Category: 2290 e-file

ExpressTruckTax: Forma 2290 De Gran Calidad A Precios Increíbles!

* Este artículo no refleja el precio para declarar por la temporada 2022-23

Como propietario de un negocio, sabemos y entendemos que su resultado final es importante para usted. Hay varias razones por las que ExpressTruckTax es el principal proveedor de archivos electrónicos del IRS para la forma 2290, como nuestra reputación, la disponibilidad de soporte y, por supuesto, los precios.

¡ExpresstruckTax no juega con los precios! ¡Lo que ves es lo que obtienes, no hay costos ocultos y no hay necesidad de cupones! Desde 2010, ExpressTruckTax no ha aumentado el costo de hacer la Forma 2290 electrónicamente, ¡Que es de solo $9.90 por un solo camión! ¡El mismo excelente precio con el mismo excelente servicio al cliente!

¿No nos crees? Echemos un vistazo a algunos precios de la competencia para presentar un solo vehículo:

Este competidor también ofrece un cupón de 20% de descuento.

Hagamos los cálculos aquí juntos. Este sitio le cobra $ 48.99 por un solo camión. Incluso con un cupón de 20% de descuento, TODAVÍA estás pagando $39.19. Eso es casi 4 veces más caro que cuando hace su Forma 2290 con ExpressTruckTax. Nuevamente, ¡todavía cuesta solo $ 9.90 por un solo camión!

¿Entonces, Qué esperas? ¡Haz tu Forma 2290 con ExpressTruckTax y no gastes más dinero del necesario!

ExpressTruckTax: Great Quality Form 2290 Filing At Awesome Prices!

ExpressTruckTax: Great Quality Form 2290 Filing At Awesome Prices!

* This blog doesn’t reflect the pricing for the 2022-23 filing season

As a business owner, we know and understand that your bottom line is important to you. There are several reasons why ExpressTruckTax is the #1 IRS e-file provider for Form 2290 including reputability, support availability, and of course, pricing.

ExpresstruckTax does not play games with pricing! What you see is what you get, there are no hidden fees and there is no need for coupon codes! Since 2010, ExpressTruckTax has not raised the filing fee associated with filing your Form 2290, which is only $9.90 for a single truck! The same great price with the same great customer service!

Don’t believe us?! Let’s take a look at some competitor pricing to file a single vehicle: 

This competitor also offers a 20% off coupon. 

Let’s do the math here together. This site charges you $48.99 for a single truck. Even with a 20% off coupon, you are STILL paying $39.19. That is almost 4 times more expensive than when you file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax. Again, it’s still only $9.90 for a single truck!

So what are you waiting for? File your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax and don’t spend more money than you have to!

How To Pay Your 2290 Tax When E-filing

Taxes aren’t very much fun, even though when we pay some of them like the HVUT the money goes to repairing and improving our highways giving us a smoother ride, and preventing wear and tear on our rigs. That’s all great and all, but you still have to pay the tax yourself, so make sure you’re up to date on exactly how to pay it.

How To Pay Your 2290 HVUT

Form 2290 is used to pay your HVUT or heavy vehicle use tax. If you’re in a highway motor vehicle that has a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more then you have to file e-file a HVUT 2290 form in order to get a copy of your Stamped Schedule 1. E-file means electronically filing online.

A highway motor vehicle includes vehicles that are designed to carry loads over public highways, whether they were also designed to perform other functions or not and that are self-propelled. These vehicles generally include buses, tractor trailers, and large trucks. Vans and pickup trucks tend to weigh less than 55,000 pounds.

The weight only includes the vehicle and it’s chassis or body, not it’s load. The type of load doesn’t matter either, the vehicle can be designed to passengers, supplies, or cargo.

Also, a public highway includes any road in the United States that isn’t private, including city, county, state and federal roads.

Your form 2290 is due the last day of the 2nd month after you first use your new qualifying vehicle. For example, if you first start driving a new qualifying vehicle in February then your Form 2290 would be due by March 31st. Also, the form 2290 needs to be renewed annually by August 31st.

When you file your form 2290 you have to pay your HVUT and you have a few different options for doing that.

You can pay with EFW or Electronic Fund Withdrawal, which is the option offered when you e-file your federal taxes with the use of IRS authorized preparation software, like ExpressTruckTax, or through a tax professional.

With EFW you enter in your bank account information to the IRS’s safe and secure payment system and the tax amount you owe is withdrawn from your bank account usually within 24 to 48 hours of submitting your payment.

Another payment option you have is to pay with the EFTPS or Electronic Federal Tax Payment System. If you select that option you will be taken to the EFTPS site. EFTPS is the free safe and secure payment system that’s offered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

To use the EFTPS you will need to create a free account, enter your bank account information, and verify it because this payment system works by withdrawing the funds you owe from your bank account.

Also, you have the 3rd option of mailing a check or money order to the IRS directly. Just make sure that the check or money order is payable to the U.S. Treasury and includes your name, address, EIN, “IRS form 2290”, and the date. Do not send cash.

If you choose to send a check or money order you’ll need to print the payment voucher 2290 -V, or page 5 of your 2290 and include it with your payment. Don’t staple your payment to your form 2990 or payment voucher.

Send Your Payment and voucher to:

Internal Revenue Service,
P.O. Box 804525,
OH 45280-4525.

Use ExpressTruckTax for all of your HVUT needs

Here at ExpressTruckTax, we’re HVUT and IFTA experts. We provide the forms that you need to fill out as well as the tools to calculate how much you owe for your taxes. We make the filing process quick, easy, and headache free so you can get off the computer and back to business.

Plus, our dedicated support team is always here to help. Please don’t hesitate to contact us via live chat, phone, or email with any questions that you may have.

What to Do if Your Form 2290 Tax Return is Rejected by the IRS?

What to Do If Your Form 2290 Return is Rejected by the IRS?
What to Do If Your Form 2290 Return is Rejected by the IRS?

So you were very proactive this year, and you decided to go ahead and e-file irs form 2290.

But then you discover, your 2290 tax return has been rejected by the IRS. So what does that mean for you?

Basically, you need to keep filing until you get things right.

Thankfully, we here at ExpressTruckTax believe in unlimited retransmissions for rejected returns.

Now we’ve heard some people would rather just not file their 2290s than bother with re-transmissions – but that doesn’t make any sense.

What are the Penalties for Failing to File Form 2290?

Basically, you’re going to get hit with a bunch of financial costs if you fail to, or are late, paying
Form 2290. HVUT penalties can range from 4.5 percent of total tax due, assessed on a monthly basis up to five months to an additional monthly penalty equal to 0.5 percent of total tax due for late filers.

Additional interest charges of 0.54 percent per month accrue as well.

Do I Need to E-File Tax Form 2290?

When you e-file your 2290 with ExpressTruckTax, you receive your Schedule 1, which shows an IRS e-file watermark with the date the return was received and processed. This will be accepted by all DOT’s, DMV’s, and other federal authorities.

ExpressTruckTax automatically emails the stamped Schedule 1 after the IRS accepts your 2290. We can also send you updates via text and fax–plus we can even notify your company/carrier.

Your stamped Schedule 1 counts as your proof of payment.

What if you e-filed your tax form 2290 and then something changes—like your vehicle weight?

Just File a 2290 Amendment

When the information on the vehicle you filed for changes, the IRS wants you to file a Form 2290 Amendment. If you want to get that taken care of quickly, just e-file it with ExpressTruckTax. The choice is simple.

So don’t skip out on your tax filing, just because you’re frustrated. In fact, with unlimited retransmission—its all easy!

So if your 2290 is rejected this truck tax season, don’t worry! Instead, login to ExpressTruckTax, and we’ll take care of what we can.

See, it pays off to be proactive!

Related Blog: 7 Common E-Filing Mistakes to Avoid

New IRS 2290 for Tax Year 2016 – 2017

New IRS 2290 for Tax Year 2016 - 2017
New IRS 2290 for Tax Year 2016 – 2017

You probably didn’t realize that there’s a new IRS Form 2290, did you?

It’s OK, not much changed, however, you can only use this form to file your Form 2290 for the tax period beginning on July 1, 2016 and ending on June 30, 2017.

To learn more about this new form, check out the material provided by the IRS.

Click here to learn more about why Form 2290 has changed, and what it means for your filing.

And when you have that covered, you can go stand in line with your completed Form 2290.

But why waste your time trying to figure it out yourself when you have ExpressTruckTax on your side.

With our interview-style form completion, we’ll help you e-file—yes e-file—your Form 2290 with the IRS.

That means, no standing in line at the IRS office, no trying to figure out complicated tax jargon by yourself, and no wasting time off the road.

Create your free account with ExpressTruckTax and start e-filing your 2290, today!

Pre-File Your 2290 Now!

Pre-File Your 2290 Now!
Pre-File Your 2290 Now!

Whether you’re a trucker or a trucking company, you know that HVUT season is rapidly approaching.

Of course, here at ExpressTruckTax, it’s already begun. How’s that?

Easy – starting today, we’re offering pre-filing for the 2016-17 heavy vehicle use tax season. One month early!

So instead of waiting until the last moment to e-file your 2290s, pre-file now and get back to what you need to do – driving.

It’s Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Time

The HVUT season runs from July 1 through June 30 of the following year.

If you’re an owner operator, leasing company, trucking company, or any other business that owns heavy vehicles with a gross weight above 55,000 pounds traveling on public highways, you must file form 2290.

Usually, you can’t start filing until the tax period begins on July 1, but we’ve gone ahead and started pre-filing now.

What is Pre-Filing?

Pre-filing is the easiest way to e-file your taxes early. You can get ahead of the game by filing an entire month early. After you’re done pre-filing your return, ExpressTruckTax will hold onto it until July 1st—once the IRS starts accepting 2290s, yours will be at the top of the stack.

Should I Pre-File Form 2290? Why?

Even though the tax period hasn’t started for the 2016-17 season, pre-filing starts now! With pre-filing, users get advantages they won’t get once the official season starts. They include:

  • Finishing your taxes early, leaving more time to focus on work and life
  • No additional cost to pre-file
  • When selecting the check (or) money order option, you will get until August 31st to pay the IRS, giving you almost 3 months to save for the amount of tax you owe
  • Your Form 2290 will be automatically transmitted to the IRS on July 1st, so you will receive your stamped schedule 1 in minutes once transmitted
  • If the return is rejected for any reason, you have plenty of time to re-submit it before August 31st, making it much easier to avoid late penalties
  • VIN corrections and retransmissions for rejected returns are FREE for anyone who e-files with ExpressTruckTax
  • Customer support is available via phone, live chat, and email, with 24/7 emergency email support

If you have any questions about pre-filing 2290, (or) have questions about the e-filing process, we’ll be here to help. Give us a call at 704.234.6005!

Happy pre-filing, Trucking Nation!

How to Handle a Suspended Vehicle That is Destroyed

When you have a suspended vehicle that is destroyed at some point during the year, how do you report that to the IRS? Since there was no tax paid the previous year, you would not have to report the vehicle as being destroyed to the IRS.

If the vehicle had been sold or transferred, it would then need to be reported as a ‘Prior Year Suspended Vehicle’ that was sold/transferred.  You will need the name of the person/business you sold/transferred it to and the date.

If you have a taxable vehicle that was destroyed during the tax year, you would want to make sure that you report that vehicle as destroyed to the IRS for two reasons. First, if you do not report it as destroyed, the IRS will assume you owe the tax on it and you could risk a penalty for not filing.  The other reason is when you file it destroyed, you will be able to claim a refund for the months that you had previously paid for, but it was not used.

Our tax experts at ExpressTruckTax can help you with this question and more.  Or check out our FAQ’s to find answers to your specific situation.  E-File Form 2290 and receive your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes at

Friday is the deadline so to E-File the Form 2290 online now, go to If you have any questions, contact our friendly US based customer support center in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at

Last Minute Tips for E-Filing Form 2290 is the quickest, easiest, and best value for filing your Form 2290 (Heavy Truck Use Tax) online with the IRS. The August 31st due date for the tax is getting closer, and here are a few points to keep in mind while E-Filing.

  • E-file your 2290 returns with
  • Review Federal Tax ID# or EIN# [Employer Identification Number]
  • Review your Tax Year and Month
  • Review your VIN# [Vehicle Identification Number]
  • Sign and date your return electronically
  • Choose IRS payment option
  • Review all the information
  • Double check your Business Name
  • E-File Your 2290 Return

Choose an IRS payment option:
There are several options to pay the HVUT taxes with the IRS.

  • Electronic Funds Withdrawal, or Direct Debit: The IRS will collect the taxes due after they are provided with a bank account number and routing number
  • EFTPS: You have to schedule the payment to the IRS by going to
  • Check/Money Order: The IRS also supports Check/Money Order as long as it is scheduled by the 31st.

We strongly advise our Canadian customers to use this option as EFW may not work for Canadian banks.

Just a reminder, if you choose Direct Debit (EFW) as a payment method, the IRS will not process your return during the weekends, or on federal holidays, but on the next business day.

Review Tax ID Numbers
Carefully check Tax Identification numbers on your return.

Review Your Return is a very smart program, it automatically checks for any errors before you transmit your 2290 return to IRS, but it’s always good to double check everything before you hit the ‘Transmit to IRS’ button.

We are always available to help if needed. Viisit or contact our friendly US Truck Tax Experts in Rock Hill, SC at 704-234-6005 or email us at, for English and Spanish support!