Category: 2290 tax

Stay Alert for Internal Revenue Service Phishing Scams

Scammers are like cockroaches; they are unwanted, yet they never seem to go away. Recently, there has been a set of IRS phishing emails that have been infesting the web. There have been at least two versions. One claims to be from “info” and another from “support” These emails can look convincing with headers that read: “IRS notification.” Although it may seem authoritative, neither of these are legitimate and should be ignored, deleted, or forwarded along to Do Not reply and Do Not open the attachments.

Here is the plain text version of one of the emails:

Important Information about your tax return
We are unable to process your tax return
We received your tax return. However, we are unable to process the return as field.
Our records indicate that the person identified as the primary taxpayer or spouse on the tax return did not provided all the required documents shown on the tax form. Our records are based on information received from the Social Security Administration.
Based on this information, the tax account for the individual has been locked
What you need to do
Print out the attached notification and list of missing documents, fill it in, add the documents and send the following information to the address shown in the attached notification.
List of required documents:
    • A copy of this letter
    • Notification letter
    • A photocopy of valid U.S. Federal or State Government issued identification.

Keep this notice for your records.

As you can see, this email is littered with typos and grammatical errors. That is always a Huge Red Flag if you are receiving an email that is supposedly from a professional organization. In addition to that, it is commonly known that the IRS does not send unsolicited e-mails to taxpayers. Therefore, most emails claiming to be from the IRS are most likely a scam.  

Be very careful with these emails. Most of them try to get you to reveal your personal or financial information. Do not reveal any of this information via e-mail. Better yet, Do Not reply to the email at all.  Don’t follow any links from these e-mails to any web sites where you might be asked for the same information.

Other e-mails may have attachments or links which download viruses or other malware onto your computer. Some of this malware, has the capabilities to retrieve financial and other personal information from your computer. Even if you don’t manually input personal information into these sites, the malware allows the scammers to track your personally identifiable information.

Key Point to Remember: the IRS will never initiate contact with you via email. They will not ask you to click links to fix your tax information or verify your tax account. Neither will you be advised of a mistake in your refund via email. If you are concerned that you need to contact the IRS, then you should call them (1.800.829.1040). Don’t click on an attachment or reply to an email claiming to be from the IRS.

So to recap: delete, delete, delete. Do Not open links. Do Not open any attachments. Do Not investigate on your own. The IRS can handle any investigation if necessary. If you would like to make the IRS aware of it, you can forward the e-mail to the IRS at then DELETE the email.

This Information has been provided by the Truck Tax Team at

IRS 2290 Update for Tax Year 2011 – 2012

On Monday, July 18, the IRS announced that the 2290 filing deadline for the 2011-2012 tax period would be extended by 90 days. All 2290 forms, which are usually due on August 31, will instead be due on November 30. The extension is designed to alleviate any confusion that may be caused by changes in the HVUT tax laws, which are currently set to expire on September 30, 2011.

In order to assist heavy vehicle owners with state vehicle registration, the IRS submitted new regulations requiring all states to accept the 2010-2011 proof of HVUT payment (schedule 1) for registration purposes during the months of July through November. The regulations also extend the grace period during which a newly acquired vehicle can be registered by the state without a 2290. Any heavy vehicle acquired on or after July 1 may be registered without proof of HVUT payment within 150 days of purchase. You will need to provide the state with documentation showing the purchase occurred within this grace period.

The IRS has tentatively announced that they will begin accepting 2290 returns and 2290 payments for the 2011-2012 tax period beginning November 1. ExpressTruckTax will send email notifications to all our registered users as soon as the IRS begins accepting 2011 electronic returns.

ExpressTruckTax Advanced Filing

For our users that have taken advantage of our Advanced Filing and have already prepared your 2011-2012 return, your completed 2290 will remain in our secure database – ready to be filed. Once the IRS begins to accept 2290 filings, ExpressTruckTax will automatically transmit your tax return to the IRS. If you need to edit or update your prepared 2290 at any time prior to November 1, you may do so simply by logging into your ExpressTruckTax account and editing your 2011 return. Please note, no tax payment will be processed by the IRS for the 2011-2012 tax period until the IRS begins accepting 2290 returns in November.

For those users that have not yet prepared your 2290 return for the 2011-2012 tax period, you may do so now using our Advanced Filing product. This will allow you to complete your 2290 return in advance, ensuring that you and your company are well prepared once the 2011-2012 filing season begins.

Please do not hesitate to contact our support center if you have any questions or if we may be of additional service. You can reach us by phone at (704)234-6005, Monday through Friday – 9 am to 6 pm (EST) or by email, 24 hours a day, at For more details regarding the 90-day extension, you may view the official announcement on the IRS Newsroom website. Thank you for using ExpressTruckTax, where IRS 2290 and IFTA are made easy!

If have problems registering your vehicles with the state, please provide this IRS communication to them.

IRS Communication:

Tips and Tricks for Owner-Operators(U.S Federal Heavy Vehicle Highway Use Tax)

One of the most challenging jobs in this country is also one of the most vital to our nation’s economy. The job I am referring to is that of Heavy Vehicle Owner Operators.  The job of an owner operator is not only physically strenuous, it can also be confusing and stressful due to the various taxes that owner operators must file each year for their heavy vehicles.  These taxes include Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) which includes the IRS Form 2290 as well as IRS Form 8849. Another tax that affects the trucking industry is the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA).  

The IRS Form 2290 has its own set of detailed instructions. Form 2290 is in 2 sections.The first part, the Schedule 1, must be completed and stamped by the IRS in order for the vehicle to be registered with the Department of Motor vehicles. The traditional way to obtain this stamp from the IRS can be filed one of two ways. The form can be sent to the IRS office via postal mail and then wait for the stamped form to be sent in the mail, which can take several weeks. The other option is to file at the nearest IRS office and get it stamped in person. This is also a very time consuming option that often includes waiting in line for a long period of time..

The process for filing IFTA (International Fuel Tax Agreement) can also be very confusing. Each driver must keep detailed trip notes for the number of miles that were traveled, and also how much fuel was purchased in each state or province. The reason for keeping these records is so that the Fuel Tax (IFTA) is accurately distributed to all of the states and provinces that were involved.  For Example, If a driver drove through a state on it’s public highways, but did not purchase any fuel in that state, then that state did not receive any taxes from that driver.  The Fuel Tax would redistribute the taxes so that certain states would not be neglected if they were used.

Fortunately, these confusing processes have been made easier, simpler, and safer. serves as a one-stop-shop for all truck tax needs!  Express Truck Tax allows drivers to E-File a completed Form 2290 online with the IRS and receive a stamped Schedule 1 in minutes.  (The stamp is actually a watermark, not a physical stamp. State DMV’s will accept this as proof) The IFTA process is also much easier thanks to the online tools that Express Truck Tax has to offer. With features like online trip sheets and abnormal MPG audits, Express Truck Tax has what it takes to get you back on the road with as little paperwork as possible.

Temporary regulations for Internal Revenue Service Form 2290

Waiting for the IRS to release the Form 2290 for HVUT for the new tax year will likely take quite a while. According to a Federal Register notice set to be published on Wednesday, July 20th, implementing new regulations states that taxpayers filing Form 2290 should not file before November 1, 2011. In addition to that, the IRS will not be releasing receipted Schedule 1 forms prior to Nov. 1st. The current HVUT system is currently up in the air. Without a law passed from Congress, the tax will expire by Sept. 30, 2011.

Under current regulations, a tax is in place for the period between July 1, 2011, through Sept. 30, 2011. If Congress remains inactive on the matter, taxpayers will merely be liable for that taxable period and would have to file by Nov. 30.

In the Federal Register, the IRS does state that if Congress extends the tax past Sept. 30, anyone who filed for the “short taxable period” would also be required to file a second Form 2290 for the rest of the 2011-2012 tax season.

Amid all of this confusion and what seems to be a chaotic situation for many in the Trucking Industry, you can take comfort that you will be able to Electronically file any HVUT taxes imposed by the IRS with our service. Although we do not know what that will entail right now, we will be able to adjust our product to the changing requirements by the IRS (if needed).

Internal Revenue Service Form 2290 Stamped Schedule 1 with Express Truck Tax

It is Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) filing season and the Process for Filing IRS Form 2290 and receiving a stamped Schedule 1 can be a confusing process.  

A Stamped Schedule 1 is required in order to register a vehicle with the DMV.  So it can be a very stressful process to wait until the last minute to register your vehicle because you are waiting for the IRS to send you a stamped schedule 1.  

Although these may be the traditional ways of getting a Stamped Schedule 1, an easier way has come about in recent years.  E-Filing has become very practical, as well as more efficient.  A leading provider of this online service is  Instead of waiting in the IRS office for hours, or up to 6 weeks for the IRS to stamp your schedule 1 via postal mail, Express Truck Tax will get your Schedule 1 stamped in minutes.  When you login to the site, you can enter the information for the Form 2290, and Express Truck Tax will then create a Schedule 1 based on that information.  That form will be sent to the IRS electronically, and they will then transmit the stamped Schedule 1 back to Express Truck Tax, who will then automatically email the file to the taxpayer.  This document can also be faxed as well as emailed to the taxpayer as soon as the IRS processes the form.  The final form will include a watermark as well as an IRS E-File logo since the document will not be physically stamped.

Credits for Sold/ Destroyed/ Stolen Vehicles (Internal Revenue Service Form 2290)

You may be surprised to know that you can actually E-File an IRS Form 2290 to claim a credit for your Heavy Vehicles in some specific scenarios.  If a vehicle falls into this particular category, it is referred to as a “Credit Vehicle.” allows you to E-File an IRS Form 2290 for these credit vehicles through its tax program.  

Heavy Highway Motor Vehicles that were stolen, destroyed, or sold before June 1st and were not used during the rest of the year qualify as a credit vehicle.  A heavy vehicle also qualifies as a credit vehicle if it was used for 5,000 miles or less, or 7,500 miles or less if it was used for agricultural use.  It is important to also note that a credit, lower tax rate, exemption, or refund is not allowed for an occasional light or decreased load; nor is it allowed for a changed use of the vehicle, or if the vehicle was discontinued.

While the rules that apply to credit vehicles may be confusing and complicated, helps make this process simple.  The filing process only takes a few minutes.  If you need any help, their dedicated customer support team can help walk you through the process.

What Do I Need to E-File IRS Form 2290?

As you may know, the New Tax period for filing IRS Form 2290 for HVUT (Heavy Vehicle Use Tax) begins on July 1st.

As you may know, it is now possible to E-File your 2290 from your own computer quickly, easily, and securely.

If you have not ever E-Filed a tax return before, there is no need to worry. The E-Filing process is actually easier than paper filing. We at also have a dedicated team of customer support professionals available to help you over the phone, email, or online chat (available in English or Spanish).  All you need to File this IRS Form is your EIN (Employee Identification Number), Address, Phone Number, VIN’s (Vehicle Identification Numbers), and Gross Vehicle Weight and our program will take care of the rest.

There have also been a few changes this year in the filing process.  The IRS will no longer be mailing out paper forms to drivers.  This a very significant change, because you will not be able to rely on the IRS to send you the Form to remind you to file. This year, no one will receive that form via postal mail.  The IRS Form 2290 is due between July 1, 2011 – August 31, 2011.  If you E-File with you will receive email reminders each yearso that we can keep you informed even though the IRS may not.

Filing a Form 2290 does not need to slow you down. If you use your filing process can be as quick as just a few minutes!  That sure beats driving to the IRS office.

Express Truck Tax offers a Simple way to File IRS Form 2290; HVUT Taxes

Express Truck Tax continues to be an Industry Leader in Innovation and New Technologies

In preparation for the upcoming 2011 – 2012 tax period, Express Truck Tax has announced the simplest, most secure, and most economical way to file IRS Form 2290 (Heavy Vehicle Use Tax).
Since the introduction of E-Filing Form 2290 in 2007, taxpayers with 25 or more reportable heavy vehicles have been required to electronically file with the IRS. This primarily includes larger trucking companies. Unlike most HVUT E-File providers who have historically targeted only large trucking companies, Express Truck Tax specializes in serving owner operators and small trucking companies.
These owner operators and small trucking companies benefit from the most affordable pricing in the industry. The US-based company, Express Truck Tax, allows users to file an IRS Form 2290 for as little as $9.90; the industry average for this service consistently averages about $30 for a single vehicle filing.
Express Truck Tax also uses the most practical and understandable language throughout the filing process. Instead of using an enormous form with confusing tax jargon, each part has been broken down into easy to understand sections. There are even help videos and text on each page to guide the user through the process. There is also free phone and chat support, as well as 24/7 email support for any questions along the way.
The simplification of this process has caused a surge in small trucking companies across North America to begin E-Filing their Form 2290 with Express Truck Tax. “We knew we had a good idea,” said Charles Hardy, Communications Director with Express Truck Tax, “but we never expected this kind of response. [The response] has been fantastic.”
Last month, Express Truck Tax became the first authorized HVUT E-File provider to offer complete service and support in Spanish. In addition to integrating the Spanish-language option into their current E-filing system (, ExpressTruckTax has also released a new website ( exclusively for Spanish speaking taxpayers who need to file HVUT returns. “In previous years, the Hispanic trucking community has generally been under-served,” said Moises Mejia, Director of Spanish Services with ExpressTruckTax. “While HVUT E-filing has been available since 2007, no provider has ever offered those services in Spanish – until now.”
James Harris, Director of Tax Products with Express Truck Tax, also commented on the significance of the Hispanic trucking community: “Reports show that one in seven long haul drivers speak Spanish as their primary language, and that number is expected to rise.” To support the additional Spanish-speaking taxpayers, Express Truck Tax has added more staff to their support center in Rock Hill, South Carolina. All support functions, including phone, email, and live chat support, will be available in both English and Spanish.
These are just a few examples of how Express Truck Tax has been an industry leader when it comes to innovation and new technology within this industry. There have been many other accomplishments that could also be mentioned here, such as the fact that Express Truck Tax was also the first to introduce Free VIN corrections, and also the ability to directly email the Schedule 1 to the leasing company.
Express Truck Tax also offers many other useful features for those in the trucking industry such as the ability to download a copy of the E-Filed 2290, Schedule 1 Form, and payment vouchers. Preparing IFTA returns can also be done online with Express Truck Tax. State IFTA returns can be automatically generated online with some useful features such as free online trip sheets, an abnormal MPG audit, and a state adjacency check to help boost information accuracy and avoid an audit. James Harris, Director of Tax Products with Express Truck Tax, is looking forward to the new tax period with much anticipation: “We at Express Truck Tax would like to wish all those in the trucking industry a safe and prosperous year. We look forward to working with so many great individuals again during this tax period.”

HVUT(IRS Form 2290) Payment to the IRS

When it comes to E-Filing your IRS Form 2290 through an authorized E-File provider such as, there are several different payment options.  Taxpayers can pay by Electronic Funds Withdrawal, EFTPS, Check, or Money Order.  The options to pay by check or money order may be easier to understand, but the options for Electronic Funds Withdrawal and EFTPS may need an additional explanation.

If you elect to pay by Electronic Funds Withdrawal, you can use either a checking or savings account.  You will need to enter the US Bank Account Number and Routing Number in order for the IRS to Process the payment.  This information is typically listed on a check.

EFTPS is short for Electronic Federal Tax Tayment System.  It is a government program that allows you to schedule Federal Tax Payments electronically.  If you select to pay by this option, you are acknowledging that it is your responsibility to send the tax payment to the IRS through the website.

IRS Update Regarding IRS Form 2290(HVUT)- June 15, 2011

The following information regarding HVUT can be found on the IRS website at,,id=231565,00.html 
The law that governs the annual tax imposed on the use of heavy highway vehicles (Form 2290) expires on October 1, 2011. We have not published Form 2290 for the taxable period beginning July 1, 2011 and the form is not available at this time. As soon as we know when the form will be available, we will provide that information on this page. In the meantime, you can still get your tags and register your new or used vehicle.
Getting Your Tags
You can get tags for the tax period beginning July 1, 2011. Existing regulations allow states to register a heavy highway vehicle when the application for registration is received during the months of July, August or September 2011. States can accept as proof of payment a Form 2290 receipted Schedule 1 for the taxable period July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.
Registering Your New or Used Vehicle
States must register new and/or used heavy highway use vehicles without proof of tax payment if you present the original or a photocopy of a bill of sale showing that the vehicle was purchased by the owner during the 60 days before the date the state received the application for registration. 
Getting a Copy of Your Schedule 1
Call our Excise Tax division at 1-866-699-4096 to get a copy of your Schedule 1 for the taxable period July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. From Canada or Mexico, call 1-859-669-5733 (not toll-free).
If you need any additional information, feel free to contact us at (704) 234-6005 or email us at