Category: 2290 FAQ’s

Viernes de Preguntas Frecuentes: ¿Qué es hacer el Formulario 2290 por anticipo?

¿Qué es la presentación por anticipo?

Todos los años, a partir de Mayo, ExpressTruckTax ofrece un servicio conocido como presentación por anticipo. La presentación por anticipo es un servicio exclusivo de ExpressTruckTax. Cuando realiza una presentación por anticipo con ExpressTruckTax, puede presentar su Formulario 2290 para el próximo año fiscal antes que en cualquier otro lugar.

¿Cuándo estará disponible la presentación por anticipo?

La presentación por anticipo para el año fiscal 2022-23 comenzó el 16 de Mayo de 2022 y dura hasta el 30 de Junio. La razón por la que solo dura hasta el 30 de Junio es porque el IRS comenzará a aceptar oficialmente el Formulario 2290 el 1ro. de Julio.

¿Por qué es bueno declarar temprano?

La presentación por anticipo con ExpressTruckTax le permite evitar la prisa de todos los que intentan presentar una declaración a la vez, lo que hace que el IRS tenga una copia de seguridad. Los formularios 2290 prearchivados se transmitirán al IRS tan pronto como comiencen a aceptarlos el 1ro. de Julio.

¿Cuándo recibe su Anexo 1 si hace su formulario antes de tiempo?

Tan pronto como el IRS acepte el Formulario 2290 después de transmitirlo, recibirá su Anexo 1 sellado. Sin embargo, si espera para presentar la declaración hasta que el IRS comience a aceptar el Formulario 2290, pueden pasar varios días antes de que reciba su Anexo 1 sellado.

Con todos los increíbles beneficios de la presentación por anticipo, sería genial aprovechar esta oportunidad por tiempo limitado. ¿Qué estás esperando? Haga su Formulario 2290 con ExpressTruckTax hoy y pague sus impuestos una vez que el IRS lo acepte y obtenga su Anexo 1 antes que el resto.

FAQ Friday: What is Pre-Filing?

What is Pre-Filing?

Every year starting in May, ExpressTruckTax offers a service known as pre-filing. Pre-filing is a service unique to ExpressTruckTax. When you pre-file with ExpressTruckTax you are able to file your Form 2290 for the upcoming tax year earlier than you can anywhere else. 

When is pre-filing available?

Pre-filing for the 2022-23 tax year started May 16th, 2022, and lasts until June 30th. The reason it only lasts until June 30th is that the IRS starts officially accepting Form 2290 on July 1st. 

Why is it good to file early?

Pre-filing with ExpressTruckTax allows you to beat the rush of everyone trying to file at once causing the IRS to be backed up. The pre-filed Form 2290s will be transmitted to the IRS as soon as they start accepting them on July 1st. 

When do you receive your Schedule 1 if you file early?

As soon as Form 2290 is accepted by the IRS after being transmitted, you will receive your stamped Schedule 1. If you wait to file until after the IRS starts accepting Form 2290 however, it might be several days before you receive your stamped Schedule 1.

With all of the amazing benefits pre-filing it would be great to take advantage of this limited-time opportunity. What are you waiting for? Pre-file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today and pay your tax later once the IRS accepts it and get your Schedule 1 ahead of the rest! 

Form 2290 HVUT Requirements

The heavy vehicle use tax or HVUT is an annual fee assessed on heavy vehicles operating on public highways at registered gross weights equal to or exceeding 55,000 pounds. The gross taxable weight of a vehicle is determined by adding the unloaded weight of the motor vehicle and any trailers together with the maximum load customarily carried on-road by the truck-trailer combination. IRS Form 2290 is filed annually to pay the HVUT due on the taxable vehicle and proof of payment is the Stamped Schedule 1. The monies collected are used to offset the cost for road repairs and maintenance.

Suspended vehicles (Category W) are still required to file a Form 2290, even though there is no tax due.  A vehicle is considered suspended if the motor vehicle does not exceed 5,000 miles or 7,500 miles for agricultural vehicles during the tax period, regardless of owners.

An agricultural vehicle is any highway motor vehicle that is:
  • Used (or expected to be used) primarily for farming purposes, and
  • Registered (under state laws) as a highway motor vehicle used for farming purposes for the entire period. A special tag or license plate identifying the vehicle as used for farming is not required for it to be considered an agricultural vehicle.

Also note that logging vehicles are taxed at a reduced rate.

There are some vehicles that are exempt from the tax and are not required to file Form 2290. They are:
  • The Federal Government,
  • The District of Columbia,
  • A state or local government,
  • The American National Red Cross,
  • A nonprofit volunteer fire department, ambulance association, or rescue squad,
  • An Indian tribal government but only if the vehicle’s use involves the exercise of an essential tribal government function,
  • A mass transportation authority if it is created under a statute that gives it certain powers normally exercised by the state,
  • Qualified blood collector vehicles (see below) used by qualified blood collector organizations, or
  • Mobile machinery that meets the specifications for a chassis
For more information on exempt vehicles, go to

The IRS has simplified the process of filing Form 2290 and paying your HVUT taxes with the ability to E-File.  Anyone who is filing a return with 25 or more vehicles is required to file electronically, but everyone is now encouraged to E-File.  Through an IRS Authorized E-File Provider, like, you can file your Form 2290, pay your HVUT taxes owed to the IRS and receive your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes.  Your Schedule 1 serves as proof of payment for your HVUT and when you file by the deadline you will avoid any IRS penalties.

To get started today, visit or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!

FAQ’s For Truckers Who E-File Form 2290

For truckers who are new to the E-Filing process, it may seem a bit intimidating; but rest assured, it is a quick and easy process.  Below are some common questions from the IRS site that may help:

Who is required to E-File Form 2290?
Those reporting 25 or more vehicles for any taxable period, are required to E-File through an IRS-approved software provider; however everyone is encouraged to E-File.  Electronic filing save you time and postage, and helps to reduce preparation and processing errors.

Why do I need an Employer Identification Number to e-file?
The EIN along with your name provides a unique identifier for each taxpayer, which protects your privacy.

What is my name control?
Your name control is assigned at the time the IRS approves your application for an Employer Identification Number. The name control consists of up to four alpha or numeric characters. Before the IRS can validate your electronically filed return, you must provide your name control and it must match what the IRS has in their records.

Can I still file my return electronically if I just received my EIN?
Yes, you may file your return electronically. However, you should wait two weeks from the date your EIN was assigned to allow your name control to be established in the IRS computer system. Your return will be rejected if you try to file your return electronically before your EIN is fully established.

When are my Form 2290 taxes due?
You must file Form 2290 by the last day of the month following the month the vehicle was first used on public highways. These due date rules apply whether you are paying the tax or reporting the suspension of tax. It is important to file and pay all your 2290 taxes on time to avoid paying interest and penalties.

How will I know the IRS has received my return?
You will receive an electronic version of the Schedule 1 containing a watermark of the E-File logo in the background. The Schedule 1 can be printed from your own computer.

How do I make corrections to my e-filed return?
You would need to file an amendment to the 2290.

If I buy another truck after I have e-filed my 2290 for the current tax period, should I e-file my original 2290 again and simply add the new vehicle to the Schedule 1?
You must file a new Form 2290 listing only the new vehicles. You may e-file that 2290 anytime before the last day of the month following the month the new vehicle was first used.

May I file one 2290 for two trucks that I place on the road in two consecutive months?
The amount of tax you owe depends on the month when you first placed your trucks on the road, so you would need to file a separate 2290 for each truck stating the month it was first used.

What should I do if my e-filed return is rejected by the IRS for duplication?
Make sure the correct VIN are listed and are not duplications from a previous filing; correct any duplication and re-submit the return.

What is a duplicate filing error?
The system detects when you have filed a return under the same EIN, for the same tax period, for the same vehicle(s) and/or the same VIN category. Check to make sure you are reporting new vehicles only and that the other information is correct.

How do I claim a refund electronically for a vehicle that was sold, destroyed or stolen during the tax period?
You can claim a credit using Form 8849, Schedule 6, Other Claims. The refund amount will depend on when the vehicle was sold, destroyed or stolen.

How do I claim a refund electronically for a vehicle I used less than 5,000 miles during the tax period?
If you already paid the tax on a vehicle you used for less than 5,000 miles, you can claim a credit using Form 8849, Schedule 6, Other Claims. However, a credit or claim for this refund cannot be filed until the next tax period.

For help with these questions and more,  or to E-File the Form 2290 online now, go to or contact our Express Tax Support Center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at  We have Spanish Support too!