Author: Marcela De Vivo

Free VIN Corrections: Only with ExpressTruckTax

Everybody makes mistakes, even truck tax professionals. That’s why at ExpressTruckTax we are a  firm believer in second chances!

After you e-file with us the first time, we offer you free VIN corrections just in case you make an error. That way you don’t have to pay another fee to file again just because you may have mixed up two numbers. It’s one of the endless perks we offer our returning users.

However, if you didn’t file with us originally, you can always e-file a Form 2290 Amendment quickly and affordably through ExpressTruckTax.

From start to finish, the whole process of e-filing corrections and amendments through ExpressTruckTax is very easy! Plus, it only takes a few minutes and then it’s right back to your life!

In fact, if you’ve filed with us before, then the amendment process will be very familiar for you. Here’s how to file for VIN corrections of Form 2290 Amendments:

Step 1: Log in or Create an Account

  • Once your account is created, or you’ve logged in, click “Start” under Form 2290 Amendments.
  • Then select the Amendment you would like to file. For this case, you will choose VIN correction (though we also offer amendments for vehicle weight increase and exceeding the mileage limit).

Step 2: Correction Time

  • Select whether you’d like to correct a return you previously e-filed with us, or one filed elsewhere.
  • Next enter your vehicle’s first-used month.
  • Select Add VIN Correction, and enter the vehicle’s originally-reported VIN (the one entered incorrectly). Then enter the gross weight, whether the vehicle is taxable or suspended, and lastly enter the new, correct VIN.
  • If you need to correct the VIN of more than one vehicle, click “Save and Add Another.” If you only need to correct one, just click “Save” and you’re done!

Step 3: Review and Submit

  • Before you submit your information to the IRS, be sure to check for errors one last time. You definitely don’t want to have to file another amendment! Our Instant Audit will also scan your return for gaps and errors.
  • Now hit the big green “TRANSMIT” button to securely submit your VIN correction. Now all you have to do is wait for IRS approval!

Once the IRS accepts your correction, you’ll get a shiny new Stamped Schedule 1! Most users receive theirs within 10 minutes of submitting their correction.

You can also choose to set up additional notifications, and you can elect to have your return faxed to you or mailed to your carrier, home office, or even your accountant. Whatever works for you!

As always, if you find yourself in times of trouble, give us a call at 704.234.6005 or send us an email at for 24/hour support in English and Spanish. Whatever you need, we’re here for you.

It’s All about That VIN

Everyone who has a vehicle has one, but many people have yet to unlock the secrets of the VIN. And there are secrets, Trucking Nation.

But now you can consider all of your VIN questions answered! And maybe you’ll learn a few secret tidbits about VIN’s that you didn’t already know. Because it’s all about that VIN, y’all.

What is a VIN

A VIN or a Vehicle Identification Number (or even a Chassis number) is a unique code that includes a serial number. These codes are used by the auto industry for identifying specific vehicles.

Vehicle Identification Numbers were first introduced to the vehicle industry in 1954, but they were not standardized until 1981. That’s when they became the identification codes we know today.

Today, a VIN number is typically 17 characters long, and depending on the country your vehicle was made in, it can begin with a variety of letters– or even numbers in the case of North and South America.

The Purpose of a VIN

Before unlocking the secrets of a VIN, most people view them as some sort of mystery 17-digit identification code. But, there is a purpose!

VIN’s can even be used to identify the make, model, weight class, and model year of your vehicle…just by using a 17-digit serial code! They also don’t include the letters I, O, or Q, so that people won’t confuse those letters with a number 1 or a 0.

Where to Find My VIN

The easiest way to locate your VIN is one of two ways because your VIN will be placed on one of two areas on your vehicle.

The first way is to stand outside of your vehicle on the driver’s side and examine the corner of your dash where it meets the windshield.

If your VIN is not located there, open your driver’s side door and look at the door post (where the door latches when it is closed). The number should be located there.

What Does It Have to Do with E-filing?

Since VIN’s contain special coded numbers and letters that describe your unique vehicle, it is imperative you use that identification code for anything pertaining to said vehicle. That includes truck taxes!

As previously stated, VIN’s can be very telling. They contain your weight class, country of origin, the make, and model year. That means, it’s essentially a social security number for your vehicle.

Plus, you want to make sure you pay taxes on the right vehicle and that everything is up-to-date for your own convenience. Because you’ll quickly learn that dealing with government bodies like the IRS and DMV without an identification number would be a nightmare.

If you need any help taming the beast that is the IRS, we’re here for you! We have a dedicated support team located in Rock Hill, SC, standing by just for you. So give us a call at 704.234.6005 or send us an email at for 24/hour support in English and Spanish!

And if you notice a VIN error on your Form 2290, you can e-file a VIN correction for free through for all returns originally filed with us!

#FreightTechFriday: What’s New in Truck Tech

The world of technology is expanding, and so is the trucking industry alongside it. There are more technologies out for truckers now than there ever have been. 

Between apps like ExpressTruckTax, to truck extensions like Trailer Tail, truckers can now be more economic and more environmentally friendly.

And best of all, there’s even more trucks, truck extensions, and trucking apps coming out all the time to make the industry more environmentally friendly. Not to mention, these advancements in technology can make the lives of the people transporting our goods safer and easier.

It’s a whole new world out there, Trucking Nation! Let’s take a look!

Trucking Awesome (Concept Trucks)

High-tech truck concepts have been dominating blogs and social media posts lately. These futuristic concepts are not only helpful for the trucking industry and the environment, they’re also really, really cool!

Don’t believe me? Check out AirFlow’s new concept BulletTruck:

With this new concept truck, AirFlow is hoping to revolutionize the trucking industry in both aerodynamics and fuel consumption.

In fact, this summer AirFlow drove their BulletTruck prototype from Connecticut to California to show off the gorgeous design as well as test it’s amazing aerodynamics. Well, that and to show off it’s fantastic fuel mileage.

AirFlow has increased the mileage from the roughly 7 MPG trucks are averaging now to averaging 13.4 MPG on a trip across the country! If that’s not revolutionary, I don’t know what is.

Truck Extensions

Your truck is essentially an extension of yourself. You spend a lot of time hauling goods and travelling from place to place, essentially seeing all of North America.

That means you probably don’t want your truck looking drab; it should be a reflection of you and your awesome personality! Well, that and it doesn’t hurt to make your truck a little more environmentally friendly, with extensions like AirTab and Trailer Tail, that we talked about in a previous blog.

But there’s even more awesome technologies out there for truckers and drivers alike! Perhaps the most recent one gaining a lot of traction in the trucking market are Dash Cams.


Dash Cams are smallish cameras that go on your dash and film while you’re driving. This way any accident you get into, you have proof of fault. Well, that and you can take some fantastic video and pictures of your journey across the continent!

Apps for Road Warriors

Smartphone applications are the largest market for truck technology (and for technology in general). There are apps for almost everything these days, including several trucking-specific ones. From tax calculators to truck tax apps galore, you can find them for your smartphone or tablet.

A big chunk of the app market for truckers, especially lately, are reminder apps. From simple calendars to apps that are a little more complex and contain pre-loaded trucking industry deadlines.

That’s where RigMinders comes in. Rigminders is a reminder app geared specifically toward truckers, and it contains lots of pre-loaded industry deadlines, such as when 2290’s are due and when IFTA is due as well.

Then on top of all that, you can also load personal deadlines and truck maintenance deadlines. You’ll never forget another appointment, tax due date, or whatever you want!

Rigminders will send you push notifications on your phone and an email reminding you of your upcoming deadlines. You can even set how many notifications you want, what types of notifications you want, and when the reminder will be sent to you (5 days before, 1 day before, etc).

If you have any questions, comments, or more #FreightTech you want to see featured here, drop us a line on our Facebook or Twitter. We love hearing trucking stories and learning about new in truck tech!

And as always, if you find yourself with some tax questions, give our dedicated support legends a call at 704.234.6005 or email them at for 24 hour support in both English and Spanish!

The Do’s & Don’ts of E-filing Your Form 2290

The pre-filing season is in full-force, Trucking Nation! And with great e-filing comes great responsibility. 

We’ve talked about the how-to’s and the benefits of e-filing and pre-filing, but what we haven’t talked about is what “to do” and “not to do” for the rest of the tax year.

A little bit of time spent preparing for your HVUT can save you the headache of filing an amendment or correcting a rejected return later. And here at ExpressTruckTax we want to make sure you have everything you need to e-file successfully!

Here are the Do’s and Don’ts of E-filing your 2290!

Do Pre-file

This year ExpressTruckTax is offering pre-filing for the 2015-16 tax year throughout June! When you pre-file with us, not only are you entered into our Swag Bag Give-Away, you’re also done with your HVUT for the year. Once the tax season begins on July 1 and the IRS begins accepting 2290’s, we’ll securely transmit your return for you so you don’t have to worry about it.

Don’t Wait until the Last Minute

With pre-filing available for all of our customers, why would you want to wait until the last minute to file your Form 2290? It’s just not a good idea! Especially since if your return is rejected and you waited until the last minute, you risk missing the deadline and you may have to pay penalties for not filing on time. So get it done early so you’ll still have time even if you make some mistakes.


Do Keep Records

You need to keep detailed records of your trip and mileage, because not only is it required, it could also help you if you need to file for a suspended vehicle. When you file for suspended vehicles, you need to be able to prove that you’re under the mileage limit to the IRS. So keep everything in order, because you never know when you’ll need it.

Don’t Put off Filling out Trip Sheets

Like I said, if you plan on filing for a suspended vehicle, you’ll need proof, and your trip sheets, in addition to being required, help to accomplish that. Not to mention that keeping good records is always smart when you’re filing any sort of taxes. So do them right away because if you wait until later, you risk forgetting the exact mileage and that can come back to bite you later.


Do Call if You Need Help 

If you need any sort of help e-filing your HVUT, we have a dedicated support team to help you! We’re here to answer your questions and walk you through the process from start to finish to make sure it’s a stress-free experience for you.

  • Pro-tip #1: Read Our How-To Guides

If you don’t have access to a phone, you can send us an email, find us on chat on our website, or you can read any number of how-to guide blogs we’ve written to help you! We have one for just about everything: Pre-filing, E-filing, Account Creation, and we even have a quick orientation video!

Don’t Try to Do It on Your Own

If you don’t know what you’re doing at any point in the e-filing process, then call us! Nobody wants to have their return rejected by the IRS. So if you have questions or there’s something you’re not sure about, let us walk you through it! 


Do Get Your EIN early!

In order to file your Heavy Vehicle Use Taxes, you need to have an Employer Identification Number. If you don’t have an EIN, you need to get one right away because it takes some time before it becomes active and you are able to e-file or pre-file for the tax year.

Don’t File a Tax Return with a New EIN

It takes 10-15 business days for your EIN to become active. Any returns filed before the EIN has been activated will be rejected. So if you need to get an EIN, apply online directly with the IRS, and do it now so you’ll be able to e-file for the tax season!


Do Know Your VIN and Gross Vehicle Weight

You need to know both your VIN and GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) to file your Form 2290 correctly. You can calculate your own Gross Vehicle Weight simply by adding together three numbers:

1. The unloaded (tare) weight of the truck
2. The unloaded weight of the trailer
3. The maximum weight of the cargo customarily carried by the truck/trailer.

Don’t Guesstimate Your Gross Vehicle Weight
When you don’t enter your correct GVW, you could wind up paying more than you need to for your HVUT. It will also spell trouble if you head to a weigh station and your Schedule 1 details don’t match the scales. So follow our simple 3-step calculation method listed above to accurately calculate your Gross Vehicle Weight.


Do Know the Types of Taxable Vehicles

  • Regular: A regular heavy vehicle is any vehicle, weighing 55,000 lbs or more, that has driven over the 5,000 mile limit on public highways. For these vehicles, e-file your Form 2290 as normal and pay your heavy vehicle use tax.
  • Suspended: Suspended vehicles are any heavy vehicle or agricultural vehicle that have been driven under their mileage limit for the tax year. For heavy vehicles, this limit is 5,000 and for agricultural vehicles this limit is 7,500 miles. Having a suspended vehicle means after you file your heavy vehicle use tax, you won’t owe any tax! Yay!
  • Agriculture: Agricultural vehicles are any vehicles used for farming or agriculture. These vehicles can be driven 7,500 miles on public highways until they are no longer considered suspended, at which time, HVUT is due.
  • Logging: Logging vehicles are any vehicles that are used to transport forest materials within or from a foresting site, or a vehicle that moves forested materials from one site to another. With logging vehicles, companies and drivers alike are eligible to pay less taxes for the tax year. So if you drive a logging truck, make sure you specify when you’re e-filing!

Don’t Miss out on Savings

If you drive a suspended or logging vehicle, you’re eligible for a tax discount! (See above) If you drive an agricultural vehicle you can log more mileage during the tax year before your vehicle is considered a “regular, non-suspended” vehicle.

Do E-file with Express Truck Tax

Great people, great price, great product! Not only are we IRS-certified and secure, ExpressTruckTax is also easy-to-use, and we have a great support team always standing by to help answer your tax questions.

If you find yourself with any questions or concerns throughout your e-filing or pre-filing process, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 704.234.6005 or send us an email at for 24 hour support in English or Spanish.

Happy pre-filing, Trucking Nation!

How to Pre-file Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax

Have you heard the great news, Trucking Nation!? 

ExpressTruckTax is offering pre-filing for the 2015-16 tax year during the month of June! That’s right, all month long you can pre-file your HVUT renewal at no additional cost. 
In fact, it actually costs less if you use promo code PREFILE. Plus, you’ll be entered to win our Swag Bag with a $50 gift card! All you need to do is pre-file to enter!

And best of all, pre-filing with us is the same as e-filing for any other tax year, and just as easy! You’ll just follow the same three easy steps to e-filing success!

Let’s have a look!

Step 1: Account Setup

The first thing you need to do is login to your account, or if you’ve never registered with us before, create a new account by simply entering your email address and a password of your choosing. Once you’ve done that, you need to enter your business details and your EIN number.

The next part is where it gets a little different. After you’ve entered your details and have chosen to begin a new Form 2290, you will be prompted on the next screen to select advance filing or to file for the current tax year.

To pre-file, select “Choose Advance Filing” and continue onto the next screen. Here, choose to file for the new tax year and select the first use month of your vehicle.

Then, just hit next and it’s on to step two!

Step 2: Enter Vehicle Details

The next step is adding all of your heavy vehicle information. If you’re a returning user, just select the trucks you’d like to file for from Truck Zone! All of your information is stored there and ready to be added to your return.

If you’re a new user, you can input the vehicle details one-by-one (which still doesn’t take long), or you can upload your VIN and more from a CSV file, which is the fastest way to do it if you have multiple trucks.

Also remember that there are three different types of vehicles you can add. Just be sure to enter them on the appropriate screen.

  • Taxable VehiclesThese are vehicles that have exceeded the 5,000 mile limit (or 7,500 miles for agricultural vehicles) for the tax year. You owe taxes on these vehicles for the year. Also remember that if you drive a logging vehicle (a vehicle used to transport foresting materials) you are eligible for a tax discount!
  • Low Mileage or Suspended VehiclesThese are vehicles that have not exceeded the mileage limit for the tax year. These vehicles do not cost you in taxes, but still need to be filed for in order to get the Stamped Schedule 1.
  • Sold, Lost, or Destroyed Credit VehiclesThese are vehicles that you no longer have, but you are still required to file for them if they were used for any part of the tax year.

You can also enter vehicles that you have previously filed as suspended, and you can enter low mileage credits at the end of this step.

Step 3: Select Payment Method & Securely Transmit Your Return

The last step to pre-filing is selecting your payment method and securely transmitting your return to the IRS. This step is slightly different than when you e-file for the regular tax year since we will transmit the return for you when the IRS begins accepting them on July 1st.

In order to pay your taxes due, you can select one of three payment methods. The payment method you choose, determines when the IRS will accept your payment and take money out of your account.

When you select direct debit, the taxes you owe will come out of your account one or two days after the IRS processes your return on July 1. If you elect to pay by other means, like EFTPS or with a check or money order, you can schedule your payment for as late as August 31, the renewal due date.

Once you’ve decided what payment method to use, you will be taken to your account summary page. Here you can correct any errors you see or continue to submit your return. Plus, our Instant Audit feature will even check it for you to minimize the risk of your return being rejected by the IRS due to missing information.

Then all you need to do is select transmit to the IRS and voila! You’ve successfully pre-filed your Form 2290!

If you need any help throughout the e-filing process, we’re here for you! We have a dedicated, trained support team year round for that very reason. If you find yourself having some trouble, give us a call at 704.234.6005 or shoot us an email at for 24/hour support in English or Spanish!

Pre-filing for All: E-filing for 2015-16 Tax Year Now Available!


Looks like the cat is out of the bag, Trucking Nation! And we’re happy to announce that we are offering pre-filing for everyone this HVUT renewal season!

Beginning right now, this very second, we are offering pre-filing for everyone who wants to get ahead of the game. Pre-filing now means you have an extra month to get your taxes done and get back to your life!

The Advantages are Endless

Now, you may be wondering what the benefits of pre-filing are, or how pre-filing affects you. Well, just like when you e-file with us normally, the benefits of pre-filing are endless!

Here’s what pre-filing can do for you:

  • Pre-filing gives you more time (a month’s worth!) to amend your return if it gets rejected or if you make a tiny mistake.
  • Even though you’re pre-filing, it doesn’t mean you have to pre-pay! And there’s no extra cost to pre-file with us either—still the best value in the industry.
  • You can still use the same 3 payment methods you’re used to: Direct Debit, EFTPS, and Check or Money Order. BUT if you schedule an EFTPS payment for the deadline on August 31st, or elect to pay by check or money order, then you won’t have to pay your taxes until the deadline day. That’s three whole months to save up your tax!
  • Your return will be at the very top of the stack when the IRS begins processing returns on July 1. This means you’ll get your Stamped Schedule 1 before anyone else too!
  • Then you can get back to your life! After you pre-file you don’t have to worry at all because we’ll take it from there. We will securely transmit your return to the IRS for you and then email you your Schedule 1.
And so much more! Pre-filing is a way for you to get your Form 2290 out of the way, fast. No muss, no fuss, just getting on with your life. Don’t believe me? Just have a look at Marvin & Larry!

1 Promocode, 2 Awesome Benefits

Here’s the next best thing about pre-filing. During the month of June we’re offering 10% off the filing fee when you use the promocode PREFILE at checkout!

And to top it all off, everyone who pre-files with us in the month of June is entered to win a Swag Bag, complete with a $50 gift card and a bunch of ExpressTruckTax goodies, or swag, as the kids are calling it these days!

If you find yourself with questions, we’re here for you! So give us a call at 704.234.6005, shoot us an email at, or find us on chat on our website. We’ll provide you with all the help you need, day or night in English and in Spanish! Don’t be a Larry, pre-file with us today!

6 Tips for E-filing Success This Renewal Season

Tax season will be here before you know it. And as the HVUT renewal season approaches, you’ve probably found yourself with more and more questions about what to do and how to even file in the first place. And that’s what we’re here for!

So here are 6 tips to help you successfully e-file your Form 2290 during this renewal season:

1. Get Your EIN Early

Getting your EIN is important! It takes 10 business days for the IRS to activate it, and you need it in order to e-file.

After your EIN has been processed, you will need to know the exact business name associated with the EIN account in order to use it. If you have forgotten the name associated with the EIN, you can call the IRS EIN hotline at 1.800.829.4933 to verify, and then keep it safe because it is imperative to your tax-filing success!

2. Know Your Vehicles

Next on the path to tax success is knowing your vehicles. And I’m not talking about just knowing the weight of your vehicle or the first use date—even though you definitely need to know that as well—I’m also talking about knowing your type of vehicle. There are four different types of vehicles you can file a Form 2290 for, and knowing which category your vehicle falls under can make a huge difference on your bank account!

  • Heavy Vehicles: A heavy vehicle is any other vehicle, weighing 55,000 lbs or more, that has driven over the 5,000 mile limit. For these vehicles you file your Form 2290 as normal and pay your heavy vehicle use tax.
  • Suspended: Suspended vehicles are any heavy vehicle or agricultural vehicle that have been driven under their mileage limit for the tax year. For heavy vehicles this limit is 5,000 and for agricultural vehicles this limit is 7,500. Having a suspended vehicle means after you file your heavy vehicle use tax, you are eligible for a refund!
  • Agriculture: Agricultural vehicles are any vehicles used for farming or agriculture. These vehicles can be driven 7,500 miles on public highways until they are no longer considered suspended, at which time, HVUT is due. 
  • Logging: Logging vehicles are any vehicles that are used to transport forest materials within or from a foresting site, or a vehicle that moves forested materials from one site to another. With logging vehicles, companies and drivers alike are eligible to pay less taxes for the tax year. So if you drive a logging truck, make sure you specify when you’re e-filing!

3. Keep Accurate Records

Besides your EIN and knowing your types of vehicles, keeping accurate records is the most important part of e-filing.

It is your responsibility to keep accurate trip logs, especially if you are an agricultural vehicle or a suspended vehicle. You will need to prove to the IRS that you went under 7,500 and 5,000 miles, respectively, during the tax year. If you find yourself in need of some help keeping your truck records updated,why not try a business management program designed for transportation businesses?

4. Make Your Business Management Software Work for You

In addition to keeping good records, you also need to have good business management software. You need a place to securely keep track of all your trucks, taxes due, important industry dates, and so on.

A good business management solution should be able to keep track of everything so you don’t have to! You should be able to search records and get reminders of important dates without constant frustration and involvement.

And not only that! Your business management solution should be able to:

  • Keep track of orders and invoices
  • Help create a better line of communication between truckers and management
  • Schedule maintenance by truck (and just once!)
  • Enter paychecks and driver settlements
  • Provide trucker-centric GPS to get from place to place
  • Keep track of customers, brokers, carriers, and vendors
  • Make running a business a little (or a lot!) less stressful

5. Rely on Great Support

Filing your taxes isn’t always easy, but it can be when you have the right tools! When it comes down to it, we understand that you probably have a lot of questions about how HVUT regulations. This is where the support legends come in!

At ExpressTruckTax we have the best support team in the industry. And they’re available all year long in order to make your tax experience that much easier.

So if you find yourself with a question in the “off” season, rest assured that our support team will be here for you. Because we understand that tax questions never take a break, so neither should we!

6. Know Your Industry Deadlines & Important Dates

The last thing you need to know in order to e-file for success are industry deadlines and important industry dates. Now, this may sound like a lot of work, but we have a free app that does all of that for you! It’s called RigMinders, and it’s available for both Android and iPhone users.

With Rigminders, you can keep track of everything in the industry, in your trucking business, and in your life! Know when to file your HVUT, IFTA, IRP, UCR and much more. All industry filing deadlines come preloaded to save you time. And you can use the personal reminders to schedule truck maintenance. There’s nothing better than staying ahead of the game and keeping on top of these deadlines!

Continue to stay ahead of the game with ExpressTruckTax! If you find yourself with questions, comments, or concerns, we’re here for you with 24/7 support in English & Spanish! So give us a call between 8AM-6PM EST at 704.234.6005, or send us an email at anytime, day or night!

Happy E-filing, Trucking Nation!

Perks for Returning Users: E-filing Easier Year After Year!

After our guests E-file with us for the first time, they know they get the V.I.P. Treatment.

Because once you make the switch to ExpressTruckTax, you’re family, and family means going the extra mile to make sure you’re taken care of!

We strive to make every step of the E-filing experience as user-friendly as possible. Now we can proudly say, we definitely offer our returning customers some amazing perks!

After you e-file with us for the first time…

  • You can copy your previous return and save time with the FastTransfer Feature.
  • You don’t EVER have to re-enter any information because we save your data for you on our secure servers. Your vehicles can be added to your return with one click because they’re all waiting for you in Truck Zone, your virtual garage!

The V.I.P. Benefits

But that’s not all! There is so much more ExpressTruckTax offers to their customers:

Support Legends: Our support team is always there to answer your questions day or night. We offer 24-hour email support from our fully trained, one-of-a-kind support team all year long. Based in Rock Hill, SC, these support legends offer support in English & Spanish by phone, email, and chat. So if you’re even a little bit confused, give ‘em a call and they’ll help to steer you in the right direction!

Freedom to E-file Anywhere: You can E-file from virtually anywhere. Because we have some apps for that! For the convenience of our amazing users, we offer both an iPad and Android tablet apps, as well as a mobile site for smartphones, so you can use ExpressTruckTax whenever it’s convenient for you.

TruckZone: We also offer an exclusive feature called TruckZone, which is your very own virtual garage. You can add one truck or your entire fleet, and TruckZone will remember all of them. In fact, it can do even more than that. When you elect to use TruckZone, it will remember important dates like when you need to file for a specific truck or when a specific truck needs maintenance. And that is only the beginning!

Convenient Payment Methods: Even though the IRS no longer accepts credit cards for payment, we still offer three ways to pay your taxes. With us you can pay by Direct Debit (EFW), EETPS through the government, or by check or money order. And if you decide you want to use a check, we also provide a payment voucher to be sent along with it!

Instant Audit:
Before you submit your return to the IRS, our system automatically checks it for errors. This is just one more fail-safe to make absolutely certain that the IRS doesn’t reject your tax form.

Free VIN Corrections: If your return is rejected or if you made an error, not only will our amazing support team help you fix it ASAP, we’ll also let you retransmit it for free! We will not rest until your return has been accepted by the IRS! We’re just that dedicated.

Notifications: You want push notifications, faxes, texts, and emails? We’ve got them! You don’t have to sit around waiting by your phone or fax machine, and you definitely don’t have to move in to your email inbox and end up worrying yourself sick wondering about the IRS. With us, you’ll know the second the IRS has processed your return! And we’ll automatically email you your stamped Schedule 1 too.

Stamped Schedule 1 Instantly:
With our high approval rating from the IRS, our users can expect to receive their Stamped Schedule 1 via email in minutes. In fact, the whole process from start to finish, beginning with e-filing, only takes around 15 minutes on average. If that’s not fast, then I don’t know what is!

Then on top of all that, we also have the best value in the industry. Our filings start at just $9.90!

So forget the paperwork, forget paper filing, and forget having to rewrite all that information year after year. There is no reason for all that stress once you start E-filing with ExpressTruckTax. Let us take care of the heavy lifting for you!

If you let us, we could brag about ourselves and what we can offer you all day, but we want you to experience it first hand! So give our support team a call at 704.234.6005 or shoot them an email at, and we’ll help you get set up today!

June Trucking Events: Truck Pulls & Goodie Bags Galore!

Hello again, Trucking Nation! In just a few short days it will be June, and you know what that means: more mind-boggling trucking events!

From this year’s Roadcheck events to antique truck shows, and some awesome goodie bags from the Wheel Jam, June has got a lot of amazing trucking events going on.

Roadcheck 2015

Kicking off the month, on June 2, is the Roadcheck 2015’s very own event at the Idaho/Washington border. Get educated about cargo securement and learn some new truck tips with the CVSA!

There will be speakers there from all over North America including representatives from the Washington and Idaho state police, Florida’s highway patrol, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and the Washington State Trucking Association. So if you’re around the Idaho/Washington state border, drop by and make nice with the people who will be inspecting your trucks!

The Wheel Jam Truck Show

The Wheel Jam Truck Show is a three day event taking place on June 5, 6, and 7 in Huron, SD. And they come bearing gifts! Enjoy some truck-related and some not-so-truck-related events with 18 Wheel Truck Promotions. From chili cook-offs, to show n’ shines galore–the Wheel Jam Truck Show doesn’t miss a thing! There’s fun, food, and fantastic goodie bags for everyone, whether you drive a truck or not! So head out to South Dakota with the whole family and enjoy the trucks, the company, and the sweet goodie bags!

Ohio Vintage Truck Jamboree

The last event on June 20 and 21 is the Ohio Vintage Truck Jamboree. So grab your truck, take a trip to the fairgrounds in Ashland County, and take part in the fourth annual show for antique truck enthusiasts. Enjoy vendors from all over the state while admiring hundreds of gorgeous vintage trucks, buses, and tractors. Then, if looking at trucks isn’t really your scene, you can enter some good ol’ healthy competitions! The Jamboree’s got loads of them! So you can enjoy either watching or participating in truck racing, brake competitions, a truck pull, and even more!

It looks like June has some fantastic trucking events planned to keep everyone in the Trucking Nation busy! There might not be many of them, but they’re all jam-packed full of fun for people of all ages!

Wanna head to the events, but you’re short on gas? Let the ExpressTruckTax team help you out! We’ll fill up your tank free! All you need to do is enter our Get Pumped Giveaway by Sunday at 11:59 pm EST, and you could be the lucky winner of a $50 gas card! Entry is easy, just like our Facebook page, and if you’ve already liked us, you can still enter by typing your name and email address in the entry form at the end of the blog mentioned above.

And as always, make sure you tell us your truck event stories on Facebook and Twitter. We love to hear about your experiences with these amazing truck events!