also check or money order. Each of these options is fairly simple. Electronic Funds Withdrawal is a very quick and immediate process, just provide your bank account number as well as your routing number, and the IRS will electronically withdraw the payment.
Express Truck Tax offers a very User-Friendly process. Instead of using a tax form that is loaded with confusing tax jargon, The Express Truck Tax system uses a series of basic questions that are simple and straightforward so that you can finish it in as little time as possible. Even if you have questions regarding the Form 2290, you can always call the dedicated Truck Tax Experts at their USA based customer support center in Rock Hill, SC at 704.234.6005 or email them at

IRS Form 2290 (HVUT) Payment Page Video

If you owe taxes, there are several payment methods currently accepted by the IRS.
These include: Electronic Funds Withdrawal, EFTPS, or Check or Money Order
If You choose to pay by Electronic Funds Withdrawal, you may pay using either a checking or Savings Account.
You will need to enter the US Bank Account Number and Routing Number in order for the IRS to process the payment. This information is typically listed on a check.
EFTPS, or Electronic Federal Tax Payment System, is a government website that allows taxpayers to schedule Federal Tax Payments electronically.
In order to make payments using you must complete the EFTPS registration process, which can take 5-7 business days.
Lastly, you may pay by mailing a check or money order to the IRS. If mailing your payment, you must include the 2290V, or payment voucher, with your payment. You may download a completed 2290V, including mailing instructions, directly from your ExpressTruckTax account.

Express Truck Tax Overview Video (E-file IRS form 2290)

Why e-File Form 2290 with Express Truck Tax?
May be the more appropriate question would be, why wouldn’t you use Express Truck Tax to file Form 2290 or Form 8849 or IFTA? We don’t mean to brag, but we do have the lowest prices, the most experience, the best customer support and the most user friendly software to e-File Form 2290 in the industry.
We’re really good at what we do, and what we do is make taxes easier for you.
IRS Approved
We’re an IRS authorized e-file provider. That means we’ve worked closely with the IRS to provide you with a safe, secure, accurate process that will save you time and money.
Our technical and support team is the most experienced team in the industry. We were around when the IRS mandated e-filing for Form 2290. We helped the first customers file online years ago. We know the ins and outs of the filing process better than anyone else.
Safe and Secure
We have taken every possible step to make sure Express Truck Tax is safe and secure. Our site is encrypted and is HackerProof and COMODO certified. Your information goes to the IRS, and no one else.
Expert Help
We made Express Truck Tax as easy to use as possible. You’ll find contextual help bubbles and support text all over the place, guiding you through the process step by step. We also have some helpful video guides if you feel like kicking back and watching how it’s done. If you get stuck, you can always email us, or give us a call.
Power to the Pros
We support tax professionals, our competitors don’t. If you’re a tax professional, you can use Express Truck Tax for your clients–all of them–and take advantage of tax professional discounts.
The Right Price
We know we’re not the only ones providing this service, but we do know we’re the only ones doing it at this price with this level of quality. You won’t find a better combination of tax savvy professionalism and value-based pricing anywhere.

Filing Federal HVUT Form 2290 in 2011

It has been a wild ride for those waiting to file Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax with IRS Form 2290 this year. Although the typical filing season begins in July, this year was different because the tax was set to expire this year. The lack of Congressional action to extend the tax legislation poised the threat of a shutdown of government supported transportation jobs. Although it took several passionate speeches from President Barack Obama concerning the loss of jobs and the negative effects that a shutdown would have on the economy to convince Democrats and Republicans in the House of Representatives and the Senate to act together, they did finally come together and agree to extend the current legislation. Although many industry experts agree that a more permanent piece of new legislation is needed to effectively regulate the industry, this was widely believed to be a step in the right direction.
As of right now, the Filing Season for the current Tax Period will officially begin November 1st, and all Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes will need to be filed by November 30th. This delay threw a lot of people for a loop when they tried to register their heavy vehicle. Since a Stamped Schedule 1 is required to register a vehicle with the DMV, no one was able to provide that over the past few months because the IRS did not accept Form 2290’s and thus did not give out any Stamped Schedule 1’s because that is a part of the 2290 form.
For those who need to file the IRS Form 2290 and receive a Stamped Schedule 1, it is possible to E-File this form online. This way you will receive a stamped Schedule 1 within minutes of filing. This process is much quicker and much more efficient than the old paper filing process. This is especially favorable because there is a shorter amount of time in which to file (Nov 1-30).
To e-file this tax from your home or office, all you need to do is go to the website for the IRS-Approved E-File Provider, Express Truck Tax: The filing process could not be simpler! Most users agree that it is even easier than paper-filing! Even if you have questions, Express Truck Tax has a US-based customer service team of Truck Tax Experts that are standing by to take any calls, emails, or online chats that you may have.

Truck Tax (form 2290) Legislation Has Been Passed!

The U.S. Senate approved a piece of legislation that will extend the funding of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as well as for federal highway programs. The funding for these programs would have ceased, had this extension not been passed.
This Transportation bill has been extended several times already, and it is fairly widely agreed upon that a more permanent piece of legislation is needed to regulate this industry. However, this extension will keep up to a million highway workers at work. A simple extension is better than letting the bill expiring, which would furlough thousands of workers as soon as the legislation expired.
This basically serves as a stop-gap measure that will also provide the government with the ability to collect taxes on airline ticket sales through the FAA. Earlier this week, the FAA incurred a partial shutdown for two weeks, which cost the government $400 Million in taxes associated with airline ticket sales.
The Senate was able to pass the pill with a large margin of 92-6. This was largely due to some last minute negotiations by Sen. Barbara Boxer. Sen. Boxer is the chairman of the Senate Public Works Committee, which oversees the highway programs. Boxer negotiated an agreement between Republican senators Rand Paul and Tom Coburn due to their concerns of wasteful spending. This aided to avoiding a last-minute obstacle to the passage, because the FAA funding is set to expire this Friday (September 16).
John Crawley, a reporter for Reuters, had the following to say regarding the current state of Capital Hill:
“It remains unclear ahead of an election year whether the House of Representatives, which approved the extensions earlier this week, and the Senate can come together on the bigger bills before the next renewals are due.
The charged political climate in Washington is largely fuelled by partisan divisions over spending, taxes and budget deficits. The transportation bills would require several hundred billion dollars in funding over several years.”
Although it may be difficult to foresee how our elected officials will work together in the future, it is nice to see a healthy negotiation to pass a bill that the American people need.
This is a positive step for the Trucking and Transportation Industry. Although it is not yet possible to file Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes with Form 2290, the folks at Express Truck Tax will be available to answer any questions and help drivers file those taxes. For more information, visit the Express Truck Tax website or call our Truck Tax experts at 704-234-6005. You can also chat online, or email any questions to   

Transportation Bill clears Senate committee

As of Thursday, September 8, 2011 the much talked about Transportation Bill known as SAFETEA-LU (Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users) was approved by a Senate committee.

This bill has had a significant amount of publicity ever since President Barack Obama made a speech from the White House Rose Garden last week, in which he was joined by Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood, as well as Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, and also David Chavern, the chief operating officer of the Chamber of Commerce. He gave Congress another warning at that time also, stating that letting the transportation bill expire at the end of the month would be “not acceptable” and “inexcusable.”

The Senate Committee approved an extension of the current bill. This is the eighth time the bill has been extended. This will serve as a step in the right direction for the Transportation Industry, but as many have said, an extension is like a band aid on a bigger problem. There still needs to be new legislation put in place for this industry, it cannot simply be ignored.

However, the act of extending the bill seems to be all either party can agree to.  The Democratically-controlled Senate and the Republican-controlled House of Representatives have presented vastly different options for this bill.  The House proposed spending $235 billion over the next six years, while the senate proposed spending $109 billion over the next two years.

When asked to comment on the decision, Senator Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey stated: “The American people didn’t send us here to make unemployment worse and allow our roads to crumble—and that’s why we must act swiftly to extend this law,” he continued. “Instead of putting up roadblocks to this extension, I hope our colleagues will work with us to fix the economy, help Americans get back to work and keeps our country moving forward. Once we have passed this short-term fix, we need to complete work on a long-term bill that strengthens investment in our national transportation network to create jobs, maintain our roads and bridges, and invest in rail and transit to ease commutes.”

This is a positive step for the Trucking and Transportation Industry. Although it is still not possible to file Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes with Form 2290, the folks at Express Truck Tax will be available to answer any questions and help drivers file those taxes. For more information, visit the Express Truck Tax website or call our Truck Tax experts at 704-234-6005. You can also email any questions to