Category: 1st Quarter IFTA Deadline

Cómo Generar Un Informe de IFTA Con La Nueva Opción IFTA Only De TruckLogics

La fecha límite de IFTA fué el lunes 2 de Mayo de 2022. ¡ExpressIFTA se ha mudado a nuestra compañía hermana, TruckLogics con una nueva opción IFTA Only ya disponible! Ahora puede generar un Informe IFTA usando TruckLogics sin registrarse para una suscripción. ¡Por sólo $24.95 puede generar un informe IFTA por trimestre con las mismas excelentes funciones de ExpressIFTA pero con más formas de cargar sus datos que antes! ¡A continuación encontrará cómo generar su informe en solo unos simples pasos!

1. Primero, creará una cuenta y seleccionará si es propietario de un negocio o proveedor de servicios.

2. A continuación, seleccionará qué categoría de plan desea elegir. Hay dos opciones, la opción “Generate IFTA Report Only” y la opción “A Complete Trucking Management”. Esta opción es una suscripción que le brindará todas las funciones necesarias para administrar su negocio de camiones. A los efectos de este tutorial, elegiremos la opción “Generate IFTA Report Only”.

3. Ingrese la información de su negocio, incluyendo el nombre de su negocio, la dirección comercial, su país, su jurisdicción base y su número de cuenta IFTA. Una vez que hagas esto, haga clic en “Let’s Go”.

4. Luego irá a “IFTA Settings” y hará clic en “Edit”.

5. Aquí puede cambiar el uso de combustible y las unidades de distancia de galones y millas a litros y kilómetros, así como su IFTA Signing Authority.

6. Una vez que haya terminado, haga clic en “Save”.

7. A continuación, haga clic en el botón “+Add Truck” en “Qualified Trucks for IFTA”.

8. Puede agregar camiones manualmente, importarlos desde KeepTruckin o importarlos desde ExpressTruckTax. Para los fines de este tutorial, seleccionaremos la opción “Add Truck Manually”.

9. Cuando seleccione esta opción, ingresará el número de unidad, la marca, el modelo, el tipo de combustible, el VIN y el peso bruto del vehículo.

10. Cuando termine de agregar todos los camiones para los que está generando el informe, haga clic en la pestaña IFTA.

11. Asegúrese de seleccionar el año fiscal apropiado.

12. Elija “Start Return” en el trimestre correspondiente.

13. Seleccione los camiones sobre los que desea informar o agregue nuevos camiones.

14. Una vez seleccionados los camiones, haga clic en Next.

15. Se le preguntará cómo desea importar la distancia y el combustible para este trimestre. Puede seleccionar “Upload Data in Bulk”, donde puede usar la plantilla de Excel IFTA de TruckLogics para cargar sus datos a granel, “Quick Entry”, donde ingresará los datos de distancia y combustible manualmente para cada camión, o “Pull data from Motive”. donde puede importar datos de distancia y combustible desde su cuenta de Motive conectada.

16. Si selecciona “Quick Entry”, seleccione el botón QE al lado de cada camión e ingrese los datos manualmente ya sea por odómetro o distancia.

17. Asegúrese de ingresar toda la información para cada mes, incluyendo la fecha del viaje, el estado, el inicio del odómetro, el final del odómetro, el tipo de viaje, la distancia, la distancia no imponible, las millas con peaje (si corresponde) y el combustible comprado, luego presione Save.

18. Una vez que se hayan agregado los datos de todos los camiones, haga clic en Next.

19. Revise el resumen de IFTA y haga clic en Next.

20. Ahora verá la cantidad de impuestos que debe. Si tiene créditos de presentaciones anteriores de IFTA, introdúzcalos en el cuadro denominado “Credit Amount”.

21. Luego haga clic en Next.

22. Revise la información por última vez y luego haga clic en Next nuevamente.

23. El sistema verificará su declaración en busca de errores comunes. Corrija los errores hasta que no se encuentren errores y luego haga clic en Next.

24. Ahora es el momento de pagar la tarifa de servicio. Haga clic en “Proceed to Pay”.

25. Ingrese su información de facturación y haga clic en “Confirm and Pay”.

26. Una vez que pague la tarifa del servicio, puede descargar su Informe IFTA haciendo clic en “Download IFTA PDF” y presentarlo en su jurisdicción base.

No todos los estados permiten la presentación en papel. En cambio, requieren que presente su archivo usando su sistema de archivos. Para esos estados, TruckLogics proporciona una hoja de trabajo de presentación electrónica para facilitar al cliente la entrada al sistema de presentación electrónica del estado. Esto no tiene costo adicional para usted, sin embargo, es su responsabilidad saber si su estado permite la presentación en papel o solo permite la presentación electrónica. Una hoja de trabajo no constituye una solicitud de reembolso válida. Independientemente, TruckLogics tiene la solución para todas sus necesidades de IFTA. ¡Qué está esperando, regístrese en TruckLogics IFTA Only y comience su informe hoy!

How To Generate An IFTA Report With TruckLogics’ New IFTA Only Option

The IFTA deadline is Monday, May 2nd, 2022. ExpressIFTA has moved to our sister company, TruckLogics with a new IFTA Only option is available now! You can now generate an IFTA Report using TruckLogics without signing up for a subscription. For only $24.95 you can generate an IFTA report per quarter with the same great features from ExpressIFTA but with more ways to upload your data than before! Below you will find how to generate your report in only a few simple steps!

1. First, you will create an account and select whether you are a Business Owner or a Service Provider.

2. Next, you will select which plan category you want to choose. There are two options, the “Generate IFTA Report Only” option and the “A Complete Trucking Management” option. This option is a subscription that will give you all of the features needed to manage your trucking business. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will choose the “Generate IFTA Report Only” Option. 

3. Enter your business information including your business name, business address, your country, your base jurisdiction, and your IFTA account number. Once you do this you will click Let’s Go.

4. You will then go to IFTA Settings and click edit. 

5. Here you can change fuel usage and distance units from Gallons and Miles to Liters and Kilometers as well as your IFTA Signing Authority. 

6. Once you are finished click save. 

7. Next, you will click the “+ Add Truck” button under “Qualified Trucks for IFTA”.

8. You can add trucks manually, import them from KeepTruckin, or import them from ExpressTruckTax. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will select the Add Truck Manually option. 

9. When you select this option you will enter the Unit Number, make, model, fuel type, VIN, and Gross Vehicle Weight.

10. When you finish adding all of the trucks you are generating the report for, you will click on the IFTA tab.

11. Make sure the appropriate tax year is selected.

12. Choose “Start Return” under the appropriate quarter. 

13. Select which trucks you want to report for or add new trucks.

14. Once the trucks are selected click next. 

15. You will be asked how you want to import distance and fuel for this quarter. You can either select “Upload Data in Bulk” where you can use the TruckLogics IFTA excel template to bulk upload your data, “Quick Entry” where you will enter the distance and fuel data manually for each truck, or “Pull data from Motive” where you can import Distance and Fuel data from your connected Motive account. 

16. If you select “quick entry” select the QE button beside each truck and enter the data manually either by odometer or distance. 

17. Make sure all of the information is entered for each month including trip date, state, odometer start, odometer end, trip type, distance, nontaxable distance, toll miles (if applicable), and fuel purchased then hit save. 

18. Once the data for all trucks have been added click Next. 

19. Review the IFTA summary and click Next. 

20. You will now see the tax amount you owe. If you have any credits from previous IFTA filings enter them into the box labeled “Credit Amount”.

21. Then you will click Next. 

22. Review the information one last time and then click next again.

23. The system will check your return for common errors. Correct any errors until no errors are found and then click Next. 

24. Now it is time to pay the service fee. Click “Proceed to Pay”.

25. Enter your billing information and click “Confirm and Pay”.

26. Once you pay the service fee, you can download your IFTA Report by clicking “Download IFTA PDF” and file it with your base jurisdiction.

Not all states allow you to paper file. Instead, they require you to file using their file system. For those states, TruckLogics provides an e-file worksheet to make entry into the state’s e-file system easier for the client. This comes at no extra cost to you however, it is your responsibility to know whether your state allows paper filing or only allows e-filing. A worksheet does not constitute a valid refund request. Regardless, TruckLogics has the solution to all of your IFTA needs! What are you waiting for, sign up for TruckLogics IFTA Only and start reporting today!

Filing Your IFTA? TruckLogics Is The Solution To That And Much More

ExpressTruckTax is working with TruckLogics to ensure that you won’t miss the IFTA deadline this quarter. With TruckLogics you are able to not only manage your trucking business but also create your IFTA report.

TruckLogics for IFTA Reporting

TruckLogics guarantees the same file-ready reports that you already are familiar with from ExpressIFTA. While TruckLogics is an all-in-one trucking management software solution with many features like creating dispatches, keeping track of expenses, maintenance, and even paying drivers, its IFTA report capability is one of its defining features. 

In order to start creating your report, you will need to have your fuel up and mileage information handy. You then need to set up an account with TruckLogics

Once you create an account, click on the Dispatches tab.

From there you will select New Dispatch.

Select “Create Dispatch without Referring the Loads” to create a quick dispatch.

Once you create the dispatch and enter your miles for the quarter you will click on the expenses tab.

From there you will click Add Fuel Expense and enter your fuel expenses.

Once they are added you will click on the IFTA tab.

From here you will generate an IFTA report for the appropriate quarter.

For a more in-depth look at the IFTA reporting process using TruckLogics, check out the video tutorial below.

We hope you will love creating your IFTA report with TruckLogics. What are you waiting for? Start creating your report today! The deadline to file for this quarter is approaching fast!

The IFTA Deadline is Here

Uh oh! Time is up. Today is the first quarter IFTA deadline! We hope you’re ready to file by midnight so you won’t have to deal with penalties from the IRS. Also, we hope that you aren’t freaking out while trying to get all of your calculations together. Simply take a deep breath and head to ExpressTruckTax to generate your IFTA totals in a matter of minutes.


Just in case you need a refresher, IFTA is the International Fuel Tax Agreement that includes the 48 contiguous United States and Canadian provinces. It’s designed to simplify the fuel use reporting for motor carriers that operate in more than one state. Before IFTA each state had their own regulations for fuel tax reporting and the process wasn’t fun.

You have to file a quarterly IFTA report to get your IFTA license and two decals if you have a qualifying motor vehicle that operates between two or more jurisdictions (states). Now a qualifying motor vehicle is a motor vehicle or combination of vehicles designed, used, or maintained for the transportation of persons or property with:

– Two axles and a gross weight exceeding 26,000 pounds
– Two axles with a registered weight exceeding 26,000 pounds
– Three or more axles, regardless of weight
– Or a combination weight of over 26,000 pounds.

Remember, recreational vehicles are exempt from IFTA and you file your report in your base jurisdiction. Your base jurisdiction is the state where your qualifying vehicles are registered, records of your vehicle are kept and can be made available in the event of an audit, and some mileage is accrued by your qualified motor vehicles within the fleet traveling in that jurisdiction.

So, what exactly do you need on your IFTA report?

– You need total miles traveled by your qualifying motor vehicles per jurisdiction including taxable and nontaxable, IFTA and non-IFTA, and trip permit miles.

– The total gallons of fuel consumed by your qualifying vehicles per jurisdiction including taxable and nontaxable, IFTA and non-IFTA.

– The total miles traveled per jurisdiction.

– The total taxable gallons of fuel consumed and purchased per jurisdiction.

– And the current tax rate per jurisdiction.

That may seem like a lot, but it’s actually pretty easy and ExpressTruckTax can help. Simply use the fuel tax calculator to quickly figure out how much you owe, use the quick entry screen to enter your odometer readings, get your miles  from your trip sheets automatically, and more.

Or use ExpressIFTA, the ExpressTruckTax IFTA program to enter your business details, base jurisdiction, vehicle details, and mile and fuel records to instantly have an IFTA report generated. This report will have your IFTA totals calculated so you can quickly use it to complete your IFTA return. This report can be email or printed to quickly be passed on to anyone who needs your totals too! Best of all, the step-by-step process only takes a few minutes to complete!

Why Not Handle Your HVUT Today Too?

Aren’t you tired of constantly dealing with taxes? First, your business taxes were due, then your personal taxes, now IFTA, and soon your HVUT is due! Head to our sister company, TSNAmerica to pre-file your HVUT to go ahead and knock it out.

All you have to do is call them at 803.386.0320 and they will file your HVUT for you. There has never been an easier way to handle your 2290.

Once you call them they will email you consent forms so you can give them permission to file your 2290 for you, and they will handle the rest. Your 2290 will be submitted on July 1st unless you would like for it to be transmitted on a later date. Plus, you’ll receive your Schedule 1 as soon as it’s stamped by the IRS. 

We’re Here To Help

If you have any questions about anything truck tax related please don’t hesitate to contact the dedicated ExpressTruckTax support team. We’re available over the phone at 704.234.6005 from 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM EST Monday – Friday. You can also reach us via live chat and take advantage of our 24/7 email support at

Don’t Let IFTA Sneak Up On You

Doesn’t it seem like you just did your IFTA report yesterday? Well, oh how the time flies because the next IFTA deadline is right around the corner! Your first quarter IFTA report is due by April 30th,  which is a Sunday, so the deadline actually falls on Monday, May 1st. That day will be here before you know it, so don’t let it sneak up on you. It’s never too early to start working on your report. Use ExpressTruckTax to calculate your IFTA totals and learn all about IFTA here.

All About IFTA

IFTA or the International Fuel Tax Agreement is an agreement that simplifies the reporting of fuel in the lower 48 states. The purpose of IFTA reports are to simplify the reporting of fuel use by motor carriers that operate in more than one jurisdiction so states can equally distribute per jurisdiction.

The taxes are then used to repair the public highways that truckers frequent, by repaving roads and reinforcing bridges the routes become safer and smoother. Also, better roads mean less wear and tear on your vehicle.

Now only qualify vehicles that travel between multiple jurisdictions are subject to IFTA. You must have your IFTA license and two IFTA decals on your vehicle that are provided by their base jurisdiction.

Your base jurisdiction is where your qualified vehicles are based for registration. It’s where operational control and operational records of the licensee’s qualified motor vehicles are maintained and in the case of an audit can be made available. It’s also where some mileage is gained by qualified motor vehicles traveling through that jurisdiction within the fleet.

If you don’t live in a base jurisdiction you can apply for an IFTA license from any of the jurisdictions you regularly travel in.

Qualifying vehicles are ones that are motor vehicles that are used, designed, or maintained for the transportation of persons or property having two axles and a gross vehicle weight exceeding 26,000 pounds, two axles and a registered weight exceeding 26,000 pounds, three or more axles regardless of weight, and a combination weight exceeding 26,000 pounds.

You need to provide the following information to correctly complete your IFTA return:

– Total miles, both taxable and nontaxable, traveled by each of the licensee’s qualified motor vehicles for all jurisdictions, including trip permit miles. This includes both IFTA and non-IFTA jurisdictions.
– Total gallons of fuel consumed by the qualified motor vehicles, both taxable and nontaxable per jurisdiction, IFTA and non-IFTA.
– The total amount of tax-paid gallons of fuel purchased in each jurisdiction.
– The current tax rate per jurisdiction.

If you don’t travel outside of your base jurisdiction a lot you don’t have to necessarily apply for an IFTA license. You can apply for a local trip permit with the local DMV of the jurisdiction you’ll be traveling in.

It’s important to have your IFTA license with you and permits properly display under your truck door windows at all time are you could be subject to getting a citation and having to buy a temporary permit.

Failure to file your IFTA reports by the deadline or to file at all will result in hefty penalties. You’ll be fined $50 or 10% of the delinquent taxes, whichever is greater. On top of that, base jurisdictions reserve the right to impose additional penalties based on the laws of the jurisdiction.

Also, base jurisdictions will assess interest on all of the unpaid taxes due for each jurisdiction except for the taxes collected directly by other jurisdictions. For US jurisdictions interest will build up at a rate of 1% per month. Interest will build at a rate equal to the Canadian Federal Treasury Bill rate, plus 2% for Canadian jurisdictions, plus the rate is adjusted every quarter.

Remember you have to complete your IFTA report 4 times a year. The quarterly IFTA deadlines are:

1st Quarter: January 1st – March 31st. Due date: April 30th.

2nd Quarter: April 1st – June 30th. Due date: July 31st.

3rd Quarter: July 1st – September 30th. Due Date: October 31st.

4th Quarter: October 1st – December 31st. Due Date: January 31st.

Note: If the deadline falls on a weekend or federal holiday then the deadline is moved to the next business day.

ExpressTruckTax is Here To Help

Don’t let IFTA stress you out. Head to to quickly and easily calculate your IFTA totals with their quick entry odometer entry screen, fuel tax calculator, and more. Our dedicated support team is full of IFTA experts who are ready to help. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any truck tax questions that you may have via live chat, phone, or email.

Tired of the IFTA Headache? Try These Filing Tips

Welcome to another great International Fuel Tax Agreement Deadline!

Now we know you aren’t too fond of deadlines, Trucking Nation. But we’re here to tell you, things don’t have to so bad.

First of all, we have your back! You don’t have to go into this report alone.

Secondly, we’ve put together some tips to help you on this fuel tax filing free-for-all.

Tip #1: Don’t File IFTA (Yourself)

Okay, this might sound out of this world, but have you ever thought about not filing IFTA yourself? Yeah, you can get somebody else to do it!

Like the dedicated experts at Truck Services of North America! Time is of the essence, though. The requests for TSNAmerica’s IFTA filing are filling up fast, so give them a call at 803.386.0320.

But don’t wait until Monday, because their hands will be full!

Tip #2: Trucking Professional Software

Here’s another tip—keep track of your fuel receipts and mileage with software designed by truckers for truckers. That’s right, TruckLogics!

With TruckLogics, you get cloud-based record keeping, mileage calculated by ProMiles, and integrated trip sheet generation.

Sure, maybe you won’t have time to use the full features of TruckLogics for this quarter, but it’s not too early for the next deadline. Now is the time to sign up so that your 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Quarters are easy.

Tip #3: Use the Features

Okay, okay, you’re here because you want to use ExpressIFTA. We get it!

If you, your spouse, your child, or your own accountant is generating your IFTA report, ExpressIFTA is your best choice.

Just create an account, add your truck information, and then fill out the interview-style forms with your mileage and fuel information.

And if you have multiple trucks, the TruckZone makes managing a fleet’s tax records easy.

We also have a GPS upload feature!

Tip #4: Start NOW!

Look, the deadline is Monday, May 2nd. If you’re generating your own IFTA report, you need to start now.

If you already have an ExpressTruckTax account, you know you don’t have to pay until you’re done. You might not know you can use the same login and password for ExpressIFTA. It’s that easy!

Then go ahead and generate your IFTA report. You don’t have to pay until you’re done, and by this point… time is of the essence.

If you run into any issues generating your IFTA report, feel free to reach out to our support team by phone at 704.234.6005 or by email at

Reach out to us if you have any questions. Happy filing, Trucking Nation!

5 Diet Tips for the Sedentary Trucker

Now, we know not every trucker is OTR. But there are many members of our Trucking Nation who spend more time in their rig than they do anywhere else.

Hey, it’s a living! But now more than ever we know there are some health concerns with a sedentary lifestyle.

As for truckers? We know the human body faces additional stress from extended periods of sitting, but we also know those goods aren’t gonna deliver themselves!

There’s a dilemma, obviously. So we’ve gathered some healthy tips to help with your health concerns as a sedentary trucker.

Make a Plan

Like all good ventures, begin by planning out the route you’ll take.

Maybe you just eat too many carbs, and you need to cut them out. That’s a start! Just make sure you have a plan for the carb-withdrawal cravings, or you’ll end up at a truck stop binge eating potato chips!

Focus on your heavy hitters first, like the “empty” calories that don’t help you.

Calories Matter

Now, both men and women have a lot to contend with when it comes to calories. But how they intake calories differ, according to experts.

Typically, meal plans for women aim for about 1,800 calories per day (ages 19-50). According to the USDA, this could contain up to 2.5 cups of vegetables, 1.5 cups of fruits, 6 ounces of grain, and 5 ounces of high-protein foods like meats.

For men, a 2,400 calorie plan is encouraged. This would include 3 cups of vegetables, 2 cups of fruits, 8 ounces of grains, and 6.5 ounces of your high-proteins.

Now combating the sedentary life isn’t about losing weight, but if you master your calories you’ll see a definite decrease in pounds.

Fitness Helps

For a greater caloric deficit, become one of those fitness truckers!

We kid, we kid. Seriously, though, if you increase your burned calories, the deficit you create every day will contribute to your overall health.

It’s recommended that you get at least 30 minutes per day of exercise, which isn’t outlandish. We know most truckers are extremely busy, but it’s worth a shot. If you drive a flatbed, you probably get over 30 minutes of exercise per day.

Proteins are Everything

Basically, adult women need to eat about 46 grams of protein, and 56 grams of protein for men.

While carbs are an easy snack (I’m looking at you, bag of chips), there are plenty of protein alternatives you should seek out.

Instead of reaching for those chips, snack on some unsalted, roasted nuts!

Eat Unprocessed Foods

Speaking of chips, stay away from processed foods! I mean, we know you don’t have a ton of options on the road, but you can make some gains just by choosing wisely.

We know you might not be able to cook a full meal in your cab, but you can aim for more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables instead of processed snacks.

Also, just eat more salads. The vegetable kind!

At the end of the day, your bodily health is as important to your career as your truck’s maintenance. Don’t let it pass you by!

And don’t forget, the IFTA deadline is fast approaching. Generating your fuel tax report with ExpressTruckTax and ExpressIFTA is as easy as ever.

What are your tips to combat the sedentary lifestyle?

Suggested Blog: 3 Mouth-Watering Recipes That Won’t Break the Bank

5 Signs You’re not Ready for the Road

Everybody has their pre-trip rituals. Sometimes that means stocking up on hygiene essentials, replenishing your nonperishable foods, or maybe catching up on this month’s reruns.

Oh, and don’t forget, ensuring that you and your truck are ready for the road.

Obviously, inspecting and maintaining your vehicle are top priorities, but there are a few other concerns to watch out for.

Skimping out on Truck Inspections

Now, this goes without saying… but don’t skip over your pre-trip inspection. They’re designed not only for your safety, but to save you money as well.

I mean, it’s a lot cheaper to fix a problem when you’re parked than it is to have a flipped over trailer.

Yeah, that was one of the harder parts of getting your CDL—it’s a lot of memorization. But as a transportation professional, it’s what sets you apart from the rest.

You Ride Without Trip Planning

Experience is the best teacher you can have in this field. And the experienced truckers know you need to plan your trip ahead of time.

Download a trucking management program like TruckLogics, and use ProMiles for precise trip routing. ProMiles only chooses routes appropriate for heavy vehicles, eliminating costly mistakes, detours, and out-of-route mileage.

With TruckLogics and ProMiles, you can quote services to clients with more accuracy, instead of just rough estimations.

Plus, your recordkeeping afterward will increase thanks to one-click Trip Sheet generation!

Your House is in Disarray

We’ve mentioned tidying your cab before, but what about your house? Maybe you didn’t get to mow the lawn before heading out, or you know it’s time to do some Spring cleaning. Or on an even more personal note, someone in your family needs you.

Remember, downtime is important. Not just for your mental health, but for your financial livelihood, as well.

You’re Just Going to Eat Fast Food Again

Come on, guys. We’ve talked about this. We know you don’t have a lot of time to plan meals, but with just a little bit of planning, you can eat a nutritious diet that keeps you away from the Big Mac.

You’re gonna spend most of your day sitting as you drive, so eating healthy enough to keep the pounds away will offset the decrease in calorie burning activity. And besides, you can always just do a trucker workout when you get off the road.

You Don’t Have a Plan for Tax Filing

We hate to remind you of this ourselves, but your IFTA filing deadline is just around the corner.

That’s right, IFTA is coming!

And planning is everything when it comes to generating your IFTA report. Get ready for the upcoming deadline by calculating your IFTA tax amount ahead of time with the Fuel Tax Calculator.

And you remember all those Trip Sheets you generated with TruckLogics? Yeah, adding Trip Sheets to ExpressIFTA is easy.

Proactivity is the key to being a successful trucker. Ask yourself if you’re ready for the road!

As far as your IFTA report goes, if you run into any questions, the dedicated customer support team over at ExpressIFTA is ready to help! Give us a call at 704.234.6005 or shoot us an email at

What are your pre-trip rituals before hitting the road? Are you ready for every occasion?

Ready for April? 3 Important Moves to Make RIGHT NOW!

Alright Trucking Nation, April is here! And that means a few things for us in the transportation industry.

What’s going on in April? Well, your personal taxes and fuel taxes are both due. And there’s a chance for you to work on your health!

Extend Your Taxes

First up, your personal taxes are due April 18th. Normally they would be due April 15th, but the weekend buys you some time! And you can get even more time with a Personal Tax Extension Form 4868.

Let’s face it, filing your taxes isn’t fun. But do you know every deduction a trucker can file? There are a lot, so don’t sit on this! And yeah, finding some more deductions doesn’t make it fun. But it makes filing a little bit easier, don’t you think?

Whether you’re filing by yourself or you have someone filing for you, you can get an extension for an additional 6 months to file Form 1040, 1040A, 1040-EZ, 1040NR, 1040NR-EZ, 1040-PR, or 1040-SS.

Let’s Get Ready for IFTA!

Alright, we know you don’t want to hear all this tax stuff. If you’re anything like me, it just gives you anxiety. But that’s why we try to make things easier.

How easy? Well, the same login credentials you use for your ExpressTruckTax account works for ExpressIFTA. So you can generate your fuel tax report with the same ease of use that you expect for your 2290s.

How else can you get ready? Instead of waiting until the last moment, take this next week to gather all of your fuel records and trip sheets.

If you’re not running around like a chicken with your head cut off, IFTA is pretty easy, really.

And if you want to make your next round of IFTA even easier, pick up an app like TruckLogics. With this handy cloud-based trucking management software, you can generate and send invoices, create profit & loss reports, and use ProMiles for one-click trip sheets.

Now Is the Time to Get Healthy

Okay, you were supposed to get healthy at the new year. But you didn’t!

If your diet fell apart three weeks into the new year, let April be the month you get healthy!

How? Well, eat better. Change your diet to focus on whole grains, whole veggies, and lean meats and proteins. Yeah, that doesn’t sound as great as a bucket of hot wings, but you need to make some changes.

After you get your diet in check, find time to exercise! We know you can! No excuses. In fact, we’ve told you how to turn your trucking environment into a portable gym. So don’t let that stop you.

Besides, you want that beach bod, don’t you? Ha!

So use April as your time to shine with your personal taxes, fuel taxes, and physical well being. If you have any questions about e-filing your fuel taxes, give the support experts a call at 704.234.6005 or an email at

Are YOU ready for April?

Don’t Make These Mistakes When Buying a New Truck

We made it through winter, and Spring is upon us. Goodbye dangerous, icy roads!

And not only are plants springing up from the ground, but truckers are thinking, “Hey, why don’t I get rid of my old rig and buy a new one?”

And we’re right there with you, Trucking Nation. Sometimes it’s better to just say goodbye to that old truck and hit the road on something shiny and new (to you, at least).

But beware, there are mistakes you can make when you purchase a new vehicle!

So we’ve thrown together a few tips to help you avoid those new truck-buying mistakes.

Don’t Blow Your Budget

Factor in how you are using the truck, your distance traveled, and even what you will be hauling. The last thing you want is to drop all your cash on a beast of a truck and discover that you’re not even using it right.

And we know you don’t want to buy something that can barely haul an empty flatbed. So list out your truck requirements AND your expected uses on a sheet of paper, on your phone, or anywhere you can keep track.

From this list, create a BUDGET. Allow yourself time to look over it and figure out what you want to buy.

And don’t go into any purchase blind! Calculate the costs you’ll incur for the purchase, as well as your insurance, taxes, and all the accoutrement (that’s French for extra stuff).

You should probably aim your budget forward, too. You’ll need to factor in your cost of maintenance so that you don’t break the bank a few months down the road.

Don’t Pick a Lemon

While we say find something within your budget, make sure you also appeal to your better creature comforts.

You’re gonna be stuck in this rig on the road for who knows how long, so make sure you can live comfortably in the thing. Check the amenities, so that you don’t end up in a truck that is hard to live in.

We don’t know if you co-drive or bring pets with you, but factor in your comfort level, your partner’s, and your pet’s.

Don’t Bungle Your Taxes

Sometimes it sounds like we’re beating a dead horse, but we have to say it. No matter what, your 2290s don’t transfer!

That means you need to file for a new 2290 when you get that new truck. We’ve come across plenty of truckers who either don’t know this or think it doesn’t apply to them. It does!

And it’s an easy fix, too. You just need to e-file Form 8849 and claim a credit and you’re good!

Don’t Settle

There’s nothing worse than buyer’s remorse. Don’t settle for a new rig that doesn’t meet the quality standards you know you need. I mean a deal is a deal, but make sure you’re happy with it at the end of the day.

And don’t forget, there’s an IFTA deadline on May 2nd! Head over to ExpressIFTA for the easiest way to generate your fuel tax report.

As always, if you have any questions about e-filing your HVUT 2290s or generating your upcoming IFTA report, give us a call at 704.234.6005.

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