Category: 2290 form

Free Services from Express Truck Tax (2011 form 2290)

When selecting an E-File provider for filing Truck Taxes with the IRS Form 2290 for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes, it is important to consider what you are getting. The price of this service varies dramatically between providers, but you may be surprised to hear what is included with some of them. There are some companies that charge exorbitant amounts, but only provide a bare minimum level of service. You will not find a better combination of price and value as
To err is human. You would think that most companies would understand and adapt to this. Unfortunately some people even make mistakes on their Tax Returns. If You were so unfortunate when filing your IRS Form 2290 to incorrectly record the VIN number of your heavy vehicle, there is still hope for you! Thanks to the Good Folks at Express Truck Tax, you can E-File an IRS Form 2290 VIN Correction absolutely free! Unlike other services that would charge you for another filing, the good folks on the Truck Tax team for provide VIN Corrections at no extra charge.
Another Free service that Express Truck Tax is offering is the ability to send a copy of the Stamped Schedule 1 directly to their Contracting, Leasing, or Trucking Company as soon as it is processed via email. You can also send a copy to your Accountant, Tax Preparer, or Business Manager as well. That way everyone can be kept in the loop as far as your taxes are concerned.
The filing process for this only takes a few minutes and the best part of it all is that these additional services 100% FREE. To Clarify, Express Truck Tax allows anyone to correct the VIN Number on any previously filed IRS Form 2290 as well as email a copy of the Stamped schedule 1 to anyone once it has been accepted. The filer will then receive their new IRS Stamped Schedule 1 in only minutes.
With this incredibly helpful service, you will be able to get your truck taxes taken care of quickly, so that you can get back on the road in no time! Express Truck Tax realizes that your time on the road is valuable and that you need to spend as little time as possible worrying about the little things. That’s why Express Truck Tax is making this process much simple for Truck Drivers everywhere.

File HVUT (Form 2290 Heavy vehicle Use Tax Return) in November 2011

Due to the fact that this filing season for Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes (HVUT) has been changed, the IRS Form 2290 will now be available in November of 2011. The legislation that controls the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax nearly expired earlier in the year, and Congress was forced to extend the current legislation in order to prevent a shutdown of the Government funded Highway and Transportation departments.
The Heavy Vehicle Use Tax is an excise tax that is filed annually on none other than Heavy Vehicles that are used on public roads. Vehicles that are included in the tax must be of a certain weight (55,000 pounds or more) as well as a certain mileage (5,000 miles or more, 7,500 or more if agricultural).
In order to make the filing process easier with the IRS using Form 2290, it is very important that you keep accurate records, just like you would when filing any other type of tax return. It is crucial for anyone filing form 2290 to maintain their records for at least 3 years prior to the filing date for any taxable highway vehicles registered to them. For fleet owners and small trucking companies who have filed form 2290 in the past, it is wise to always keep the 2290 records on hand, as one never knows when IRS inspection may take place. It is even important to save these returns if they are only for a part of a year. In the case of a suspended vehicle (public highway use was less than 5,000 miles/year) it is still necessary to keep records of Form 2290’s filed for them as well.

IRS Form 2290 (HVUT) Payment Page Video

If you owe taxes, there are several payment methods currently accepted by the IRS.
These include: Electronic Funds Withdrawal, EFTPS, or Check or Money Order
If You choose to pay by Electronic Funds Withdrawal, you may pay using either a checking or Savings Account.
You will need to enter the US Bank Account Number and Routing Number in order for the IRS to process the payment. This information is typically listed on a check.
EFTPS, or Electronic Federal Tax Payment System, is a government website that allows taxpayers to schedule Federal Tax Payments electronically.
In order to make payments using you must complete the EFTPS registration process, which can take 5-7 business days.
Lastly, you may pay by mailing a check or money order to the IRS. If mailing your payment, you must include the 2290V, or payment voucher, with your payment. You may download a completed 2290V, including mailing instructions, directly from your ExpressTruckTax account.

Express Truck Tax Form 2290 E-filing Dashboard Help Video

The dashboard serves as your Home Page and displays a real-time summary of your Express Truck Tax account.
There are many options and features found on your dashboard,
For all HVUT returns accepted by the IRS, you may view and download your official schedule 1 by selecting an option from the gray schedule 1 dropdown box.
For any incomplete returns, a status icon will be displayed in the far left column. You may continue working on an incomplete return simply by clicking the link “continue where you left off”
In order to create a new return, simply click the “Create New Return” button at the bottom right.
From your Dashboard, you may also view a list of every business entered in your account. To add a new business, simply click the blue “Add Business” button. You may also edit the details of each business by clicking the “edit” button next to the business name on the top left.

Send a IRS Form 2290 Schedule 1 to Your Trucking or Leasing Company

Many owner operators and independent contractors are required to give their leasing or contracting company a copy of their 2290 schedule 1. ExpressTruckTax can help.
On the Proof of Payment Notifcation page, you can select to send your Schedule 1 to any contract or leasing company automatically as soon as your schedule 1 is received from the IRS.
Simply check the box labeled “Send proof of payment to contracting leasing company and enter the requested contact information. As soon as your 2290 has been processed, Express Truck Tax will email and/or fax a copy to the company.

Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax 2290 & IFTA: an Overview

What are they?
Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (or HVUT) is, just as it sounds, an annual tax on Heavy Vehicles that operate on public highways. The IRS Form 2290 is what is used by the government to collect this tax. It is a fee that the IRS requires all vehicles with registered gross weights equal to or exceeding 55,000 pounds to pay annually on heavy vehicles operating on public highways. The tax collected is a significant source of transportation funding in the U.S. In 2006 alone, the HVUT generated more than $1.4 billion in Federal Highway Trust Fund (HTF) revenue.
IFTA is short for the International Fuel Tax Agreement, which is an agreement between American and Canadian jurisdictions to simplify the reporting of motor fuel taxes purchased and consumed. Under this agreement, one quarterly fuel use tax report is filed representing miles traveled, fuel purchased and used, and taxes/credits due in each member jurisdiction. The base jurisdiction then distributes the funds to each affected jurisdiction according to information contained in the quarterly fuel use tax reports. An interstate motor carrier operating “qualified motor vehicles” between at least 2 member jurisdictions (The 48 contiguous states of the US and 10 Canadian provinces) must have an International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) license and decals issued by their base jurisdiction. If you have the IFTA license, you must file the Quarterly IFTA Return to your base jurisdiction.
How do they Work?
Besides the fact that they are both fees imposed on heavy vehicles, these are both similar in that they are both very complicated through the traditional paper-filing process. The complications with IRS Form 2290 come from the difficulty of actually filing one. The trouble with IFTA is that it is an incredibly detailed system.
The IRS Form 2290 includes a Schedule 1 which must be stamped by the IRS. This can either be mailed to the IRS, which can take up to several weeks to process. It can also be taken directly to the IRS office, which can take several hours of your day. This must be accompanied by the proof of EFTPS payment.
IFTA requires drivers of Heavy Vehicles to keep trip logs of miles traveled as well as how much fuel was purchased in each state or province. IFTA must be filed quarterly and the filing date is the 30th of the following month. These trip logs are difficult to keep up because they require very detailed information. As mentioned earlier, these forms are then filed with their base jurisdiction. Most states do not provide E-Filing as of yet. Therefore most of the time these forms are mailed to the state.
One Solution for Both
A simple solution for both of these is to use an online E-File Provider. The most advanced of the available services is Express Truck Tax acts as a one stop shop for all truck tax needs. Through them, you can E-File your Form 2290 with the IRS. It also provides a way to keep online records of your mileage and fuel purchases for IFTA reporting. This can make the IFTA process much easier.

The Difficulty of Paper Filing an IRS Form 2290 (HVUT)

Although the IRS still accepts physical tax returns by postal mail, it does appear to be moving away from that and closer to requiring E-Filing more and more. One particular example of this is IRS Form 2290, which is used to collect what is referred to as the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax or HVUT. It is a fee that the IRS requires all vehicles with registered gross weights equal to or exceeding 55,000 pounds to pay annually on heavy vehicles operating on public highways.
The IRS has already made it mandatory for all Trucking Companies or other industries that have to file a Form 2290 for 25 or more heavy vehicles to E-File the return as opposed to paper filing it. This IRS Form contains a Schedule 1 which must be stamped by the IRS before the vehicle can be registered with the state Department of Motor Vehicles. This form can be mailed to the IRS, which can take up to several weeks to process. It could also be taken directly to the IRS office, which can take several hours of your day. This must be accompanied by a proof of EFTPS payment.
This form must be filed annually, for each taxable vehicle that is used on public highways during the current period. The Current Period begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th of the next year. A Form 2290 must also be filed once a vehicle is placed in service. The due date for each month is the last day of the following month. For example: if a vehicle is placed in service on October 3rd, the Form 2290 will be due on November 30th.
Even though there are thousands, if not millions, of Heavy Vehicles that are required to file HVUT the IRS still requires everyone to either mail the Form 2290 to the IRS or actually come to the IRS office. Fortunately there is an easier way that has recently become available. allows you to fill out your IRS Form 2290 online and send it to the IRS electronically! This way you can get a stamped schedule 1 in about 10 minutes. Express Truck Tax is authorized by the IRS to file Form 2290. The taxpayer will then receive the schedule 1 via email or fax as soon as the IRS processes the form. The form will then be watermarked by the IRS instead of an actual physical stamp.

File IRS Form 2290 (Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes) On Time with Express TruckTax

If you were to ask anyone who has been involved in the Trucking industry for a few years or more, they will be the first to tell you that there are many more business and economic responsibilities for truckers and Owner Operators besides simply getting something delivered at the right time and place. Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, or HVUT, is one of the most common taxes that the IRS imposes on heavy highway vehicles in the United States. Paying this tax properly involves filing the IRS Form 2290. This Form is so easy to E-File online, and thanks to Express Truck Tax, there is no reason to be late, as evidenced by the following points:
• Not filing or not paying is a felony
Fines are bad enough, but it could be worse. Going to court can lead to criminal charges. The IRS & state governments could prosecute anyone who purposely cheats to avoid paying the IRS form 2290. It can also lead to time in prison.
• IRS Penalties
Unless you enjoy IRS Audits and spending time in courtrooms, it is a terrible to not pay your taxes. The IRS can add all kinds of interest and penalties, but if you end up in court over the matter it will lead to the court costs as well as heavy fines.
• Paying Taxes help improve Roads
Paying taxes is never a joyful experience, but you should get some gratification in the fact that much of the taxes paid for HVUT go back into the cost of roads and highway expenses. It just makes sense; if you enjoy using something, you shouldn’t mind paying for it.
• Stay focused on your Trucking business
If these are not paid in a timely manner, the previously mentioned fines, court appearances, and possible jail time could seriously put a halt on your business. The time and energy spent worrying about IRS Audits, Fines, and Court Dates is not worth it. Especially when the taxes are not typically very high.
• It’s So Easy to e-file form 2290
With Express Truck Tax, their team of Truck Tax experts will guide you through the process. All you need to do is login to and start entering the vehicles that you need to file for. If there are any questions, you can call them at 704.234.6005 or send an email to
When you E-file IRS form 2290 with there is no reason that it would not be on time as long as you submit it before the deadline. This year it is even more important to be sure to file on time because the Form 2290 must be filed within the month of November. With this close time frame, it is best to E-File instead of risking it getting lost in the mail. It’s made as easy as 1-2-3 to e-file truck tax with Form 2290 and get IRS stamped Schedule 1 in few minutes. Avoid IRS penalties and Audits by keeping your 2290 records with express truck tax. E-file IRS 2290 VIN Corrections for free of cost.

E-filing Season for IRS Form 2290 (HVUT) Draws Near

As the month of November moves closer and closer, you will want to be able to get your Form 2290 taken care of as swiftly as possible once it is made available. It is unfortunate enough that the filing process was delayed, but to avoid any future confusion about the issue, it would be beneficial to be ready to file once the form is available.
In order to make the filing process easier with the IRS using Form 2290, it is very important that you keep accurate records, just like you would when filing any other type of tax return. It is crucial for anyone filing form 2290 to maintain their records for at least 3 years prior to the filing date for any taxable highway vehicles registered to them. For fleet owners and small trucking companies who have filed form 2290 in the past, it is wise to always keep the 2290 records on hand, as one never knows when IRS inspection may take place. It is even important to save these returns if they are only for a part of a year. In the case of a suspended vehicle (public highway use was less than 5,000 miles/year) it is still necessary to keep records of Form 2290’s filed for them as well.
You will need to gather the following information before filing form 2290 to accelerate the filing process. You will need a description of all vehicles for which you are filing as well as a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) for each one. You will also need to know the gross taxable weight of the vehicle. It is also necessary to report the date the vehicle was acquired, as well as the name and address of the previous owner. The first use month for the taxable period is also required for reporting. If a vehicle is considered to be suspended, keep a record of actual highway mileage. If the vehicle is an agricultural vehicle, then keep accurate records of the number of miles it is driven on a farm or field. Keeping proper records of your 2290 information will be a great help to you in the unfortunate event of an audit. It will also make the task of filing this form much easier. is an IRS authorized E-File provider who can help you file form 2290 as well as keep secure online records of previously filed form 2290’s. For more information on the 2290 filing process, heavy vehicle use tax, IRS payment methods, etc visit the Express Truck Tax website or call our Truck Tax experts at 704-234-6005. You can also email any questions to

Additional Features with Express Truck Tax to e-file IRS form 2290

When filing an IRS Form 2290 online, Express Truck Tax makes it easy by providing the best additional services on top of the easiest E-filing program for filing Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Taxes. When you file a Form 2290 with Express Truck Tax, you also have many more options than the typical e-filing service would provide. These great services include, but are not limited to: Free VIN Corrections, Automatically Notifying a Contracting or Leasing Company, and also sending automated emails to additional contacts.
Express Truck Tax was the first in the industry to provide Free VIN corrections. If you were so unfortunate when filing your IRS Form 2290 to incorrectly record the VIN number of your heavy vehicle, there is still hope for you! Thanks to the Good Folks at Express Truck Tax, you can E-File an IRS Form 2290 VIN Correction absolutely free!
Another great service that Express Truck Tax provides is the option to instantly notify your Contracting, Leasing, or Trucking, etc. Company the Schedule 1 as soon as it is accepted by the IRS. This process helps eliminate steps for the person filing. Many Trucking Companies require some kind of proof that their driver filed their Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes properly.
On the Proof of Payment Notification page, you can select to send your Schedule 1 to any contract or leasing company automatically as soon as your schedule 1 is received from the IRS. Simply check the box labeled “Send proof of payment to contracting leasing company and enter the requested contact information. As soon as your 2290 has been processed, Express Truck Tax will email and/or fax a copy to the company free of charge.
Another Great tool offered by the Express Truck Tax team is the ability to send text message or fax notifications the moment your Schedule 1 has been processed and stamped by the IRS. These can be sent to yourself or any other cell phone or fax number and serve as a great way to keep people informed. A similar service provided through Express Truck Tax allows the filing party to send email notifications to additional email addresses. This would allow the person filing to have the schedule 1 sent to his accountant, business manager, financial advisor, etc.