Author: Marcela De Vivo

How to File Form 2290 with

E-filing Form 2290 with is simple. Just follow these simple steps to file your Form 2290 today. 

  1. Log in to your account, and from your dashboard, click the orange ‘Start New’ button. 
  2. Choose the number of vehicles you’d like to file for. 
  3. Then, enter the First Use Month and year for your vehicle.
  4. If this is your final return or your business address is changed, check the appropriate box. 
  5. Enter your 17-digit vehicle identification number, you can make sure the VIN entered matches your vehicle by clicking the ‘Check VIN’ button. 
  6. Then, enter your vehicle’s Taxable Gross Weight. You can find this information on your cab card or registration. 
  7. You can optionally organize your returns for your records by indicating the unit number you use for this vehicle.
  8. If this is a suspended, logging, or agricultural vehicle, indicate this by clicking on the appropriate boxes. 
  9. If you now realize you want to file for more than one vehicle, you can click the ‘Add More Vehicles’ button now.
  10. Now indicate whether you reported any vehicles as suspended last year by checking the appropriate box. 
  11. Now, you need to choose how you would like to pay your HVUT amount to the IRS. You can choose between EFW, EFTPS, check, money order, credit or debit card, or third party. The simplest method is to pay by credit card.
  12. To allow the IRS to share your information with other federal agencies, you can do so by agreeing to the consent to disclosure portion of the form. Your choice will not affect your return in any way. 
  13. To finish page one, indicate if you have a third-party designee, such as an employee, tax preparer, spouse, or other third party, who you would like to be able to discuss this return with the IRS. 
  14. Save and continue when you’re finished.
  15. The system will now check your return for errors. If you need to change anything, just click the link, otherwise proceed. 
  16. On this screen, you can choose what additional services you would like from ExpressTruckTax
  17. We can send you a printed copy of your Schedule 1 by mail, and we can even text you to notify you when the IRS accepts your return.
  18. Now you need to enter your credit card information to pay the ExpressTruckTax filing fee and your HVUT amount if you chose credit or debit card. If you chose EFW, EFTPS, check, your money order or third party, this is not your IRS HVUT payment.
  19.  You will now have one last chance to view your return summary. 
  20. Then, you will need to sign off on this form. Click ‘Click to E-sign,’ and then click ‘Adopt and Sign.’
  21. When you’re ready to transmit your return to the IRS, enter any five-digit PIN and click ‘Transmit This Return to the IRS.’ 
  22. Now you just have to wait for the IRS to process and accept your return. We will email you a copy of your Stamped Schedule 1 as soon as the IRS sends it. 

Go to now to e-file your Form 2290.

Thawing Winter Roads Make Way for Weight Restrictions

What is Frost Law?

In many northern states that get a lot of snow during the winter, roads as well as the ground underneath the roads freeze due to moisture trapped beneath roads. When spring comes and the weather starts warming up, the ground underneath roads starts to thaw which causes roads to be more vulnerable to damage during this time, the most common being potholes. This has caused many states and Canadian provinces to enact Frost Law, or Spring Load Restrictions. 

Frost law is a law enforced on roads when the weight capacity of a road per vehicle and the speed limit is reduced significantly to prevent road damage. State and city governments determine the weight limit based on the temperature, moisture content in the soil, and overall road conditions. More weight limits are imposed on roads that are older. Roads made with more modern road technology significantly reduce the amount of moisture retained in the top layers of roads. Sublayers are still, however, subject to varying amounts of moisture. 

When does Frost Law Occur?

Frost Law impositions depend on the state and the city that the road is located in. Roads are most susceptible to damage during the first few weeks of spring thaw. Typically Frost Law is enforced starting in March and ending around June, but this varies from state to state. Weight restrictions remain in effect until most of the moisture beneath roads has dispersed. 

Where does Frost Law Occur?

Frost Law occurs in the following states: 

New Hampshire
New York
North Dakota
South Dakota

Frost Law also occurs in the following Canadian Provinces:

British Columbia
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island

How to know which roads have what restrictions?

Each state’s website has a list of roads and their weight restriction information along with maps highlighting roads that are designated as all-season routes. These roads do not have a weight restriction due to Frost Laws and should be used when driving a vehicle that would be susceptible to these weight restrictions. 

It is important to keep these weight restrictions in mind when traveling through these states and provinces. Traveling on roads affected by Frost Laws in a vehicle exceeding the weight limit can lead to major fines. Be sure to check and plan your route accordingly before you set off to avoid fines and damaging roads with heavy vehicles.

Founder of Love’s Travel Stop Passes Away at Age 85

When traveling down the interstate, seeing a Love’s Truck Stop isn’t an uncommon sight. With over six hundred stores in 42 states, and numerous rewards under its belt, including Corporation of the year in 1991 and the President’s Award for Service to God and Country in 1996, it’s not hard to see that it is a very successful business. The company owes its success to its founder, Tom Love who passed away on March 7, 2023, at the age of 85.

In the mid-1960s, Tom and his wife Judy leased an abandoned service station to open their first gas station which later developed into a chain of gas stations located near Oklahoma City. In an attempt to diversify his products and revenue, he got the idea to attach convenience stores to his existing gas stations. As a result, his gas stations became the first to offer grocery items and self-service gasoline in the 1970s. The first Love’s travel stop was opened in Texas in 1981, catering to both truckers and motorists alike. 

Today Love’s offers a wide array of services including roadside assistance for commercial trucks, emergency roadside vehicles, truck maintenance, parking, hot and fresh food items, shower facilities, restaurants, and even hotels at some locations. It is the largest business in its industry and is still family-owned. Tom’s love of sports also managed to get Love’s as one of the partners of his hometown’s NBA team the Oklahoma City Thunder. 

Tom Love’s legacy will continue to live on in his widely popular business that continues to offer a number of convenient services for truckers and motorists alike. He contributed a lot to the trucking industry by providing truckers with places to park, take showers, purchase food, and even repair their trucks if needed. Love’s Truck Stop even goes as far as giving away millions of My Loves Rewards points during Trucker Appreciation Week for truckers to use at any Love’s location. They also hold Christmas giveaways for a number of useful items. During Christmas, they have donated to the St. Christopher Truckers Fund, a charity that helps truckers and their families when illness or injury causes them to be out of work. Even after Tom Love has passed, Love’s continues to make a positive contribution to the trucking industry helping truckers around the country.

ExpressTruckTax Clientele Spotlight: Women’s History Month

It is officially March, meaning that spring is around the corner. This also means that it is officially Women’s History Month. While women make up only around 7% of drivers in the trucking industry, they make a big impact on the industry as a whole. Many women also work in trucking businesses on the administrative side and their roles are just as important. Here at ExpressTrucktax, we are dedicated to making sure truckers and trucking companies have the best Form 2290 filing experience possible. We also appreciate all the hard work women in the trucking industry do and have done in the past. 

Historically there were many women that had major contributions to the transportation industry. One of these women included Mary Fields. Born into slavery, she was the second woman to be hired by the U.S. Postal service in 1895 and navigated dangerous routes to deliver mail earning her the nickname Stagecoach Mary. She paved the way not only for women but for African-Americans in the transportation industry.

Another woman who played an important role in the transportation industry was Luella Bates, the first woman to be issued a commercial driving license in 1920 after driving for the Four Wheel Drive Auto Company during WWI. She was one of many women hired to take over jobs that had been performed by men before the war. She was chosen as one of the first employees to test and demonstrate the company’s commercial trucks. Even after the war ended Bates stayed in her position and continued on as a demonstrator and a driver.

In the 1970s, another woman played a major role in the transportation industry. Adriesue “Bitsy” Gomez founded the Coalition of Women Truck Drivers in order to fight hiring discrimination, sexism, and sexual harassment in the trucking industry. Their first mission included a push for female bathrooms at truck stops and it didn’t stop there. Her work paved the way for many women entering the trucking industry and many women-centered trucking organizations such as Women in Trucking and REAL Women in Trucking. 

In the 1980s, the United States congress officially recognized March as Women’s History Month to dedicate an entire month to honor the achievements and accomplishments of women. More and more women are contributing to the trucking industry each year. In order to prevent harassment during driver training, many companies have women train and empower other women so that they can succeed in the industry and not be deterred from their pursuits. 

Here at ExpressTruckTax we value and honor our women clients and all the work and effort they put into helping deliver goods across the country. We know it can be challenging to balance a full-time driving job, having a family, and being successful in an industry where men make up the majority. We want to thank you for everything you do for us and strive to provide you with the best and most stress-free Form 2290 filing experience possible. 

We want to take the time to highlight some of our amazing women clientele and business owners that have generated the 2290 Form or 8849 Form with us. We want to hear about your filing experiences!

If you would like your business featured, or want to give a shout-out to a woman-owned trucking company you love, reach out to

We will feature these businesses through a Facebook post upon your approval.

FAQ Friday: How Can You Get A Copy Of Your Form 2290 Stamped Schedule 1?

What is a Stamped Schedule 1?

Vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more must have a Stamped Schedule 1 to get tags and the registration. In order to obtain a Stamped Schedule 1 you must first file Form 2290 for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. This form must be filed annually with the IRS. 

Receiving Your Stamped Schedule 1

If you want to receive your Stamped Schedule 1 as quickly as possible, e-file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax. This entire process takes only a few minutes. Once all of your business, vehicle, and payment information is entered, transmit your form. Once your Form 2290 is accepted, you will receive your Stamp Schedule 1 via the email your ExpressTruckTax account was registered with, within minutes. You also have the option to receive your Stamped Schedule 1 via fax or mail at an additional fee. You also have the option to log in to your ExpressTruckTax account and download a copy of your Stamped Schedule 1. You can do this by going to your dashboard to the list of returns that you filed. Click “Download” under the “Schedule 1/Acceptance Letter” column for any return you need the Stamped Schedule 1 for. 

You are also able to paper file Form 2290 with the IRS, however, the entire process takes a long time. Once you file your form, you will not know if your form has been accepted for several weeks. If it is rejected you will have to file it again and wait another few weeks before you get a response. In order to get your Stamped Schedule 1 after paper filing Form 2290, you can either get it via fax or through the mail. 

File Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax Today

Do you need to get your tags and vehicle registration for your vehicle weighing 55,000 pounds or more and need your Stamped Schedule 1 as soon as possible? If you e-file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today, you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes of it being accepted. What are you waiting for? E-file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today to get your Stamped Schedule 1 as soon as possible.

Trucking Industry Trivia with ExpressTruckTax!

Do you think you know everything about the trucking industry? Whether you have been driving a truck for years now or just getting started, it’s time to test your knowledge about trucking. Who knows, you might learn a few facts about trucking that you didn’t know before.

Q: How long does a typical semi-truck engine last?

A: A semi-truck engine can last up to around one million miles, while a typical car engine usually only lasts around 200,000 miles.

Q: What does the word “semi” actually refer to?

A: The word “semi” actually refers to the trailer pulled by trucks. This is because it only has wheels on one end. Semi-truck refers to the truck and the trailer combined. 

Q: What is the distance it takes for a semi-truck to come to a complete stop?

A: The distance it takes for a semi-truck to come to a complete stop is around 720 feet, which equals the length of two football fields. 

Q: True or False? Semi-trucks get into fewer accidents on the road than regular cars?

A: True. Semi-trucks get into three times fewer accidents than regular noncommercial vehicles. 

Q: How long is the average truck and trailer?

A: The average truck and trailer are around 75 feet long.

Q: How much does a semi-truck cost?

A: The average semi-truck can cost anywhere between $80,000 and $200,000 depending on the brand and if you are buying it new or used.  

Q: What average speed should a truck drive to save fuel?

A: If you drive your truck at speeds of around 65 miles an hour, you will consume over twenty-five percent compared to if you were to drive around 75 miles an hour. This is good to know especially with fuel costs being high.

Q: How many miles does the average trucker travel in a year?

A: On average, a truck driver travels around 100,000 miles in a year. 

Q: True or false: Interstate highways that run East-West have even numbers and those that run North-South have odd numbers?

A: True. If an interstate has an even number (Example: I-80) it will run East-West and if it has an odd number it will run North-South (Example: I-85). 

Q: How much has emission from heavy trucks been reduced since the 1980s?

A: Emission from heavy trucks has been reduced by around 95% since the 1980s. Clean diesel technology has made it possible for around 60 modern-day trucks to put out the amount of emission equivalent to one truck in the 1980s.

How many of these questions did you know the answer to already? Even if you didn’t know many of these answers, there’s always something new to learn about the trucking industry. ExpressTruckTax is here to help drivers in the trucking industry file Form 2290 for their Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. This must be filed by drivers of trucks weighing 55,000 pounds or more annually to the IRS. Hopefully, you knew that already. If not, it is not too late to file your Form 2290 and avoid any additional penalties. What are you waiting for? File your Form 2290 today and who knows, maybe learn even more about the trucking industry from us in the future!

Why Truckers Love ExpressTruckTax?

Valentine’s day was just a few days ago but that doesn’t mean love is no longer in the air. ExpressTruckTax is here to provide an easy and stress-free Form 2290 e-filing experience with a multitude of amazing features that you will fall in love with! 

Quick and Easy Filing

If you drive a truck weighing 55,000 pounds or more you are required to file Form 2290. If your primary occupation involves driving a truck, there is a good chance that a lot of your time is spent behind the wheel. This leaves little time for other things, especially filing tax forms. At ExpressTruckTax we know filing forms is probably something you don’t look forward to because it can take a long time to complete the filing process. Rest assured, however, with ExpressTruckTax, the entire Form 2290 e-filing process takes only a few minutes to complete. This way you can get back on the road as soon as possible. 

Receive Your Stamped Schedule 1 in Minutes

Once you file with ExpressTruckTax and your Form 2290 is accepted by the IRS, you will receive your Stamped Schedule 1 within minutes. Having a Stamped Schedule 1 is important because it allows you to get the tags and vehicle registration for a vehicle of a qualifying weight. 

Carrier Notification

If you are required to send your Stamped Schedule 1 to your carrier once you file, why go through the trouble of sending it to them yourself? ExpressTruckTax gives you the option to send it directly to your carrier after e-filing so you don’t have to. Simply select your carrier from a list of carriers upon filing. If you do not see your carrier, you are able to enter the email address where you want your Schedule 1 sent. You can also opt-in to have your schedule 1 faxed to your carrier for an additional cost. 

Bulk Upload

Need to file for multiple trucks? With the bulk upload feature, you can use our excel template to easily enter and upload your trucks into ExpressTruckTax and file for all of them at the same time instead of entering the data for them into ExpressTruckTax individually. 

Ready Return

Have you filed a return with ExpressTruckTax before and need to file again? If your vehicle and business information is the same, you are able to utilize the ready-return feature. This allows you to have an already filled-out Form 2290 using the information from your previous filing. Simply check and make sure all of the information is still correct and up to date and then transmit your form. 

Amendments and Form 8849

Have you made a mistake on your Form 2290 and need to correct it? ExpressTruckTax lets you file Form 2290 Amendments quickly and easily. If you entered an incorrect VIN in your form and it is only off by a few characters you can file a Form 2290 VIN correction amendment. If you filed your original return with ExpressTruckTax, you can submit a VIN correction amendment at no additional cost. However, if you entered your VIN incorrectly by more than just a few characters, or the entire VIN is incorrect, you will have to file a new Form 2290 with the correct VIN and then a Form 8849 to request a refund for the tax amount paid on the original Form 2290. 

If your vehicle weighing 55,000 pounds or more travels 5,000 miles or less in a year, or 7,500 miles or less if it is used for agricultural purposes, your vehicle is considered suspended by the IRS. You still have to file Form 2290 for this vehicle if this is the case, but no tax will be owed. If you end up filing the vehicle as suspended and it ends up exceeding the mileage limit, you must file a Form 2290 mileage exceeded amendment. You will then have to pay the tax amount for the full tax year to the IRS. If you file Form 2290 and pay the tax but don’t end up exceeding the mileage limit, you will have to file Form 8849 to get a refund for the tax amount paid.

If the weight of your vehicle increases or the weight was filed incorrectly, you will have to file a Form 2290 weight increase amendment and pay the tax amount that is owed to the IRS.

All of this may sound complicated, but ExpressTruckTax makes filing Form 2290 Amendments and Form 8849 fast and easy.

Free Mobile App

To make things even easier for truckers on the go, ExpressTruckTax has a convenient mobile app that allows you to E-file Form 2290 from anywhere. 

Pay your tax directly through ExpressTruckTax

If you want to pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax at the same time as filing your Form 2290, now you can with ExpressTruckTax. You can pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax alongside your filing fee so that you do not forget to pay your tax later.

What are you waiting for?

Now you see why truckers love to file with ExpressTruckTax. We offer some pretty amazing features to make the entire Form 2290 filing process fast and stress-free! What are you waiting for? File Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today!

FAQ Friday: Form 2290 and EINs

What is Form 2290?

Form 2290 is an IRS tax form that must be filed annually for vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. 

What is an EIN?

EIN stands for Employer Identification Number. It is a unique nine-digit number that the IRS assigns to businesses operating in the United States for the purpose of identification and keeping track of business tax records.  

Do you need an EIN to e-file Form 2290?

In order to e-file Form 2290, you need to provide your EIN number. You are unable to e-file Form 2290 with an SSN (Social Security Number).

What should you do if you do not have an EIN?

If you do not have an EIN number and need to e-file Form 2290 you are able to apply for one online or over the phone by contacting the IRS. Once the IRS processes your request, you will receive your EIN. Please note that since the COVID-19 pandemic, it may take up to 2 to 4 weeks for your EIN to become active in the IRS e-filing system. You are also able to apply for an EIN by contacting our sister product TSNAmerica over the phone at 877-520-8640. The IRS will reject your Form 2290 if your EIN doesn’t match IRS records or if it is not yet active in the e-filing system. If your Form 2290 is rejected because your EIN is new, you are able to retransmit your Form 2290 once a day until it is accepted at no additional cost. 

What if you have multiple EINs?

Each business is assigned one EIN number. Make sure to check the documents provided by the IRS when you applied for your EIN in order to find the correct EIN that corresponds with the business you are filing for. If your EIN is wrong, your Form 2290 will be rejected by the IRS.

What if you e-filed Form 2290 with the wrong EIN?

If you e-file Form 2290 and make any mistakes when entering your EIN, the IRS will reject your return. You can then retransmit your EIN with the correct EIN. If you handle multiple businesses however and use the EIN for a different business by mistake, there is a chance the IRS will not reject your Form 2290. In this case, you will need to e-file a new Form 2290 with the correct EIN and then e-file Form 8849. You will need to provide a detailed explanation as to why you are filing Form 8849 so that you can get a refund for the original filing.

Why e-file with ExpressTax?

ExpressTruckTax is an easy-to-use Form 2290 IRS-approved e-file provider. You are able to e-file your Form 2290 in just a few minutes by providing your EIN, VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), credit vehicles you plan to claim if any, and your payment information. You are also able to pay your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax directly alongside your filing fee with ExpressTruckTax. ExpressTruckTax is here to help if you have any questions about your filing and if you need a new EIN, don’t hesitate to contact our sister company TSNAmerica. What are you waiting for? E-file your Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax now for a stress-free and easy filing experience! 

FAQ Friday: Tax Professionals and Form 2290

Are you a tax professional that needs to file Form 2290 for clients or businesses? If so, it is always important to know what you are doing and what is needed before you start filing Form 2290. Below you will find useful information that will help answer any questions you may have in regard to the Form 2290 filing process. 

What is Form 2290?

Form 2290 must be filed for vehicles weighing 55,000 pounds or more to the IRS for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. Drivers can file this form themselves though it can also be filed by tax professionals. The tax year for Form 2290 is from July 1st to June 30th of the following year. 

When is Form 2290 due?

The deadline to file Form 2290 is August 31st for vehicles that have been on the road for a year or more or are being put on the road for the first time in July. If the vehicle has been on the road for less than a year the month it is put on the road for the first time is known as the vehicle’s First Used Month (FUM). Form 2290 needs to be filed by the last day of the month following the vehicle’s First Used Month and the tax amount due will be a prorated amount for the remaining months in the tax year. 

What is Form 8453-EX?

The technical term for Form 8453-EX is “Excise Tax Declaration for an IRS e-file Return”, which is a declaration by the taxpayer to authenticate an electronic Form 2290 and authorize a service provider to transmit your return using a third-party transmitter. If a paid tax preparer e-files a client’s tax return, this form needs to be filed and signed to allow the paid preparer to file the tax return on the taxpayer’s behalf. ExpressTruckTax allows Form 8453-EX to be sent directly from ExpressTruckTax to the client in order to get it signed electronically. 

What if Tax Professionals have to file returns for multiple businesses?

When you file with ExpressTruckTax, you are able to utilize the bulk upload feature for users to add multiple businesses at a time. Filing for each business individually can take a long time, and in order to save you time, ExpressTruckTax allows you to upload multiple businesses at once by following the steps below:

  1. Create an account with ExpressTruckTax or log into your existing account.
  2. Click “Bulk Upload businesses”.
  3. Download the ExpressTruckTax excel template and save it. 
  4. Edit the document and begin entering the information for each business you need to file for. 
  5. Make sure you do not change the name of the file of the column headers. 
  6. Once you have entered all of the information for each business in the template, upload the document into your ExpressTruckTax account to start filing for multiple businesses within your account. 

If you need the multiple business bulk upload template, click here

How can ExpressTruckTax help Tax Professionals file Form 2290?

ExpressTruckTax offers a multitude of convenient options to help tax professionals e-file Form 2290. These options are designed to help save you time regardless if you are a new or returning user. New and returning users have the option to bulk-upload business and vehicle information. If there are no credit vehicles being reported for businesses you are filing for, you are able to take advantage of the Express Filing option, which presents vehicle details and payment options all on a single page. If you do need to report credit vehicles, you are able to select “Multiple Vehicles” under “Start New Return” to report any vehicles whether they are taxable, suspended, credit, or prior year suspended. These credits, if any, can be deducted from the total tax owed. If you are a returning user that has had IRS accepted returns for a business in previous filings, you are able to copy the vehicle details when filing for the current tax year. ExpressTruckTax also offers Form 2848 (Power of Attorney) to clients who are tax professionals. 

Are you a tax professional and need to file Form 2290 for clients or businesses this tax year? Look no further than ExpressTruckTax. You will get access to a number of helpful features and are even able to purchase filing credits at a discounted rate for multiple filings. What are you waiting for? File your client’s Form 2290 with ExpressTruckTax today.