Category: 2290 form

Obama Supports Transportation Bill to Save Jobs

President Barack Obama has once again urged Congress once more to extend the transportation bill, following a jobs report that was not very flattering of the American economy.  This message served as a warning that letting the current transportation bill expire would be an economic disaster that could be easily avoided.

Obama focused on the amount of jobs that would be furloughed and eventually removed if a decision could not be made in Congress. “Right away, over 4,000 workers would be furloughed without pay. If it’s delayed for just 10 days, we will lose nearly $1 billion in highway funding that we can never get back. And if we wait even longer, almost 1 million workers could be in danger of losing their jobs over the next year.” These jobs are literally left in the hands of Congress.  They can choose to extend the bill, or create a more long term solution, but action needs to be made regardless.

President Obama made a speech from the White House’s Rose Garden last week, in which he was joined by Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood, as well as Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, and also David Chavern, the chief operating officer of the Chamber of Commerce. He gave Congress another warning at that time also, stating that letting the transportation bill expire at the end of the month would be “not acceptable” and “inexcusable.”

In his recent address, the president reiterated that thousands of workers and their families would be hurt if infrastructure projects like highway construction, bridge repair and mass transit systems were put on hold. Obama has previously spoken about renewing the transportation bill as a “no-brainer.” It is also important to note that Congress has renewed the bill seven times in the last two years, and as badly as Americans need jobs, not renewing it this time would be a grave mistake. Nonetheless, a new and sustainable bill would be the best option.

“But thanks to political posturing in Washington, they haven’t been able to extend it this time — and the clock is running out,” he said. Virginia, Minnesota and Florida are examples of states that have thousands of jobs on the chopping block, and the President argued that the decision to let the bill expire is “completely avoidable.”

“This isn’t a Democratic or a Republican issue — it’s an American issue,” he said. The president also mentioned that a group of 128 Democratic and Republican mayors have written to Congress, urging their representatives to pass the extension.

Obama also added a statement that nicely summarizes the heart of the issue: “There’s a lot of talk in Washington these days about creating jobs. But it doesn’t help when those same folks turn around and risk losing hundreds of thousands of jobs just because of political gamesmanship. We need to pass this transportation bill and put people to work rebuilding America.”

To see a video of Obama’s address urging the passage of the bill, you can check it out here. This Information has been provided by the Truck Tax Team at

President Barack Obama Pushes for the Renewal of Transportation Bills

On Wednesday, August 31, 2011 at the Rose Garden, President Barack Obama spoke about the pending Transportation Bill currently in Congress to a large gathering of highway workers. He was joined by Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood, as well as Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, and also David Chavern, the chief operating officer of the Chamber of Commerce.

Among other things, the main focus of President Obama’s speech revolved around the necessity of renewing the Transportation Bill that is currently set to expire September 30. The primary arguments for extending the bill were that not extending it would cost up to a million jobs of hard working highway workers and extending the bill would also bring much needed tax revenue to fund road repairs and maintenance.

“Now is the time for Congress to extend the transportation bill, and keep our workers on the job. Now is the time to put our country before party and give certainty to the people who are trying to get by. There’s work to done. There are workers ready to do it. That’s why I expect Congress to act immediately.” said the President.

Video Link:

Trucking Industry Supports President Obama’s Push for Highway Funding

On Wednesday, August 31, 2011, President Barack Obama was joined by Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood, as well as Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, and also David Chavern, the chief operating officer of the Chamber of Commerce as he made a speech to a gathering of Highway Workers regarding the Transportation Bill currently in Congress. His speech mainly focused on the jobs that would be lost if Congress failed to pass the bill by September 30th (the current transportation legislation is set to expire on Sept. 30). According to his speech, nearly one million highway workers would be out of a job if the current legislation expired without enacting new legislation.  

The current transportation legislation “The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users” expired in 2009, but Congress has kept adding extensions to the legislation. The most recent one expires at the end of September. If it is not extended, or if new legislation is not enacted to replace it, the transportation industry will experience a shutdown similar to what the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) experienced earlier this year.

If there is no immediate solution, the Transportation department will experience about 4,000 jobs to be furloughed without pay, and up to one million jobs if the delay is any longer. These are jobs for the people who build our roads and keep them safe. It would be detrimental and irresponsible to our highway system if this legislation is not kept in place.  

The American Trucking Associations (ATA) came out in support of President Obama stating that Congress needed to quickly act on another extension, but  more extensions are no replacement for a long-term highway solution.  The ATA also urged the administration to use caution when using private sector funding for public infrastructure.   

Soon after, The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials also released a statement in agreement with the ATA.  Another organization that supported President Obama’s push for new legislation came as a surprise was OOIDA (Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association). This was a bit surprising because OOIDA and the ATA have had a history of having a different opinion than the ATA. But as to this issue they have a similar viewpoint. They also agree that the government should try to avoid private sector funding for public transit.

This delay in the typical tax year for those filing Truck Taxes has affected an entire industry. Once an extension is passed or new legislation is enacted, those Truck Taxes will be able to be filed with Express Truck Tax at You can use this service to quickly EFile your Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes with Form 2290, 8849, IFTA and more!  It only takes minutes to complete.  If there are any questions, you can send them to (704)234-6005 or

IRS New HVUT (form 2290) Regulations for 2011

There are several taxes that are imposed on those in the trucking industry each year. Heavy Vehicles travelling on public highways are subject to HVUT, or Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. These taxes can be filed by filing a Form 2290. Truckers, owner operators, and trucking companies were recently notified by the IRS that their next highway use tax return for filing HVUT (which is usually due on August 31) will instead be due on November 30, 2011. The primary reason for the extension of the due date is to reduce confusion and multiple filings of Form 2290 that could result if Congress reinstates or makes changes to the current highway use tax after September 30, 2011.

The previously mentioned Heavy Vehicle Use Tax applies to trucks, truck tractors and buses with a gross taxable weight of 55,000 pounds and above. There are also many detailed rules and regulations that apply to vehicles with minimal road use, logging/agricultural vehicles, vehicles transferred during the year, and also those whose first use month was during July. In typical scenarios, vans, pick-ups and panel trucks are not taxable because would [under normal circumstances] fall below the 55,000 pound requirement.

The recently determined filing deadline of November 30 for Form 2290 (Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return) applies to the tax period beginning on July 1, 2011. This does not only include those vehicles that were used during July, it also includes those whose first use month was during August or September. According to recent statements from the IRS, 2290 tax returns should not be filed and payments should not be made until November 1, 2011.

Regulations for new vehicles that need to be registered will also take effect. Any new vehicle that needs to be registered during July through October of 2011, state DMV’s are now required to accept a Stamped Schedule 1 from the previous year since it is not possible to receive a stamped Schedule 1 until November of 2011. If a vehicle was acquired within the current tax year, and there is not a stamped Schedule 1 for the previous year, the owner only needs to provide some form of proof of purchase to prove that the vehicle was recently placed in his/her possession.

Fortunately, once the Form 2290 is available, the electronic filing service: will be able to E-File the form and send it to the IRS in minutes. Express Truck Tax is an IRS Authorized E-File provider for filing Form 2290. The E-Filing Process is very simple; the form can be completed in minutes, and it can be sent to the IRS as soon as it is finished. It is such a time saver when you compare it to waiting in the IRS office for hours or sending it via postal mail and waiting weeks for the IRS to process it.  All you will need is your basic information about yourself, and your truck.

File IRS Form 2290 through an IRS-Authorized Service Provider

If you are a trucker, owner operator, or trucking company, you are subject to filing a tax return for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. These taxes have typically been filed with the IRS Form 2290. Until recently, this form could only be filed by paper. However, there have been great advances in technology over the past few years and the IRS now accepts and encourages taxpayers to E-File their 2290 Form.

The IRS has approved several third party service providers to E-File the Form 2290 on behalf of those taxpayers who need to file. This list is posted on the IRS website. The IRS itself does not provide a way to E-File this form through their website. In deciding how to file, there are a few things that should be considered. When you select a provider, it is important to be sure that they are an Authorized IRS E-File Provider, make sure that they can handle all of your truck tax needs, and it is safest to find a provider that is entirely web-based.

  • When selecting an Authorized E-File Provider, you should look on their website for something to verify that they are actually authorized by the IRS to E-File tax forms. Again, you can also refer to the IRS Website for a complete list of Authorized E-File Providers.  Be sure that the provider you choose is on that list!
  • If you need to file several types of Truck Taxes and not only the Form 2290, like IFTA or Form 8849 then it would be helpful to have them all filed from the same place. Some service providers are only for Form 2290, or Form 8849, etc. The most convenient and economical way of filing would be to have them all filed with the same service.
  • If an E-Filing system is not web-based, then there is less reason to use it. If a so-called E-Filing system is not web-based, meaning you need to download a program onto your computer in order to run the program, then it is not a true E-Filing system. The IRS recommends E-Filing because of its speed and security. If you are required to download lots of files and store information on your computer, your system is not completely web based. The benefits of a web-based system are obviously the speed of transfer to the IRS when you are finished, but also the security of storing your information online instead of on your computer. If you rely on your computer to store your information, you run the risk of losing all of your information if your computer crashed or if you spill something on it, etc. fits all of these qualifications for a Truck Tax E-File Provider. It is entirely web-based, they are a one-stop-shop for all truck tax needs, and they are authorized by the IRS as an E-File provider on the official list from their website. If you need any help, you can also contact their wonderful customer support team!  They offer live chat & phone support Monday through Friday (9:00am – 6:00pm EST) at 704.234.6005, as well as email support 24/7 ( This way you can get a stamped schedule 1 in about 10 minutes. The file is electronically submitted to the IRS, and within minutes the file will be processed by the IRS and the filer will receive a notification from Express Truck Tax that their return has been processed.

Truck Tax Regulations for 2011 (HVUT)

You don’t have to be a transportation expert to understand that Washington DC is known for its gridlock. The very worst of it is actually off the roads and on Capital Hill. While both parties in Congress continue to argue, there is a significant piece of legislation that has yet to be voted on. The delay of this legislation being enacted has thrown many people in the trucking & transportation industry for a loop.

The law previously referred to is a transportation law known as SAFETEA-LU – the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users – which expired in 2009, but it allowed the taxes associated with the Highway Trust Fund to be collected for an additional two years. When SAFETEA-LU became law in 2005, lawmakers added what they believed to be enough time to get the next multi-year transportation authorization bill in place.

Those two years have passed faster than expected and we are left without a new Highway Bill to replace it. The House and Senate committees are now drafting preliminary versions of the legislation and will continue to debate its details. Let’s hope that both sides come to an agreement soon to avoid massive confusion in the trucking industry. Trucking Regulations alone are complicated enough.

Under normal circumstances, tax provisions related to the Highway Trust Fund would be extended as part of the authorization. Unfortunately, no one can accurately predict what will happen in the future, especially with the extreme volatility between political parties of late. One thing that is predictable, however, is that will keep updating their website and blog with the latest news affecting the Trucking Industry. Once there is more information available about the HVUT filing process, we will let you know. Express Truck Tax is the premier provider of Tax Services for the Trucking Industry; as soon as the IRS releases the new Form 2290, it will be available for EFiling at

File a Federal Highway Use Tax Form 2290 VIN Correction for Free!

To err is human, and the folks at Express Truck Tax understand this. Unfortunately, sometimes mistakes are even made on important documents like Tax Returns. If you wer unfortunate enough to incorrectly enter your VIN number when filing your Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes with IRS Form 2290, there is still hope for you!  Thanks to Express Truck Tax, you can Electronically File an IRS Form 2290 VIN Correction at no charge!

This is an exclusive offer from Express Truck Tax that no other HVUT E-File provider is offering. This filing process only takes a few minutes and the best part of it all is that it is also absolutely FREE. Express Truck Tax allows anyone to correct a VIN Number for any previously filed IRS Form 2290. The person filing the form will receive a new IRS-Stamped Schedule 1 in only a few minutes.  

Because of this speedy service, drivers, owner operators, and trucking companies will be able to get their truck taxes taken care of quickly, so that they can get back on the road in no time!  Express Truck Tax realizes that time on the road is valuable and that people need to spend as little time as possible worrying about the little details.  That’s why Express Truck Tax is making this process much simpler for those in the Trucking Industry who file HVUT.

3 Month Tax Extension for Internal Revenue Service Form 2290 (Federal Heavy Vehicle Use Tax)

Earlier this month the Internal Revenue Service informed truckers, owner operators, and trucking companies who file federal highway use tax returns that the typical deadline of August 31st will be extended to November 30, 2011. The official legislation for the currently scheduled to expire on September 30, 2011. The current legislation has yet to be passed through Congress; the extension was put in place because it is still possible for Congress to alter the tax legislation after the expiration date. According to the IRS, returns should not be filed and payments should not be made prior to November 1st.

New regulations require state Departments of Motor Vehicles to accept a prior year stamped Schedule 1 of the Form 2290. Typically, taxpayers are required to present a stamped Schedule 1 to register a vehicle with the DMV. The Schedule 1 is usually stamped by the IRS as a proof that the return was filed correctly.  

If a taxpayer acquired a new vehicle during July 2011-November 2011, recent regulations allow states to register vehicles without proof that the highway use tax was paid as long as they provide a copy of the bill of sale or a similar proof of purchase to verify that it was acquired in the past 150 days.

If you are unsure whether or not you qualify to file the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, it typically applies to trucks, truck tractors, and buses with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or greater. As a rule of thumb, vans, pick-ups, and panel trucks do not qualify due to the 55,000 pound minimum.

IRS 2290 Update for Tax Year 2011 – 2012

On Monday, July 18, the IRS announced that the 2290 filing deadline for the 2011-2012 tax period would be extended by 90 days. All 2290 forms, which are usually due on August 31, will instead be due on November 30. The extension is designed to alleviate any confusion that may be caused by changes in the HVUT tax laws, which are currently set to expire on September 30, 2011.

In order to assist heavy vehicle owners with state vehicle registration, the IRS submitted new regulations requiring all states to accept the 2010-2011 proof of HVUT payment (schedule 1) for registration purposes during the months of July through November. The regulations also extend the grace period during which a newly acquired vehicle can be registered by the state without a 2290. Any heavy vehicle acquired on or after July 1 may be registered without proof of HVUT payment within 150 days of purchase. You will need to provide the state with documentation showing the purchase occurred within this grace period.

The IRS has tentatively announced that they will begin accepting 2290 returns and 2290 payments for the 2011-2012 tax period beginning November 1. ExpressTruckTax will send email notifications to all our registered users as soon as the IRS begins accepting 2011 electronic returns.

ExpressTruckTax Advanced Filing

For our users that have taken advantage of our Advanced Filing and have already prepared your 2011-2012 return, your completed 2290 will remain in our secure database – ready to be filed. Once the IRS begins to accept 2290 filings, ExpressTruckTax will automatically transmit your tax return to the IRS. If you need to edit or update your prepared 2290 at any time prior to November 1, you may do so simply by logging into your ExpressTruckTax account and editing your 2011 return. Please note, no tax payment will be processed by the IRS for the 2011-2012 tax period until the IRS begins accepting 2290 returns in November.

For those users that have not yet prepared your 2290 return for the 2011-2012 tax period, you may do so now using our Advanced Filing product. This will allow you to complete your 2290 return in advance, ensuring that you and your company are well prepared once the 2011-2012 filing season begins.

Please do not hesitate to contact our support center if you have any questions or if we may be of additional service. You can reach us by phone at (704)234-6005, Monday through Friday – 9 am to 6 pm (EST) or by email, 24 hours a day, at For more details regarding the 90-day extension, you may view the official announcement on the IRS Newsroom website. Thank you for using ExpressTruckTax, where IRS 2290 and IFTA are made easy!

If have problems registering your vehicles with the state, please provide this IRS communication to them.

IRS Communication:

Tips and Tricks for Owner-Operators(U.S Federal Heavy Vehicle Highway Use Tax)

One of the most challenging jobs in this country is also one of the most vital to our nation’s economy. The job I am referring to is that of Heavy Vehicle Owner Operators.  The job of an owner operator is not only physically strenuous, it can also be confusing and stressful due to the various taxes that owner operators must file each year for their heavy vehicles.  These taxes include Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) which includes the IRS Form 2290 as well as IRS Form 8849. Another tax that affects the trucking industry is the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA).  

The IRS Form 2290 has its own set of detailed instructions. Form 2290 is in 2 sections.The first part, the Schedule 1, must be completed and stamped by the IRS in order for the vehicle to be registered with the Department of Motor vehicles. The traditional way to obtain this stamp from the IRS can be filed one of two ways. The form can be sent to the IRS office via postal mail and then wait for the stamped form to be sent in the mail, which can take several weeks. The other option is to file at the nearest IRS office and get it stamped in person. This is also a very time consuming option that often includes waiting in line for a long period of time..

The process for filing IFTA (International Fuel Tax Agreement) can also be very confusing. Each driver must keep detailed trip notes for the number of miles that were traveled, and also how much fuel was purchased in each state or province. The reason for keeping these records is so that the Fuel Tax (IFTA) is accurately distributed to all of the states and provinces that were involved.  For Example, If a driver drove through a state on it’s public highways, but did not purchase any fuel in that state, then that state did not receive any taxes from that driver.  The Fuel Tax would redistribute the taxes so that certain states would not be neglected if they were used.

Fortunately, these confusing processes have been made easier, simpler, and safer. serves as a one-stop-shop for all truck tax needs!  Express Truck Tax allows drivers to E-File a completed Form 2290 online with the IRS and receive a stamped Schedule 1 in minutes.  (The stamp is actually a watermark, not a physical stamp. State DMV’s will accept this as proof) The IFTA process is also much easier thanks to the online tools that Express Truck Tax has to offer. With features like online trip sheets and abnormal MPG audits, Express Truck Tax has what it takes to get you back on the road with as little paperwork as possible.